I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.219 Dinner with the Queen.

Rya, Dalia, Tayna, and Nieren were all leisurely getting dressed, their hair still slightly damp from the relaxing bath they had just enjoyed. Yuliana, on the other hand, craved a bit more solitude and tranquility, opting to linger in the warm embrace of the bathwater. Sitting at the far end of the bath, she allowed the soothing water to envelop her, embracing the calm and stillness of the moment. Tayna was assisting Nieren with fastening her bra, and she was wearing a pair of white panties. Meanwhile, Rya was brushing her hair, clad in a pair of black panties and a dark purple bra. Dalia stood bare in the quiet of her closet, her skin illuminated by a gentle light, as she sought a pair of underwear amidst the hanging clothes.

"Alpha, do you have a spare set of underwear I can borrow? I only have one pair, and they are a little tight on me," Dalia asked the Dark Elf.

Rya gazes at the wolfkin and realizes that her body has matured, with her figure becoming more pronounced and her breasts appearing larger thanks to her pregnancy.

"Here, try these on. They're a bit tight on me, but they should fit you," Rya said as she strolled over to Dalia. She presented her with a perfectly coordinated set of black lace bras and underwear.

"You're the best, Alpha," Dalia says with a smile. She puts them on, and they fit her perfectly.

Dalia's bust appeared to have grown larger in the past few months. She is now filling out a full D-cup. The wolfkin slid on her panties and fastened on her bra that lifted and pressed her breasts together.

"Wow, those are perfect for you," Rya complimented the wolfkin.

Dalia's face turned red, and she smiled happily. "Y-Yeah... But I feel like my balance is off. I don't know how I can fight with these things. I'm used to my old ones. Plus, the extra weight is going to throw me off when I want to use my brawler moves. I need to be able to move quickly," Dalia complained about her big breasts.

"Well, maybe they'll go back to a normal size after you give birth. It happens to humans, so maybe it's the same for demi-humans," Rya replied while tapping her chin.

"Yeah... But if my breasts stay this big, I don't think I'd be able to fight," Dalia said sadly.

"You're worried about them bouncing around? I can understand that... But I know a solution," Rya said with a wink.

"Really?! What is it?" Dalia asks excitedly.

"Sports bras... But I need to find someone who can make them... I'll ask Quin about finding a tailor who can make them. Maybe a leatherworker could make them if nylon hasn't been invented yet," Rya pondered.

"Sports... Bra?... What's a sports?..." Dalia tilts her head.

"Huh? Well, sports are a game of physical competition. Sorta like your battle arena days, but from where I was from. They were way less lethal," Rya tried explaining.

"I see," Dalia replied with a bit of confusion. She was beginning to understand the meaning, but the concept of a non-lethal form of combat seemed ridiculous to her. What was the point of fighting if not to kill?

"Like there were races to see who can run the fastest or jump over hurdles around the track. There are also team games, and the best example would be a sport called soccer, or as they call it in their country, Football. And the goal in soccer is to use your feet to kick a ball into the opposing team's net," Rya explained.

Dalia never thought of a professional competition that didn't involve killing your opponent, and the idea of competing purely for fun was a foreign concept to her. "So, you didn't kill them when they lose?" Dalia asked curiously.

"What? OH!? No, no, no... You don't kill anyone in the sports games that I know of. And the winners and losers are not life and death either. They're just to determine the best in a specific sport," Rya said, realizing that she had to be careful with her wording.

It was at that moment that a light clicked inside Dalia's mind. This wasn't a fight to the death but rather a friendly competition. "So, it's like when we spar together, and we aim only to beat the other without trying to kill them?"

"Absolutely! That's spot on. And then there are other non-combat sports where you earn points by shooting an object into a hoop or a net before time runs out," Rya exclaimed with a wide smile.

Dalia's eyes lit up, and her tail began to wag furiously. "That sounds like so much fun!"

"It is... And that's where sports bras come into play for us. Sports bras are created to minimize chest movement, providing comfort during high-impact activities like jumping and running," Rya affirmed with a nod.

