I left because I was deeply hurt, and the seven young ladies cried with regret

Chapter 17

The two of them were so busy that they had to eat together.

Qin Fan looked at the nine people in a daze and snapped his fingers with a smile.

"Hey, say something if you want to eat or not."

"If you feel uncomfortable eating with me, then I'll give you all a meal allowance and I'll eat by myself."

After all, the photographer was already a person who had been beaten up in society, and he was the first to react.

No matter whether the boss is sincere or not, you have to give the boss face.

"Of course I'll go if the boss treats me. Thank you, boss, thank you, boss."

Qin Fan looked at the eight college students.

The boys looked at each other and said with a smile:


"Today is the first day of work, and we really need to celebrate."

"Thank you, boss, for treating us!"

"Boss, you're generous!"

The other three girls were a little hesitant.

They were worried that they would be asked to accompany the guests to drink or something at the dinner.

Although they were applying for the role of actors in a short play, they were also actors, right? I heard that actors would be subject to the boss's unspoken rules...

"Boss, the place we rented is far away, otherwise... let's not go."

They thought Qin Fan would be unhappy.

As a result, Qin Fan nodded very readily.


"Then I will give you three a meal allowance, and you will get it together when you get paid."

"Thank you, boss."

The three girls left.

Qin Fan took the other five boys and a photographer to the restaurant.

"Do you want to drink?"

"I don't have a good stomach, so I won't drink."

"If you want to drink, order whatever you want, but don't take too expensive ones, less than 100."

The photographer looked at the very easy-going Qin Fan, and his mind was still a little confused, thinking it was very unreal.

"If the boss doesn't drink, then we won't drink either."

Qin Fan nodded.

"Then let's have a meal, chat, and go back to rest early."

At first, the photographer and the five male college students were a little reserved, but slowly, they found that Qin Fan was really easy-going, and they all opened up.

The photographer boasted to the other five college students that he had never seen a boss as approachable as Qin Fan.

The five college students also boasted that they were lucky and met a good boss just after entering the society.

Qin Fan just smiled and listened.

He was once responsible for many affairs of the company of Wang Shiyun, Xue Yalan and seven people. What kind of people had he not seen, what kind of scenes had he not encountered, and what kind of words had he not heard?

He could still tell whether it was a polite talk or not.

Slowly, everyone started to chat.

One college student actually asked Qin Fan if he played games and wanted to play with Qin Fan.

Unfortunately, Qin Fan was very busy whether he was in college or after working for Wang Shiyun and others, and he had no time to play games.

In fact, Qin Fan really wanted to play games with young people.

Nowadays, many young people's friendships start with games and are maintained by playing together.

After this meal, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening.

After Qin Fan watched them take a taxi and leave, he also took a taxi back to the rental place.

"After the first film is shot, the traffic will be very considerable. Then we can contact the platform and start with small cooperation and take it step by step."

The moon was bright outside the window,

Qin Fan was lying on the bed, in a very good mood.

There was no pressure, no awkwardness, and working hard for what you want to do is the most fulfilling and satisfying.


Qin Fan woke up before dawn the next day.

He sat up subconsciously and was about to put on his clothes. Suddenly he remembered that he was no longer in Longdu and didn't need to work for Wang Shiyun and the other seven people in the company.

He really didn't need to be so busy.

"This biological clock, this muscle memory, has to be adjusted slowly."

Qin Fan lay back on the bed and squinted for a while.

Qin Fan got up only after the sky was bright.

After washing up and having breakfast on the street outside the rental house, Qin Fan rushed to the company.

It was not yet eight o'clock when he arrived at the company. Qin Fan was alone and read the script first to see if there were any areas that could be improved.

Short plays must be concise and direct, and not be procrastinated by daily routines.

It started at half past eight,

Others arrived one after another.

"Morning, boss."

"Good morning, boss."

Qin Fan smiled and nodded in response.

After nine o'clock, Qin Fan also asked everyone to start work on time.

With yesterday's experience, it was much easier to shoot today.

After a whole day,

After shooting the second half of the first episode left yesterday,

The second episode was finished.

"Not bad, Xiaohui, Jiale, both of you acted well."

"Lili, you are also very good."

