I Got Reincarnated As My Own Long Lost Sister But I’m Actually Ok With This?

5. Jason

I still had no idea what I'd do about school, but I decided to worry about it later. I knew it would be an issue though. Mom wouldn't be happy if I dropped out, especially with only three weeks left before graduation.

She was in her bedroom getting dressed, and I was in the bathroom getting ready to have a shower. I pulled off the nightshirt and left it hanging on the back of the door, then went to take off the amulet too. When I tried to pull it over my head the cord seemed to contract and I couldn't get it off.

Lily had been quiet all morning but she suddenly spoke up, "That doesn't come off."

Her tone had a slight edge to it, like she was borderline angry.

"Oh, uh, sorry." I stopped pulling on it, and asked "Is it ok to wear it in the shower? I didn't want it to get damaged or whatever."

"It will be fine Mara," Lily replied. "You can't harm it. But do not try to take it off."

I nodded "Ok, I won't."

After that Lily went quiet again for now, and I got started with my first shower as a girl.

It was my first hands-on experience with my new body. It was another thing I'd sort of fantasized about, more times than I'd ever admit. And it was even better in real life than it was in my imagination.

The shower ended up taking twice as long as usual, and I could only blame some of that on the fact that my long hair took more time to wash than dead-me's crew cut did.

When I finally emerged and started towelling off, my heart-rate was a little quicker and I was both smiling and blushing, but fortunately no-one was around to see.

It also took longer than usual to get dried off, and this time I could blame it all on the long hair. I ended up copying what I'd seen my mom do and just wrapped it up in a towel for now. With another towel wrapped around me, I moved back across the hall from the bathroom to my bedroom.

Getting dressed took a little longer than usual too, I needed more time to inspect all my clothes before picking out what to wear. Though in the end I didn't go for anything very new or exciting.

Dealing with panties wasn't that different from the briefs dead-me wore. The panties fit different but that only took a moment to get used to. Putting on a bra for the first time was a little more challenging, and would definitely take some time getting used to how it felt once it was on. Then I squeezed into some black skinny-jeans, and pulled on a tight black t-shirt. A pair of socks and little black sneakers completed my outfit.

I was happy to see the sneakers already had purple laces on them, which saved me the trouble of going out and buying some. It was kind of my thing, or one of my things. I whispered a quiet thank-you to Lily for that.

It took a while to brush my hair once it was dry. Finally I went back into the washroom to check myself out in the mirror. The tight clothes showed off my figure. Boobs, waist, hips, legs, they were all pretty much on display. I couldn't help but smile. I looked hot.

After another couple moments looking at myself in the mirror, I commented quietly "I'll have to get some make-up and learn how to use it."

Finally I went back into my room and sat down at the desk as I turned on my computer. I needed to get in touch with Jason and apologize for not showing up at his place last night. Without a phone I couldn't text him, so I'd message him on Discord instead.

My eyes wandered over my desk while I waited for the computer to finish booting. That cigar box full of uncle Albert's junk was still here. And my old wallet with my old ID and stuff. My busted phone. And next to that was a brand-new phone, in the box like it just came off the store shelf.

My heart skipped a beat as I picked it up, "Holy crap!"

It was like someone just bought a brand new top of the line phone and left it on my desk. I knew it cost like a thousand dollars or something for one of these.

"Lily? Did you do this?"

She replied, "Of course. As I said, I couldn't repair the old one so I got you a replacement instead."

I smiled, "Awesome! Thank you!"

A minute later I had it out of the box and got it plugged in to the charger. I was able to get my SIM card out of the busted phone, luckily the SIM didn't look like it was damaged. I popped that in the new phone, but the phone still needed time to charge before I could use it.

By now my computer had finished booting up. As I moved to open up Discord, I realized I could hear some faint voices from the living-room. My mom was talking to someone.

I paused a moment to listen, then my blood went cold and my stomach did a flip-flop when I recognized the other voice.

It was faint but I could just hear my best friend saying "C'mon Ms. Carter, that's impossible."

I took a few deep breaths as I got up and opened my bedroom door. Then I braced myself and walked out to the living-room. Mom was sitting on the sofa with a mug of coffee, Jason was across from her on the chair with a can of cola beside him.

He and mom both looked at me as I stepped into view. I blushed and grimaced slightly as I raised my hand in a little wave gesture. "Hey Jason. Uh, surprise?"

He stared at me with wide eyes for a couple seconds then shook his head, "No fucking way!"

"Dude!" I scowled at him. "Language! My mom's right here!"

Jason looked back and forth between me and my mom. He still had the wide eyed shocked look on his face. He finally asked my mom, "Ms. Carter? Is this for real?"

Mom nodded, "Yes, it is. Like I was saying Jason. He... She's a girl now. And her name's Mara."

Jason stared at me again for a few moments, like he didn't know what to say.

I was blushing again, but I felt another little surge of joy when my mom used the right pronouns. I couldn't even say why exactly, but it felt validating. It felt like it meant she was accepting me for who I was. That and using my new name, it was all just really nice.

