I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 22 - 1 big ticket

“Are you stupid? A snow spider’s lair has only one spider queen and only one spider queen. The spider queen is on the front with the leopard king. If the wolf king also comes, the back door will certainly be difficult to keep.

现在 But now you see, the Storm Wolf has withdrawn first, and the wolf king must not have come. This windwolf is really overcast. I suspect that the surface of the windwolf and the fiery fire leopard are teamed up, but the purpose is to pit the fiery fire leopard. “

“There is no conflict between the Storm Wolf and the Blazing Fire Leopard. The two are 30 kilometers apart …” Wang Youle asked again, confused.

“Fire overwhelms the wind! As long as the fiery leopard is still there, the Storm Wolf cannot become a regional overlord. Snow Spiders can become overlord because there are no natural enemies.” Wang Lan said casually.

“The fiery leopard retreated.” Jiang Xinyu said lightly.

Sure enough, the battlefield in the distance changed. The King of Leopard launched a large-scale star martial art to force the retreat of the spider emperor, then did not continue the fight, turned around and fled away.

“It is indeed a fiery leopard, and the escape gesture is really chic, even the brothers who brought it are ignored.”

The Leopard King can rush out of the encirclement of the Snow Spider with great strength, but the fiery leopard behind him is not. And the Leopard King did not seem to turn back to save the younger brother, and rushed out of the snow spider group, and there was no shadow of running away.

There were several wailings behind her, and the fiery leopard was desperately blocked in the snow spider group, waiting for fate to come.

“It’s so good … what level of strength are the Spider King and the Leopard King? It’s just … a war machine.”

“Peak of the Nebula.”

“No!” Xu Xiangwen sighed suddenly, “Snow Spider went away–“

With a click, the nervous lines were twisted.

“Snow spiders runaway? How did they run away?” Gong Feiyu sighed nervously.

“I don’t know, all the dense snow spiders emerged from the cave and spread quickly around. At least … at least tens of thousands.”

“Let’s withdraw!” Jiang Xinyu shouted immediately.

Originally intended to pick up cheap ones, but it is certainly impossible to find snow spiders when they go cheap. The endless snow spiders, like a tsunami, swarm around like a tsunami. Wherever they pass, no grass grows.

After running a kilometer, Xu Xiangwen glanced back, just because he looked at the crowd one more time, and made Xu Xiangwen’s face pale.

不好 “No, Snow Spider is less than a kilometer behind us.”

“Can a detour go around?”

“Several hundred meters in a row, it was blocked before going around, and I could only run forward.”

Min Jiang Xinyu frowned, and suddenly Jiang Xinyu paused, “Stop!”

The star power fluctuated throughout the whole body, and the glaciers beneath it instantly cracked a large pit.

“Jump down.”

Almost at the same time as the order was given, Wang Lan and the five of them jumped out of the big pit. Jiang Xinyu’s star power started. Instantly the top of the big pit was covered with a thick layer of ice, which was more than two feet thick.

心 “Mind, do you really play? If we are found, we are dead.”

但 “But if we don’t find it, we will make a lot of money. What do you think is the cause of the snow spider riot?”

“There is an accident in Queen Queen! If Shirley Queen’s life is really reached, a new Queen Queen has already been born at this time. The new Queen Queen will not cause riots, so there is only one explanation.

There is a fault behind the snow spider’s spider! “

“Shirley is dead?”

“Hmm! The snow spider’s riot will continue until the new spider appears, and the trial site should be very chaotic during this time.”

“Don’t make a noise, there is movement, the Snow Spider Army is here.”

“No, it doesn’t seem to be the footsteps of Snow Spider, it seems like … people?”

As soon as the voice fell, several figures appeared on top of his head. The silhouette runs too fast, roughly six or seven.

“It seems that this snow spider incident should not be an accident, but someone is engaging in a ghost, and it’s a **** thing, for the soul beads behind the snow spider …”

At this moment, a huge snow spider appeared on top of everyone’s head, and passed quickly. Immediately afterwards, the endless snow spiders ran across the crowd.

Everyone’s heart mentioned the throat, and only the sound of heartbeat was heard in the whole ice cave.

体验 The experience of thousands of troops and horses rushing over from the head can be imagined, and those thousands of troops and horses are all enemy forces, once found, it is the kind of dead place.

The trance lasted about ten minutes before the Snow Spider army passed.

No snow spider appeared, and the five talents gave a soft breath.

“The spider emperor is dispatched … are chasing those people?” Gong Feiyu said dignifiedly.

“They are dead, so close, tens of thousands of snow spiders chased and stopped … Unless the proving ground garrison is in front of them, they will definitely die.” Xu Xiangwen said gleefully.

I really should be gloating. The original trial site was stable and stable. What’s wrong? You are all right to provoke snow spiders. The snow spider riots are not only caused by the snow mountain turmoil, but also the whole trial field.

“No, this is not a simple snow spider riot. If the spider dies, the snow spider riot will kill each other at the same time. But just now the spider king led the snow spider to hunt.

What is it that makes the Emperor Spider give up and protect the spider? Jiang Xinyu said here, his eyes lit up instantly.

“The new queen spider is on the group of people, and they are carrying space alien beasts.”

靠 “Rely on it! The price of the spider Queen on the Yiyi market is 100 billion yuan! And there is no market price. Sure enough, there is nothing they dare not do for wealth.”