"Our Master Liu also found a good angle. This angle captures all of Lili's beauty and captures her expression very well."

Master Liu refers to the photographer.

Master Liu was a little embarrassed by Qin Fan's praise.

In his memory, when he worked in other companies, he was always scolded for not being able to find angles and not being able to capture expressions.

It was the first time he was praised.

Because shooting is not the kind of work that can be left on time, today I worked overtime for another hour.

Master Liu and the other eight college students did not ask, but their eyes kept glancing at Qin Fan.

Yesterday, Qin Fan said that overtime would be recorded, and there would be meal allowances and transportation allowances.

They were not sure whether yesterday was the sweet date of the first day of work.

If Qin Fan said it today, then it is likely that the boss in front of him is a rare good boss!

"Everyone has worked hard. I'll record one hour of overtime today. I just heard someone's stomach growling, so I'll record one meal allowance for everyone. I think everyone should still have a bus for the bus subsidy, right? I won't record it."

Qin Fan's words embarrassed the photographer Master Liu.

He was expecting Qin Fan to record their overtime, but he wanted to see if Qin Fan was a rare good boss.

If you really want to record overtime, one hour of overtime is actually just for post-processing, not for being busy all the time, so he doesn't think it's necessary to count it as overtime.

And Qin Fan,

not only recorded their overtime, but also recorded a meal allowance because someone's stomach growled.

Everyone, it's only six o'clock in the afternoon, it's early to eat now, right?

Master Liu scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Boss, forget it, it's just one hour, there's no need to record it as overtime."

"Forget the meal allowance, it's only six o'clock, it's still early, it won't delay your meal."

Photographer Master Liu didn't want the money. He said that, in fact, he also wanted to show his goodwill to the boss after being beaten by society.

Several other college students followed suit:

"Yeah, boss, forget it, it's only one hour, there's really no need to count it as overtime."

"Meal allowance is not necessary, it's not too late for us to go to dinner now."

"Whose stomach growled just now, probably wanted to fart..."

Qin Fan smiled and waved his hand,

"If I only follow the penalty system for lateness and early departure written in the recruitment, and don't follow the welfare system written in the recruitment, such as compensation for overtime and bonuses for hard work, then wouldn't I be two-faced?"

"No need to say more, just follow what was written in the recruitment."

Master Liu stared at Qin Fan in a daze, his heart surging.

Qin Fan's words seemed like a meteorite hitting his heart.

Since he started working, he had encountered countless bosses who followed the punishment system to impose fines, and made excuses and pretended to be confused when it came to subsidies and bonuses.

This was the first time he had met a boss as principled as Qin Fan!

Master Liu secretly made a resolution that if Qin Fan remained unchanged, he would be willing to follow Qin Fan for life!

On the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day... Qin Fan always followed what was written in the recruitment notice at the time.

Master Liu became more and more motivated.

The other eight interns chatted with their classmates, and after comparing their respective bosses, they felt more and more that they were lucky to meet a good boss like Qin Fan.

The boss treated me as a human being and respected me.

How could I let the boss down by being lazy?

In addition, Qin Fan's small company only had ten people, and they worked hard every day and were very fulfilled.


On the other side.

Wang Shiyun, Xue Yalan, Zhang Jing, Jiang Qiuyue and Li Sitian, a total of seven people, seven young ladies drove two luxury cars, left Longdu, and went south to Qin Fan's hometown.

Qin Fan's hometown is a small mountain village, built on the mountain, and its history can be traced back to the period of Emperor Hongwu.

There is a stone bridge in the village. The stone bridge is very wide and a temple is built on the bridge.

Usually many old people sit in front of the temple on the bridge to bask in the sun.

This day, the old men and women were chatting in front of the temple on the bridge as usual, weaving baskets and shoes.

Suddenly two cars entered the village.

Then seven people like fairies, with a kind of rich nobleness on their bodies, Wang Shiyun, Xue Yalan and others who were out of tune with this small mountain village got off the car.

The old men and women all stood up curiously.

"Where did these girls come from?"

"Is this a celebrity? I see the girl leading the group, she looks like Dilinaza from TV!"

"Nonsense, what Dilinaza? Her name is Guli Reba!"

"Hey, hey, hey, a celebrity is coming to our village? Is she going to film in our village?"

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