I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.192 I Think I Like Him

The sun started to rise up from the horizon. The sounds of people waking up to get to work, mixed with birds chirping filled the air.

Inside Tayna's bed chamber lay two completely naked people. One of them was a very satisfied Johan and the other was Tayna who was sleeping on his chest. She had a content smile on her face as she slept.

Tayna's hair was messy, and her body was covered in love bites. And as the sun filtered into the room, Tayna started to stir in her sleep.

'Ugh... I-I feel like a horse and carriage ran me over. Maybe I had too much wine last night... And why did I have dreams about Johan having his way with me?... Haah... It must be that stupid dark elf's fault for putting such lewd thoughts in my mind...'

As Tayna slowly started to wake up, she heard someone else's breathing next to her.

She looked to her right and saw Johan lying beside her.


Tayna quickly snapped awake. She sat up and noticed her body was sore. She felt a slight pain between her legs. Her eyes widened when she looked down as she saw the many hickeys all over her body and the blood stains on the bed.

'Ow! Ow! O-Oh Goddess, what happened last night?! Why am I naked? Wait... Why is Johan naked!? No, no, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening! It wasn't a dream?!'

Tayna felt a wave of panic wash over her.

'W-We did it... We had sex... Johan took my virginity. A-And I liked it? No... That can't be right. It was just a mistake... I was drunk... It's not like I actually enjoyed it. Right?... But... I was the one who pushed him after the third time. A-And he's a better lover than I expected...'

Tayna was trying to rationalize her feelings just as Johan started to moan and stretch out his arms.


Johan's eyes cracked open. He saw Tayna sitting up and staring at him. She looked shocked.

"What's wrong, my love?" He said while rubbing her thigh. His hand sent a shiver down her spine.

"J-Johan... We had sex... Y-You and me had... SEX!"

"Yeah, we did," Johan replied and sat up. He noticed all the marks on her body and the dried blood.

"Wait, are you alright? Did I hurt you, my love? I'm sorry."

"No, I-I'm fine. I'm just a bit sore," Tayna said as she grabbed a pillow to cover her chest.

"Do you need me to get you anything? Maybe a healing potion? Some breakfast? Whatever you want."

Tayna blushed at Johan's kindness.

"J-Just a healing potion would be fine."

"Alright, I'll be right back," Johan said.

He got up, and Tayna watched as his muscular ass flexed while he walked away.

'Goddess... His body is perfect... I had no idea,' Tayna thought to herself as she stared at his muscular physique.

He went to Tayna's wardrobe and looking for something to wear. When he opened the door to the wardrobe, a mirror was on the inside of the door.

Johan did a double-take when he saw his reflection. 'Whoa! When did I lose my gut? And what's with the six-pack? Was it from all the lovemaking?' Johan shook his head, 'It's not important. Tayna comes first.'

Johan grabbed a couple of bathrobes and turned towards his wife.

"Is it okay if I can borrow this? My clothes seem to have been ripped up."

Tayna was broken out of her stupor. Her memories of her ripping open his shirt and pants came rushing back.

"Y-Yeah, that's fine. Just grab the pink robe."

"Thanks," Johan said and slipped on the robe. He left the room and closed the door behind him. Something about him wearing her robe made her heart skip a beat.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow..."

Tayna winced as she got up and put on a white robe. She was having a tough time standing up and limped towards the mirror in her bedroom. She stared at her reflection and saw the many hickeys on her neck and chest.

'Damn it, Johan. Look at all these love bites. It'll take weeks for them to fade. And my hips hurt so bad... How can a man be this strong without a mana vein?'

Tayna sighed as she took a seat on the sofa and waited for Johan to return. It wasn't long before Johan returned with the potion. He was still wearing her robe.


"I went into the emergency medical supply and luckily my father has a potion from the Famous Alchemist Raiden. The bottle had the mark of his company, 'Crown Pharmacy', on it."

Tayna didn't know the Dule Family had a relationship with the Crown Pharmacy.

"H-How much did that potion cost?"

Johan grimaced, "Well? I believe it's a twelve-hour healing potion that is fifty thousand gold coins, but it's the strongest potion for sore muscles and minor wounds."

"What?! Y-You don't want to let me use that. Just grab a normal two-day potion."

"No, no, no. It was my fault that I took your virginity, and I'm going to treat you the way a husband should treat his wife."

Johan popped the lid open and handed the potion to Tayna. She sighed and grabbed the small vial with blue liquid.