"You've caught my interest in these non-lethal games, Alpha... I want you to teach me about this game," Dalia asked respectfully.

"You got it... And maybe these games can become popular enough to replace the battle arenas. It'll be safer for everyone," Rya said.

Dalia looked excited at the prospect of being able to play this sport that didn't involve the shedding of blood.

Dalia smiles, "I would love that."

Rya gave a nod before turning her attention to Nieren and Tayna. She noticed that they had finished getting dressed. Nieren was wearing a striking red tunic, a black long-sleeve shirt, dark brown pants, and a pair of knee-high black leather boots.

Tayna looked stunning in an elegant, floor-length white dress. The dress featured a stylish V-cut neckline and a tasteful slit on the right side, adding a touch of sophistication to her ensemble.

"I don't know why we didn't request a maid to help dress us," Tayna complained.

"And lose this bonding moment, Tayna? Come on, it's more fun dressing each other. And besides, I feel like we won't be able to have many of these moments together. So why not enjoy it?" Rya asked.

Tayna was tempted to argue that it was beneath her, but deep down, she couldn't deny how enjoyable it was to dress up her friends.

"You make a good point, my Lady," Tayna answered reluctantly.

Rya smirks, "Now, let's find a dress for me and Dalia."

Rya entered the wardrobe and pulled out a black silk dress and a pair of black shoes.

'God damn... These heels should be painful to wear, but they don't. Freaking fantasy worlds, I guess... I still can't believe how much I enjoy wearing these.'

"Hey, Dalia? Can you give me a hand with this dress? I can't tie the back," Rya asks.

"Of course, Alpha," Dalia replied.

The wolfkin skillfully helps Rya into the stunning black dress, and she looks absolutely gorgeous. The dress features a captivating V-cut neckline that gracefully plunges down the center, showing off her cleavage. The short sleeves elegantly showcase her arms, while the hemline cascades all the way down to her ankles. Paired with a sleek set of black heels, she is radiant.

"Here. You should wear this fur shawl. It'll give you an elegant look," Tayna said, handing the white fur shawl to Rya.

"Thank you, Tayna. And thank you, Dalia," Rya said with a smile.

"Anything for you, my Alpha," Dalia smiled back.

"Yes, my Lady," Tayna adds.

'Man... It feels like a lifetime ago when I resisted wearing this stuff... But now, I really don't mind... And I love the feeling of being pampered... It's so satisfying... I just hope I don't get spoiled,' Rya thought while looking at herself in a mirror.

"Dalia, you're the last one that needs to get dressed up. Come here," Rya said as she finished the final touches to her outfit.

Dalia nodded and went into the wardrobe next to Rya. After a quick search, she pulled out a vibrant yellow dress with a flowing fabric and a short, flirtatious skirt.

"I'm not too familiar with human clothing, but... I think this should work," Dalia said, pulling the dress out and showing it to Rya.

'Huh... She's finally starting to enjoy wearing clothing... Way to go, Dalia. I should reward her in some way. But I'll do that in the future.'

"Hmm... That should be perfect," Rya answered, giving her approval.

After some time, all the women finished putting on their dinner attire before greeting the Queen. Ten minutes later, they are all dressed and make their way to the dining room.




The dining room was draped in a hushed silence, broken only by the rhythmic clinking of cutlery against porcelain. The meal consisted of a humble serving of savory chicken soup accompanied by crusty bread and a glass of rich, velvety wine.

Rya was seated between Quinus and Nieren, with Quinus positioned next to his mother. Percy and Dalia were seated across from Quinus. Tayna and Johan were seated on the same side of the table as the wolfkin and her mate. General Douglas was also there, seated at the end of the table.

Rianna looked stunning in her elegant evening gown. Her rich, deep green dress caught everyone's eye, and the bodice beautifully accentuated her figure.

Quinus didn't know what to do. Rya told him about what happened during the tea party. He couldn't believe that his mother was poisoned by something. He was relieved that Rya was able to heal her. But his mother thought the Dark Elf was trying to embarrass her by making her cum. But in reality, Rya expelled the poison from her body, which made her have an orgasm.

