I Have the Sacred Sword?

Chapter 29 – The Bare Minimum

After the attack, Alexia and Marta began to collect the bodies of the snakes that had fallen during the confrontation. 

As they examined them, Marta noticed that, despite being dead, the snakes still glowed. Although the light was much softer. 

"Have you seen anything like this before?" asked Alexia, as she lifted one of the snakes. 

Marta shook her head, fascinated by the phenomenon. 

"No, never. It's... strange. Even dead, they seem to have some kind of residual energy." 

Aiden, meanwhile, had returned with enough firewood to revive the fire that was almost out. 

He placed the logs one by one, and within minutes, the campfire regained strength. 

Hours passed in a quiet silence, broken only by the crackling of the wood in the fire. 

Finally, Alexia decided it was time to change shifts. 

With a slight movement, she woke some of the group members, including Aiden's, so they could also rest. 

"It's your turn to watch," Alexia whispered as she gently shook one of her companions. "Keep your eyes open, especially on the trees." 

Leo, with a confident smile, nodded and helped wake the others. 

Once all those on guard duty were up, Alexia and the others settled near the fire, ready to take advantage of a few hours of sleep. 

The next day, Alexia woke up feeling the cold in the air. 

The campfire was still burning, but what really caught her attention were the bodies of more snakes scattered on the ground, so she immediately got up, looking for those responsible. 

Darius, Leo, and Thorne were nearby, with several visible scrapes on their arms and faces. Alexia walked towards them quickly, clearly surprised. 

"What happened?" she asked, looking first at Darius, who was the most injured. "Why didn't you wake us up?" 

Darius, with a carefree smile, shrugged. 

"If you were able to keep your watch without disturbing us, the least we could do was return the favor. Besides, it was nothing we couldn't handle." 

Alexia was silent for a moment, surprised by Darius's response. 

Letting out a sigh, Alexia turned to Leo with a serious look. 

"Leo, come with me. I need to talk to you in private," she said, and without waiting for a response, she started walking in the opposite direction of the camp. 

Leo gestured goodbye to Darius and Thorne before following Alexia. 

As they walked away, Alexia turned her head towards Leo and asked in a worried tone: 

"What happened last night?" 

Leo, remaining calm, explained: 

"Many more snakes came than we expected, even a rather large one. Thorne sent it flying with a huge hit, and since it didn't come back, it's likely dead. After that, we had no more attacks." 

Alexia clicked her tongue briefly, her mind analyzing the situation. 

"And Selena? How did she act last night?" she asked, seeking more details. 

Leo responded without hesitation: 

"She was quite friendly and worked very well with Camila. There were no problems." 

Alexia frowned, somewhat worried about the calmness in his voice. 

"Where are they now?" asked Alexia, feeling a knot in her stomach. 

"They went to look for some food," Leo replied naturally. 

"What?" exclaimed Alexia, stopping abruptly. "Are you crazy? You let the two healers of the group go alone!" 

Leo raised a hand, trying to calm her. 

"Aiden woke up a little before you and is accompanying them. They're not alone." 

But instead of reassuring her, this increased Alexia's worry. 

If Aiden was with them, that meant there was a possibility they were persuading Camila to get more information. 

She was one of the most frequent members of their group and, if she gave information about Eleonora, they would not only lose the forest but also the ego sword. 

"We have to go find them, now," she ordered with a tone that made it clear there was no room for discussion. 

Leo frowned, looking at Isuke, who was still asleep. 

"What about Isuke? Do we leave him here alone?" 

Alexia watched Isuke for a moment, then nodded towards where Darius and Thorne were still talking. 

"Do you trust them?" she asked. 

Leo hesitated for a moment before nodding. 

"Even though what they said a few hours ago was harsh, I don't think they would harm us. Not now." 

"Then trust that they will protect him if something happens," Alexia said firmly. "Come on, lead the way to where they went." 

Just as they were preparing to go in search of the healers, Alexia stopped upon seeing Camila and Selena returning with Marta and Aiden. 

Everyone was carrying an assortment of fruits they had gathered, relieving her a little. 

Now she just had to look for an opportunity to call her and find out what she had talked about with them, although there was already the possibility that she had given away information. 

Alexia began to think about what her next command should be, as soon, despite the deal she closed with Selena giving them a bit more exploration time, Aiden's group would inevitably split from them to return to camp due to the limited time they had. 

Her thoughts were interrupted when her gaze landed on Isuke, who was still asleep on the side, oblivious to the bustle around him. 

The relaxed way he slept contrasted with the tension she felt. 

'Please... regain your connection with Eleonora,' Alexia prayed in her mind.

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