I Have Time On My Side!

35 Meetings

In one of the luxurious rooms of the castle, illuminated by large windows overlooking the gardens, several of the king’s children had gathered. It was a place where important decisions were often discussed informally, away from the intrigues of the throne. But that morning, the air was thick with tension.

“Have you heard what Iris is up to?” asked Prince Lucian, the eldest of the siblings. His tone carried a mix of surprise and perhaps a hint of disbelief.

Princess Amara, elegantly seated on a nearby armchair, lifted her gaze from the book she was calmly reading.

“Of course, I’ve heard. She’s inviting Nolan Rook to her party. Isn’t that a bit... reckless?” Her words, though gentle, didn’t hide the concern she felt about her sister’s political maneuver.

“More than reckless, it’s risky,” interjected Prince Cedric, who had moved closer to the window.

“Nolan has been a constant topic among the nobles, but not everyone believes the rumors circulating about him. By inviting him publicly, Iris is betting a lot on someone who, despite having special abilities, is still a stranger to much of the court.”

Lucian nodded, crossing his arms as he pondered the implications of this decision.

“Nolan is an enigma, but if what they say is true, his mastery over magic could change a lot of things. However, that also makes him a target. If Iris is putting him in the spotlight, other kingdoms won’t be slow to move and try to sway him to their side.”

Amara closed her book and sighed.

“What surprises me is not so much the decision to invite him but what seems to be behind that invitation. Iris never makes a move without a bigger plan. She’s not just thinking about her birthday... she’s thinking about the future of the kingdom.”

“And about her own future,” added Cedric, without taking his eyes off the horizon. “If Nolan turns out to be the figure everyone believes, having him on her side will secure her a key position within Valenfort. The court will be watching her every move.”

The princes and princesses exchanged glances filled with uncertainty, knowing their younger sister was playing a risky political game but with the cleverness that had always characterized her.

Though Iris was the youngest of the king’s children, she had proven more than capable of handling court affairs, and this time would be no exception.


While her siblings speculated about her intentions, Iris, unaware of their conversations, remained in her private study.

She knew her decision to invite Nolan to the party had caused a stir among the nobles and her own family, but that didn’t worry her.

In time, Nolan could become a key piece in her plan to strengthen her influence in the kingdom.

However, she also knew she wasn’t the only one interested in Nolan.

Rumors of his attendance at the party had already reached the ears of other nations, such as Bravka and Astralia, and she had no doubt those powers would send their own representatives to assess her man.

With these thoughts in mind, Iris was reviewing a document in front of her.

It was a decree to increase security at Nolan’s residence.

She knew that his sudden notoriety put him in a vulnerable position, and she couldn’t allow anything to happen to him before the party.

“Things are moving faster than I expected…” she murmured to herself, taking the quill and signing the paper with a firm stroke. “Increase the surveillance. We can’t afford any mistakes.”

Closing the document, Iris stood and walked to the window of her study. She observed the palace gardens, where her guards were already beginning to move with new instructions.

She knew that the coming days would be crucial, not just for Nolan, but for the future of Valenfort.


In the austere and symbol-laden corridors of the capital of Bravka, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation.

It was a nation accustomed to meticulous organization, to the discipline that only years of shared effort among its citizens could forge.

At the top of a tower in the central headquarters of the Committee, Dmitri Volkov, the Supreme Commissioner, calmly watched the horizon as the evening light filtered through the thick glass windows.

The room was filled with some of Bravka’s most important officials, but the mood was not one of relaxation, but of planning.

Around a dark, polished wooden table, a small group of figures occupied key positions within the committee.

Among them was Anya Volkov, Dmitri’s daughter, a young woman of about 24 who, though she shared her father’s surname and ideals, maintained an emotional distance from him, something everyone in the room could sense.

Her face, as rigid as her father’s, was a mirror of her discipline, and though blood tied them together, there was a coldness in her eyes that suggested Anya was there on her own merit, not due to favoritism.

Dmitri stood in front of the large map of Valenfort, his arms crossed and his expression unreadable.

The rest of the attendees, including high strategists and committee members, watched him attentively.

There was no need to raise his voice in a room where respect was commanded merely by the presence of their leader.

