I Have Time On My Side!

41 – What Was Her Name?

The carriage moved slowly through the bustling streets of the capital, stirring up a wave of curiosity in its wake. 

As they approached the church, the number of guards stationed around increased significantly. 

The building’s structure was majestic, with tall towers and walls adorned with intricate golden decorations that reflected the afternoon sunlight. 

The congregation and passersby, upon seeing the carriage surrounded by the royal guard, couldn’t help but stop and watch with interest. 

Nolan looked out the carriage window, his face impassive but alert. Seeing the gathered crowd and the murmurs rising from them, he couldn’t help but notice a certain expectation and astonishment on everyone’s faces. 

It seemed like every one of his movements was being scrutinized. And rightly so: the royal carriage and the strong escort marked the importance of his arrival here. 

When the carriage stopped in front of the church, Nolan took a deep breath and, without waiting, stepped out first with the same calm demeanor that always defined him. 

Then, he gently extended his hand toward the inside. 

"Emily," he called softly, helping the young woman descend. 

The whispers grew louder as they appeared together. 

Emily, dressed in her delicate gown and wearing a serene expression, tried to listen, but the voices blended together into an unintelligible hum. 

She only caught scattered words: 

“Who is she…?” 

“Are they a couple?” 

Though she couldn’t make out much, she certainly felt the intensity of the stares fixed on them. 

Nolan, however, remained calm. 

With a slight nod to the curious onlookers, he guided Emily into the church. 

The difference from the other church they had visited was overwhelming. 

Here, every corner exuded opulence. The stained glass windows not only depicted scenes of faith and devotion but were also bordered with fine golden and blue details. 

Chandeliers hung from the ceiling like colossal jewels, casting a soft light that illuminated the white marble floor and the towering columns on either side. 

"At this point, nothing will surprise me anymore..." Emily whispered, marveling at the sight. 

Compared to the place they had visited earlier, this was truly a palace of faith. 

Nolan nodded, understanding her amazement. 

Everything here was a symbol of power and grandeur, from the reliefs adorning the walls to the seats draped in red velvet. 

As they walked down the main aisle, a group of elegantly dressed men approached them. 

They were clergymen and attendants, all with serious faces and formal attitudes. However, as soon as they noticed Nolan’s presence, their expressions softened, showing respect and a touch of admiration. 

"Mr. Nolan Rook, it is an honor to have you here," said one of the men, bowing his head deferentially. 

"We're surprised to see you in such good shape, given everything you've been through." 

Another chimed in with a smile. 

"Indeed, a true example of vitality and strength. You look as young as you did the last time I saw you years ago—what's your secret?" 

Nolan responded with a slight nod, keeping any emotion off his face. 

"Thank you for your words," he replied courteously, not letting the flattery get to him. 

Just then, a young woman approached with firm yet graceful steps. 

She was tall, with blonde hair and eyes as blue as the clear sky. She wore the white robe of a healer, and her demeanor exuded confidence and authority. 

Beside her was another woman, more familiar to Nolan, dressed in a similar attire, smiling softly. 

"Mr. Nolan, it’s good to see you again," said the healer, whom Nolan recognized immediately. 

It was the same healer who had treated him several times before in the church. Although her initial surprise was evident, Nolan maintained his calm expression. 

"I wasn’t expecting to see you here," he remarked, genuinely impressed. 

The healer nodded, staying composed. 

"I received a message from the princess herself, requesting that I come. She wanted me to explain your condition firsthand to..." she gestured toward the blonde woman, who was observing everything attentively, "...this young healer. That’s why they sent a carriage to bring me." 

Nolan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. 

"All of this just to inform her about my condition?" 

"Yes," confirmed the healer, nodding. "The princess wanted to minimize the amount of information that leaked. So she opted to bring me here in person." She then looked gently at her companion. "Allow me to introduce you. This is Hestia, one of the most promising healers in the royal church." 

‘How many young prodigies are they going to introduce me to?’ thought Nolan, recalling how she had said something similar about the princess… from whom he hadn’t noticed any special talent. 

Hestia gave a slight bow, smiling warmly. 

"It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Nolan Rook. I hope I live up to your expectations." 

"The pleasure is mine," Nolan replied politely, assessing the young woman. "Thank you for taking the time to come." 

"It’s an honor," Hestia responded, her smile lighting up the room. 

The healer nodded and added gently, 

"Hestia will be in charge of your treatment from now on. I’ll be supporting her, but she’ll lead the process." 

Nolan nodded, appreciative. 

"I’m very grateful you made the effort to come…" Nolan paused as he noticed something quite relevant about this healer. 

She had never said her name before. 

‘What was her name again…?’ Nolan thought, trying to recall, but it was useless. 

At no point had he said her name, nor had she ever mentioned it, and he had just now realized this as he was about to thank her for what she had done. 

Nolan let out a sigh, realizing that his social skills were undoubtedly rusty from all the years he had spent in solitude, trapped in his routine of advancing his research. 

Emily, who had remained silently by Nolan’s side, was the next to receive the healer’s attention. 

"Oh, it’s you, isn’t it?" the healer asked kindly, leaning slightly toward her. "Are you coming with us?" 

Nolan was the one who answered. 

"Yes, Emily will be with me. I’d prefer she also hears what you have to say." 

"Understood." The healer smiled and naturally took her place beside Emily. "Then I’ll accompany you. Don’t worry, everything will be fine." 

Meanwhile, Hestia stood next to Nolan. They were led through hallways adorned with tapestries and statues of sacred figures, to a small room prepared exclusively for the evaluation. 

Hestia observed Nolan with curiosity before asking the question she seemed to have been holding back since meeting him. 

"Is it true you’ll be giving an interview soon, Mr. Nolan?" 

Emily, walking behind them, widened her eyes in surprise. 

Nolan nodded, his expression neutral. 

"Yes, in a few days," he admitted, noticing Emily’s reaction with a small smile. 

Emily hadn’t expected him to actually take her suggestion seriously. 

Hestia, for her part, seemed visibly excited. 

"That’s incredible! It must be exciting to share your perspective with everyone. Being beside someone so talented is a true honor." 

"Really?" Nolan commented with a small ironic smile. "Well, I guess that depends on how you look at it." 

The healer, not sensing the irony, continued enthusiastically. 

"Could you tell me a little about what you plan to say? It must be something really important!" 

Nolan looked at her directly. 

"Hestia," he said calmly, "are you going to treat me or are we going to spend all day talking about the interview?" 

The young healer blushed and let out a small nervous laugh. 

"Oh, sorry," she hurried to say, regaining her composure. "Of course, let’s get started." Then, in a more formal tone, she added, "Please, remove the upper part of your clothing so we can begin." 

Nolan obliged, unfastening the upper part of his attire and letting it fall with a fluid motion. 

Emily, though beginning to get used to seeing him like this, quickly looked away, feeling her pulse quicken as she saw him so close in that setting. 

“Okay,” Hestia said, approaching professionally as the other healer watched from across the room. “I'll start with a preliminary analysis to check your current condition.”

"Perfect. I’ll be in your care."

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