I Have the Sacred Sword?

Chapter 24 – Laws and Strength

The group had gathered in a circle around the makeshift fire. The crackling of the flames provided a comforting sound amidst the strange forest.

Camila was serving the soup she had prepared with the few vegetables and pieces of meat they had available. The warm and familiar aroma of the soup filled the air.

“It’s the best I could do with the time I was given, okay?” said Camila, visibly embarrassed.

Aiden’s group members quickly began to praise her to lift her spirits.

“It smells amazing,” said Thorne with a smile.

“Yeah, I’m sure it will taste even better,” added Darius.

The girls from their group looked at their companions before hiding their smiles.

Alexia’s team took a while to show their appreciation, as Leo couldn’t stop worrying about the location of the sword, and Isuke was lost in thought, trying to decide the direction to guide the group now that there was no clear path.

Alexia observed everyone while sipping her soup.

“Eat, this will help us regain our strength,” commented Alexia, trying to infuse some enthusiasm, but it wasn’t very effective. Despite the incredible forest, the silence while eating made almost everyone think about the size of that creature.

Not wanting to waste the time while Aiden was absent, Alexia began her speech.

Alexia set her bowl of soup aside and stood up, capturing everyone’s attention. Her eyes shone with determination as she began to speak.

“Comrades,” she said, projecting her voice with confidence.

“As you can see, we have found a unique place, full of resources that could change our lives. I’m not just talking about the incredibly resistant wood or the leaves that emit energy, but the potential of this entire forest.”

Aiden’s group members looked at her with curiosity as Alexia continued.

“I know you are tired and worried, but I propose something. If we continue exploring together, I promise you the right to exploit 35% of this forest. The leaves and other resources will be limited by that same percentage.”

The group fell silent, surprised by the offer. Selena was the first to break the silence with an intrigued smile.

“Hey, your offer is interesting,” began Selena.

“But... do you remember Astarock’s law? Whoever finds unknown lands first has the right to claim and exploit them.”

‘Damn,’ thought Alexia, realizing someone was as well-versed in the laws as she was.

Maintaining her composure, Alexia nodded, countering:

“I know, Selena. But this discovery is too big for one group to handle alone. Cooperation will benefit us all. We can share the benefits and ensure no one is left out.”

“Oh yeah? And how exactly does that 35% work? If we divide it among our entire group, it would be 7%. Are you trying to scam us?”

Everyone was surprised to hear that counterargument from the seemingly shyest and calmest member of that group.

Letting out a sigh, Alexia pulled out the contract sheet she had made with them before this exploration and began to read aloud:

“Clause Four. All rights are reserved over any object or thing found during this expedition. All discoveries will be the exclusive property of Alexia’s group.”

Aiden’s group looked at her incredulously, increasing the tension in the air.

Selena, with a serious expression, quickly responded:

“Alexia, any deal that goes against Astarock’s laws is automatically void. You know well that this contract has no legal validity, and it specifies objects or things, which cannot cover this entire forest!”

Alexia remained calm and responded with a calculated tone.

“Do you really believe that? Astarock’s laws are clear, but there are many ways to interpret them. This forest is vast and full of dangers. Our collaboration might be the only way to ensure we all leave here alive and with benefits.”

“I refuse to keep talking with this woman! Guys, tell who was the first to touch this forest.”

The guys, who had been watching this sudden spectacle, looked at each other before responding almost simultaneously:

“Darius,” responded two from Aiden’s group.

“Leo,” responded two from Alexia’s group.

Although no one remembered exactly who was the first, they were obviously going to support their respective groups.

The good atmosphere that almost all the guys from Alexia and Aiden’s group had was broken by that question.

“Selena, are you aware that Isuke was the one who guided us here?”

Annoyed, Selena turned and returned the question:

“And are you aware that without us, you wouldn’t have made it here? Did you forget the magic Marta used to save our lives from that damn creature, Alexia?”


Both girls remained silent, crossing their arms.

Everyone, except Camila, couldn’t help but feel bad seeing how little they had eaten of what she had prepared.

“Hey…,” commented Darius in a low voice, but everyone turned to him as his voice was quite robust.

“I don’t know as much about laws as you girls… so I propose we have a duel. Wouldn’t that be the fairest way? The strongest have the right to bend the rules, right?” the friendly tone in which Darius had made that offer was very contrary to the offer itself.

There were three knights, one mage, and a healer against one knight, two mages, one healer, and… her.

The odds of her group winning this fight…

‘Damn,’ thought Alexia, seeing how her plan took this 180-degree turn.

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