'H-He really didn't need to do this.'

Tayna chugged the potion down. "Mmmm..." The potion was bitter, but she quickly felt the soothing sensation flowing into her muscles.

"So, the pain should be gone in twelve hours, right? Thank you," Tayna smiled.

"Anytime. So... Are you okay? Was I too rough last night?"

"A little, but I'm fine. I should be able to walk properly in an hour... I hope."

"Yeah... I-I don't know what came over me. It was like I was captivated by your beauty. I was mesmerized, and the next thing I knew, we were naked in bed," Johan blushed.

Tayna looked at her left hand, which used to be scarred by a slime, but now it was healed by Rya.

'M-Maybe I wouldn't have had intercourse with Johan if I still had my scars. Normally, I would have been repulsed at the idea of being close to anyone I don't trust... Is this what it feels like not to have the fear of physical intimacy?'

"It's okay, Johan. It's my fault for teasing you. I-I was drunk, I think, and I couldn't help but notice that you looked different," Tayna admitted.

"What do you mean?" Johan asked.

"W-Well, you looked... more defined. Your muscles are much bigger. It's like you're a warrior," Tayna said.

Johan looked down at his body and he couldn't help but feel awkward. 'Yeah, I don't know what's going on with my body either... Wait! Tayna complimented me! She must be starting to like me! Thank you, Goddess!'

"Um, well, thank you," Johan chuckled while he scratched the back of his head and looked away. He wasn't used to her being kind.

"S-So, is it okay if I can be around you more often?" Johan asked.

Tayna's right brow raised in question.

"What do you mean? So, you can have your way with me again?" Tayna asked and folded her arms.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. It's just, I-I was wondering if we can spend time together more often... L-Like having lunch or, or?... Um, maybe a walk in the garden."

Tayna didn't know why, but seeing a handsome warrior of a man blushing and stumbling over his words was adorable.

'This is strange... Why am I getting excited at the idea of spending more time with Johan? Am I going mad? B-But he looks so pathetic and cute.'

"I'll think about it," Tayna said as a smile cracked on her face.

Johan looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you, my love. You don't know how happy I am right now."

"Well, can you be a gentleman and bring me some breakfas~"

*Knock! Knock! Click!*

Tayna and Johan got interrupted by Tayna's personal maid, Kaya.

"My Lady, I'm here to help you with your-ACK!"


Kaya panicked when she saw the young lord in her Lady's chambers. She got too good of a view of Johan's behind as he was kneeling in front of Tayna. She quickly closed the door to hide his modesty.

"W-W-What are you doing here?!" Kaya exclaimed and dropped the towels she was holding.

'I forgot that I told Kaya that I wanted a bath this morning... This is awkward. Why do I feel embarrassed?' Tayna thought as she blushed.

"Um... J-Johan was just leaving. Go on, honey. Let me have a bath and I'll meet you in the dining room for breakfast," Tayna said to her husband.

Johan felt awkward and didn't want to leave, but he couldn't say no to his wife.

"Alright. If you need me, I'll be waiting for you. Bye, Tayna," Johan said as he came up and kissed her on the forehead.

'Gah, his kisses are too sweet! What's going on with me? I need to have a talk with my mother and ask her what's happening to me.'

Johan walked towards the door that had the maid peeking through the crack. He opened the door and walked out. Kaya didn't dare look at him as he was wearing only a bathrobe, and it was a pink bathrobe at that.

Johan turned back and smiled at his wife, "Take your time, Tayna. I'll make sure to have your favorite breakfast prepared for you."

"Th-Thank you, honey," Tayna smiled.

'Why does this feel so weird, yet it feels so nice?'

She hugged the pillow in her arms a little tighter and she couldn't help but smell it.

'His scent is intoxicating.'

Johan left the room, and Kaya closed the door.

"M-My Lady, I'm sorry. If I had known he had entered your chamber last night. Then I would have helped you get rid of him... By the Goddess. What has he done to you? Are you okay? I didn't hear any sounds of distress last night, but you have many hickeys. Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Kaya was panicking as she looked over her mistress and checked for any signs of pain.

Tayna blushed at the sight of her maid.

'Geez, calm down, Kaya. Don't embarrass me.'

"Kaya, I'm fine. He was a little rough, but I've been through worse," Tayna said as she gingerly stood up. She felt a dull ache as she hobbled to the bathroom.

"B-But, he forced himself on you. If I was here, then I would have given him a piece of my mind," Kaya frowned.

