I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.1 Ch.33 You’re Still Alive!

As the group traversed the 12th floor of the dungeon, they found themselves in front of a large door that seemed to be made of white obsidian.

*Whistling!* "That's a lot of white obsidian. I kinda wish we brought a bag of holding," Percy said as he readied his bow and arrow.

"Be serious," Sir George barked as he readied his sword and shield.

The group entered the room with the doors made of white obsidian and was shocked to find an enormous and ornate throne at the other end of the room. It was also built of obsidian, and its top was set with intricate carvings of a black goblin with a crown. Or was it a hobgoblin?

"Sir George, look at this place! It's amazing!" Percy exclaimed as he looked around the abnormal throne room in awe.

"You can do your sightseeing later, boy! Only after we dealt with the threats first. So, keep your guard up," Sir George replied while moving carefully ahead of everyone.

"Why is this place abandoned?" Rya asked curiously as she entered the throne room following Sir George and Quinus.

"That's a good question. Maybe the horde is out on the surface right now?" Quinus said as he looked at the room.

"With our luck, I'm sure they are running around the dungeon for some reason," Sir George spat out bitterly.

Rya looked down at the floor and noticed a crude circle drawn on the ground. The circle was drawn in a dark red substance.

"Oh? Hey, I think I know wha~" Rya stopped talking when she heard footsteps coming from the hall behind them. Dalia heard the footsteps as well. She turned around and readied her claws.

"Huh? Rya?" Quinus asked as he saw Rya looking behind them, back in the dark hallway.

"Someone's coming... Sounds like the feet of humans running towards us," Dalia answered as she glanced at Quinus.

"So, the traitorous dog has come to see us... I'll make sure to take his head this time, my Lord!" Sir George said as he took the lead position next to Dalia.

"Crap, there's no good place to hide in here!" Rya yelled out as she took a defensive stance behind Quinus.

"We have no reason to hide from them, My Lady," Sir George shouted as he held his sword up. So he could go on the offensive at a moment's notice.

"Stay close together! Sir George, take a position at the front line with me! Percy, ready your bow and back up Rya. Dalia, I'll need you to flank them! Do a hit-and-run strategy," Quinus ordered as he readied his sword, Sun's Fury.

"Can do, Beta!" Dalia said as she ran and hid in the corner as best as she could.

"It's time to finish this fool," Sir George muttered as the sound of footsteps came closer from the dark hallway. This made everyone get into a defensive position.

*Step! Step! Step! Step! Step!*

All of a sudden, Marcus and a single Black Rose Merc bust through the open door to the throne room. They didn't notice Quinus or his party standing there as they slammed the big doors shut and tried to bar them as fast as possible.

'Fuck! What the hell is chasing them?' Rya thought to herself as she readied her sword.

"So, the traitor has come! You're going to pay for what you have done, Marcus!" Sir George said as he charged at Marcus.

"Y-You bastards are alive!?" Marcus yelled as he charged at the old Knight. But despite Marcus' best effort, he wasn't ready for a close encounter combat as he was having trouble using his air magic when the Knight closed in on him, in a hurry.

*Swing! Clang!*


Marcus' Merc came in to save him as he swung his massive war hammer at Sir George who parried it with his shield and then slashed at Marcus, just barely missing him.

"Ack! You’re going to pay for that, George! I’m not the one who's going to die here!!!" Marcus screamed as he was forced to retreat. He quickly shot a wind bullet at Sir George only for it to be blocked by the knight's shield. George knew he couldn't let Marcus get any distance from them or else the situation would become much more dire. So, the knight maneuvered around the Merc to maintain his pursuit of Marcus. Regardless of what happened to him.

"Get him, George!" Quinus said as he moved up behind Sir George. So, he could assist the Knight in his pursuit of Marcus.

Rya couldn't believe how fast the battle progressed but she had to admit how impressive Sir George's skill was. For how old he was, George was able to dodge or block everything that was thrown at him. She also noticed Marcus was in worse shape now than the first time she saw him. His clothes seemed to be in disrepair from battling something before coming here. Quinus started fighting the Black Rose Merc and was pushing him back. So, Sir George could pursue Marcus without worry.




"Arh!" Screamed the Merc as Quinus struck his left arm with his blade. Fortunately, his armor protected him from losing his arm.

