I Have Time On My Side!

15 Guilt.

All of this seemed unreal to Emily. She was in a majestic-looking church, wearing a dress she never imagined she would wear, and now, accompanying Nolan, who appeared to be quite a significant person. 

The healer signaled for them to follow her, guiding them down a silent hallway that echoed with each step. 

The atmosphere was calm, almost solemn, with dim lights coming from wrought iron chandeliers. 

The walls, adorned with tapestries depicting ancient legends, conveyed a sense of deep history, yet there was a feeling of serenity in the air, as if this space were meant for calm and healing. 

Nolan walked behind the healer without hesitation, and Emily followed, though she couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. 

What was she doing there? 

Her mind kept swirling, unable to process how she had become part of something so important. 

In the midst of her thoughts, the healer stopped in front of a dark wooden door and opened it, revealing a private room. 

The room was simple but cozy. The floor was covered with thick rugs that muffled footsteps, and there was a large window allowing natural light to filter in, creating a warm atmosphere. 

In the center was a wooden bed with white sheets, and beside it, a small table with several glass jars, probably containing potions and salves. There were a couple of chairs in the corners and a bronze brazier that gave off a soft aroma of medicinal herbs. 

Nolan sat on the edge of the bed while the healer prepared to begin the treatment. 

Before she did, she turned to Nolan, but her eyes briefly flickered toward Emily. 

"Is it necessary for the young lady to be here?" she asked, though respectfully. 

Nolan answered without hesitation, 

"Yes, it is necessary." 

Emily felt a warmth rise to her face. 

'Am I really that important...?' 

Embarrassment washed over her as she realized she seemed to be gaining a place of significance without having worked for it at all. 

It was hard for her to process. 

All she was doing was following Nolan, but for some reason, he insisted she be there. 

When the healer asked Nolan to lie down and remove his upper clothing, Emily held her breath. 

Nolan, without hesitation, began to undress, calmly removing his cloak and then his shirt. 

As she saw his torso exposed, Emily quickly averted her gaze, her face burning with embarrassment. 

'He's undressing right in front of me!' Emily thought as her heart began to race. 

But even as she tried not to look, she couldn't help but steal a quick glance. What she saw left her even more bewildered. 

Nolan's torso was covered in well-defined muscles, which completely contrasted with what she expected from a mage. 

His body was sculpted, possessing a physique that could only have been forged through years of intense physical training. 

For a moment, Emily wondered if she had been mistaken in calling him a mage. 

'If he's not a mage... then what is he?' she wondered, confused. 

Moreover, if this man had such an impressive physical condition, what could he possibly teach her? 

Were all mages this strong? 

As her mind wandered through these questions, the healer began to examine Nolan, her hands moving skillfully across his abdomen, palpating and observing carefully. 

Then the healer began to murmur words in a language Emily didn't recognize, but that were clearly a spell. 

Suddenly, Nolan let out a soft groan of pain, his face contorting as the spell took effect. 

Seeing him like that, Emily felt a pang of helplessness. 

She knew she couldn't do anything to help, but she also didn't want to be a nuisance, so she stayed in one corner of the room, as still as a statue, trying not to draw attention. 

'Yes, it's best not to disturb...' she thought, though her heart continued to beat in time with the pain she saw reflected on Nolan. 

After a few minutes, the healer finished the spell and observed Nolan closely. 

"Your mana core is more unstable than yesterday," she said, concern in her voice. Then, looking at Nolan seriously, she added, "Have you used magic?" 

Nolan seemed to hesitate for a second but then nodded. 

"Yes, I have." 

At that moment, Emily's thoughts raced back to the most significant hours of her life. 

She remembered how Nolan had saved her from falling and how, in the blink of an eye, he had thrown that punch at the noble. 

He had done everything so quickly... 

'Did he use magic because of me?' 

Guilt washed over her as she thought that perhaps she was the reason Nolan was in that situation. 

"Please, do not use more magic," the healer said, her tone stern but worried. "Your mana core could break at any moment. This could be fatal." 

Nolan frowned, clearly troubled by the news. 

Emily, seeing the anguish on his face, had to resist the urge to make one of her typical nervous or worried expressions, just as her grandmother always reminded her. 

'This is not the time to be childish! I must remain serious and not interfere…!' Emily told herself with all her strength. 

Finally, Nolan spoke, his voice somewhat subdued. 

"If I stop using magic... how long will it take for my core to heal?" 

The healer shook her head slowly. 

"I can't say for certain. But you will need to attend this church every day to continue the treatment if you want to recover." 

Emily noticed how helplessness reflected on Nolan's face, and although she couldn't fully grasp what it meant to be unable to use magic, she imagined that for someone like him, that news must be devastating. 

'What must be going through his mind?' Emily wondered, looking at Nolan with concern. 

But another thing that began to worry her was what kind of work he had in store for her, someone without any magical abilities.

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