I Have Time On My Side!

19 Eat.

As Nolan and Emily walked away from the church, the silence between them was filled only by the echo of their footsteps.

Nolan, still processing the recent events, glanced at Emily, who was walking beside him with a somewhat distracted expression.

"Have you eaten anything?" Nolan asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

Emily blinked, surprised by the question, but quickly forced a small smile.

"I'm fine, thank you," she replied. However, her empty stomach growled in protest. She hadn't had a chance to eat since she left home early that morning.

Nolan was not someone who could be easily deceived. Observing Emily's pale face and the way she avoided his gaze, he knew she wasn't telling the truth.

"You need to eat more," he commented gently, without judgment, just stating what he already knew.

After a few minutes of walking along the cobblestone streets, they arrived at a luxurious bakery that stood out among the surrounding buildings.

Unlike the small, modest bakeries Emily was used to, this one was grand, with a carved stone façade and large windows showcasing an exquisite selection of products inside.

The golden sign shimmered with a magical touch, while delicate lights floating at the entrance, thanks to small enchantments, created a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

The bakery door opened constantly, allowing finely dressed servants to come and go, and occasionally a noble would pick up their order in person.

The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air, and the line to enter moved slowly as more customers approached.

When they finally entered, Emily couldn't help but be awestruck by the interior.

The shelves, adorned with gold details and intricate engravings, were filled with a variety of breads that seemed too perfect to be real.

There were large loaves adorned with shiny seeds that glowed softly, golden, crusty baguettes, and delicate pastries floating slightly on enchanted trays, waiting to be picked up.

The bakery's magical lights illuminated every corner, highlighting the warm tones of polished wood and the subtle touches of magic that made this place more than just a simple bakery.

Nolan, despite being a bit overwhelmed by the opulence, managed to place his order without any issues.

Several fresh, soft, and appetizing-looking loaves were placed in an elegant basket that was handed to him at the end of the line.

The basket itself was a work of art: decorated with silk ribbons and notes of gratitude for the purchase.

Emily, watching everything silently, couldn't help but compare it to the basket she had given Nolan the day before.

Hers had been simple, made of worn wicker, without decorations, barely filled with modest, hard, and dry breads.

Her grandmother had yelled so much when they prepared it that she now wondered if Nolan had accepted it out of sheer pity.

Her thoughts spiraled into a whirlpool of insecurity.

'Did he pity me…?' Emily thought as she looked at the decorated basket Nolan now held.

The contrast was overwhelming.

As she sank into her doubts, Nolan handed her one of the freshly bought loaves.

"Here," he said with a small smile, breaking her thoughts.

Emily, surprised, accepted it timidly.

"Thank you…" she murmured, looking at the bread in her hands.

Though she was hungry, she felt embarrassed to eat in front of Nolan, especially in such a luxurious place.

Even so, she began to nibble on the bread carefully, trying not to make a mess.

Her focused expression as she ate slowly made Nolan feel a certain tenderness.

It was obvious she was hungry, but at the same time, her desire to be discreet, to not draw attention, was evident.

After a while walking through the streets, they finally arrived at Nolan's home.

Emily, who had been focused on not losing him in the crowd, looked up and gasped at the sight of the mansion before them.

Nolan's house was enormous, a majestic white stone building with imposing columns leading to a wide, perfectly manicured garden.

Vibrantly colored flowers decorated the entrance path, while marble statues stood on both sides, each with such fine details they seemed about to move.

Emily stopped in her tracks, unable to believe what she was seeing.

As she watched, she noticed the household staff: gardeners tending to the plants with dedication, maids cleaning the tall, gleaming windows, and others taking care of the immaculate grounds.

'Nolan must be a very important noble,' she thought, and her heart immediately raced.

She had never imagined that the person who had helped her so much belonged to such a high social class.

He hadn't just spoken informally with the princess, but had also struck a noble without hesitation for messing with her.

Nolan… was in a completely different league from her.

The mansion's staff, upon seeing Nolan arrive, greeted him with respectful gestures.

Nolan responded with a slight nod as he continued toward the entrance, followed by an increasingly nervous Emily.

She could feel the curious stares of the staff on her, like needles pricking her skin.

She swallowed hard, trying not to appear intimidated, but inside, she prayed that nothing would happen to draw attention to her.

As she walked behind Nolan, she felt her world had changed completely in just a few hours.

Everything she knew, her simple and humble reality, now seemed insignificant compared to the life of this young man who, somehow, had taken her under his wing.

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