I Live Forever in Memory

Page 1164

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Ymir immediately frowned and scolded: "Who? Get out—ah!"

The scolding sound turned into shock, and Ymir watched the people who appeared, together with Historia and Ani, lose their voice at the same time, unable to speak.

"I'm sorry." Li Lin walked into the room, closed the door, and looked at the three with unconcealable distress. He heard the conversation between the three just now, and felt very uncomfortable.He said: "No matter what happens, none of you have to carry it. I'm back, and I will carry it."

Chapter 004: All Void

In the headquarters of the Survey Corps, the backbone of the team headed by Erwin is discussing about Allen.

Allen himself is also there, and the theme is about "the power of coordinates".And the ultimate weapon it represents - the ground song.

"The reason why countries haven't launched an attack on the island is probably because they are afraid of being retaliated by 'Diming'." Almin said, he is also one of the intelligence responsibilities of the survey corps, and he can often put forward surprises. bright idea.

"I agree." Erwin crossed his hands and nodded in agreement, "However, if the enemy knows our current situation, then this deterrence may be ineffective. Now, this idea has gradually come true."

Everyone looked at each other and understood what Erwin meant.

What is the current situation?It's very simple, that is, the ground song cannot be activated at any time.

To activate the ground cry, that is, to use the power of coordinates, it is necessary to meet the requirements of "ancestral giant" and "royal blood".These two conditions are indispensable.

Now, the power of the ancestor giant is in Alan, and the blood of the royal family is Hysteria, plus a Gek.

Historia was originally a member of the Survey Corps, but was later abducted by Li Lin and became a member of the Gendarmerie.Otherwise, if she stays in the Survey Corps, all problems will be gone.

As a result, it is almost impossible for the Survey Corps to contact Historia alone.Before Li Lin left, he had made it clear to his own people that Historia must be protected, and she should not be allowed to contact the Survey Corps alone at any time.

It's not that Li Lin thinks that the Survey Corps is not a good person, but that he knows that these people are willing to sacrifice.For important things, sacrificing relatively unimportant people, the survey corps can do this kind of thing.

However, for Li Lin, Historia is someone who must not be sacrificed.Therefore, Ymir is also good, plus Ani, and Kenny, a special anti-personnel force.These are all surrounding Historia, protecting her safety and preventing anyone—including the survey corps—from approaching.

Even the contemporaries of the 104th period, Alan Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, and the others had a hard time meeting Historia.This is the status quo.

In this current situation, if Wang Xue and the ancestor giant cannot be together, then this deterrence is not strong enough.Think about the fact that people are calling at your door, and if you want to start it, you can’t send it directly, you have to go to the other side to ask for cooperation.And the other side doesn't know if they will cooperate... This is undoubtedly very troublesome, and if the enemy finds out, they will be used.

"We must ensure that we can launch the 'Earth Cry' at the first time, so that we can guarantee the deterrence of the enemy." Erwin said, looking at Alan, "So, Alan, this time you are authorized to contact the beast. Giant, Jake."

"You're not kidding, Erwin?" Levi leaned against the door with a grim expression, "Do you really trust that guy?"

Han Ji was also a little worried: "If they contact..."

"Jek really can't believe it right now. But, we must do it now. You must know that Marley's warships have appeared around the island several times recently. This is not a good signal. We must first hold our weapons in our hands , and spread the news to prevent the enemy from acting rashly. Therefore, I decided to let them contact, of course, under the control of the investigation corps.”

Now that the giants on the entire island have been cleared, there are indeed many sentry posts of the survey corps on the edge of the island.And they have indeed discovered several times that there are warships circling nearby at sea, and this information is collected in Erwin's hands, so he must make a decision as soon as possible.

Armin said: "It would be nice to have Historia and Ellen in touch. She is someone we know inside and out and can trust 100 per cent."

"No." Erwin said calmly, "She is indeed a better candidate. But we can't get in touch with her. If we force it, the giantess and the giant who guard her almost all the time will definitely use the power of giants. Then It's going to be a disaster."

Levi said coldly: "So what if you use the power of giants? Allen can deal with one, and the rest can't be subdued by gathering the power of the Survey Corps?"

Han Ji's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and he shook his head hurriedly: "No, no, no, the world inside the wall has finally stabilized. Do you want to kill each other? I am determined to disagree—"


A soldier ran from outside and shouted loudly, interrupting Han Ji's words.

"Come in." Erwin asked the soldier, "What's the matter?"

"Regimental Commander!" The soldier's expression was indescribable, he was frightened and frightened, and he said stutteringly, "Someone saw Li, Li Lin... is back."


Palace meeting room.

A group of senior officials of the military department sat on one side, the most important being President Darius Zachary.He is the supreme commander of the army, and he and Li Lin used to be regarded as "conspiring to usurp the throne".But now, the attitude is obviously different from before.

On the other side, sitting were several special envoys from the country of Shizel, and the speaker was a woman.And Jake from Marais, by himself.The throne in the middle is empty, and the puppet king sleeps in his room without showing his face at all.

"Why haven't those from the gendarmerie come yet?" A military general muttered dissatisfiedly.

Another male general said: "Women are always slow."

Several chuckles resounded in the meeting room, at this time the woman from the Kingdom of Xizr smiled and said, "Not all women are like this."

Several people from the military department immediately realized that there was a woman in the field, and they were a little embarrassed.The person before said hastily: "I'm sorry, special envoy, I didn't mean you."

"Is that referring to us?"

The door was kicked open with a "bang", and Ymir walked in first, with a smile on his face, and looked around everyone, "Who said, I don't think you want your tongue, right?"

Arni and Historia then walked in. Although they didn't have the smiles on their faces like Ymir's, their expressions were much more relaxed. The gloom and dullness before were gone, and there was even a trace Excitement and joy.

This kind of change is still very obvious. After all, when the first meeting was held yesterday, the faces of the three of them were all ugly.All these people are watching.But now, the three of them held their heads high, full of confidence... Who gave them the confidence?

At this time, a fourth person walked in.

As soon as he appeared, everyone immediately understood.Like a bucket of cold water poured on their heads, they all stood up with a "crash", and even a few were too flustered, knocking the chairs behind them to the ground, making harsh noises.

Li Lin, who was wearing a black suit, walked into the room at the end with a blank expression, walked to the front without saying a word, and sat down in front of the chair reserved for the "king".

Li Lin... is back?

Everyone in the military department felt their brains buzzing, and some couldn't believe it.

Li Lin is back!when! ?

Why is there no news about this matter?

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