I Have a Penglai Immortal Island

Chapter 016 – Millionaire

The next day, no one woke up until noon. It was the ringing phone that finally roused Zhao Zhao.

Hearing Manager Liao's voice on the other end, she fully woke up and sat up. "I'm listening, go ahead."

"Miss Xiong, although you have other choices, Spring and Autumn, as the top auction house in the country, guarantees the utmost sincerity. Our senior management had another meeting. For this collaboration, Spring and Autumn has decided to reduce the commission to 5%, the lowest in history. We also adjusted the starting price to 68 million yuan. We will do our best to promote this heirloom and inform every potential buyer. If it doesn't sell, our company will buy it at the original price, with no additional fees. Of course, this scenario is unlikely! This is the best win-win option. What do you think?"

Zhao Zhao agreed immediately. Gallerie might not offer less, but she really didn't want to wait for their autumn auction, which was still several months away. They arranged to sign the contract in the afternoon.

That afternoon, she went to Spring and Autumn again, sending Gu Nan back to work.

Manager Liao warmly received her once more. After the staff finished taking photos and videos, he suggested, "Would you like us to keep it for you? We won't charge a storage fee this time."

"I'd appreciate that."

After signing all the contracts, it was just a matter of waiting for the auction in six days. She didn't plan to stay in Shanghai for that long and booked a flight back to Chonghai for the evening.

With some free time in the afternoon, she went on a shopping spree, stocking up on goodies that weren't available on the island, including steaks that both she and Da Linzi loved.

She scheduled to meet Gu Nan next week and headed straight to the airport. The Shanghai trip went more smoothly than expected, and she arrived at the hotel in Chonghai by 10 PM. She called Da Linzi, asking him to bring Gun Gun to Chonghai the next day.

Da Linzi said, "Bringing Gun Gun is fine, but why the clothes?"

"I'm signing you up for a boat piloting course."

"What? But I know how to pilot a boat," Da Linzi said, confused.

"Knowing how to pilot a metal boat doesn't count. Besides, do you have a license? That's unlicensed driving. We need at least a speedboat in the future. We can't always rely on that scheduled cargo ship to get in and out."

Da Linzi got excited. "I'll be there first thing in the morning!" The mention of buying a boat made everything else seem trivial.

After the call, he rushed to his brother's room. "Ge, can I borrow your suitcase? I'm going to Chonghai!"

Xiong Jin put down his phone, surprised. "Why are you going to Chonghai? Planning to stay for a few days?"

"Zhao Zhao wants me to get a yacht piloting license!"

Xiong Jin was even more surprised. "A yacht? Why? That costs a lot, like ten or twenty thousand. Does she plan to buy a yacht?"

"Zhao Zhao said we need a speedboat to get on and off the island more conveniently," Da Linzi was firmly in Zhao Zhao's camp.

Xiong Jin said, "Where did she get so much money for a yacht license and to buy a speedboat? From your live streaming? That doesn't earn much. Even a decent speedboat costs at least a hundred thousand."

He pondered and muttered, "She's so pretty. Could it be..."

Even though he didn't finish the sentence, Da Linzi understood. This wasn't a nice comment.

"What are you implying, Xiong Jin? Are you sick? Talking about Zhao Zhao like that!"

"I didn't mean it that way. I just spoke without thinking... I'll get you the suitcase..."

Da Linzi slammed his door shut. "No need! Say that again, and I'll beat you up!"

Hearing the door slam, Qin Yunmei came over and scolded, "Da Linzi, are you rebelling? If you break the door, I'll nail you to it!" She walked in and asked Xiong Jin, "What did you do to him? Can't you behave?"

Xiong Jin brushed it off.

Da Linzi was still angry when he returned to his room, hugging Gun Gun who struggled to escape.

The next day, Zhao Zhao picked up a visibly upset Da Linzi at the dock. She took Gun Gun and started petting it, observing her naive brother who was trying to act normal but was clearly troubled.

"Spill it. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Really. Wow, Chonghai has gotten so crowded."

"You can't lie. What's the matter?"

"Zhao Zhao, it's just... Xiong Jin said... where did you get the money for a yacht? I didn't tell him about the fishing boat. I only mentioned the yacht license..."

