I Have Time On My Side!

05 Really…?

Nolan fell silent after Emily's confession.

'Twenty-eight? How can she be the same age as me?' he thought as he glanced at her sideways.

For years, he had lived immersed in his obsession with mastering his magic, continuously researching and perfecting his control over time.

He had spent an unimaginable amount of hours repeating the same process over and over: activate the spell, rewind a few seconds, observe the effects, rest to regain strength, and then repeat it all.

A routine so strict and mechanical that it had consumed a significant part of his life.

But now... everything had changed.

His mana core was damaged, and using magic as he had before was a tremendous risk.

'Maybe I should try something different…' Nolan told himself as his mind wandered.

He remembered the times his friends and comrades had invited him to parties, celebrations, even simple outings to the city.

And how, each time, he had rejected those invitations in the name of his research.

'I never had time for those things…' Nolan thought bitterly.

But was this the moment?

Should he take advantage of not being able to use magic to do something different?

Perhaps… to meet someone…

Unconsciously, his gaze returned to Emily, who stood before him, looking somewhat nervous.

He couldn't believe it; she was really within his age range, though she looked much younger.

And the best part was…

"Uh...?" Emily's trembling voice pulled him from his thoughts.

She looked at him with a mix of uncertainty and concern. As Nolan had drifted, the silence had stretched on for too long.

'Why is he so quiet?' Emily thought, anxious.

Tension began to build in her chest as she tried to remember if she had said something inappropriate. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and just as she was about to apologize, Nolan broke the silence.

"It's fine," Nolan said calmly.

Emily froze completely, her eyes wide open.

Had she heard correctly?

"W-what?" Emily asked, her voice trembling. "Could you… repeat that?"

Nolan looked directly into her eyes and, without hesitating, repeated,

"I said it's fine. You can come to my house whenever you want, and I'll tell you all about the academy. I can even teach you some magic if that's what you want."

Emily felt her heart race in her chest.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Had she really heard him right?

Was he going to teach her magic!?

To her!?

A smile, first hesitant and then broader, began to light up Emily's face.

"Really…?" Emily asked, her voice filled with restrained excitement.

"Yes, really," Nolan replied with a slight smile, enjoying the enthusiasm in her eyes.

Emily couldn't help but imagine herself casting spells, mastering magic, flying through the skies like in tales of the most powerful mages.

That fantasy made her let out a small joyful laugh, but it was interrupted by Nolan extending a small piece of paper to her.

"Here, this is the address of my house," Nolan said.

Emily, returning to reality, took the paper and looked it over.

She stood there for a moment, perplexed, as she read the name of the neighborhood.

'Does he really live there? In one of the most affluent areas of the city?'

Before she could ask more questions, Nolan slightly inclined his head in farewell.

"I'll see you soon, then."

He turned and began to walk away with firm steps, as if he were in a hurry to get somewhere.

Emily, still stunned by everything that had just happened, watched him go, feeling a mix of excitement and confusion.

"Thank you… and sorry for the trouble," Emily said hastily, her voice almost a whisper, but loud enough for Nolan to hear as he walked away.

Nolan, for his part, felt satisfied.

At least now he would have something to do while he waited for his mana core to stabilize.

Teaching Emily could be something new, something that would give him purpose while he couldn't use his magic.

As Emily continued to watch Nolan, the elderly woman who had been observing the scene from a distance approached her with a sly expression.

With a smile and a conspiratorial glint in her eyes, she patted Emily on the head.

"Go get him!" the old woman said with a mischievous laugh.

Emily blinked, completely confused.

"Excuse…?" she asked, turning her gaze to the woman, not understanding what she meant.

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