I Have the Sacred Sword?

Chapter 5 – Fall


Eleonora lay face down on the earth, tears streaming from her eyes.

She had done it.

How much time had passed?

Eleonora didn't want to even think about that; she just wanted to enjoy the achievement.

Finally, she had a voice they could hear.

She could speak out loud.

She could ask for help…

She could…

Eleonora's breath was uneven, her face covered in tears.

When she tried to rise quickly, her arms faltered when she used them for support—a clumsiness she didn't expect.

Concentrating, she tried to stand up, first her back, then her feet, almost falling due to the lack of balance.

Eleonora felt clumsy.

Very clumsy.

Eleonora looked around, no one in sight.

In front of her, some stairs ascended.

"Why is this so difficult?" she wondered, perplexed by the struggle to stand while walking.

She felt like an idiot.

Eleonora wiped her tears with the palm of her hand and tried to move quickly, but stumbled after a few steps.

How was that possible?

It was as if her body was playing a cruel joke on her.

Eleonora attempted to get up but did so clumsily. When she tried to run, she fell again.

Annoyed, she concentrated her magic to make wings appear on her back, the wings she had longed to use for so long.

The wings she had longed to use for many years appeared, and when she attempted to fly upward with them, she succeeded but sustained injuries on her back and neck due to the speed at which she ascended.

Once in the air, she could move more easily, but as she ascended, her heart beat forcefully, and a shiver ran down her spine.

Eleonora avoided looking down, just wanting to climb as high as possible.

Passing through clouds, she quickly surpassed their height. Breathing became difficult for Eleonora, but she refused to stop.

As she ascended, the sky lost its blue hue and moved toward a dark place filled with numerous stars. However, before she could ascend further…

Her wings stopped.

She couldn't fly higher, and despite her pain and difficulty breathing, she yelled, "No!"

For a few seconds, Eleonora floated in the air, but then she began to fall.

Every beat of her heart resonated intensely as she plummeted at increasing speed.

Desperate to regain control, she started spinning in the air, not understanding what to do.

Her wings didn't respond; she was paralyzed by fear.

Zipping through clouds at great speed, the ground she had refused to look at while ascending was now rapidly approaching.

In an attempt to slow down, she fortified her body with mana, but before she could do more, she crashed into the ground and felt a massive jolt through her entire being.

The cold enveloped her once again.

Eleonora was still trapped in the snow in that place she had momentarily forgotten.

She wanted to die.

Eleonora wanted to cry, but she didn't have that physical body to shed those tears.

Feeling useless, with intense internal anger, Eleonora focused on one goal.


Was she really unable to control her physical body now?

What had she done?

Why didn't she use her other abilities?

Eleonora began to harshly criticize herself for many things she had done in that world she had managed to create after so many failed attempts.

Among all those criticisms, she realized how weak she had become.

Lost in her thoughts, Eleonora didn't notice that a small crack had formed in her physical form as a sword.

Tomorrow will be the chapter that ends this saga of quick updates. The rest of the updates for this novel will be for every Friday.

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