I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.203 A Storm is Coming

The convoy was slowly moving along the dirt road. They had passed the forest and were crossing a large field. Ahead of them were sizeable foothills. The road they were on wasn't well-maintained due to the rise of bandit activities in recent months, and the military couldn't spare anyone to take care of it due to growing tensions in the north. Another reason for Eldridge Road, being less traveled, was the fact that it was the quickest and most direct route to Eldermyst City. However, this road avoided taking a detour south around the foothills that would have them going through two more towns, which offered a safer route since there was more traffic on it. But it would have added two to three more days to their trip. So, they decided to risk it and took the dirt road through the hills and forest. They were hoping to get to the city before sundown.

Douglas and his men had ridden on ahead to scout the area as they stopped for lunch. Rya had gone into the woods to relieve herself, while Dalia and Nieren followed to stand guard. The wolfkin couldn't help but notice how quiet the wildlife was.

"You guys notice how quiet the woods are?" Dalia asked.

"I mean, it does seem quiet but I wouldn't know if that's normal," Rya answered as she was finishing up. 'Hmm? Did I piss on my dress? No? I think I'm good... Man, I love dresses, but they do require a lot of attention. It's not easy being a woman sometimes.'

"Woody? What do you think?" Dalia asked.

"Maybe there's a monster hiding around these parts. But I've never ventured this far east to know if there are any dangerous creatures in these woods," Nieren said.

"So, we should keep an eye out," Rya concluded.

"Probably. It's best to err on the side of caution. That's what I had to do when I was an adventurer," Nieren replied.

"Were you a solo adventurer?" Rya asked.

"Yes and no... I mostly quested alone so no one could find out that I was an elf. And if I did join a party, I tried to hide my ears and pretended to be a human. Then we would go on our separate ways after we would split up the reward," Nieren replied.

"Well, if Dalia's instincts are correct. We probably should stay on guard. Hopefully, General Douglas and his men can handle it. But it's probably best to warn the others," Rya said.

"Agreed. And I can smell rain in the distance," Dalia said.

"Really? Agh... So, we are going to get ambushed, aren't we," Rya muttered out.

"Huh? Why do you say that, Rya?" Nieren asked.

Rya shook her head, 'Because this has all the makings of an ambush. Dalia's on edge, rain is coming, and Quin's crazy uncle wants him dead!... This is so like a fantasy story. It's kind of scary. Like a cliche. Ugh, this isn't real, is it?' 

Rya pinched herself as she cried out, "Ouch! Okay, it's not a dream. Dammit..."

"What's wrong, Alpha?" Dalia asked.

"I'm getting a sickening feeling that we're being watched. And I was making sure that this wasn't my imagination," Rya answered.

"Why are you acting so strange, Rya?" Nieren inquired.

"Nieren. When was the last time you felt like your life was a cliche," Rya asked.

Nieren rubbed her chin in thought, "Well, maybe when I was a child running away from my fallen kingdom. I always wished that the stories I read came true. They mostly revolved around a handsome elven prince who would come to save me from my predicament. But once I started getting older and realized that I wasn't going to be saved, I became an adventurer to help my mother with paying the bills... But what does that have to do with anything?"

"It's hard to explain but this feels like a situation out of a suspense movie or a novel. And it's starting to creep me out," Rya said.

"What's a movie?" Dalia asked as she tilted her head.

"Um... Sorry, I keep using terms that only Quinus knows. It's like a play in a theater," Rya stated.

"Oh, you mean like a performance? But I've only seen operas or dances in a theater. I don't recall seeing any performance that involved a story," Nieren said.

"Really? You don't have plays or musicals that have a plot?" Rya asked.

"W-Well, maybe they did? I was very young when I saw a play for the first time. And I never attended another performance since. Maybe it's different in this kingdom," Nieren said.

Dalia was looking at the two elves talking about a subject she didn't have a clue about.

"Uh... What is a theater?" Dalia asked.

Nieren and Rya looked at the confused wolfkin with a blank stare. Rya thought about it and then smirked at Dalia which made her panicked.

"Well, once things calm down after dealing with all the politics within the nobility. Then I'm sure there's a theater in the capital of Fiafyr. And if there isn't one, then we'll create one. Then we can show you what a play is... How does that sound?" Rya asked.

Dalia blushed, "O-Okay? If Alpha thinks it's something I should see, then I'll go."

"OH! Can I join too? I want to see a performance again," Nieren begged.

"Of course, you can come along. The more the merrier. Besides, it's a great way to bond and get to know each other better," Rya replied.

"Oh, yes. That would be nice," Nieren smiled.

'Hmm... Nieren looks good when she smiles, I feel like she's been holding back, lately. Maybe it's her personality or she's just not used to hanging around people, especially, Dark Elves. But she's so cute when she blushes, though. I want to see how many reactions I can get from her,' Rya thought to herself.

"We should head back. I'm sure Prince Quinus will get worried if we stay here any longer," Nieren suggested.

"Yeah. I'm getting a little hungry. Besides, the clouds in the sky are getting darker. Let's hurry back," Rya stated.




After the group of three returned, they were greeted by Quinus who had a worried expression on his face.

"There you are. Looks like a storm is heading our way. It would be best if we got back on the road," Quinus said.

"Agreed. And Quin?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Dalia says the wildlife in the woods seems quieter than normal... Do you think it's possible that we're being targeted," Rya asked.

"It could be the storm coming in... But we can't be sure. Either way, we need to move on," Quinus replied.

"I'm guessing Douglas and his men found nothing," Nieren inquired.

"He has some of his men searching the roads ahead, but the forest is quite large. So, I wouldn't be shocked if brigands or monsters were lurking about. It's giving me a bad feeling... But I could be overthinking things," Quinus answered.

