I just wanted to be a demon lord, but I was mistaken for a hero because all the girls following the hero joined my party

Chapter 1: The Innocent Machinations of a Mislabeled Hero

My name is Zephyrath Dravenhart, and I'm fifteen years old. From the time I can remember, my dream had always been to become the Demon King. It may sound strange to some, but there's a certain allure in wielding that immense power and command the darkness. Of course I know, achieving such a lofty goal requires a skilled mentor.


When I revealed my aspirations to my grandmother, her reaction wasn't what I expected. Yes, she was far from pleased. You see, ever since I was young, she had dreamt that I would become a hero. Someone who will be of use to tens and thousands. 

But being just a hero seemed just so dull, I mean, his destiny is just one thing right? Nothing before, nothing after. Unlike the hero, who is chosen by a God, becoming the Demon King required sheer capability, skill and enormous hard work. It’s a challenge.


Interestingly enough, the paths of the hero and demon king are intertwined in some aspects. Both required mentors to guide them on their journeys. And that's why, after years of training in isolation, and getting some valuable knowledge from the old man with lots of experience, I finally decided to set off for Babilious.


Babilious is a unique city. Positioned right amidst the constant struggle between demonic and human realms, yet, it remained a common neutral ground where either side decided for ceasefire indefinitely. It was here that I hoped to find a mentor who could help me unlock my true potential and embrace my demonic destiny.


As I approached the gates of Babilious, a guard stood before me, his armor shining in the sunlight. He greeted me with a respectful nod.


"Kind sir. What can I do for you?" he asked politely.


"Actually, I'm in search of a mentor," I responded, with a mischievous smile playing deep inside my lips. Obviously I made sure not to show.

"Maybe you can guess judging by my attire? I'm sure you can right? Even the Old man of my village said that."

“Huh? Old man?”


Indeed, I had dressed the part, wearing the meticulously chosen garments bestowed upon me by my grandmother. They exuded a sense of solemnity and gravity, befitting someone on a quest for guidance in the realm of darkness.


The guard studied me for a moment, a mixture of surprise and curiosity crossing his features. It was evident that my request was far from ordinary, especially coming from someone as young as me.

“May I ask you the name of that Old man just in case.”

“Umm, his full name is a mystery. He asked me not to tell. But, he goes with the pseudo name of ‘The Water Finger God.”


That was some amazing reaction. I wonder why.

With a gesture as if recollecting himself, the guard stepped aside in a smile, granting me permission to enter. 

I don’t know if I should ask him more about Old man. But a part of me said to just move one for now. 

As I passed through the gates of Babilious, I couldn't help but already feel a surge of anticipation. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of my long extraordinary journey. 

Babilious not only held potential mentors but also deep hidden secrets, life-threatening challenges, and unexpected encounters. All of which would shape me into the person I was meant to be. I can already feel it.


As I entered the bustling city, I couldn't help but forget the reality of the ongoing conflicts going between humans and demons even I speak. It just seemed like, for the time being, peace reigned supreme within its walls. 

Unknown to my expectations, chaos unfold right up.

"Get ‘em!" a voice shouted, followed by an eruption of commotion.

"He stole my food!"

"He stole my medicines!"

“He stole my clothes

Multiple voices filled the air with grudges, each one louder than the previous. The scene was nothing short of premonition, a premonition to test the present capabilities of my mischievous mind.

Ah, what an opportunity! I can help this poor soul and collect some favors along the way. How cunning and devious of me, kukuku.

Without a second thought I ‘borrowed’ a ragged cloth from nearby, sprinted toward the man who was desperately trying to escape the mob's wrath. Hmm, compared to an average person, he was barely faster, but considering my years of rigorous training and knowledge which honed my speed, agility and technique.

In no time, I closed the gap and managed to catch him. 

With a triumphant grin on my face, I observed my catch—a man in his thirties with a beard in dire need of a shave. Clothes tattered, and his face filled with guilt.

Disgusting, to say the least.


I need to train him.

While the crowd remained motionless behind me, swiftly, I took the man in a princess carry *kyah*; and went to an alley with no people.

Making sure that no one was present, I dropped him there.

Turning my back towards him, I asked...

“Why do you feel guilt.”

“... I, it was nec—-cessary. M, my daughter. But still, it’s a ...”

“I ask you again, why do you feel guilt.”

“I did something wrong.”

“Why do you think that.”

“I —-“

“What about your daughter. What if she died.”

“I wouldn’t be able to forgive the society.”

“I ask you once again, why do you feel guilt.”


“ ... I am disappointed in you.”


Suddenly that man saw a pouch flying towards him.

He somehow was able to catch it.


“Go and buy food, clothes, medicines and whatever you need for your daughter. Get a job. ... This path is not yours. Don’t taint (this path) with such (shallow) resolve.”

The man opened up the pouch, and what greeted him was some gold coins (which I had stolen in my way here).

Tears flowed down the man’s eyes, as he slumped down to his knees.

“Thank you. Thank you.”

He continued to say as I left the alley.

I had already stolen goods from his possession and went back to return them, returning them to their rightful owners, restoring order to that chaotic scene. 

Unbeknownst to them, my seemingly mischievous act actually concealed a deeper intention —to gather the informati—.

When I was thinking that, the same man appeared from behind and surrendered himself to the guards. He seems to have successfully given his daughter the needful. 

"All hail the hero!" A group of enthusiastic individuals suddenly erupted into cheers, mistaking me for the very thing I aspired not to be. Their voices filled the air. I couldn't help but shake my head. 

Kukuku~ All according to plan

Little did they know that their beloved hero was actually the mischievous villain-in-training, yes, the future Demon King.

With a playful roll of my eyes, I adjust my expression to match their admiration. 

"Umm, Excuse me!" 

I proclaimed with utmost humility, making sure to exude every amount of heroic aura that can flow out from me. Even taking a hero-aura-aerodynamic posture as taught to me by Old man. 

"If there is anymore trouble like this, fear not, I will try my best till I live here. Be it any form of perils yet to visit this town."

Deep down, however, my wicked intentions remained intact. It was time to take advantage of their misguided perception and gather some favors along the way.

Approaching that grateful group, I continued with my humble facade. 

"So, please kind sir and beautiful ma’am, having witnessed to my feat. If possible, I need a bit of your assistance. Actually, even I am in a moment of need right now. It is already going dark, and I traveled a long distance to come to this city. I have nowhere to stay. If possible, can you guide me somewhere where this weary person who you acclaim as a hero could find a cozy rest for the night? Preferably cheap."

Oops, maybe I shouldn’t use the word cozy here. Damn it. 

I hoped nothing wrong would happen, some cold sweat went down my spine.

"What a noble soul! And such humility!" one of them exclaimed.

"He selflessly saved us, and all he asks from us a simple piece of information. Of course this beautiful lady will gladly help you!"

That was a close call. I thought I was about to get caught.

Trust me, I want to gain more information and as fast as possible, but see, you need to understood that they still don't owe me nearly enough favors.

Moreover, in this late hour .... The journey had also started to weigh heavily on me. 

A good and luxurious sleep is a necessity for every Demon King to be. My Old man used to say.

The group exchanged glances, with their faces filled with gratitude.

I was guided after that. 


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