I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 457: Absolute Darkness

The attacks that were swallowed by Licht's mouths were glowing as it traveled up to his heart. The light was visible through his skin, the part where the attack was at bulged on his arm as it slowly reached his heart and then to his stomach.

The lights blinked before a black light swallowed them, Licht absorbing the attacks inside him. "That was quite fun."

"H-He swallowed the attacks just like that?" Elliot couldn't believe his eyes. He turned to Lance who had the same shocked expression on his face.

Connor and Ed were strong, that was no doubt. The attacks that they deal were also no doubt powerful. They were currently strong enough to face a Vassal of Malice, yet one of their most powerful attacks were easily canceled by Licht as if nothing happened.

"Why are you so shocked? Is it really that surprising that I could do something like that?" Licht asked. "Well, anyway. I have to commend these two. I think I know how strong you are now. I just need to surpass that."

Licht growled and his back bulged as if wings would grow from it. His head twitched and his entire body shook like he was having a seizure. The man then grinned and let black sticky liquid flow out of their skin of his back, him laughing hysterically as the liquids flow out.

"And what the hell is that now?" Irus groaned. "This man is full of tricks. I can't believe I've been overpowered by a puppet from the first circle."

Demons have incredibly prideful nature. Even when Irus was an ancient demon, this trait was still in him, stuck as if it was glued on to his personality. The man growled and raised both his hands, his palms pointing at Licht as he chanted something under his breath.

"Oh, so cute," Licht finally stopped talking. The liquid had stopped flowing from his back and they were now traveling to his sides, circling his arms and forming a sphere right on his hands. "So this is how weak demons were back then. I can't say if I'm impressed that it's so pathetically weak, or saddened because you're so weak."

"I'll let you decide," Licht said. On his palms, symbols flowed in the air. Elliot watched the symbols as they hovered in front of Licht's hands, thinking that they looked oddly familiar. 

"What are those?" Elliot asked out loud, but no one could answer him. Lance and Hope were as equally clueless as he was.

Licht then sighed, "Aurora Fragmantum."

A black beam of light was fire from the middle of his palms and went straight for Licht. There were three strands of symbols that encircled the beam something which Elliot thinks that added power to the attack.

Meanwhile, Licht only smirked and leaned forward. This time, his stomach itself sprung forward creating a giant mouth that sucked the beam inside. Irus continued to feed the mouth until Licht felt a pulse in his brain.

"W-What is this?" Licht stuttered. The flow of black liquid from his back stopped, all the fluids fell to the ground as he reverted his hands back into hands and touched his neck. "What have you done?!"

"Ancient Runes," Lady Hao was the one who finally replied to Elliot's question. She hovered beside the boy as they watched Irus face Licht. "He's casting an ancient skill with it considering that Licht can absorb modern magic. This man wasn't born before, so he'll have trouble digesting this."

"Ancient skill?" Elliot asked. "So that's why the chant had a different language."

"An obsolete language that was used before. Even before my time," Lady Hao said. "The ancient ones have different language than we have right now. Although they don't posses magic like we do, their words were powerful on their own."

Licht gasped and loosened his grip on his neck. He dodged the beam and let the mouth that was on his stomach vomit the magic out, pushing away all the ancient magic as much as he could.

"That's what you deserved for being greedy," Irus said. He stopped his skill and dashed behind of Licht where he smiled and kicked the man in the back. Licht could only cough out the pain as he crashed to the surface of the island.

"This is the power of the emperors?" Irus laughed. "This is nothing. Lady Hao, why are you so afraid of him? He could barely kill me."

"Chains of Astaroth."

Irus's eyes widened after Licht fired gigantic chains from the island. On the tip of the chains were gigantic blades that looked dangerous.

"Take this, bastard!" Licth growled. "This blade is powerful enough that it can destroy every single human its path!"

The blades went straight pass through Irus, making Elliot gasp and hold his breath. "Irus!"

Licht continued laughing, his voice starting to get deeper and deeper as he slolwy fell into mania. "Dead. That's what happens when you defy me. You die!"

"It could indeed destroy humans in its path." The chains clanked, making Licht stop with his laugh. There was a shift in the atmosphere and the chains suddenly became pulverized. As Elliot watched from afar, he felt a shiver ran down his spine.

"If only I was a human too, huh?" Irus laughed. He returned the laugh that Licht gave him not too long ago. He was laughing hysterically, but his voice was different. There was a deeper and darker voice laced in his own, laughing with him.

"You make me laugh, puppet," Irus said and vanished in the air.

Licht watched the demon vanish. He was on the ground when he felt the sudden urge to kneel. "I-I'm sorry."

The sky darkened, the temperature dropped, it was cold and dark. A feeling of absolute darkness boiled from everywhere. 

Irus appeared in front of Licht, the demon had a dark shadow behind him. His true form which was a giant humanoid figure that was made of complete darkness.

It was staring right through Licht's soul.

"I'm sorry," Licht cried. "I'm so sorry."

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