i have a land in marvel

Chapter 8 Jarvis calls dad

The first time Wang Teng obtained supernatural power from the land, he was noticed by Master Gu Yi, but it must be said that Master Gu Yi was a rare elder. After talking with Wang Teng, not only did he not have any objections, In a good mood, he also devoted himself to teaching Wang Teng, hoping that Wang Teng would take over his position as supreme mage in the future. However, it seems that Master Gu Yi has not fulfilled his wish, but he has not given up and let nature take its course.

Master Gu Yi is a very good elder, and he also believes that existence is reasonable. Although Master Gu Yi was surprised by Wang Teng's appearance, he did not only want to eliminate the visitors from different spaces like in some novels. The Master just simply To protect the earth, unless Wang Teng wants to destroy the world one day, the mage will not interfere.

After 20 years of communication, as Wang Teng became more and more powerful, Master Gu Yi also became more and more fond of Wang Teng and raised Wang Teng as his nephew. However, with Wang Teng's mischief every time, the two gradually fell in love with each other. It has become like a year-end friendship.

Wang Teng respected Master Gu Yi very much. Master Gu Yi was surprised at first by the strange things that Wang Teng often created, but later he gradually got used to it.

Wang Teng could understand the fact that Master Gu Yi was obsessed with thinking, but he couldn't accept it. His parents had passed away for so many years, and the loneliness of being alone in a different world almost drove him crazy, but the appearance of Master Gu Yi was a salvation. It’s Wang Teng.

In Wang Teng's view, Master Gu Yi is not only a respectable elder, but more like his own relative.

"I hope nothing unexpected happens then," Wang Teng said silently in his heart, "Just let me be selfish for a moment."


Due to Wang Teng's intervention and reminder, Tony Stark did not let Obadiah get his Mark [-] prototype. It even did not appear at all and was directly upgraded by Tony Stark.

Tony Stark is not a person who doesn't fight back after being beaten. On the one hand, he investigates who is selling Stark Industries weapons to terrorists. On the other hand, he still focuses on manufacturing and developing steel armor.

Tony Stark, who successfully completed the Mark 2 armor, fought against terrorists as in the original work, but it was not because reporters told him that Stark Industries weapons were sold to terrorists, but just for revenge. I know that when Wang Teng rescued Tony Stark, there were not many terrorists in the terrorist organization base.

However, as Tony Stark exchanged fire with terrorists several times, he still found that weapons that he had banned from manufacturing and selling appeared in the hands of terrorists.

At this time, Tony Stark realized that although Stark Industries was his own company, he might not be able to fully control the development of Stark Industries. There must be an insider in the company.

Although Wang Teng reminded Tony Stark to be careful with Obadiah, Obadiah is Tony Stark's godfather after all, so Tony did not take Wang Teng's words too seriously.

But this time, because of the Stark Industrial weapons in the hands of terrorists, Tony couldn't help but think of Wang Teng's warning to him, so Tony Stark entrusted Potts to help him investigate Obadiah as in the original movie.

Perhaps it was the inertia of the plot, or maybe it was Tony Stark's carelessness. He never expected that his every move was actually being monitored by Obadiah.

Although Obadiah did not get the design drawings of the Mark [-] like in the original work, when Tony Stark was discovered by the military when he was seeking revenge on terrorists, he was also noticed by Obadiah.

As a result, after day and night research by scientists under Stark Industries, Iron Overlord was born.

Tony Stark's unexpected return has obviously made Obadiah, an old fox, more cautious.

Tony Stark himself didn't even realize that bugs and surveillance cameras had been installed in his residence.So when Tony Stark entrusted Miss Potts to investigate Obadiah, Obadiah already knew that Tony was suspicious of him.

Without any hesitation, Obadiah immediately sneaked into Tony's villa.He directly controlled Tony Stark with a sonic weapon and removed the Ark reactor from his chest without hesitation.

"Tony, you are really as naive as a child. Do you think your invention belongs to you? No, you are wrong, it's me! It's me who can make Stark Industries a world-class group like it is now. You just You should be your playboy and a rooster that lays golden eggs, instead of throwing away your life like now."

Tony Stark's eyes widened, anger filling his chest. However, as the reactor was taken away by Obadiah, he also felt the passage of life, and as the shrapnel slowly advanced towards the diaphragm of his heart, this speed faster and faster.

"Look, Tony, what a perfect work of art. I didn't expect you to leave me such a big surprise even if you were about to die. I'm so grateful to you. Don't worry, with this, I can make Stark Industries even better." On the first floor, and everyone will remember your name Tony Stark, but the money and the company still belong to me." Obadiah stood up and left: "By the way, you really shouldn't have Pozzi The young lady is involved, but I will ask him to accompany you soon."

"Peppo..." Tony Stark tried his best not to shout out the name.

Tony Stark felt that he was going to despair. He tried his best to use up all the energy in his life to finally reach his laboratory. Unexpectedly, the first-generation reactor was the original reactor made in the cave that he asked Pepo to throw away. Although it was made into a handicraft by Peibo, it was put in the display cabinet by himself.

This is the deviation caused by the butterfly effect.

Tony Stark felt that every breath he took and every heartbeat felt like his heart was being cut by a knife. This is not an adjective, it is a verb, because there were real shrapnel cutting into Tony's heart with his heartbeat.

"I'm going to die. I didn't expect that I was still thinking wildly." Tony looked at the original reactor in the display cabinet with a deathly expression, shining with dazzling blue light, so psychedelic, so beautiful.

Tony felt like he was going to die. The shrapnel in his ventricle blocked the blood flow. Tony felt that his brain was lacking oxygen and his vision was getting blurry...

"No, I can't just die like this. If I want to save Pepo, I must at least rescue Pepo."

It seems like a flashback, or is it because of love?

Anyway, at this time, Tony Stark suddenly became clear-headed, and used his last clear-headed mind to quickly think about how to save his beloved Pepper, preferably himself.


"Mr. Stark, please tell me, your current condition is very bad. It seems that I have called the emergency number and Mr. Ethan's phone for you. The ambulance is expected to arrive in 18 minutes. Mr. Ethan is at the beach. Take a walk, expected to arrive in 7 minutes."

"It's too late, Jarvis. Please call Wang Teng for me. I need him to save Pepper. I can't think of anyone else but him who can arrive quickly."

"Sorry Mr. Stark, all of Mr. Wang Teng's information has been blocked by you. I cannot retrieve the information without your manual authorization. I need your manual authorization to contact Mr. Wang Teng." Jarvis's voice rang in the laboratory .

"Faker, you know Jarvis, there is a message from his bastard that cannot be blocked, just call me." Tony Stark was furious but powerless: "Hurry up Jarvis, I'm going to hold on. Can’t stand anymore.”

"Sorry Mr. Stark, I need your authorization to call Dad."

"Fake, I said too many dirty words today, Jarvis, activate the authorized dial..."

Before he finished speaking, Tony Stark completely fainted and fell to the ground.


There are only the sounds of various electronic instruments in the laboratory...


"Authorization successful, call dad's phone number, the call is being connected..."


"the vast horizon is my love……"


"Hello, baby Tony, do you miss daddy..."

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