"My Queen, you seem to be in a good mood," General Douglas said, breaking the silence.

"Why yes, I had a lovely conversation with the Baroness Ysandra Fairchild a few days ago. It seems like she's becoming a grandmother soon," Rianna said.

Rya hesitated, unsure whether to speak up, but she felt compelled to at least give it a shot without coming across as too eager.

"That's wonderful news. When is she expecting?" Rya asked, not knowing if she was interrupting the queen or not.

"In a few months. Her daughter-in-law is about four months pregnant. But it's been a secret," Rianna replied calmly.

Rya was taken aback by the unexpected shift in the Queen's attitude. It was almost as if their disagreement from earlier had never occurred.

'Is this because I saved her from being poisoned? Maybe after a few hours, she has realized that I wasn't playing a trick on her?' Rya ponders.

"That is wonderful news, Your Majesty," Tayna said with a smile.

"Indeed, it is... Which one of her sons is the father?" Johan asked.

"Well... She didn't specify, but I have an inkling that it's her second son, Lord Jared," Rianna replied.

"Lord Jared Fairchild? I thought he was busy running the academy... I guess he had more time than I thought," Johan said out loud.

"I see... I hope her daughter-in-law's pregnancy is a smooth one," Yuliana added while sipping her wine.

Rianna smiled and looked at Rya, who was a little nervous but kept her composure.

"Yes... And I hope to become a grandmother someday, too," Rianna said, staring at her son's fiancee.

Rya's cheeks blushed red as she stared back at the queen.

"Y-Yes, my Queen," Rya stammered.

Quinus clasped Rya's hand in his own and flashed a warm smile at his mother.

"Lady Rya is doing her part, mother," Quinus stated.

Rya felt her heart rate spike with embarrassment as her fiance revealed their intimate relationship in front of his mother. While Rya was open about their relationship with others, she hadn't anticipated her fiance sharing such personal details in such a public setting.

Rya couldn't help but feel torn as she shifted her gaze back and forth between her beloved and the queen. She noticed a subtle smirk forming on Rianna's face, which left her utterly perplexed. Instead of anger, there was a hint of amusement in Rianna's expression, adding to Rya's confusion.

"Indeed... Lady Rya is doing her part as a fiancee. But remember... She needs to win the court and the people if she is going to be the next Queen," Rianna reminded her son.

"I'm sure she'll do fine," Quinus replied.

"We shall see," Rianna replied with a smile as she savored her meal. "And when I say this, Lady Rya, I truly mean it... I long to become a grandmother. I cannot bear the thought of our family lineage ending with Quinus. You might have to make certain concessions in the future, but I believe it will be worth it," Rianna explained earnestly.

"Yes, my Queen. I understand," Rya replied.

Rianna and the others ate their meals in relative silence, with only the sounds of the clinking cutlery and occasional chatter breaking it.

General Douglas finished his meal first, followed by Dalia, then Johan, Quinus, Percy, Nieren, and Yuliana. Rianna took her time finishing her meal, and Tayna and Rya finished last.

"Well... This has been a lovely dinner," Rianna said, breaking the silence.

"It has, your Majesty," Rya said politely.

"Indeed, Lady Rya, it's a delight to have you join us for dinner tonight. And Lord Johan Dule, your presence is truly appreciated. It's clear that with your support, my son has a strong ally in the court, and that is something we warmly welcome," Rianna expressed with genuine gratitude.

Johan flashed a bright smile and nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

"Yes, your Majesty. Thank you," Johan replied.

"If I may. I would like to ask one more favor from you and the general," Rianna asked.

"Ask away, my Queen," Douglas replied.

"Please escort my son and Lady Rya to the capital within the hour... The King is on his way to Lomar, and there's no way to keep the eyes of the lower court from finding out about Lady Rya. We must keep her out of the public's eye for as long as possible. Plus, with all the attention drawn here, it should make it easier to get into the palace," Rianna explains.

