I Inherited Empire with Fake Pregnancy

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Sunlight pours in through the interlaced treetop gaps and shed shadowy shadows.

The huge trees towered into the clouds, and the tangled vine roots looked very hideous.

Animals in the virgin forest usually come out at night to forage. This is the afternoon. The forest is extremely quiet, only the rustling of leaves when the wind blows.

The sun swayed away with the swing of the leaves, and in the shadows, there was an existence that was incompatible with the forest environment.

It was a handsome and beautiful boy, who was lying on the branches of a giant tree at this time.

His eyes lightly scowled, his thick eyelashes quivered slightly, and a faint smile hung at the corner of his mouth, as if he had dreamed of something happy.


There was a terrifying tiger roar, the shaking eardrums trembled, and the frightened forest birds flew away from the branches, and there was a momentary noise in the forest.

Then there was the muffled sound of physical collision, and the giant tree where the young man was lying and resting was swayed.

Jin Snail was awakened by a tiger roar, and before he had time to react, he planted himself from the towering tree branch.

He is busy using spiritual power as a buffer to prevent himself from being too ugly in free fall.

Even so, the posture of the golden snail when it landed is still not so elegant.

He slowly got up from the ground, and when he raised his eyes, he was startled by the two beasts in front of him.

There was a huge white tiger lying on the side of the tree. The white tiger pedaled his sturdy limbs as if he was about to get up, his head tilted at a strange angle in the direction of the golden snail.

A few steps away, a black giant python with a tall snake head erected, and a long letter trembling slightly in the air, and the dark green vertical pupils stared at him coldly.

These two were probably startled by the golden snail that suddenly fell from the tree, and there was a momentary stagnation in their movements.

Jin Snail used his brain speed a hundred times faster than usual, quickly analyzed the scene in front of him, and came to a conclusion.

-These two beasts are fighting, he is just a hapless pond fish that has been hit.

Being stared at by the two pairs of eyes, Jin Wowo was a little embarrassed. He raised his hand and greeted the two dryly, “Oh, sorry, I’m bothering you, continue.”

After speaking, he lowered his head and picked two fruits with the most complete skin and the most delicious color among the fruits that were knocked down by his side. Only then did he slowly stand up and slowly move towards a nearby one. The fallen dead wood walked away.

The appearance of being in no hurry, as if behind him were not two ferocious beasts fighting each other, but two dating lovers.

Raymond looked at the young man’s back in surprise, and the huge snake head turned slightly as the young man walked.

The boy was naked, with a rough grass skirt woven from vines around his waist, and his snow-white feet contrasted sharply with the thick dead leaves on the ground.

How can there be a subspecies here? ?

Several possibilities flashed across Raymond’s head, but he had too much time to think about it. Hearing only a sound of “whoop”, the white tiger bounced from the ground, kicked his hind limbs, and leaped towards him.

The golden snail found a relatively flat and comfortable place on the dead wood to sit down, and with a light wave of his finger, a thin water line appeared in the air.

He washed the fruit with the waterline, put it in his mouth and took a bite. The sweet juice filled his mouth, and he squinted his eyes with enjoyment.

The golden snail is a snail essence, who has cultivated for thousands of years, and finally ushered in the form of thunder tribulation a few days ago.

But I didn’t want to cross the robbery to be successful, but was struck by a thunder to such a place where the birds don’t shit.

Oh no, “birds don’t shit” is just a metaphor. In fact, there are many birds and birds here.

What made Jin Snails depressed was that he didn’t know what went wrong, he couldn’t turn back into a snail after the catastrophe, he could only maintain his human form.

It’s not impossible to maintain a human form. Isn’t he practicing so hard just to become a human being?

But the thunder did not know where on the earth it struck him. Obviously, it was late spring when crossing the catastrophe, and the weather was still very cool, but it was very hot here, and he wanted to sleep when it was hot.

He wanted to shrink into his shell whenever he wanted to sleep, but his shell is gone now, so sleeping is very inconvenient.

As for the dangers in the virgin forest, Golden Snails don’t have to think about it at all.

As a fairy, this level of crisis is pervasive, and it has no effect on his safety.

In the demon world, although the snails have low-level spells and no offensive spells, their snails have innate advantages and their defensive skills are first-class.

Even if the golden snail can’t turn back into a snail for the time being, without a hard shell as a protective umbrella, he still has thousands of years of Taoism, and it doesn’t matter what he has built a defensive enchantment.

The golden snail took another bite of the fruit and watched the fight between two wild beasts ten feet away.

The black giant python flicked its tail, and slammed at the big white tiger who had risen from the ground again.

The snake’s tail contained tremendous power, and the golden snail seemed to see the trajectory cut through the air at the moment of shaking it.

Yes, Jin Snail swallowed a bite of fresh fruit, looked at the **** python with a little surprise, and slowly raised his hands to applaud.

He has lived for thousands of years and has seen countless times that pythons hunt and kill other beasts. The attack methods of the pythons are usually death coils and knowing bites. He has never seen a python that pulls its tail and draws its opponent.

The big white tiger was pulled out by a snake’s tail seven or eight meters away, and fell heavily to the ground.

