I Have a Penglai Immortal Island

Chapter 040 – Shanghai Pier

On the return journey, the weather became noticeably hotter. By the afternoon, the scorching sun was so intense that even the big parrot refused to accompany her on the bow.

The Yaoguang was speeding at full throttle, with strong but hot winds. The pressure on the sea surface made staying on the deck feel like being in a pressure cooker. Although Zhao Zhao had clothes to shield her from the heat, the others couldn't bear it. She couldn't appear too different, so she ignored the live stream fans calling out to her.

During the day, they hurried along, and in the evening, Zhao Zhao would come out to fish. After three more days, the Yaoguang entered China's territorial waters, and the hold was completely full.

The atmosphere on the boat was jubilant. Before setting out, aside from Zhao Zhao herself, no one was sure how things would turn out. Now, returning with a full hold, the Yaoguang crew felt like it was celebrating the New Year.

The experienced fishermen had a rough estimate of how much this catch could sell for, and it was an impressive number. Even the stoic Xiong Haiming shed a couple of tears in the cockpit.

At dawn, the Yaoguang docked at the Shanghai pier, where the people from Jingyu Trading were already waiting. They wanted not only the yellowfin tuna but also various other economic fish, such as red snapper, tongue sole, yellow croaker, lamprey, and the beautiful lobsters they had caught while diving. Zhao Zhao decided to unload everything in Shanghai instead of transporting it back to Chongshan, saving on fuel costs.

The continuous unloading of the catch attracted quite a crowd. Every crew member's face beamed with joy, working tirelessly and enthusiastically.

Their bustling activity in the early morning at the dock drew more and more spectators. The sight of the yellowfin tuna and lobsters being unloaded caused quite a stir, with many fishing companies and fishmongers gathering around. Scenes like this were rare in the declining fishing industry.

As agreed, Jingyu Trading picked their share first, and the rest was sold to various seafood vendors. Gu Nan couldn't stop smiling, "I never thought I'd have a friend who could fish. The world is full of endless possibilities. Who would've believed it? I might switch from working in the hall to procurement, relying on my friends to succeed."

The unloading and selling continued from dawn till late at night, filling their bank accounts satisfactorily and leaving them with a pile of business cards from fishmongers.

They took a moment to cut up a yellowfin tuna at the dock and had it shipped out via logistics.

Zhao Zhao made a rough calculation: this trip took 18 days. After deducting costs, the pure profit from the catch was about 9.32 million yuan. Although the hold was full, there weren't many high-value fish. After two more trips, the boat's cost should be covered.

She was very satisfied with the crew's work ethic. No one slacked off; everyone was even more enthusiastic than she was. It had been a hard trip, but everyone was happy.

Zhao Zhao gathered everyone on the deck for a small meeting. Based on ten percent of the profit, each of the 31 crew members would get about 30,000 yuan. Zhao Zhao wasn't stingy, and since this was their maiden voyage, she gave each person a 10,000 yuan bonus on the spot, stating it was not part of their commission. The deck erupted in cheers.

Getting 40,000 yuan from this trip was almost a year's income for them, bringing tears to the eyes of the fishermen.

Most of the crew had never been to Shanghai, so they were given a day to rest and explore, with two people staying on the boat for duty. Gu Nan came to pick up Zhao Zhao and Da Linzi, and they went to a hotel for a deep sleep. Finally, a bed that didn't rock.

The catch was sold out in Shanghai. They didn't know that people were still waiting for the Yaoguang at Chongshan Pier, ready to give them a hard time.

The yellowfin tuna given to live stream fans was shipped via express cold chain delivery. While the Yaoguang was still docked for rest, fans nearby had already received their packages.

It was Friday, and workers were already thinking about the weekend. Huang Wenwen, working as a copywriter in an office building in Shanghai's CBD, had been daydreaming since 9 AM. When she was scratching her head for ideas, her phone rang.

"Hello, is this Miss Huang? I'm with Express Delivery. I have a package for you downstairs."

Huang Wenwen, still confused, replied, "A package? Just bring it up to the 17th floor of Building C."

"…Alright, please wait a moment." There was a pause before the courier replied.

Huang Wenwen wondered why he was reluctant to bring it up, thinking he was just being lazy.

After a while, she received another call from the courier, asking her to come down to sign for it.

"I'm busy. Just leave it at the reception."

"That's not possible, ma'am. This is an express cold chain delivery. You need to open it and confirm before signing. We won't be responsible if it thaws."

When Huang Wenwen went out, she found two couriers in yellow uniforms, along with three or four of her colleagues, including the receptionist, gathered around a large wooden crate about a meter long.

As she approached, the receptionist asked, "What did you buy, dear? Such a large frozen package."

Still confused, Huang Wenwen couldn't recall, but the courier urged her to open it and confirm.

"How do I open it?"

The courier pulled out a screwdriver from his work pants. A helpful colleague went to find more tools, and after much effort, they pried the lid off the wooden crate. A faint fishy smell wafted out, and Huang Wenwen's mind cleared. Could it be? Was this the fish Zhao Zhao sent? This big?

When the foam lid was lifted, there were gasps of surprise. A massive, grotesque fish head, exuding cold air, was revealed.

"What! Is this a fish?"

"Holy crap, it's a fish demon!"

"Xiao Huang, why did you buy such a big fish head and have it delivered to the company? How are you going to take it home?"

Huang Wenwen was bewildered. She wished she knew why she had foolishly forgotten to change the address! She thought it would be just a piece, but it's this huge?

She had to thank Zhao Zhao. She thought a tuna head would be less desirable than the middle section. This fish was about three meters long, and the head was so large that when cut, it came with a generous portion of flesh. So, her share was the longest, about seventy centimeters.

Colleagues, hearing the commotion, came out to see the spectacle.

"This is amazing. The fish is so big, one pot won't be enough to cook it."

"This is yellowfin tuna, Xiao Huang. It's quite expensive."

"It's a bit scary. Isn't it too big?"

"Is it yellowfin or bluefin? Are you rich now, Huang?"

"This should last you a month, right?"

"Tuna stew in an iron pot?"

After sending the courier away, Huang Wenwen took a picture and posted it in Zhao Zhao's live stream comments, asking how she should take it home from the office. She also asked what pot could fit such a large fish head and jokingly if Zhao Zhao had fallen in love with her, given her such a big piece.

Her colleagues, learning she had won it from a live stream, were very envious. In a country of food lovers, winning a phone was incomparable to winning a giant tuna head.

Huang Wenwen also took the opportunity to promote Zhao Zhao's live stream, describing it as a comprehensive channel where viewers could see beautiful women, handsome men, cute pets, sea fishing, farming, and travel all in one place.



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