"Hmm... I'm sensing a similar feeling as well... Whelp! Nothing like getting ambushed in the rain, right? Just your classic surprise attack scenario," Rya smirked.

"Yeah. Feels like we are in a storybook, alright," Quinus chuckled.

"Well, you seem calm about a potential attack," Nieren muttered as she observed the two and thought it was strange how cool and collected the prince and Lady Rya were.

"I would say, we're both not that concerned about it after going through so many near-death situations. And this just feels like the beginning of a new adventure," Rya replied.

"Rya took the words right out of my mouth... Plus, I'm used to it at this point in my life... Frankly, it's gotten weird not having someone plotting behind my back over this last month... It feels like things have become boring," Quinus added.

"Well, I think you deserve a boring relaxing life at some point, Quin. You've been through so much," Rya replied.

"Maybe, but I still have a war to win, dear," Quinus replied.

"Oh? Well, I will make sure to do my part. Now, let's get going," Rya stated.

"Alright, I'll advise the General before we depart. Make sure you don't leave anything behind," Quinus said as he led Rya towards the carriage.

Everyone else agreed as they made their way towards the caravan. And just as they arrived at the main carriage, General Douglas came riding on his horse.

"Ah, General Douglas, did you find anything?" Quinus asked.

"Unfortunately, we did. The scouts noticed some strange movement in the forest. They think it's bandits," General Douglas answered.

"How many men do you think they have?" Quinus inquired.

"We don't know... Should we double back and head south? It will add two days of travel time but we'll be safer," General Douglas suggested.

Quinus was about to speak up, but Rya intervened.

"No, General Douglas. I know it's hard to fight the enemy in an unknown territory, but we need to stay the course. And you have me and Quinus if things go awry. Besides, I believe in you and your men. Just do your best," Rya replied.

General Douglas looked at Quinus who nodded his head.

"If the lady says that she trusts in us. Then I'm going to prove myself worthy of such a high regard," General Douglas stated.

With that, Sir George opened the door to the carriage. And they climbed inside. Tayna was waiting inside with a bored expression on her face.

"I don't know why you would go to the bathroom in the forest like that, Lady Rya," Tayna said.

"Eh, sometimes you gotta go," Rya chuckled.

"That may be a good point, my lady. But it's uncivilized for us ladies to do such~ Oh? Did something happen? General Douglas looked a little worried," Tayna inquired.

"Storm clouds are coming in. Hey, is there any food left?" Rya asked while trying not to scare Tayna. She was trying her best to act like it was no big deal.

"Huh? Oh yes. I have some leftovers from earlier," Tayna answered.

Rya reached out and took a few pieces of sliced fruit and some roasted nuts.

"Mm, these are good. Want some, Nieren," Rya asked.

"Wha!? Why aren't you offering me any food, Alpha? That's so unfair," Dalia whined.

"That's because it's nuts and fruit... You told me that you hate both of them so I didn't offer," Rya said with a confused look.

Dalia flinched, "B-But... I'm still hungry, Alpha."

Rya sighed and just ate her food.

"I believe there's some dried meats in the basket," Yuliana said as she pointed to the basket underneath Rya's seat.

"Oh Yea~ Hmm, this one's nice. Here you go, Dalia," Rya said.

Nieren was sitting next to Rya and was watching the wolfkin devour her food like a ravenous animal.

"Does she always eat like that," Nieren asked.

"Pretty much," Rya replied.

"Oh, Woody... You'll understand when you're older," Dalia replied.

"Don't speak with your mouth full," Tayna scolded the wolfkin.

Dalia blushed, "Sorry..."

Rya smiled and turned her attention towards the window. She saw Quinus talking to Sir George, Percy, and Johan about being prepared for an ambush. They all nodded as Johan, Percy, and Quinus all came into the carriage and then took their seats. Sir Bart and Lady Rachel came over to the carriage with Quinus' and Rya's swords in their hands.

"Thank you," said Quinus and Rya at the same time.

"I have also brought everyone's weapons, just in case," Sir Bart said as he gave Nieren, her bow and arrows. At the same time, Lady Rachel gave Johan, his sword.

"Thanks... Try and stay dry out there," Johan said to the knights.

"We'll try our best, sir," Lady Rachel replied before shutting the door to the carriage.

Tayna looked at everyone who had their weapons in hand.

"Am I missing something? I thought it was just a storm," Tayna asked out loud.

"Bandits may have taken notice of the caravan, and are planning an ambush," Nieren replied.

"Eh!? B-But aren't we going to be safe with General Douglas and his men protecting us," Tayna panicked.

"It's hard to say, Lady Tayna. We'll have to see," Nieren replied.

Rya could sense that the young woman was starting to get nervous.

"Don't worry, it's probably just some cowardly bandits and they won't be a match for the Royal Knights," Rya assured her.

Tayna was trembling a bit, "R-Really?"

Rya was about to reply when a flash of lightning illuminated the dark forest. Then thunder could be heard rumbling above them.

"Yeah, we'll be fine," Rya said to the worried woman.

"T-That's not reassuring!" Tayna stated as she moved closer to Johan.

"Hehe... I love the sound of rain and thunder... Makes me feel sleepy," Dalia giggled.

"You're such a weirdo, Dalia," Nieren laughed at the wolfkin as the wood elf tried to make the atmosphere in the carriage a bit lighter for Tayna.

"Hehe... Well, at least I'm not shaking like a leaf," Dalia teased Tayna.

"HEY!? I'm not a warrior so shut it!" Tayna retorted.

With that, the rain started falling soon after, and the wind picked up as the carriage started moving. The sound of thunder was heard after lightning flashed through the windows.

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