I Have Time On My Side!

23 Raise Your Head

Princess Iris's carriage rolled down the cobblestone path towards the royal castle, the wheels echoing with a steady rhythm as the familiar sight of gardens and walls began to surround her.

She looked out the window, lost in thought, recalling the events of the day.

The presence of Nolan Rook, her unexpected savior, lingered in her mind.

As they arrived at the castle's main entrance, a group of knights awaited her, their armor gleaming.

As soon as the carriage stopped, the knights knelt in unison, bowing their heads with deep respect.

"Welcome, Your Highness!" they said in unison, displaying their devotion.

The captain, a tall man with a serious gaze, held his sword unsheathed as a sign of absolute loyalty, without lifting his eyes.

Iris, stepping out of the carriage with an elegant smile, looked at them with understanding.

"Please, you may raise your heads," she said gently. Despite her words, the captain remained kneeling, his sword still held high.

"Princess Iris, if you are displeased because I wasn't there to protect you during today's incident, you may take my head," the captain said, a mix of determination and guilt in his voice. "I failed in my duty. Please, do with my life as you see fit."

The princess raised an eyebrow, surprised by how quickly the news of the incident had spread throughout the castle.

Nevertheless, there was something that still intrigued her.

"Captain," she said with a calm but inquisitive voice, "do you know who it was that defended me?"

The knight, still bowing his head, replied,

"I deeply apologize, Your Highness. I do not know the identity of your savior. I know he was an older man and showed great skill in stopping the traitorous noble, but beyond that… I have no further details."

Iris let out a small sigh, observing the captain with a mix of amusement and understanding.

"That man, the one you do not know, is Nolan Rook."

The name rang out like thunder among the knights, but especially for the captain, who lifted his gaze with an expression of astonishment.

"N-Nolan Rook… you say?"

The surprise in his voice was palpable, and a murmur of disbelief rippled through the nearby knights.

"The Master of a Thousand Victories?" he asked, clearly stunned.

There wasn't a single military man in the kingdom who didn't know that name.

Nolan Rook had been a general admired by all, known for his intellect and his tactical abilities that seemed to defy logic itself.

In countless battles, he had led armies to success, predicting enemy movements with a precision that some considered magical.

During the years of war, he not only gave orders from the rear but also led charges at the front of his troops, sword in hand.

For his feats, one of the many titles he received was the prestigious title of Master of a Thousand Victories, a rank reserved for the kingdom's most respected military geniuses.

However, after the last great battle, Nolan had retired from public life and now lived in a mansion in the remote region of Duskmoor, a place surrounded by hills and deep forests.

Many in the kingdom didn't even know if he was still alive.

The few who worked for him had been personally selected by the king, ensuring he had the best care possible, but it was rare for anyone to see or speak of him.

He was an enigma that continued to fascinate many but had become shrouded in mystery over time.

"Did you really… see him, Your Highness?" the captain asked, still incredulous.

Iris nodded with a light smile.

"Yes, captain. He was the one who saved me today. As always, anticipating the traitorous noble's plans long before any of us did."

The captain couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and reverence.

"Nolan Rook… he is a legend. Knowing he's still among us… it's… it's something I never would have imagined." His tone conveyed the profound respect every soldier felt for him.

Nolan's feats were stories that all military personnel had heard again and again, almost myth-like in nature.

"Stand up, captain," Iris ordered softly. "I have no reason to be upset. In fact, thanks to your absence, I was able to see Nolan Rook in action. And believe me, it was as impressive as the stories say."

The captain obeyed, standing with a renewed expression of pride and relief.

Still, the mystery surrounding Nolan did not fade from the princess's mind.

As she spoke with the captain, an idea took hold in her mind:

What kind of magic did Nolan truly use?

Over the years, there had been many theories, but no one knew for certain.

The mana cores of mages usually adapted to the magic they used most, enhancing their efficiency and power.

However, in Nolan's case, there was a darkness around his magic.

No one had been able to unravel its exact nature, and the princess, curious and ambitious, saw it as a challenge.

She wanted to discover what kind of magic allowed him to anticipate enemy movements with such precision.

For that reason, and to her advantage, Nolan had been injured, and now she had the opportunity to uncover it.

'If I can discover his secret… I could further consolidate the power of our kingdom,' Iris thought as she gazed toward the horizon. 'And if, along the way, I manage to make him fall in love with me…'

A small mischievous glint appeared on her face.

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