I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.206 Johan, The Illusionist.

Johan hurried through the woods, running through the dense vegetation with a single-minded purpose.

'Please... Let me make it in time. I can't lose her...' Johan thought as he dodged a few low branches from a tree.

Johan chastised himself for not being there for his wife. He should have gone with her to the carriage, but then he might have died in her arms instead. So he set his emotions aside as best as he could. He had to focus on the task at hand and come up with a plan quickly.

'I'll be there soon, Tayna. I promise you that I will save you.'

As Johan moved deeper into the forest the more soaked he got. But his determination never wavered.

The rain made the ground slippery, and even with Johan's high dexterity, he nearly tripped a few times.

'Dammit! Why does it have to be raining so hard!' Johan cursed. His anger starts to take hold and his mana channeled throughout his body.

'If only I could use Shadow Self! Then I could save my Tayna!... I'm a pathetic excuse of a husband!'

Johan kept running and his heart started pounding as he thought about Tayna's beautiful smile. He couldn't bear the thought of never seeing her again as his anger started taking hold. He thought it was going to be a bad thing to let his emotions run wild. That was until he felt his mana flowing throughout his body. That's when it clicked, Johan's mana was in perfect harmony with his mind and body.

'Shadow Self... Please! Work! I'll give anything to save her. So work dammit!' Johan concentrated on his mana and chanted the incantation.


The familiar sound of his mana came ringing in his ears. He remembered hearing the same thing when he successfully cast Shadow Self that one time by accident.

"Shadow Self," Johan whispered while he closed his eyes.

He could feel the magic forming around him until it felt like something pushed out of him.

"Wha?" Johan was confused and opened his eyes to see a perfect clone of himself. His illusion looked exactly like him in every way. Even his clothes were soaked, but one thing that surprised Johan was how determined his illusion looked. Johan could feel its conscience inside his mind.

'Johan... what's the plan?' the illusion spoke to him through Johan's mind.

It took a moment for Johan to register what was going on. It was a surreal experience to have a second consciousness running through his mind. It almost gave him a headache at first but he seemed to gain a better understanding of his spell the more he concentrated on it.

'That's right. You're a part of me. And together we'll save my wife,' Johan spoke mentally to his clone.

'But what's the plan, Master Johan?' The Illusion asked again.

'Well... I think you should take the lead... For some reason the person that captured Tayna wants us... Dalia said there was only one of them but we need to make sure that she's correct before we make our move to save her... If it is only one perpetrator then I need you to distract him while I sneak up behind him and I'll save Tayna... I'm sorry for putting you in harm's way,' Johan spoke through his mind.

'Don't be sorry. I'm a part of you, so your emotions are my emotions. Being dispelled is just a natural process. So don't worry about it. Besides, you need to save Tayna,' his shadow said.

Johan just smirked and shook his head, "Having two of me is weird... I feel like I would get into an apology loop with myself... Now, let's go. Time is wasting."

The two Johans went deeper into the forest with the shadow Johan moving ahead of his master.

Johan followed about twenty feet behind. He could almost see what his clone could see. He was starting to understand what Lady Rya was talking about with him being a formidable mage.

'I wonder what other illusion spells I can learn. But that will have to wait. For now, I need to concentrate on saving Tayna,' Johan thought.

With that, the clone Johan and his master walked for five more minutes before coming upon a clearing.




Remy held Tayna at knifepoint, watching the surrounding woods, trying not to move, so that his prey couldn't find him.

'Where the fuck is that pathetic excuse of a nobleman? Or maybe he doesn't care about his wife's life...' Remy thought as he waited.

Tayna was trying her best not to move. She didn't want to anger her captor; her life depended on Johan's rescue.

"P-please, let me go," Tayna whimpered.

"Shut up! You're my bargaining chip!... If things work out the way I want them to then I might show pity upon you and let you go free once this is all over. So, don't talk..."

"Wh-why are you doing this?"

"You're not worth my time. And if you speak again," Remy pulled the blade tighter against her skin, "Then I will slit your fucking throat and watch you bleed out," Remy whispered in a threatening tone.

Tayna whimpered as she stood there trying not to move while the blade was slightly cutting her skin. She had to comply with this man's demands or she will never get the chance to see Johan again.

The two stood there for another minute, and Remy was growing impatient. But then he heard someone moving through the bushes.

'Damn bastard took long enough... Now, it's time to kill a noble and get out of here,' Remy thought as he saw Johan coming out of the bushes and into the clearing. He looked around and saw Tayna being held at knifepoint.

"J-Johan! Don't come closer! Please! Save yourself!" Tayna begged.

Remy pulled Tayna and himself back a step.

"I told you to shut up, bitch!" Remy shouted and then he put the knife back on her throat.

Johan stopped about thirty feet from them, looking scared, but his expression was still determined.