"So, her Majesty wishes to use me as cover for the Prince and his fiancee? And she wants me to escort her into the capital city without causing any unwanted attention?" Johan summarized.

"Yes, I know it's an inconvenience. But it is a royal order, Lord Johan," Rianna states.

Johan looked at his wife, and she smirked and then nodded to him. Johan turned back to the Queen.

"It's no inconvenience at all, Your Majesty. My wife and I will be honored to help out," Johan said.

"Thank you, Lord Johan. General Douglas. The King will be taking the main road here. And is halfway through his travels. Also, make sure to take a detour before arriving in the capital city. We don't need the Duke's people seeing your arrival at the palace," Rianna explains.

"Yes, my Queen. I'll make sure that Lady Rya gets to the capital safely," Douglas said as he stood up from his chair.

"And we'll be there too, Your Majesty," Percy chimed in.

"Oh yes, and Miss Gretchen will be joining you. She will inform the staff at the palace about Lady Rya's race. They will treat her right and help her fit in," Rianna said.

"Understood," Johan and Douglas said in unison.

It felt weird how everyone was planning Rya's life for her. While she felt an obligation to lend a hand, she couldn't shake the feeling that it might be easier to just go along with their decisions.

Quinus smiled at his mother, "You're the best, mother."

"Of course, my Queen," Rya expressed her gratitude.

Quinus and Rya's admiring gazes towards Rianna filled her heart with joy, yet she concealed her emotions because that is what a queen must do.

"You're welcome. Now hurry and pack your belongings. And don't forget to wear a disguise when leaving the estate," Rianna reminded them.

"Yes, my Queen," they all answered.

The dining room quickly emptied as everyone departed to make their preparations, leaving only Quinus and his mother behind.

"Are you okay, mother?" Quinus asked.

"I'm fine, Quinus. Why do you ask?" Rianna asks.

"Well, you are being nice to Lady Rya... And I was worried that you wouldn't get along," Quinus explains.

Rianna laughed, "Quinus, we are royalty. It's not our job to get along with everyone. Our job is to lead and guide our people... But I think I'm starting to understand why you are so fond of her... But remember, I need a grandchild from someone. If it's her, then that's fine. But if she can't, then you will have to take a mistress, or I'll arrange a marriage for you. The royal line must continue," Rianna stated.

Quinus sighed and nodded, "Yes, Mother... I understand. But I will do everything in my power to only have her as my wife," Quinus stated.

Queen Rianna smiles and nods, "Very well, Quinus. You have my permission. But know that if she doesn't give you a child by the time you are king. I will do as I said," Rianna warned.

"Thank you, Mother," Quinus thanked her.

"You are welcome, my son," Rianna said, hugging her son.

As Quinus leaves the room, a sense of excitement fills the air. He has a trip to prepare for and eagerly sets off to get ready for the adventure that lies ahead.

Rianna's face lit up with a smile as she watched her son walk away, a sense of contentment settling in her heart. However, the feeling of joy at seeing him finally finding his place in the world was overshadowed by the impending turmoil that would soon unfold with the revelation of a dark elf's presence.

Rianna diligently prepared for any obstacles that might threaten her family. She was determined to ensure that those who opposed her would face the consequences.




In less than an hour, Quinus, Rya, and the rest of the Entourage traveled with them. They all were on a carriage heading towards the Fiafyr's Capital City of Tairal.

The regal Queen stood stoically, observing their departure.

"Good luck, my son. I will be home in a few days," Queen Rianna whispers as the carriage bearing House Dule's coat of arms is escorted by the General's Royal Knights, beginning its departure from the estate.

As they passed through, the royal guards stationed at the gates respectfully inclined their heads in a show of deference.

Queen Rianna's face lit up with a warm smile as she observed her son's entourage departing from the estate and making their way toward the main road.


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See where Rya is going next (with a bit more grammatical mistakes, but you'll get the point) and see if she can convince her future mother-in-law that she's right for her son!

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