“Young Rook,” began Dmitri, his voice deep and firm as steel, “could be the key we’ve been looking for to regain our advantage in the magical field. For a long time, Valenfort has been our rival, not only militarily but also in magic research and control. If the rumors are true, Nolan Rook has mastery over time—something that has been practically unreachable until now. We can’t let this opportunity slip by.”

All eyes turned to him, attentive to every word.

Dmitri turned slightly, pointing to the map where the location of Valenfort and its surroundings stood out.

There was a special mark on Vindenhall, the place where Nolan was said to reside.

The attention that region received was not random, and the commissioner knew that his next steps needed to be calculated with precision.

“We’ll send a delegation to observe him closely,” he continued, his fingers tracing the edges of the map. “This delegation must move with the utmost discretion. We can’t allow Valenfort or any other kingdom to suspect our true intentions. Officially, they’ll be attending Princess Iris’s party as guests, but their real mission will be to evaluate Nolan Rook. If we find a way to bring him to our side, we will. If not… we’ll take the necessary measures to ensure he doesn’t become a threat.”

General Petrov, a middle-aged man with visible scars on his face, nodded gravely. He was in charge of Bravka’s special operations and had years of experience in covert missions.

“Commissioner Volkov,” he said in a low but firm voice, “we can prepare a team to leave as soon as you give the order. Our best-trained agents will be ready to infiltrate the court without raising any suspicions.”

Dmitri looked at him approvingly.

“I want your best men and women on this, Petrov. No one should know that Bravka is interested in Nolan until it’s too late to stop us.”

To his left, Ivan Korolov, one of the committee’s main magical advisors, spoke up.

“We must consider that Valenfort has already reinforced security around Nolan, according to our latest reports. It will be difficult to approach him directly, but if we manage to obtain some information about his magical weaknesses, we could use it to our advantage.”

Dmitri nodded, his eyes as cold as winter sweeping over those present.

“That’s what I want. Data. We need to understand his capabilities. I want his magic studied, his reactions, his way of thinking. This young man could be an ally, but he could also become a very dangerous enemy if he falls into the wrong hands. Let’s not underestimate what he can do.”

Anya, who had remained silent until now, lifted her gaze from the papers in front of her.

“Father, are you sure this is the best option? Sending a group to a royal party, where they’ll be surrounded by Valenfort’s elite… Don’t you think that increases the risk of them being discovered? It’s not common for Bravka to show so much interest in these celebrations.”

Dmitri looked at her for a moment, a slight spark of recognition in his eyes at his daughter’s logic, but then spoke with the same calmness as always.

“You’re right, Anya, but it’s precisely at Valenfort’s court that we’ll be able to get the information we need. Any misstep will be seen as simple diplomacy between nations. Besides, no one will suspect our intentions if we move carefully. And, if this fails, there are other ways to act.”

Anya nodded, though it was evident she still had doubts.

Her loyalty to the system and her father was unwavering, but she couldn’t help but worry about the risk this mission entailed.

However, she knew the decision had already been made and that, like everyone present, she had to fulfill her duty.

Dmitri resumed his position in the center of the room.

“Petrov, I want you to handle the logistics. Choose whoever you think is best suited for this mission. Ivan, make sure we have the necessary equipment to analyze any type of magic they may encounter. And you, Anya…” His eyes briefly rested on her. “I want you on this mission. You’re capable, and I trust your discretion.”


In the Dominion of Astralia, twilight bathed the vast white marble temples and golden chapels stretching as far as the eye could see

In the center of the capital, atop a hill that seemed to reach the sky, stood the imposing Cathedral of the Eternal Light, a majestic building where every corner breathed devotion, sanctity, and power.

There, at the top of a tower illuminated by the faint light of sacred candles, High Priestess Seraphine Thalassa presided over a private meeting with the most important members of the Council of Sages.

Seraphine, with her presence and her light blue eyes that seemed to see beyond the earthly realm, remained in complete silence as the priests gathered around a circular stone table, carved with divine inscriptions.

The flickering light of the candles made her golden embroidery glow softly, almost as if it were alive.

Each of the sages surrounding her wore simple robes, but full of symbols representing their position within the religious hierarchy.

The silence dominating the room was broken only when Seraphine spoke, her voice soft but resonant, as if her words were an echo in the hearts of those who listened.