"Hey Jason," I finally said to my friend, "Let's go to my room, we can talk and I'll try and fill you in on everything."

He nodded slightly, then picked up his drink and got to his feet. I ducked into the kitchen and grabbed myself a cola as well, then led him into my bedroom. I turned to say something, but was caught for a moment just staring up at him.

Up till yesterday I was an inch taller than him. Now it felt like my best friend sort of towered over me. He was about five inches taller than me, and a lot bigger. It was a really weird experience and it took me a second or two to find my voice.

I finally gestured towards the chair by my desk, "Have a seat."

Jason was staring down at me and I couldn't help wondering if he was feeling that same weirdness, like seeing someone who was taller than him yesterday was now suddenly way smaller. Though I realized it might be totally different. Like maybe he still didn't believe it was really me.

He finally nodded and sat down at the desk, he set his drink down by the computer. I ended up sitting crosslegged on the foot of my bed.

"So how much did my mom tell you?" I was a little nervous now, and I wasn't sure why. Jason and me had been best friends for five or six years, but he was almost acting like I was a complete stranger.

Jason was staring at me again, almost like he was studying me or something. I realized he was probably watching to see if there were any of my old mannerisms or whatever, like looking for some tell or something to know if it was really me or not.

After a few moments he finally replied, "She said you got turned into a girl. Which is impossible."

His voice and expression became a little harder as he stated, "I don't know who you are or what your game is, but you've got Ms. Carter convinced. Where's my best friend, what did you do with him?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Dude I got creamed by a fucking SUV yesterday on the way to your place. At Main and West, like just a couple blocks from your house? I got half way across Main and some prick looking at his phone instead of the road went through the red light and nailed me."

Jason's face went a little pale for a moment. He probably heard the sirens and stuff yesterday, it was close enough to his house. Then his expression became harder again, "Don't fucking talk about my friend like that! He's not dead!"

"If he becomes a threat," Lily suddenly announced, "I will take action. I won't allow anyone to harm you, Mara. Friend or otherwise."

"Shit," I sighed. I looked at Jason, "Dude chill out ok? I died but I got brought back to life by this ancient sorceress named Lily. I mean, it's almost exactly the sort of thing we always joked about. I got reincarnated as a cute girl, except instead of being sent to some fantasy world with swords and magic, I'm still right here."

Jason looked uncertain as he said, "Then prove it. Tell me something only he'd know."

I rolled my eyes, "Last Friday night when your folks were out of town I came over to your place and we both got blitzed on weed. I can't remember how we got onto the subject but we wound up talking about getting isekaied and I admitted I'd be ok with..."

I blushed as I heard Lily chuckling in my head. I forced myself to continue though, I really wanted Jason to believe me.

"I said I'd be ok with getting reincarnated as a girl. You laughed and teased about me turning into some big-titted blonde bimbo -- which by the way I'm so incredibly glad isn't what happened! And my memory is a little foggy on this next part but I'm pretty sure you eventually confessed that pink was your favourite colour? And you said if we both got isekaied you'd probably be the one who wound up in a skirt."

As I talked, Jason's expression slowly shifted from skeptical, to surprised, to shocked, to embarrassed.

Finally he said in a half-whisper, "You swore you wouldn't tell anyone about that."

"Actually what I said was 'no promises', but c'mon, you know I'd never tell anyone." I gave him a look then added, "Dude, it's me."

He just stared at me in silence for a few more seconds, then turned and picked up his drink and took a swig from it.

I sipped mine as well, then said "Sorry I didn't call or text or anything. My phone got smashed up. Lily got me a new one this morning, it's just charging then I have to set it up. I was about to go on Discord to message you when I realized you were already here."

Jason had another gulp of cola then his eyes sort of went up and down over me again. Finally he said "Dude, you're hot as fuck."

I blushed then grimaced slightly. "Thanks Jason, but uh, I gotta get this out of the way right now. I'm still into girls. Sorry dude, but you're friend-zoned right from the start."

His face went red and his eyes widened, "I didn't mean it like that! I was just saying... Like you look good ok? That's all I was trying to say."

"Thanks Jason," I couldn't help smiling, at both the compliment and his reaction.

We were both quiet again for a bit, as we both had some more of our drinks.

Jason finally asked, "Ok. So how did this happen exactly? I mean, the whole thing seems pretty impossible."

"Yeah," I nodded. "Here's what happened..."

I wound up telling him the story, starting with the medallion I found in uncle Albert's box of junk and ending with me waking up at one o'clock this morning with long hair and boobs. I didn't go into all the details, it was sort of an abridged version. I didn't mention anything about Lily being in my head, I figured that would freak him out too much.

Jason listened quietly as I talked, and when I was finished he was silent for another minute or two. He drained the last of his cola, then stared at me for a few more seconds before he finally spoke again.

"Ok, so what's this Lily chick actually want with you? I mean, what's she getting out of all this?"

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