I Live Forever in Memory

Page 1211

This is also why the poorer the place, the more excessive respect for the gods and gods.On the other hand, in some areas with developed productivity, people don't have to worry about survival, and there are many spiritual entertainments, but they will not deliberately pursue some religious things.Now Lugnica is the latter. In such a prosperous and uphill country, the livelihood of every citizen is visibly improving year by year.The people are not fools, it is impossible not to know who brought these things.So if Shenlong came out to sing the opposite at this time, he would be the one who would be criticized.Li Lin is very proud of Emilia being so championed, but now is not the time for him to focus on her.Now that he has obtained the tears of karma, he must first cast two bodies.In the mountains, Li Lin opened a cave by himself.Then took out the phone.Taking out a mobile phone in this world is a bit inconsistent, but it cannot simply be said to be a mobile phone, but a soul carrier of Yui and Kizmel.Even if it is some special carrier.Pour out the tears of karma, it is suspended in mid-air, and takes Li Lin's thoughts as the cornerstone, and begins to shape it little by little.

Li Lin has a good understanding of the physical parameters of Yui and Kizmel. Of course, they provided them themselves.According to this parameter, using mental power to adjust again, the two bodies gradually formed. This time lasted for a full two hours. Li Lin did not dare to be careless, for fear that something might go wrong.Finally, as he slowly exhaled, the two bodies were fully formed.Taking out the clothes that he had prepared a long time ago and putting them on them, Li Lin took a short rest and began to transfer their souls from their mobile phones to their bodies.

This is very difficult. To be honest, if it was Li Lin in the past, it would be almost impossible.Because the situation of Yui, Kizmel, and Echidona is different, Echidona can control her own consciousness and spirit, and can enter other carriers at will.But the two of them are different. They are still AI intelligent after all, and there are still differences.

Fortunately, Li Lin now has one ten thousandth of the goddess's consciousness manipulation ability, so that the souls of the two can be transferred.And this process was also very difficult. Li Lin sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes. He was completely devoted to this matter.The three of Ani consciously didn't bother, and they even stood at the entrance of the cave at the beginning and couldn't come at all.

"After the end, there will be more friends." Histeria looked very happy, but Ymir, humming twice, reminded: "That kid named Yui is fine, but Ki Zmel..I heard from Li Lin that she is an adult woman. She is still a female elf..Although I don't know what that is. But, can you come out happily, Sisteria?" Ymir said if Look at Ani, the latter didn't answer her, and looked to the other side, seemingly not interested in this topic.

"Ymir! What are you talking about!" Although Hesteria was naive, she was not stupid and could understand what Ymir meant.There was nothing wrong with the person who asked, but the person who listened to her was flushed.In fact, it would be impossible if she hadn't thought about it, but it wasn't completely unacceptable to her.Moreover, in the past three years, what happened to them and Li Lin has also happened.Compared with marriage, it is only one form.That's enough to change everyone in the relationship, especially now that they've grown up quite a bit and understand what's most important and what's next.

And three years later, they are still with Li Lin, which proves that a choice has been made.The three of them knew this without saying it.Ymir naturally knew that what she said at this time was just a joke, which was a consistent style.On the contrary, Ani, who she expected to react the most violently, chose to remain silent.At this point, she doesn't know Ani as well as Li Lin.Li Lin knew that Ani was the last straw that broke the camel's back after so much experience, especially after her father's true purpose was revealed at the end.Now she is a very powerful woman, but she has nothing to rely on.The only thing is the friendship with Hesteria and others, and the love with Li Lin.

She understands that this is the most important thing, so she won't let go easily.Li Lin understands better and will not let go.In this way, the four of them spent several years in this strange way of getting along, and at this time, the three of them heard a movement in the cave, which seemed to be a woman's voice.Immediately, they walked in and saw a smooth stone platform in front of Li Lin, with a woman and a little girl on it, wearing loose clothes, trying to speak, but all they said were "Ah ah "Voice.

"Don't worry." Li Lin was comforting them. "You haven't adapted to your physical body. Take your time and feel the existence of your limbs and bones."

Chapter 044: Travelling

Yui and Kizmel were actually the first people to follow Li Lin and experience every world together.

In terms of time, they were much earlier than Echidona.However, because of the problem of form, Li Lin could not communicate with them anytime, anywhere.Conversation can only be done through electronic devices, or in a world with electronic technology.But this does not mean that if Li Lin has less feelings for them than for others.So I just learned to grasp the ability to transcend, and I came over immediately to create a body for them to use by the tears of karma.Just like those who become unable to move due to chronic paralysis.The souls of the two are so unfamiliar with the physical body that it is difficult to speak or act.

