I Live Forever in Memory

Page 1173

He said something to himself, and then there was a long silence.

At this time, my thoughts are very empty, and I should race against the clock to cherish the time, but Li Lin sat here for two hours.Do nothing, think nothing, let time go by gently.

The sky was from evening to dusk until sunset, and then to the appearance of the moon shadow, only the sound of footsteps pierced the silent atmosphere.

Erwin came by moonlight and found Li Lin in the cemetery.He stopped when he walked about two meters away, and stood silently without making a sound.

"Captain Erwin." Li Lin said without turning his head, "I'm a little disappointed in your survey corps."

"I know." Erwin said, "It is true that we did not stand on the side of the Gendarmerie Corps and the Military Department in the struggle. However, this is for the sake of the world inside the wall. On the premise that you are not sure whether you can come back, Even if we do it all over again, we will still maintain this attitude.”

Erwin was neither humble nor overbearing when facing Li Lin, even though he had already learned that all the senior and even middle-level generals in the military were arrested by Li Lin.

"Really." Li Lin's tone could not hear any emotional fluctuations.

"Captain Li Lin." Erwin said, "Isn't it a little inappropriate to attack the military at this time. Marley is already eyeing him, and we can't be chaotic inside."

"Because Ma Lai is eyeing him fiercely, the most urgent thing is to calm down the internal conflicts first." Li Lin stood up and patted the dirt on his body.

Erwin said: "With all due respect, in my opinion, your actions still have their own emotional factors. It is not entirely a rational judgment."

"Isn't this nonsense, who doesn't have feelings?" Li Lin turned his head and glanced at him, "Erwin, I know what you want to say, saying that I am still as vindictive as I was two years ago when I held them accountable In. Right?"

Erwin was silent for a moment, and said: "According to our investigation, the tombstone in front of you. The girl named Kallen died in the previous giant appearance event, but she died before the giant appeared. In other words, it is Because of her the death giant came."

"Afterwards, your series of actions, including the last... night, I think they are all the extended consequences of the girl's death."

Li Lin: "Maybe."

Erwin said frankly: "Would this extension period be too long?"

Li Lin laughed twice: "I can hear it. Erwin, you are condemning me. You want me to take revenge, right?"

"Homomorphic revenge?"

"Even if you punch me, I'll punch you too." Li Lin said, paused, and said, "Well, let me give you an example."


Erwin said: "Maybe. It depends on the situation."

"Yes, it depends on the situation. Now I will add a note." Li Lin said, "1 is a little hooligan who doesn't do anything in production and sneaks around all day long. 2 is a pianist. So, do you think the value of the fingers of these two people is equal?" Is it worth it? Is homomorphic revenge fair in this situation?"

Erwin frowned slightly.He felt that he had fallen into Li Lin's language trap.

"It's not fair. Because 1, what you lose is only your fingers. 2, what you lose is your career, which is more important than your fingers, and even your entire life."

Li Lindao: "It's good that you have the courage to accuse me now. But what can you investigate, data? You haven't seen the girl lying here at all, have you? You haven't talked to her, you haven't got her What are the gifts you are talking about here? In my opinion, the lives of those people are the lives of dogs, and the value of [-] dog lives is not equal to the value of one human life."

"The right and wrong between others, don't point fingers if you don't understand it. Who is right and wrong, and how much is it worth, can outsiders know?" After Li Lin finished speaking, his voice turned cold, "So, I hope that what I just said Don't have any more. Otherwise, I will lock you in as well... Don't doubt, sometimes I am a very willful person, and I don't think about the consequences when I do things. Well, come to me for something serious, tell me."

Chapter 011: Love That Is Frankly Admitted

It was not easy for Erwin to find Li Lin.

When he received the news, he first went to the Gendarmerie headquarters, only to learn that Li Lin had led the team to the Iceburst Mine.This made him really nervous, for fear that another bloody conflict would break out.

After rushing over there, it was found that the dispute was over and ended in a total defeat of the military department.Not only a dozen officers were arrested, but even the thousands of garrison soldiers were divided and managed by the gendarmerie.

In this way, it can be said that all crises to the Gendarmerie were resolved without bloodshed.The military department, which had been powerful for two years, collapsed in an instant, and the gendarmerie won the real right to speak in the world inside the wall.

All this happened so quickly and so easily, it was completely inseparable from Li Lin.Erwin, who once again realized how powerful he is, also knew that he must talk to him as soon as possible to understand each other's thoughts.

Now, with Li Lin's warning, Erwin knew he wasn't joking.If you continue to struggle with this issue, something will really happen.

"I came to you to discuss matters concerning Marais and other foreign enemies."

Erwin talked about the business: "Li Lin, although I don't know where you have been in the past two years. But you probably haven't paid attention to the changes in the situation. In the past two years, warships have appeared near the island every once in a while. Roughly estimated, it has happened dozens of times.”

"The more and more frequent occurrences prove that Marley is more and more eager to seize the resources on this island. Whether it is used to fight against the enemy country or to develop his own country, the result is the same."

After listening to Erwin's words, Li Lin understood what was going on.

Marley, who was mired in the quagmire of war, must find a "takeover" as soon as possible, otherwise, the country will not be able to sustain it.If it was okay before, it is acceptable to let Reiner and the others lurk in the intramural world for several years before doing anything.But now, there is absolutely no time for that grind.

The current Marley almost couldn't wait to seize the island.Resources are one thing, but on the other hand, it would be even better if we could get the first giant.It is not a matter of minutes to directly launch the ground song to conquer all the hostile countries.

Erwin looked at Li Lin and said, "How are you going to deal with this?"

No matter what Li Lin thinks, his opinion is something that no one in the intramural world can ignore.Erwin had to nail it down before making specific adjustments.

Li Lindao: "Captain Erwin, you should have some plans. Why don't you let me hear it first."

"...Well, then I will talk about my own thoughts first."

No one would have thought that the two most important people in the world inside the wall were discussing decisions related to the fate of the entire island in this gloomy cemetery.

"In my opinion, perhaps in the near future, Marais will take action. And it may be a regular military attack or war. Therefore, we must prepare for it in advance."

"If a war breaks out, we can't rely on the walls to defend. We must deploy the front line to the coast. Try to prevent the enemy from landing. Although we are at a disadvantage in terms of strength, as long as we make good use of the mobility of the giants, Alan's' Headed by Attack on Giant' and Ymir's 'Ego Giant', they can make up for the lack of troops...Of course, it's just ground troops."

Erwin said with a serious expression: "For the enemy's air force, we have nothing to do for the time being. Although some special weapons have been developed in the past two years, the air-to-air effect is not very satisfactory. Therefore, my idea in this regard is to use Xizr The strength of the country. Through the special envoy who came this time, a large number of anti-aircraft weapons were purchased from the country of Xizr. The other party may open his mouth and ask for a large amount of ice blast stone mineral resources, but we must agree, because this is a secluded barrier. Life and death in the inner world."

After finishing speaking, Erwin finally said: "As for 'Earth Cry', if it is not the last moment, I am not inclined to use it, because it will undoubtedly lead to a joint attack from all over the world. Even if there are hundreds of thousands of giants inside the wall, I don’t think it’s possible to fight against the whole world. Or, even if it is possible, there won’t be many people left alive in the world inside the wall, and they are doomed to perish.”

Li Lin nodded slightly, he still agreed with Erwin's thoughts.

Especially the point about the chiming.If this is used, the country of Eldia will be destroyed.Maybe it can also destroy other countries, but is there anything to brag about in a lose-lose ending?

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