Tayna shook her head, "He didn't force me, Kaya. He might have been aggressive, but..."

"But what, my lady?"

Tayna was thinking of the best way to explain what happened last night.

"It was... different. It was like, a side of him that I didn't know existed. A-And it made me curious. I was still afraid of losing my maidenhood, but there was something that made me give in," Tayna said.

"That sounds like he used some type of trick on you... Are you sure he didn't use some type of forbidden aphrodisiac?" Kaya said as she helped steady Tayna.

"We came straight to my chambers from the dining room. If he had lit an AphroAroma Wick, then everyone who entered the room would have been in an orgy. At least that's what Lady Aaliyah warned me about."

Kaya knew about the AphroAroma Wicks. They were used to stimulate arousal when someone breathes in its fumes. And if more than one person is breathing in the fumes, then everyone who is exposed to the fumes becomes a wild animal in heat.

"Y-Yes, that's true... But maybe he spiked the wine with succubus saliva? Or maybe the succubus blood was mixed in the wine."

"Kaya! If a succubus was on the Agon continent, then there would have been large amounts of population missing from cities across the kingdom," Tayna frowned.

"Y-Yes, or maybe a shady alchemist finally made a liquid form of-"

"KAYA!... You are venturing into the realm of insanity. No form of aphrodisiac is liquid and not a pill or powder. If there was, then it was created by a succubus. And a succubus won't make a straight form of an aphrodisiac. They will always make sure to take over the person's mind with their aphrodisiacs and use them as a food source until they die."

Kaya didn't have an answer to that.

Tayna's brows narrowed in thought.

'Well? Maybe Rya was the one who made Johan more aggressive after talking about him being too much of a man for me... I-Is that even possible?'

Tayna just shook her head in frustration and gave up on trying to find an answer.

"Let's forget about that and have my bath."

"Yes, my lady."




Kaya started up the fae-bath before helping Tayna into the bath.

"Owie! Ow!" Tayna squealed in pain.

Kaya frowned and gently helped her sit.

"My Lady, let's have a quick soak and we'll see what the doctor has to say."

"I don't need a doctor. Johan gave me a Crown Pharmacy potion. I'll be fine in twelve hours," Tayna said as she settled in the water and disrobed her white bathrobe, tossing it to the ground.

Kaya was amazed by two things, first was the fact that Tayna had no more scars on her body. She was at the tea party when Lady Rya healed her. And second, was the fact that the Dule Family had access to Crown Pharmacy potions.

'How did Lord Johan have a Crown Pharmacy potion on hand? It must have cost a fortune!'

"I guess it pays to be a part of a Major Noble house. I'm surprised that Lord Johan gave you a potion. Most men will leave their women to deal with the pain," Kaya said as she added bath salts and lavender bath bombs to the water. Tayna observed the water changing into a purple-pink color.

'But he didn't... He worries about me. And if I wasn't forced to marry him, then I wouldn't have gotten healed by Lady Rya... Mmmmh... I-I feel like my heart is beating out of control. Why do I feel hot?'

Kaya noticed the look of confusion on Tayna's face.

"My Lady, is something troubling you? You are flushed," Kaya said as she leaned forward and touched Tayna's forehead.

Tayna flinched back. "Huh?! Oh, I'm fine, just a bit warm..."

Kaya could tell that something was bothering her. It was a similar look she had back before she was married off to Johan.

"My lady, is everything alright? Does the Lord hurt you? I can call your family's guards and have him punished."

"What? No! He didn't hurt me on purpose... I-It's just... Am I a terrible wife? I-I feel so conflicted."

Tayna was looking at the ground and didn't want to look up at her friend and personal maid.

Kaya was confused, "Why do you say that? You were married into a terrible situation, my Lady. Even if he's the first son of a Major Noble house. He still doesn't have a mana vein to protect you or even himself. Once his father passes away, then his uncle would take over as the Head of the House. Then his uncle will be able to throw him away if he wanted to."

"Kaya... I-I think Johan is stronger than I... we give him credit for," Tayna said hesitantly.

"Oh? And what makes you say that?"

"Last night... I didn't know how handsome he was. Under his garments was a chiseled body. It's like the Goddess herself carved him out of the finest stone. Not to mention the size of his... manhood," Tayna said as she started to blush.

Kaya blinked in surprise, "Well, I didn't get a good look at him when he left your chamber. Why was he wearing one of your robes and not his clothes?"