Li Lin knew this and gave him enough comfort.At this time, the three people who walked in from the outside were a little overwhelmed when they saw the two of them.

They haven't really communicated with each other, and even an outgoing person, it's impossible to show a familiar appearance when they come up.Still need a process.

"Then let me introduce you." Li Lin said, "They are Hesteria, Ani, and Ymir." After that, he looked at the three of them, "Yuyi and Kizmel." Three The person said hello, and the two also wanted to respond. Hesteria saw their difficulties and immediately waved her hand: "You don't talk, first... Slowly get used to it."

She didn't know what to say either.For such a mysterious thing, she herself was very shocked.Even though Li Lin has given them a lot of popular science in the past three years, but seeing it with his own eyes, it is inevitable that he will be excited.

On the other hand, for young people like Li Lin, most of them encounter this kind of transmigration, and even if they are shocked, they can quickly understand it. This is some difference in cognition.

So it is conceivable that Kizmel and Yui, as artificial intelligences, may have absorbed a lot of knowledge in the past few years.Then their cognition will be broader, and the difference between the same three people and even Li Lin will be very big.But Li Lin thinks it doesn't matter. In his opinion, it is a good thing that there are differences. Everyone thinks differently and has different hobbies and hobbies. This is the diversity of souls.Otherwise, they all look the same, and the world would be too boring.

"Let's go." Li Lin helped the two off the stone platform, "Let's go to the kingdom. The Kingdom of Lugnica."

Come back three years later and it has changed even more.When Li Lin walked to the gate of the capital, he didn't recognize it for a while.From the city walls and gates, to the buildings and streets in the interior, they all look completely different and have been refurbished.The small buildings of red bricks and white tiles extend out, and the originally narrow roads have also been widened by two or three times.In the past, when passing a car, such as Priscilla's flamboyant dragon car, other passersby had to avoid it.But now, three or four dragon carts can run side by side on this wide road.Moreover, Li Lin also found that the color of the paving on both sides of the road is a cyan gray compared to the white in the middle.It has a kind of "pedestrian" feeling.In fact, it is true that people are walking on it, while dragon carts and the like are driving on the white road in the middle.Li Lin remembered that he and Emilia had talked a lot about municipal construction before.Although he is not an architect, he has not studied urban design or anything, but he is a modern person.Therefore, it is still possible to talk about some good urban planning in modern times.This includes sidewalks and even traffic lights, and even roadside trash cans.Right now, the former will become a reality in three years, while the latter.. is unlikely at the moment.After all, traffic lights are set up because cars are so fast that they are particularly prone to accidents if they are not regulated.In a world without cars, traffic lights are somewhat redundant.

Along the way, the three of Ani only felt that their eyes were frightened enough.They were shocked by the natural beauty of the world before, but now they are amazed by the human environment.It's not just a matter of architectural style, this other world itself has an inexplicable sentiment.For example, the clothes on people's body, and everywhere on the road, some races that are obviously different from humans, but also wear similar clothes.Li Lin told them before that this world exists if there is no human race.For example, the giant clan of Lord Rom, the ghost clan of Sister Ramrem, and the elves of Emilia...etc. Different races. Some of them are not very different in appearance. Some can be seen at a glance. figure it out.

Another point is that there were not many non-human races that Li Lin could see on the street in the past.Years have passed, more and more.This fully shows that Emilia is still very united.Li Lin hurriedly led a few people around the capital, and he had no purpose, just to satisfy their curiosity.Let them know how he felt.

Every time he went to a new world, he would still be uncontrollably excited.This excitement, most of the time no one shared, may only later be able to have someone to talk to when Echidona has been following.Now that he has the ability to take people across the world, he will naturally take them with him.Traveled all over the world he traveled.This could probably be considered a gift.This can also deepen each other's understanding of each other. It's a good thing to get more.

All the way down, soon from morning to evening.After a whole day of kung fu, several people walked all over the streets and alleys of the capital, ate all kinds of special snacks, and also participated in some entertainment activities, and had a great time.In the evening, after eating, Li Lin found a big hotel, booked a room, and stayed here for one night.

His plan is to first come from the zero world and use the tears of causality to shape the body, so that Yui and Kizmel can truly have a body.Afterwards, stay in this world for a while, look at the scenery or experience the fun of another world.

After that, go to the world of swords and let Ani and others experience what the future world will look like.See what modern technology can do.In this way, like Li Lin, they have experience in many worlds, including ancient times, modern times, modern times, different worlds, etc.In this way, there will undoubtedly be more topics to talk about.

Like in the past, it was impossible for Li Lin to chat with them about "computer", "mobile phone" and other things.This is something they have never heard or seen before, how to talk about it?But as long as you go to the world of swords and stay for a while, you will understand what you need to know.

