I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 455: The White Sorceresses

Licht visibly looked different than he did before. His pale skin was now black, his long black hair was standing up in the air, and his hands had long sharp claws.

His clothing was still the same but they were now black with fur edges. Licht smirked while seeing the shocked faces of the people around him.

"If there's anything I'd like more than death, is the feeling of despair," Licht laughed hysterically. "The way everyone is looking at me, it makes me feel excited. My heart is racing. So many lives. So many live people waiting for me to kill!"

Licht opened his arms and a wave of black cloud exploded from him. The black cloud created a strong force that was enough to knock everyone a couple of meters back.

"What incredible power," Connor grunted as he recovered from the knockback. He grit his teeth and stretched his neck. "But this is nothing compared to mine."

The man morphed into his Infernal form. His skin transformed into a lava-like texture, his hair became flames, and his eyes burned red. "Let's see if he can keep up with me!"

Connor slammed his staff on the ground, letting the head burn with a bright flame as the staff hovered in the air. "Guys, I'll start killing this beast."

"Wait for me," Ed said. He, too, morphed into his Eternal form. The giant man that he created as an aura appeared for a brief moment before it formed a vortex that surrounded him. The purple aura covered his body with a purple slender armor, extenuating Ed's figure underneath.

Meanwhile, Hope growled and morphed into his humanoid dragon form. The shape of his body remained albeit was enlarged by almost twice his human size. His head was covered with a dragon head that had its mouth open with his face positioned inside of the mouth.

The dragon head traveled down to Hope's back where it laced over his skin, the gray scales and his pale human skin weaving into each other like an hombre dye. This was a new form from Hope that he never even seen before.

Usually when he morphs into his dragonoid form, he was a dragon that was in a humanoid shape. But now, the dragon looked like it was an armor that was weaved into his own skin.

"That's new," Lance said. "But how?"

Hope only shrugged as he followed their other two friends into the battlefield. He was eager to fight much like Ed and Connor.

"I'm so excited!" Lance cheered. He took out his sword and offered his hand for Elliot, but no one took it. Lance turned around to see Elliot looking at him blankly, as though there was something that was on his face. "What's wrong?"

"All four of you are Eternals," Elliot suddenly said. "I'm just an ordinary person. How can I keep up?"

Lance snorted and ruffled Elliot's hair. "You're crazy if you think you're just normal. You're Elliot Max, the leader of our gang, and the guild master of our guild."

"But compared to you guys, I'm nothing. I'm just your leader? You're the one who leads. I don't even know how to lead," Elliot said with a sarcastic chuckle. "Lance, I feel inferior."

Before Lance could answer, a hand was placed on Elliot's shoulder. He turned around to see Alice there, casting a spell on him. "I saw a shadow enter your shadow not too long ago. Thought I'd come and check."

Alice's hand glowed with a white light, and Elliot felt a pulse in his brain. It was like everything froze for a moment. He watched Alice with wide eyes as he coughed out loud.

"What's happening?" Lance asked. "Alice, what did you do?"

"Revealing Light," Alice whispered.

Then, in Elliot's shadow, a black entity leaped out. The black entity took form of Elliot himself, but with a black color. It smiled and tried to walk closer to the three, but Lance his sword and pointed it in its chin. 

"What are you?" Lance asked sternly, but the entity seemed unfazed. "What are you doing?"

"Purify!" a high-pitched female voice screamed and a white orb of light was shot right into the entity's chest, creating a hole in it. The entity fell to the ground, flattened and then vanished like it was never there at all.

"That was an Obscura!" Iris yelled as she ran to them. "It creates conflicted feelings for an individual, that must've been why Elliot felt inferior."

Elliot shook his head and took a deep exhale, "What in the hell just happened?"

"You were possessed, but you're okay now," Iris replied. "Everyone came to help. We're going to defeat Licht soon."

"What are you planning to do?" Elliot asked as he readied himself. "Licht is powerful now because there are a lot of people in the vicinity. His magic scales with the number of lives around him."

"Yes, that is why–"

Iris was cut off when someone crashed on the ground beside them. A burning sound flickered from the crash site and Connor came out of it. "Are you guys just gonna talk or will you help?"

"We'll help," Elliot replied. "Let's talk later. For now, we have an emperor to defear."

Lance and Elliot both nodded at each other and leaped off of the ground to fight Licht in the air. There were now a total of nine of them against Licht alone. 

"What are you doing?" Alice asked Iris when she saw the girl paint a magic circle on the ground. "You can't seal Licht. That's what Irus said."

"No," Irus muttered. "I'm going to cancel out all the Obscura within this area. We can't let any more of those entities here."

Alice pursed her lips and nodded. She walked over to Iris and placed the head of her staff over the little girl's head. "If you want to cancel out all entities within this island, you're going to need a bigger magic circle."

Alice grunted. The head of her staff glowed, making Iris's magic circle glow with the yellowish white color of her aura.

"What are you doing?" Iris asked. "You're messing my magic… circle."

Iris's tiny magic circle expanded tenfold, it then created lines all around it and conjured smaller magic circles and was now filling the entire island.

"Witness the power of the White Sorceresses of Avancia!"

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