I Have Time On My Side!

30 The Invitation

Nolan, Emily, and the princess re-entered the church, leaving behind the crowd of nobles and curious onlookers who had caused such a commotion outside.

The atmosphere inside was much calmer, and the echo of their footsteps resonated through the stone hallways as they made their way to a small side room.

There, the princess informed them:

“A carriage will be ready for you shortly.”

Nolan nodded, thanking her with a slight bow of his head.

“Thank you, Iris. I really appreciate it.”

The princess, however, watched him with a mix of seriousness and concern.

“Nolan… You may not have noticed it yesterday, but as you saw today, many people admire you for what you did in the war,” she paused, as if carefully choosing her words. “I know you chose to lead a more… discreet life, away from all the noise…”

Nolan looked at her, understanding what she meant.

Since returning from the war, he had decided to focus on his research, staying away from titles, celebrations, and recognition.

He wasn’t seeking fame or followers; he just wanted to go back.

He wanted to return to the day he lost everything.

“But,” the princess continued, “the reality is that, no matter how much you want to live a solitary life, there will always be people who want to get close to you. My advice is that if you plan to go out more often, you should consider having escorts. That would keep people at bay, or at least help you move around without so many interruptions. Another option is to get used to traveling by carriage.”

As she said this, the princess cast a quick glance at Emily, who nervously looked away, feeling the weight of the princess’s words.

Nolan nodded slowly, grateful for the advice.

“Thank you for the suggestion. I haven’t been out much, so I didn’t realize how much things have changed…”

The princess smiled softly, though a mix of emotions could be seen in her eyes.

“I understand, Nolan. But since we’re here, I’d like to take the opportunity to invite you to my birthday party. It’s in three days, and I’d love for you to attend. I would very much like to dance with you that night…”

The invitation was so direct that it caught Nolan by surprise.

“Uh…” Nolan scratched the back of his neck, a gesture he made when he felt uncomfortable. “I’ll consider it. I’m not sure because of my current treatment. Traveling by carriage from this city to the castle could take time, and my body is still recovering.”

The princess smiled broadly and waved her hand, as if that were not a problem at all.

“Don’t worry about that. I can take care of everything, Nolan. I’ll make sure you’re treated as you deserve. It would be an honor for me to have you at the celebration.”

If Nolan, a legend who had been absent for so long, appeared at her birthday party to congratulate her while showing closeness, it would increase her faction’s influence.

Nolan, not wanting to commit too much, nodded.

“I’ll think about it. Thank you.”

The princess, pleased with his response, continued.

“The party is in three days. I hope to see you there, Nolan.”

Nolan looked at her and, in a gesture that left the princess somewhat surprised, pointed at Emily.

“If I go, I’d like to bring Emily with me.”

The princess, despite her surprise, did not let that emotion show on her face.

Instead, she let out a small laugh, masking her true feelings.

“Of course, if you want to bring her, she’ll be welcome,” she said, though internally she wondered why Nolan seemed so interested in bringing her.

Emily, for her part, was as surprised as the princess, and her face reflected it.

She could hardly believe that Nolan had included her in such an important invitation.

She barely managed to smile, too nervous to know what to say.

At that moment, a knight approached the room and informed them respectfully:

“The carriage is ready to take you, sir.”

Nolan nodded once more.

“Thank you,” he said, turning to the princess. “I’ll take my leave for now.”

Emily also gave a deep bow to the princess.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” she said nervously.

The princess, however, while maintaining a polite smile, whispered softly enough for only Emily to hear:

“Don’t cross the line.”

The words made Emily pale instantly.

She didn’t dare look at the princess again and quickly followed Nolan toward the exit, still feeling the chill of the warning in her ears.

The carriage waiting for them was truly luxurious.

The wheels were golden, the edges finely carved in wood and decorated with sparkling ornaments.

The interior was lined with dark red velvet, and the seats looked more comfortable than any bed Emily had ever slept in.

The ceiling was adorned with small crystal lamps that emitted a soft light, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Two noble white horses pulled the carriage, and at the front, a coachman in an elegant uniform awaited with a straight and solemn posture.

Nolan, his expression serene but slightly tired, got into the carriage with the coachman’s assistance, while Emily followed, still unsure how to process everything that had happened.

Once inside, the coachman asked kindly:

“What is your destination, sir?”

Nolan, after settling into the luxurious seat, replied:

“My house, please.”

The coachman nodded, and soon the carriage began to move smoothly through the city streets.

The movement of the carriage, though gentle, did not seem enough to distract Nolan’s thoughts.

As he looked out the window, his mind returned to the image of the mother with her children, remembering the closeness between them.

His mother…

His brother…

Or even his father…

What terrified him was that, despite remembering how happy he had been with them, the memories were now blurry.

‘I’m running out of time…’ Nolan thought as he tried to remember his brother’s face, but…

He could no longer do it.

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