I got reincarnated in the world of Attack on Titan

[Yes] [No]

- Do you wish to have freedom? -

[Yes]      [No]


Even after making sure that the world had truly stopped by looking at my parents frozen on the spot, I could not refrain from laughing, even though it was my first reaction after being surprised to see the prompt that suddenly appeared in front of me.

Suddenly, however, a countdown appeared in front of me, and I found myself unable to laugh any longer.





"As soon as I make my decision, I have a feeling that I will be taken to a different world."


However, am I prepared for that? What if I were suddenly transported away to a place that was even crueler than this earth?



Or am I being transported to a world where the only people who exist are men, and I have been tasked with the responsibility of initiating a change in that world?

"blrrgg," even just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.


Freedom? Hold on just a second... I believe I've heard those words a lot recently.

It wasn't long before I finally understood something, and when I did, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement in my eyes.


I wish I could exact my revenge on my father by repeatedly stabbing him in the stomach until I created a large hole in it, but alas, this is not possible. hahahaha... too bad

And also that whore, oh well, too bad, even though I've been fantasizing about her pretty sexy body, ahhh... Unfortunately, my perverted adventure will not begin on this earth... hahahahaha...


If other people saw my expression right now, they would definitely be shocked because they would be able to immediately see the distorted expression I was showing, let alone the madness that was clearly visible in my eyes, and with a big smile on my face, I said to myself.



- the system will begin the following step -

- warning -

- warning -

- the transfer procedure has been finished -

After that, I began to lose consciousness and found myself in a pitch-black void that was icy and eerily quiet. It's hard to say how long I lingered there, but eventually, I noticed a glimmer of light emerging amidst all the shadows.

I had the sensation that my entire body was being sucked in, and not long after that, I woke up in a room that was so bright that I couldn't even fully open my eyes. In addition to this, I heard the voices of multiple people who were surrounding me.

I had just begun to open my eyes when I was overcome with an overwhelming desire to sleep. Despite my best efforts to fight off the sleepiness, I was ultimately unsuccessful and succumbed to it, falling asleep as a result.

This occurred more than once, and each time I tried to open my eyes, a very bright light shone directly in my eyes, rendering me unable to open my eyes all the way.

However, there are times when I also get an odd feeling in my mouth, as if a liquid that is neither overly sweet nor overly bitter is entering my mouth. This sensation is very peculiar.

'What the fuck... Did someone shine a flashlight directly into my eye...'

'Every time... fuck this person...'

'I swore to myself that if this person doesn't stop, I'll hit him or her square in the head... "Hmm...," Before I finished my curse, as usual. I fell asleep against my will.

I went to sleep grumbling about my current condition, and when I woke up, I went right back to grumbling about it.

'man... am sick and tired of this crap...'

'Wait a minute, don't tell me that I was reborn as a baby, and also am I blind?'

'no way... am I... blind? '

Oh, I know, perhaps it's because I'm still a baby... However, there is no doubt about it at all, so there is no need for me to be worried.

If you're wondering how I know I will be reborn as a baby, the primary reason is that, according to what I've known, this is typically what happens when a person is unexpectedly transported to a different world.

Because if I take control of another person's body, I will be able to feel it or, at the very least, I will inherit their memories.

Because, to tell you the truth, my entire body my body feels numb, and because of this, I was unaware that I had been reborn as a baby in a world that, if I'm not mistaken, is... hahahaha...

It is reasonable to assume that I was born in a relatively secure place, given that I didn't hear any screams, sounds of war, or the odor or scent of blood.

And, if my guess is correct, the liquid that has been in my mouth all this time is breast milk.

And just to make sure, the next time I felt the soft sensation in my mouth, I tried to bite it as hard as I could, and sure enough, I could hear a woman's voice screaming in surprise.

But then the woman just laughed and let me suck her breast milk again. In the meantime, after learning the truth, I became overly excited whenever it was time to drink this breast milk.

I don't know how much time has passed, but my days have only been spent in what could be called heaven because I at least don't have to worry about being left in the trash or anything else of the sort.


When I finally awoke from my sleep, my eyes, which had previously been able to see nothing but white light, could now see something else, which surprised me on the inside.

'The first thing I saw in a long time was an old granny?

"Perhaps she is my grandmother, yes, there's no mistaking it... hahahahaha...'

After I had convinced myself, I attempted to look the other way, and the first thing that came out of my mouth was a sigh.

Because the person who is currently carrying me is a middle-aged woman with a lovely face and a kind smile that she flashes when she looks at me, which instantly makes me smile too.

"Look, he's smiling," the old woman said with a grin on her face while pointing to me.

During this time, the middle-aged woman who was carrying me appeared to take a deep breath, and it seemed as though she was about to cry when she said.

"Thank goodness, I have no idea how he would have managed to get through life if he had been truly blind."

Hmm, it seems that while I was being transferred to this world, there was a slight problem that caused my birth in this world to experience a slight disturbance. As a result, my body is currently having a bit of trouble.

Because when I finally opened my eyes, I discovered that I was about a few months old, and I just now realized that I just said that my body felt numb before, right?

My previous line of reasoning was that because I am still a newborn and have only been here for a short time, it is only natural that I cannot move my body in the way I would like.

However, after giving it some more thought, perhaps this is also a result of my painful transition to this world.

I believe the time has come for me to test my voice.

"Waaa... uwaahh... uwaaa..."

"What's the matter, my little one? Are you hungry?"

When I suddenly started crying, the middle-aged woman who was carrying me tried to reassure me by gently patting my body as she spoke soothing words to me.

In the meantime, the old woman laughed nervously while covering her mouth, then she turned her attention to the woman holding me.

"Looks like it's about time."

Following the utterance of those puzzling words, the old woman walked away in a relaxed manner.

"You greedy little baby... hehe."

The middle-aged woman who was holding me was then seen attempting to sit on a bench and slowly unbuttoning her shirt so that I could see her sizeable breasts clearly visible in my eyes.

And then, after that, the middle-aged woman brought my face close to her breasts while she said something to me.

"Here, your favorite milk."

'Has this woman lost her mind? How could she possibly have the guts to do something like this in public?'

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