I Have the Sacred Sword?

Chapter 31 – No Turning Back

Isuke was lost in the darkness of his mind, trapped in an absolute void that isolated him from the outside world. 

He had been there for what felt like hours, stuck in this sort of limbo. 

Although he had lost the familiar connection with Eleonora, now something different was beginning to manifest. 

At first, it was just a faint vibration in the void, but slowly, that energy grew stronger, more defined. 

It wasn't exactly the same as what he had felt before with Eleonora, but there was a similarity he couldn’t ignore. 

As the energy drew closer, Isuke began to have doubts. 

There was something strange about this new presence. 

Unlike Eleonora, who seemed anchored in one place when guiding him, this energy was in constant motion, accelerating as it approached the direction where he and his group were. 

This behavior was unsettling. 

Could it really be Eleonora? 

Or perhaps... 

Something else? 

As these questions swirled in his mind, Isuke couldn't help but think about everything Alexia and Leo had risked up to this point. 

They had lost their rights to the forest and were facing increasingly dangerous enemies. 

Deciding whether or not to share this information with Alexia now was crucial. 

Despite his doubts, he knew he couldn't afford to stay silent. 

If there was even a slight chance that Eleonora was involved, he had to act. 

When he finally opened his eyes, the scene around him was almost comforting. 

Almost everyone was gathered, sharing a meal in a small circle. 

Alexia immediately noticed Isuke waking up, looking up from her plate as she saw him move toward her. Her expression was neutral, but there was a glint in her eyes that showed she was worried. 

"Camila is already preparing your food, so you’ll be able to eat soon," Alexia said in a soft tone. 

But Isuke, ignoring courtesy for a moment, leaned in closer to her. 

“Can we talk?” Isuke asked, trying to keep his voice calm. 

Alexia, sensing something in his tone, nodded immediately and stood up. 

They both walked away from the group, moving a few meters until they were far enough to speak privately. 

Isuke felt his heart pounding in his chest, not just from nerves, but also because of the importance of what he was about to say. 

“I think... I’ve regained my connection,” Isuke confessed, feeling a lump in his throat as he said it. 

He wasn’t entirely sure, but he couldn’t keep it to himself. 

Alexia looked at him, surprised. 

‘Yes!’ she cheered inwardly. 

[Really?], Alexia asked to confirm. 

Isuke nodded, though with some caution. 

“Yes, though... it’s different. It’s a similar energy, but it’s moving, not anchored like before. It’s getting closer to us, and faster by the moment.” 

Alexia’s smile faded slightly as she heard this, her mind considering all the possible implications of that information. 

First, because Eleonora had always talked about being sealed, anchored to a place, but if Isuke felt that something similar to her was moving toward them, the possibilities were too many, but to simplify it... 

One could be that a summoning was on its way, or that an enemy was approaching. 

Either way, the losses were already significant for her. Aiden’s group had demanded a lot in exchange for their help, and giving them rights over these lands... 

Just thinking about it annoyed Alexia. 

Delaying things further or retreating were no longer in her plans. 

"Point the direction," Alexia said to Isuke in a firm voice. 

He raised his hand and pointed precisely to the northeast, the same direction as before. 

Alexia swallowed, absorbing what this meant. 

Returning to the group, she announced with an authoritative but calm voice: 

“When you’re done eating, I want us to explore what lies northeast of this forest. This will be the last request I make before we return to camp.” 

The statement left the members of Aiden’s team thoughtful, especially Selena and Darius, who exchanged glances. 

Although they didn’t say it aloud, it was clear that Alexia’s request struck them as unusual, and maybe a bit suspicious. 

Aiden, who had already devoured two bowls of food, noticed Alexia’s gaze and nodded, speaking on behalf of his team: 

"We agree."

2 chapter ahead on Patreon, for now.

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