I Have the Sacred Sword?

Chapter 20 – Don’t you dare.

Opening her eyes for the first time, she blinked at the light filtering through the branches of the scarlet-leaved trees.

Her bare skin bristled at the touch of the cold air and the snow under her feet.

She looked around, confused, trying to understand who she was and where she was.

Although she couldn't see the sword buried deep under the snow, she felt an inexplicable connection to something beneath her feet.

Somehow, she knew that something was Eleonora, her creator. Besides that, many pieces of knowledge and concepts flowed through her mind.

There was so much information that she felt she had in her head that she didn't know what to do or where to start.

It was… overwhelming.

The summoning tried to move but realized she was lying on the ground.

‘So cold…’, she thought while making an effort to get up, supporting her hands on the snow.

In the process, she felt the cold seeping into her bones, but the energy emanating from the ground beneath her feet gave her a strange feeling she didn't understand.

Her trembling legs barely managed to hold her as she took a hesitant step.

The summoning looked around, trying to find some hint of her purpose in this world and, in the process, noticed the red-leaved trees shining faintly, creating a contrast with the snow covering the entire landscape.

Although the scene was beautiful, the summoning couldn't help but feel lost.

After a few seconds and after taking several steps, she crouched down and touched the snow with her hand, feeling the energy flowing through it.

Closing her eyes, she tried to concentrate on connecting with the source of that energy. As she did, a soft voice resonated in her mind.

[You did it], said Eleonora, surprised.

Despite feeling exhausted and weak, Eleonora couldn't believe that her summoning was capable of using telepathy to contact her.

[Eleonora? Is that you?], asked the summoning with some difficulty, as maintaining concentration to use telepathy in this environment was challenging.

[Yes], Eleonora responded, even more surprised.

She didn't expect the summoning to be able to communicate with her in this way!

What the hell had she summoned?

Before Eleonora's creation could say anything else, feeling that something was approaching from behind, she cut the connection with Eleonora.

Turning slowly, she noticed how dark, shadowy figures were moving stealthily among the trees.

Still not fully understanding her situation, she felt her heart start to beat faster.

Although she didn't know what to do, the summoning let herself be guided by her instinct.

Concentrating energy in one of her hands, as the enemies approached, a red light began to appear at the tip of her fingers, slowly spreading to the rest of her hand.

'So warm…', thought the summoning as she felt how that energy surrounding her hand gave off heat.

Soon the dark figures approached closer with quick, noisy movements.

The summoning felt a surge of adrenaline run through her body. Without thinking twice, she raised her hand and let the red energy intensify.


When the first enemy, a shadow in the shape of a giant wolf, leaped towards her, the summoning dodged the attack with agility and pierced its fur with her hand.

The wolf let out a harrowing howl as its skin began to burn.

The summoning, surprised by the effect, took a step back, but soon another enemy launched towards her.

This time it was an imposing bear with sharp claws. Without time to think, the summoning ducked and rolled in the snow, avoiding the attack.

Quickly getting up, she channeled more energy into her hand, increasing the heat of the flames she emitted, thus piercing the bear's chest.

It was a quick and effective move that luckily hit the animal's heart. In the process, all the blood that came into contact with the summoning's hand melted, creating a large amount of smoke.

By reflex, the summoning moved aside, letting the bear fall forward.

As the bear fell, more wolves began to approach, but seeing how the bear had fallen and how one of their own was injured to the point of having to throw itself sideways to avoid burning alive, the wolves stopped and stared at the summoning.

It was a tense moment, where Eleonora's creation found herself surrounded by enemies.

Despite having successfully defeated two enemies, inside she was scared.

Her hand was stained with blood, and her body wouldn't stop trembling from the cold, but a part of her kept repeating that she couldn't allow herself to show weakness.

Not in front of those creatures.

[Good, can you hear me?], asked Eleonora as she felt she could connect with her summoning.

Since she was much weaker than usual, it had taken her some effort to make a bond to talk more with her creation.

Eleonora was quite curious.

What would be capable of something that had cost her almost all her energy?

[Eleonora, do you think you can come help me?], quickly asked the summoning while pretending to be calm in front of the wolves.

Was she projecting enough confidence or strength…?

It was the doubt that the summoning had in her head despite the wolves keeping their distance from her.

[Are you an idiot? I summoned you to help me by going to the place where a candidate awaits you. I need you to guide him to this place so that he…]

[I'm going to die!], screamed the summoning, interrupting Eleonora.

‘Is she going to die…?’, Eleonora repeated, puzzled.

Why would her summoning die?

It hadn't even been a day since she summoned her and she was already going to die?

Were summonings so useless?

[Well, don't die. Right now you have a great amount of energy, don't you? What can you do? What are you?], Eleonora asked with some curiosity.

The summoning, seeing how the wolves were slowly starting to approach her, began to panic.

Although her instincts had helped her deal with the bear, she hadn't managed to finish off that wolf, and now she had an entire pack in front of her.


The summoning was too scared, so she screamed in her mind:

[Some damn wolves have surrounded me! What do I do!?]

‘Ah, wolves.’

Eleonora vaguely remembered how some small wolves had killed her last candidate.

‘Do those damn creatures still lurk around here?’, Eleonora wondered while trying to stay calm.

[What are you? Speak.]

[I don't know!]

[You can't describe your damn form? Look at your body! What are you right now? Do you have claws? Wings? Some kind of shell?]

In Eleonora's mind, she imagined her summoning to be some kind of amazing animal.

The summoning worked every neuron to try to describe what she was while the wolves approached at a rather slow pace.

[I have two hands and two arms that move. I also have two legs, a belly…]

[Wait. Are you a human right now?], Eleonora asked, shocked.

Had she created a human?

No, that couldn't be possible, as the presence of her summoning was by no means that of a human, but what she had described...

[I guess!]

Suddenly, Eleonora recalled a thought she had at the moment of creating that summoning.

‘It can't be…’, Eleonora thought for a moment, but it made some sense, especially when she noticed something interesting in the presence of her summoning.

It was something subtle that Eleonora had overlooked as she was tired and her mind was in a haze, but now that she had started to analyze the aura of her summoning in depth…

It was similar.

Eleonora couldn't help but let out a small laugh upon noticing that indeed… she had created something similar to herself and her sisters.

[Eleonora! Eleonora!]

The screams of her summoning snapped her out of her trance, so she asked:

[What is it?]

[They're going to kill me, Eleonora!]

By accident, Eleonora's summoning had decided to retreat before the advance of those wolves, feeling intimidated, but just as she took that step back, one of the largest wolves charged at her.

Luckily, she was able to stop its charge by grabbing it head-on, and in the process, the hand she kept aflame started burning the wolf's jaw as she held it.



[Follow my damn instructions to the letter, or I'll be the one to end up killing you], Eleonora said in a serious tone, causing her summoning to start crying while still fighting for her life.

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