“Nolan Rook represents more than just a mere man with magic,” she said, her eyes narrowed, almost as if she were seeing a vision at that very moment. “His ability is not an accident or a rarity. The gods have laid their hand upon him, of that I am certain. We must be there to guide him towards the true light, to show him the path that the gods have set for him. It is our mission to ensure that he does not get lost in the darkness of the mortal world.”

Alaric, a middle-aged priest with a long gray beard and one of Seraphine’s most fervent followers, bowed his head in agreement.

“Seraphine, if Nolan is truly touched by the gods, then he is a soul in need of redemption. The danger lies in him being seduced by earthly power and the heresy of other kingdoms. Bravka and Valenfort see nothing beyond their own interests; both are blinded by worldly ambition.”

Cassiel, a young priestess who had quickly risen within the Church thanks to her unwavering devotion and her ability to perceive the currents of divine mana, spoke in a calm voice.

“High Priestess, if what they say about Nolan is true, his magic could be a gift from the gods, but also a test. If he falls into the misuse of his power out of mere pride or desire, his soul will be corrupted.”

Seraphine nodded slowly, her eyes sweeping over the circle of priests and sages around her.

“That is why we cannot allow the power he possesses to be controlled by forces of chaos. Bravka will try to drag him into their cold material philosophies, while Valenfort will only keep him as a military tool. We, however, must show him that his power has a higher purpose, a destiny that transcends mere mortality.”

Alaric, always the most pragmatic among the sages, stepped forward and spoke more firmly.

“Then, what do you propose, Seraphine? How can we approach him without raising suspicion?”

The High Priestess looked at Alaric with an overwhelming calm.

“We will send our envoys to Princess Iris’s party, under the pretext of maintaining diplomatic relations with Valenfort. Officially, we will attend as a show of respect towards their nobility. However, our true mission will be to observe Nolan Rook, to understand who he really is. If his spirit is pure, we guide him gently towards the truth. If he is corrupted, we redeem him… in our own way.”

Alaric nodded, knowing that Astralia’s methods were not always peaceful.

Cassiel, however, raised a delicate hand.

“Seraphine, we must proceed with extreme caution. If we approach Nolan too quickly or if we try to impose our will, we could push him away. We must be subtle, speak to him of faith as one lights a path in the dark, not as one who pushes him into the void.”

The High Priestess showed a faint smile in recognition of Cassiel’s words.

“Exactly, Cassiel. Our mission is not to force him but to make him see for himself the truth that has always been before his eyes. We will present it as a divine test. At the party, our words must be carefully measured. He must feel the light surround him without suffocating him.”

At that moment, a figure who had remained in the shadows of the hall stepped forward.

It was Caleb, Seraphine’s younger brother, and one of Astralia’s most devout paladins.

Caleb, with his ceremonial armor adorned with sacred symbols and his expressionless face, was known for his unyielding fervor and absolute loyalty to the gods.

He had been sent on numerous diplomatic missions in the past but was always the last option when subtlety was needed.

“Seraphine,” said Caleb in his monotonous yet respectful tone, “if this young man becomes a threat to the divine plan, shouldn’t we act with force? Sometimes lost souls cannot be saved, only controlled.”

Seraphine’s eyes gleamed with a dark hue for a moment before she spoke again, her voice still soft.

“Caleb, my dear brother, our first duty is redemption. If Nolan can be guided towards the light, we will do so. But... if his actions suggest he is too ensnared in the shadows, then yes, we will take the necessary steps to ensure he does not become a threat to the divine will. But for now, our focus will be on compassion and persuasion.”

The other members of the Council murmured in agreement, though they knew that when Seraphine spoke of necessary measures, the possibilities were varied and often severe, as there was no room for heresy in Astralia.

Finally, the High Priestess turned to the group, her figure bathed in a soft halo of light.

“We will send a delegation of priests and holy knights. I want them to move discreetly, and for Nolan Rook to feel not even an ounce of pressure. We must make him feel safe, understood. Let him see us as a source of answers, not of control. Cassiel, you will lead the delegation, and Caleb will accompany you. Alaric, you will prepare the magical reports. I want every possible detail about his magic.”

Cassiel bowed her head in acceptance, while Caleb simply nodded, ready for any order from his sister.

The meeting dispersed with a solemn air. The divine machinery of Astralia was in motion, slow but relentless.

The envoys would soon depart for Valenfort, with the mission to guide, observe, and, if necessary, judge the prodigy Nolan Rook.

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