Tayna cringed, "I-In the heat of the moment. I sort of... ripped his clothes..."

"My Lady, are you trying to tell me that you stripped him? And you saw his naked body? Did he threaten you and force you to rip his clothes?" Kaya asked as she looked at her mistress with a concerned expression.

"No... He didn't threaten me. I-I climaxed my second time and he let me... be on top. Something came over me when I saw him gritting his teeth after I slammed my hips down on him. It stirred something inside me and I wanted more. Before I knew it, his shirt was ripped open, and his pants were torn apart. He looked so happy that he ripped my clothes off too... I-I don't know how to describe what I was feeling, but it was exhilarating."

Tayna had a smile on her face as she thought about last night. Kaya had never seen her mistress smile like that.

"Well, my lady. Do you think he's good in bed? Does he please you in that aspect?"

Tayna's face became embarrassed, "I can't believe I just said all of that! It's not proper for a Lady to talk like that. Please forget I said anything. We were discussing something else," Tayna said, trying to hide her flushed cheeks.

Kaya chuckled, "Alright, we were talking about you being conflicted."

"I know... Hey Kaya?"

"Yes, my Lady?"

"Am I a bad person for liking Johan?"

Kaya blinked, "I'm sorry, my lady. What do you mean by 'liking' him?"

"I'm saying that I might... I want to stay with him. And it scares me. I know he doesn't have a mana vein, but he's friends with the crown prince and Lady Rya is a powerful healer that history books haven't even recorded. The same woman who could kill all of us with a thought. Plus, I don't think Johan's weak anymore. There is something more to him. He's different."

"Well, it's only been a day. And he did all this damage to your body in one intercourse session. So, I would have to agree that he's not weak."

"It was more than one session," Tayna whispered.

"What was that?" Kaya asked, not hearing her.

"I said that it wasn't just one session," Tayna said quietly, not making eye contact with Kaya.

"You're saying that he... climaxed more than once?" Kaya asked in disbelief.

"Y-Yeah..." Tayna replied.

"Are you kidding me?! Most men climax once and then they are done. How many times did he..."

"I'm not sure. I lost count at the fifth time."

Kaya's mouth became agape in shock.

"And he didn't leave you alone after that? I mean he did leave you to get the potion, but he came back later on to check on you," Kaya said, recalling when she opened the door to her mistress's chambers.

"He was in my bed all night."

"All night?!" Kaya exclaimed.

"Yeah... He stayed the whole time," Tayna said as a little smile appeared on her lips.

Kaya just stared at her mistress and then she realized why she was smiling. Tayna didn't just like Johan, she was in love with him. And the fact that he cared about her after last night made her happy.

Kaya just nodded, "My Lady, let's get you washed up so you can have dinner with your husband. And don't worry, I'll pick a dress out for you."

Tayna just nodded and smiled.

'If this is the result, then I don't mind marrying him again and again. I'm the future Baroness, Tayna Dule, Wife to Lord Johan Dule, and soon to be the mother of the next Head of House Dule. I wonder how many kids we'll have? I think a few boys and a couple of girls would be nice.' Tayna thought as Kaya was scrubbing her body and rinsing off the bath salts.

Kaya finished cleaning her mistress. And they walked back into the bedroom.

"Now, what type of dress are you interested in wearing today, my lady?"

"One that can show off my figure. I'm a married woman now, and I need to make Johan look good."

"Of course, my lady," Kaya said as she went to the wardrobe to pull out a few dresses that matched her description.

"Hmmm... I'll go with the dark green one."

"An excellent choice, my Lady. Dark green will bring out the color in your hair and eyes. Plus, it matches the color scheme of the House of Dule," Kaya said as she set the dress down and brought out the undergarments. Soon the maid started putting on her ladyship's outfit.

Tayna was wearing a green dress that hugged her body, and the dress had a slit on the side that showed off her long leg that had black lace stockings on them. She was wearing a black bra with matching panties and the bra had some extra padding to help lift her breasts up.

She was wearing green heels that matched her dress. And the last thing was her tiara which symbolizes her rank as the First Lady of House Dule. It was given as a wedding gift from her mother-in-law and it was the first time she had ever worn it in public.

"Are you ready to go meet with Lord Johan, my lady?"

"Yes, thank you, Kaya," Tayna said as she got out of her chair. The pain was slowly going away. But she still had a slight limp.

Kaya followed her mistress out of her chambers and into the main dining room. Where everyone was waiting for her.

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