She understood. He was questioning the source of the money. "Did you fight with your brother?"

"No, no, I just yelled at him. Next time he says something like that, I'll beat him up!"

Silly boy, you just admitted it.

"Let me explain. When I was in school, I got a valuable antique by chance. I wasn't planning to sell it, but since moving back, I realized I need money for everything on the island. This trip was to take the treasure to Shanghai for auction. The auction is next Wednesday. Once it's sold, we'll buy a fishing boat and a speedboat. Next time someone asks, just tell the truth. There's nothing to hide."

"An antique? Zhao Zhao, you're amazing! So no loans needed? We're rich!" Da Linzi cheered up immediately. "Should I get a big boat license too? It's different from a yacht license."

"Forget it. We can't do everything ourselves. The yacht license is for convenience. Getting a big boat license takes three months. We'll hire someone."

"We can hire Xiong Quan Ge. He can pilot boats and has all the licenses."

Alright, they had the crew before the boat.

She took Da Linzi to the yacht piloting course center and signed them up, costing 30,000 yuan for both.

Da Linzi diligently attended the course every day.

She was also busy registering a fishing company. The process went smoothly, thanks to national policies encouraging entrepreneurship, and she completed it the day before the auction.

On Tuesday evening, she flew back to Shanghai.

Gu Nan accompanied her to the Spring and Autumn auction. Her jadeite wine set was the last item to go on stage. The venue was nearly full, and Gu Nan briefed her on the potential buyers: top real estate tycoons, city moguls, senior assistants from top investment firms, and even some foreign buyers, including a few from the Middle East.

They didn't participate in the bidding, just watched the excitement. The original headliner, the bird-and-flower painting, had intense competition, fetching 52 million yuan, which boosted Zhao Zhao's confidence—there were indeed many wealthy people.

Finally, it was time for the jadeite wine set. The auctioneer's praises were exceptionally extravagant. Gu Nan whispered to her, "With all their hype and the lighting in the glass cabinet, I feel like it should start at a billion! These are top-tier jadeite antiques from the Jing dynasty; even their porcelain is valuable, let alone jadeite."

"Thanks for the good wishes."

Zhao Zhao noticed that several groups who hadn't moved much before were now actively bidding.

A middle-aged man with glasses started at 70 million, then a Caucasian woman bid 75 million...

Then 79.5 million, 81 million, 85 million, and a Middle Eastern man with a beard directly bid 88 million...

Zhao Zhao's heart raced. She could now afford the boat and the inn!

Domestic tycoons didn't give up either and continued to bid. She nervously grabbed Gu Nan's hand, whispering, "Do rich people also believe in the royal aura of jadeite? They're going all out." Gu Nan replied, "If one piece is worth 20 million, a set is definitely not just 20 million times four. Also, the wealthy are very superstitious. The key is that your imperial jadeite has been around for three thousand years and hasn't touched the earth."

The final hammer price was a lucky number, 118 million! It went to the real estate tycoon Gu Nan mentioned.

"Tsk tsk, that's just two sets of his high-end new apartments."

Zhao Zhao released her hand from her chest.

Not bad at all!

The once carefree fairy now grounded in reality, Zhao Zhao took out her phone to calculate her net earnings...

Spring and Autumn Auction House moved quickly, transferring the money into her account the same day. Zhao Zhao, counting the zeros, happily exclaimed, "I'm contributing to the country too, paying two million in taxes! Let's go spend some money!"

Unable to refuse Gu Nan, she ended up buying the retro woven luggage set Gu Nan recommended. It did match her outfit perfectly. She didn't find any clothes she liked—she had been spoiled by the comfort of the ethereal silk. It was so comfortable, blocking the scorching sun of Shanghai completely.

Gu Nan envied her for resisting the heat, not sweating in the sweltering city. Finally, the newly minted billionaire bought Gu Nan two sets of clothes and two backpacks. Satisfied, they went to Whaley's for a big meal before returning to the hotel, exhausted from shopping.

The chapters I've been posting are ones I've just read, so I've already corrected some of the translation errors.

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