"Ah? So, the coward has finally decided to show himself," Remy spoke, "I hope you didn't bring your friends, because that would be a bad decision for her," Remy grinned.

"Don't hurt her, I've done as you asked and came alone," Johan said.

Remy looked around to ensure no one else was there, but he was still cautious. After a moment of looking around and not seeing anyone else, he was satisfied that they were alone.

"So, I'll ask it again. What do you want from me?" Johan demanded.

"What I want is very simple... I want you to drop your weapons and surrender... I'll let your bitch live if you do as I say," Remy ordered.

"Please, Johan... Run! Don't let him take you too!" Tayna pleaded.

"Silence!" Remy shouted.

"Stop it!" Johan yelled out as he dropped his sword and dagger and put his hands up, "Please... Just let her go..."

Remy smiled at how easy everything was going. But this could be a ploy to let his guard down. He needed to make sure this idiot didn't try to do anything funny. Nothing was more annoying than someone thinking they were a hero and trying to be smart. Luckily for Remy, this fool was mana-less and even if he did try to do something, he could easily handle him.

'Pathetic. He's just like all the other nobles. All talk, and no bite,' Remy thought as he watched Johan standing there defenseless.

"That's better. Now come to me... Nice and slow-like," Remy ordered.

Tayna watched Johan walk towards her and Remy. She couldn't believe that he would throw his life away for her.

"Please... Johan, run..." She whispered.

"No, I'm not leaving you. You mean everything to me. I'm not going anywhere. Just don't hurt her," Johan pleaded.

Tayna felt a pit in the middle of her stomach. She was terrified for him but she also couldn't believe how brave he was.

'I-It's my fault... If only I wasn't kidnapped, then Johan would be safe...' Tayna thought, 'I've been such a terrible wife. He's so kind and selfless, and I've treated him horribly. I'll do anything to protect him.'

Remy was getting impatient with how slow Johan was being, "Enough of this! Come here! Or I'll cut her throat if you try anything funny!"

"Ok, ok," Johan said and slowly walked toward Remy and Tayna.

Tayna wanted to shout, but she couldn't move her body. All she could do was watch as her husband walked towards her captor.

When Johan was within range of Remy's dagger, the rogue moved and stabbed him in the stomach.

"Johan!" Tayna screamed as she saw the knife getting twisted in Johan's stomach.

Seeing the pain written on his face made her heartache. But she couldn't do anything to help him.

'NO!' Tayna cried, and her tears streamed down her cheeks.

"All too easy. I didn't think a nobleman would be so weak," Remy laughed.

Tayna struggled to break free from Remy's grasp, but his grip was tight.

"You better say your last words to your wife. You have a few seconds left," Remy said with a smirk as he twisted the dagger more.

"No! No! NO! PLEASE!" Tayna cried as her world came crashing down.

"Arghh... I... Love... You..." Johan grunted and then his body disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Huh?" Remy was confused as the nobleman disappeared right before him. While he was in his stupor the real Johan was able to flank Remy from his right side. Johan didn't waste any time as he swiftly sliced off Remy's arm, which held the knife.

The Rogue screamed out in pain and let go of Tayna, "AAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!"

Tayna fell to the ground as she watched her husband cut off her captor's arm. Johan made sure to stab him in the chest as well.

Remy looked at Johan with a mixture of fear and rage, but he couldn't move, because of the pain.

"You bastard!" Remy hissed as he stared at his wound.

"I wish I could torture you more for bringing my wife into this, but she needs my attention more than me getting my revenge. So I'll do you this favor if you tell me why you tried to kill me and kidnap my wife... Maybe I'll let you live if the information is good enough... Although, I'll need a little bit of assurance," Johan said as he lifted up Remy with his sword still stabbed in his chest.

Remy didn't know this was how strong a nobleman could be. This wasn't just some ordinary noble, he was like a battle-hardened warrior.

"AHHH!" Remy screamed.

"Now, who sent you?"

It was at this moment that the rogue realized that this noble had a mana vein. No one could have that much strength without one.

"Y-You clever bastard... You had a mana vein all this time. H-How did you hide it?" Remy asked, "You... Are not who they say you are," he gasped.

Johan may not have all the details but what this rogue said was more than enough for him to guess the reason behind the attack. So he didn't waste any more time and he swiftly pulled his sword out of the rogue's chest and sliced his head off before his body hit the ground.

Tanya's emotions were a mess. She had never been so scared in her entire life when she thought her husband was killed. While at the same time, seeing him saving her life gave her joy that she never knew was possible. But now that the danger was gone, she was crying uncontrollably.

Remy's dead body lay there on the ground turning the mud a dark crimson color as the rain continued to fall.

'It's over...' Johan thought before he looked over to his wife and saw the bloodied rope still wrapped around her wrists. He rushed over and began untying the binds.

"Tayna! I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you worry," Johan spoke in a soothing voice, but his wife wasn't listening.