The white tiger was probably slapped, and the movement to get up was a bit slow. Taking advantage of this gap, the **** python swam past it like lightning, opened a big mouth of blood, and bit the giant tiger’s neck with one bite, and the snake tail quickly wrapped around it.

Bright red blood oozes from the snow-white fur of the big white tiger, and the pain caused it to be greatly irritated/excited.

The big white tiger shook his head frantically, and an untangled paw was scratching in the air, trying to break free from the fatal bite and entanglement.

Every time it moved, the python entangled for a minute, and the big white tiger finally couldn’t get away, tilting his head and biting the python’s body.

The two giant beasts, one black and the other white, competed against each other in the dull silence, only to hear the “gurgling” sound from the giant tiger’s throat.

After a while, the giant tiger’s body gradually twisted and deformed, bleeding from its seven orifices, and died.

This thrilling beast fight, the golden snail watch is extremely wonderful.

He gnawed off a bit of pulp from the core, threw the core casually, and licked the juice on his lips, showing a satisfied expression.

He has been in this virgin forest for several days. For a golden snail who has lived in the civilized society for decades, he can’t access the Internet, watch TV, or sleep well. It’s a life…no, snail life. Great devastation.

Watching a beast fight on the spot, Jin Wowo felt much more comfortable, he clapped his hands and stood up, ready to continue on his way.

He must get out of this virgin forest, find a place where humans live as soon as possible, and then contact his master.

Otherwise, his unreliable master would definitely not take the initiative to contact him, the stingy old man was afraid that he would go to him when he became a human being.

Jin Huosuo curled his lips. In fact, he had long thought about his livelihood after becoming a human.

He wants to open an online shop, and then sell snail liquid mask, snail liquid water injection, snail liquid detox gel, snail liquid repair cream…

Anyway, his snail stock solution is a good beauty product, and a few drops of it in any skin care product can be wildly sought after by the majority of female friends.

Maybe he will be bigger and stronger in the future, starting a company and being the boss, and he will become a fan of human society.


Jin Huo Wo lifted her foot, and a small cut was scratched on the sole of her foot by a sharp thorn.

It’s not good to become a human being. It’s too easy to get hurt. Their snails won’t get hurt even if they walk on sharp blades.

The golden snail got a little liquid from its shell and applied it to the small opening. The small opening healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although he can’t turn back into a snail now, his shell is still there, but now his shell is not on his back, but invisible in his stomach.

Jin Snail also didn’t bother to find large leaves to wrap his feet. The weather here was sultry and hot. If he wrapped a few layers of airtight leaves on his feet, he would be really uncomfortable. Anyway, his original liquid could heal the wound in the blink of an eye.

What Jin Huo Wo didn’t know was that just two minutes after he left, the big white tiger behind him, who was entangled and killed by the **** mang, slowly turned into a black uniform with a twisted skeleton and violent eyes. Man with a hideous expression.

Raymond raised the head of the snake, and his dark green vertical pupil glanced at the dead wood, and found that the subspecies was no longer there.

He rested for a while before slowly loosening the tail of the snake, and using the tip of his tail to lift the button on the chest of the corpse.

Sure enough, there was a strange totem there, exactly the same as the totem on the three orcs he had killed in the past two days.

Raymond swept the surrounding thick leaves with his tail, burying the corpse.

Seven days ago, when he was chasing the Zerg queen, he suddenly ran away with energy, and his whole muscles and veins were rushed, shattering the energy core, and fell on this hidden star, completely becoming a waste person who can no longer use abilities.

Fortunately, his animal shape is a python with no limbs, so he can temporarily use the animal shape to protect himself.

He glanced at the dead man who was completely buried by the leaves. This was a Tier 4 high-level orc, and his strength was nothing. It was similar to an ordinary soldier with a little stronger strength.

A few days ago, with his eighth-tier strength, he could easily make the opponent unable to afford it by using only level suppression.

But now his energy core is shattered, and even a trace of energy can’t be mobilized. The so-called eighth rank no longer exists, and he can only use the instinct of beasts and rich combat experience to win the battle.

Raymond buried the corpse and swam slowly towards the small river not far away, wanting the fish and shrimps in the river to eat the carrion on him.

There are many wounds on his body. The weather here is extremely hot, and the wounds have been ulcerated extensively.

If this continues, it is estimated that he would have died of infection first without being killed by those people.

The golden snail was sitting on the rock by the small river, and his feet stretched into the river to soak in the cold.

A few small fish were swimming around at his feet, seeming to find a place for his mouth again.

Using spiritual power to urge a small water plant, quietly approached a small fish, and then quickly entangled it.

The little fish struggled in horror.

The aquatic plants didn’t get entangled tightly. The little fish struggled a few times before slipping out of the aquatic plants and ran away desperately.

Jin Zuosuo laughed, showing two small pointed tiger teeth at the corners of her mouth.

The fish was scared off by him, there was nothing to play with, and the golden snails simply went down into the river.

Although the weather here is very hot, the river water is quite cool. The golden snail slowly walked a few steps into the deep water, and the whole person was soaked in the water.

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