“One hundred billion? So expensive? Are you kidding me?” Wang Lan trembled in his heart, which is an unattainable figure for his worth.

“It’s not expensive. The value of the Queen Spider lies not in itself, but in that the Queen Spider represents the Snow Spider Horde. You can build a private trial ground by getting Snow Spiders.

Do you know what the private trial ground means to those Xingwu families? Human beings have hundreds or thousands of Xingwu families, but only a few can have private trial farms. Private trial farms are the foundation of their family’s prosperity, and they can cultivate endless outstanding people.

The rise of the puppet family is more prosperous than 100 billion. Which is more important? One hundred billion is indeed a lot, but in the end it is just a number. A private proving ground is endless. “

“So it is.”

“But now there is one more condition to be fulfilled.”

“Conditions? What conditions?”

“Sherry Spider Queen is not dead. If she dies, the new Spider Queen will grow up in an instant, and the Space Beast Cage can’t fit, they can’t move. So …” Jiang Xinyu’s mouth was revealed A sly smile.

This smile is very dangerous for Wang Lan and others who are familiar with Jiang Xinyu. Because once Jiang Xinyu showed this smile, it showed that she was going to be serious.

Minjiang’s style of speech has always been decent and overbearing, but it does not mean that she will not be overcast. And with her wisdom, Yin Yin is generally memorable. Jiang Xinyu is either not overcast. Once overcast, it must be one set, one set, and one set.

“You just say what plans you have.” Wang Lan asked with a sigh.

“The Snow Spider’s Lair is now in the air, and the Emperor and Snow Spider have abandoned her to rescue the new spider. Shirley must be pitiful …”

“So we happen to be in this position, just to send snow spiders to heaven?” Gong Feiyu nodded and said.

“The main purpose is to prevent the group of guys from really taking the new spider back out. Snow spiders are the wealth of the trial ground and belong to the property of the country. They are committing crimes. As a citizen of the Jade Kingdom, they cannot Turn a blind eye.

After killing Shirley, the new Spider Queen will complete the evolution, and the Spider King behind will arrive, and their plot will go bankrupt. By the way … there should be a lot of eggs in the snow spider’s lair that have not turned into snow spiders. Their soul beads contain so little star power, but after all they were picked for nothing … “

“That’s the main purpose. Forget it, it’s all for this job, it’s done!”

When the plan was completed, Xu Xiangwen checked through the eyes of the sky that there were no traces of snow spiders. Breaking through the ice layer, the group rushed out of the ice cave into a sharp knife and galloped away towards the snow spider’s nest.

The distance between the snow spider’s lair was less than two kilometers, and at the speed of Wang Lan and others, it only took a few minutes to rush, and there were no snow spiders along the way. Everyone stared at the dark cave like a **** mouth. This is the old nest of snow spiders, where tens of thousands of snow spiders once lived.

Wu Wanglan and Xu Xiangwen rushed directly into the cave for the sword. Only after reaching the cave did snow spiders stop. But the number is not large, only dozens of them appear at the same time.

“Open the road and give it to me!” Gong Feiyu saw that the cave was not covered by snow and ice, and his earth spike was just in use. And the weakness of Snow Spider is in the abdomen, which is in the hands of Gong Feiyu.

Xingong Feiyu’s star power surged throughout the body, and a radiant stimulus shot out from the ground. Although it can not be said that the snow spider can be killed in one shot, it can also be damaged.

的 The road ahead is clear, and the speed of the five-member squad is undiminished.

I knew early on that the snow spider’s lair was large, but they never expected it to be so large.

The condyle rushed for three kilometers before reaching the root of the snow spider’s lair. This is a huge underground cave. In the center of the cave, a huge snow spider lies quietly on the ground.

If the King of Spiders is a three-meter-tall giant, this Queen of Spiders is more than three times larger than the King of Spiders. But if you look at it, no one will recognize it as a snow spider. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com

Even to Wang Lan, this is a long meat worm. The eight feet couldn’t even reach the ground, and the swollen body had lost its ability to move.

Wang Lan and others entered, and the spider squeaked suddenly.

“She is calling Snow Spider for help, and he must be resolved immediately.”

“What about these larvae?” Wang Youle looked at the densely packed larvae walking around, these were money lying on the ground.

“Solved the snow spider, these are all our urgency?” Xu Xiangwen sighed unhappyly.

Minjiang Xinyu rushed to the back of the spider instantly and chopped it down severely.

Wang Lan’s face was startled, and she couldn’t help being vigilant and proud, but you started to drift again? Thought your melee fighting ability was the strongest in the squad? Look at the words of others, do you make it out?


There is no fighting power behind the tarantula, but she has amazing defensive power. The hardness of the ice armor around the body can even exceed that of steel.

After the knife failed, the knife in his hand exploded instantly.

This is a very clever blade martial art, and it is also a basic martial art. But what specific martial arts Wang Lan could not recognize.

Walking under Jiang Xinyu’s sword, snowflakes fluttered on the armor, and countless frosts splashed out.

Suddenly, Wang Lan and Xu Xiangwen formed a defensive formation to block snow spiders who wanted to be reinforced. Just ten seconds later, the number of snow spiders began to increase dramatically.

“Heartwarming, how long is it?”

“Less than twenty seconds, you hold on. Xu Xiangwen, first find out where we can retreat?”

“I have seen it long ago. The cliff behind it is only 30 centimeters thick and its hardness is not high. Wang Lan should be able to break it with an inch of strength.”

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