"I... I thought I lost you," Tayna sobbed.

Johan pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and holding her tightly.

"You're real... right?" Tayna asked, still crying.

"I am, my love. I promise," Johan said and hugged her tighter, "Everything is fine."

"Johan... I'm sorry... I'm the worst wife—" Tayna was interrupted by Johan's lips

It took a moment before Tayna kissed him back. It felt so good to feel his warm body against hers in the cold rain.

"Shh, you're perfect," Johan whispered and wiped her tears away, "Let's get back to the others and get you out of this rain."

He helped her stand up and led her through the forest, back towards where the others were waiting.

When they got closer, Percy, Nieren, and three of Johan's personal guards were already on the way towards them.

"Do you need any medical aid, my Lord?" Asked one of the Guards.

"No. Just some dry clothes for my wife. Please take her to the carriage," Johan replied and turned to Nieren, "We'll discuss what happened later. For now, please accompany my wife. She needs someone she trusts by her side while I go see the prince."

"I understand. I'll have my mother and Dalia join her," Nieren bowed and took Tayna to the carriage.

Tayna looked back at Johan and smiled at him before the three went into the carriage.

'I-I need to carry his children. He's too good to me and I need to make up for all the lost time... He's my soulmate and I will never take him for granted ever again. I need to be a good wife for him,' Tayna thought as she was brought inside the carriage.

Johan looked to his guards, "You three protect her at all costs. Do not leave her side. Am I understood?"

"Yes, sir!" They answered.

Johan and Percy waited till the guards were gone.

"Lady Tayna is a strong woman... You were lucky to have been married to her," Percy commented.

"I know. Not that many nobles get married to a girl they actually love," Johan replied.

"Well, you two deserve it... Anyway, did the culprit get away?"

"No... he's dead... I think this whole ambush was an attempt just to kill me," Johan explained.

"But why would anyone want you dead?" Percy asked, confused.

"I have an idea, but I need something concrete before I can prove my theory."

Percy was curious, "What is your theory?"

"I can't tell you now. But if we can capture someone else from the group who tried to ambush us. I'll let you know," Johan answered.

"Okay... I think Lady Rya is trying to capture the leaders as we speak... She sent out her golems into the woods to get the stragglers," Percy replied, "Now, let's go see the Prince and explain what happened."


They went to the front of the convoy where the Prince was waiting for them. Rya was standing underneath the earth canopies with the protection of four Royal Knights, the two Ironside dwarven soldiers, and Sir George.

The sounds of fighting in the distance were starting to die down. The rain was still pouring down heavily, but the thunderstorm had subsided.

"Are you alright, Johan?" Quinus asked.

"Yes, your Highness. I was able to get Tayna back safely," Johan replied.

"I'm glad. I didn't expect an attack this coordinated. This must have taken some time to plan," Quinus mused, "It has my uncle's name written all over it. If my hunch is correct, Duke Alaric was behind this assassination attempt."

"I wonder if they were really after you, your Highness. Or if it was a trap set for me?" Johan suggested.

Quinus raised his right brow, "Why would the Duke want you dead? You haven't offended him, have you?"

"Not to my knowledge. Unless..." Johan muttered.


"Sorry, your Highness. My thoughts are running wild. I need to confirm a few things first before I can say for certain," Johan explained, "If I may ask, how is the General faring? Were there any casualties on our end?"

Quinus turned to Rya as she began to speak.

"General Douglas and his men are fine. They cleared the road, and I'm taking care of the rest of the stragglers," Rya said while her eyes were closed.

She did this so she could see through the eyes of all her golems. It also made it easier to take direct control of one of them if needed.

"My Lady... If you find the leader can you bring them here alive?" Johan requested.

"Sure. I can do that. Just give me a few minutes," Rya nodded as she continued to work on eliminating the enemy.

"She's an amazing mage. I've never seen someone with such high magic affinity and control. It's like she doesn't even need to chant the spells, and yet her magical attacks are more powerful than the average spell," Johan muttered to himself.

Quinus smirked at his friend who was impressed with the Dark Elf mage, "Jealous, Johan?"

Johan chuckled, "Maybe a little, your Highness... But I won't complain. I'm an Illusion Mage thanks to her. And that's more than enough for me," he replied.

Quinus laughed, "Well, you're just a late bloomer."

Johan rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, your Highness... You know... You've become more playful since you took Lady Rya as your fiancee."

Quinus smiled and blushed slightly, "Well, she has a way of bringing out my true nature. It's almost like she's a part of me now."

Johan couldn't help but agree. He felt the same way about Tayna, too.

"Anyway, we should check on your wife," Quinus said.

"Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing," Johan agreed and turned towards the carriage.

"I'll send someone to inform you once the area is clear," Rya said as she continued her search.

"Thank you, Milady," Johan said as he turned to leave.

After a few moments, Rya found the leader of the attack.

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