That way, you'll be one step closer to true omniscience.Li Lin likes that state very much. He believes that if he decides to be together forever, he should try to understand everything about each other.After you know all about it, you still want to be with this person.That shows that it is true love, rather than lack of understanding, one-sided love.

Si Shi, the matter of crossing the world is not only for this purpose.There's one more important thing about Echidona.Li Lin will not forget her, even if it has been three years now, he is still trying to find her every day.

To find her, he thinks he must have a certain level of consciousness.Not to mention the equalization of the goddess, but it is still much stronger than now, so that it is possible to trace the origin and find the goddess.In the past three years, Li Lin has been studying this.Through this crossing, he discovered that if he wants to quickly exercise his consciousness, the crossing itself is the best "stake".The more you practice, the stronger your consciousness will become.

In this way, time-travel is something that Li Lin has to do often.By the way, it is reasonable to show everyone around the world.Although he didn't know how long it would take to get to the intensity he wanted, like Echidona said, he wouldn't give up.

the next day.

Li Lin went to see Emilia and introduced her to the group that followed him.Emilia was still surprised to learn that these people had his girlfriend.But he didn't say much, and still warmly greeted him.Hesteria and others have heard Li Lin mention Emilia, especially knowing that she is an elf, and they are more curious.As soon as they met, they found that they had good personalities, neither too restrained nor too warm, and it was easy to chat together.

This is the advantage of a good character, even if the two sides are people from different worlds, they can still chat together.As Li Lin once heard a sentence: whether the rich and the poor can be friends does not depend on how much money they have.But the rich will not despise the poor eating roadside stalls, and the poor will not feel that the rich use luxury goods to show off their wealth.It is possible to make friends only if the two sides settle their minds, but either party is in a wrong mood, inferior, conceited, jealous, etc., which will lead to the termination of this relationship.

Li Lin believed that the people around him would not have so many complicated thoughts, so he didn't care what they said. Instead, he went to talk to Parker for a while.

This great elf who has been guarding Emilia's side is also very happy to see Li Lin.After all, the "daughter" he cares about can become what he is now, and Li Lin has an indelible credit.

"Parker, are you okay?" Li Lin scratched the latter's belly, and the latter smiled suddenly, jumping up and floating in the air.

"Okay, why not. My daughter is having a good time every day, of course it's okay~" Parker said Ruo, his eyes rolled around him a few times, "But I didn't expect you to have a girlfriend, Li Lin. ."

"What's unexpected. They were known to me a long time ago... It's just that the relationship was completely determined before." Li Lindao.

"That's it, that's fine. Well, I think those girls are very good looking. Really. Li Lin, you are quite attractive to girls."

"That's true. Who told me to be so good, I'm like a firefly in the dark night, the light can't be hidden." Li Lin bragged to himself.

Parker burst out laughing. "Although I don't want to admit it, but you are really powerful. And it's rare, people who don't use strength to do things. I've seen too many people who lost themselves just for a little strength." .. This is also normal. Li Lin sighed, "It's just that my situation is special. "

People who have been hungry for a long time are likely to suddenly be admitted to the hospital with a big meal.But people who have been hungry for a longer period of time will sometimes be too hungry.It's like staying up late, you may be very sleepy at 12:1 at the beginning. But once you get over it, by 2:3, you will find that you become more energetic.And at this time, I want to sleep with you, you will not be happy, there will be a feeling of "Since the person coughs until 2 o'clock, it is no different from all night.

Li Lin has this kind of overreaction. He grew up in a mediocre environment, and he actually had a lot of bad thoughts.But over time, it became indifferent.So that even if you gain power that is difficult for ordinary people to reach, it will not be abused.

"Anyway, it's a good thing that this power falls on you." Parker said, tilting his head and adding, "Or?"

"I think we should not discuss this." Li Lin knew that Parker had always been curious about his power system.But it didn't make any sense to say it, and simply changed the subject.

Parker pouted, but he didn't ask any further, he just said, "Then Li Lin, what are your plans next? Or you're going to run away soon. Let me tell you to stay a little longer, although I don't want to admit it, But Leah, it would be really nice to see you."

"Okay, in short, it's good that you understand Leah's mood." Parker said with a heartbroken tone for his daughter.

After chatting with one person and one elf for a while, Li Lin was ready to practice.He still can't let go of his daily meditation and cultivation.But the others didn't, so he asked Emilia to take Hesteria and the others around for a while.Emilia readily agreed. And arranged accommodation for everyone in the palace.After Li Lin passed, he immediately began to train his mind.

His training is through his own meditation, not through faith like a goddess.That method, if Li Lin wants to, he can also do it, but he feels that there is a problem with that method at the root.So I abandoned it myself.

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