Quinus then performed an overhead strike on his hammer.

"Fuck!" The Merc screamed as he fell to the ground and his weapon was knocked away. Quinus aimed the tip of his sword at the Merc's neck.

"So, was it worth the money, Merc?" Quinus asked as he waved his sword over the Merc.

"Tch! He offered us the liquid ether. But if I die here I guess not," The Merc cursed as he tried to get up. So he could keep fighting, but Quinus stopped him by placing his blade on the skin of his neck.

Quinus then looked down at the Merc's chest and saw some blood pouring out. It was a wound that wasn't caused by the prince's attack.




Marcus was trying to do anything in his power to get some distance between himself and Sir George as he was getting closer to the edge of the throne room.


*Swing! Swing!*


"AH! My legs!?" Marcus screamed as he lost his balance.

While George was chasing Marcus, Dalia came out of hiding and clawed his achilles in both legs which caused him to fall to his knees.

"AAAhhh! SO, YOU NEED A MUTT TO DO YOUR DIRTY WORK!" Marcus yelled as he tried to shake off the pain and fire off another wind spell towards Dalia that she dodged.



Sir George came into severe Marcus’ left hand which was aimed at Dalia.

"There’s nowhere to run now, Marcus!" George said as he pointed his sword at Marcus.

Marcus was holding his severed arm with his other hand. He was in a panic as his adrenaline was pumping, and he was bleeding out fast. "I-I swear I didn't mean to abandon you, Quinus! I'm SORRY! PLEASE CALL OFF YOUR KNIGHT!" Marcus cried as tears began streaming down his face.

Sir George glanced at Quinus to await his orders.

'Just do it, Quin. He's going to backstab you again if you let him live.' Rya thought while witnessing the fight that unfolded in front of her.

Quinus has an uneasy look to him but with a stern face, he nodded to Sir George to do the deed.

"NO! Quinus! PLEAS-"



Marcus' head was no longer attached to his body as he fell over dead.

'Ew! I'm not sure how long it will take for me to get used to so much death.' Rya thought as she followed the path of the severed head as it rolled across the ground.

After witnessing the fight that unfolded in front of her, Rya couldn't help but feel like a spectator in a play, watching two actors performing their roles.

'Well, I felt useless in this fight. But I'm glad I didn't have to do anything. That was... a little too much.' Rya thought to herself as she looked at the sword in her hand.

*Boom. Boom! BOOM!* 

The sounds of a drum started to roll loudly in the distance. Echoing off of the walls and shaking the doors of the throne room.

'Gah! Of course, the goblins are coming back! I had to jinx myself!' Rya thought with frustration.

"So, Merc! What did you and my cousin run into in the dungeon?" Quinus asked while pushing the tip of his blade against his neck.

"I'll tell you if you let me live," The Merc replied with a pained expression on his face.

"I'll give you this one chance. NOW SPEAK!" Quinus demanded as he was getting irritated.

"We ran into the Hobgoblin King," The Merc said.

"So, The Black Roses couldn't handle some Hobgoblins? It seems that your reputation is overrated, Merc!" Sir George sniped.

"It seems—" The Merc was interrupted by a loud boom from behind the doors.

"What was that?" Percy asked.

“I can hear its footsteps? It sounds big... and heavy!” Dalia exclaimed as the hairs on the back of her neck went on end. While she was on edge, her ears were pinned back and her tail was still. They all noticed something approaching the barred doors to the Throne Room.

"We ran into a cave troll," The Merc said with a grim look.

"A-A CAVE TROLL!?" Percy exclaimed.

"EVERYONE FORM UP!" Quinus ordered as he stepped back from the Merc.

Everyone hurried away from the door. "Well Merc, if you survive this and help us, then I'll pardon you for your transgressions," Quinus said.

Rya looked at Quinus and gave him a nod.

"Your Highness, if we fail here today. I'll have to make an example of you in the afterlife. So you better live," Sir George said, trying to lighten the mood.

Quinus nods back to Sir George while the Merc grabs his War Hammer from the ground by the door. Then, there was a loud crashing noise coming from the other side of the door.

"Rya! You and I are going to focus on the troll! Everyone else! Take on the Hobgoblins! Got it!" Quinus yelled out as everyone looked at the doors.

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