I Live Forever in Memory

Page 1213

"It's very convenient," Ani said.

"Ah." Li Lin switched channels, cartoons, movies, TV series, and even the hotel's unique satellite channel, but some of the things broadcast on this channel were not suitable for children, so Li Lin switched channels immediately after switching.

But a few girls still saw it.

.... Li Lin scratched his head, "If there is demand, there will be auctions. After all, watching TV is the most popular form of entertainment."

Ymir looked at him strangely: "Li Lin, shouldn't you watch the... channel often?"

"Ah? How is that possible." Li Lin shook his head speechlessly. "I haven't watched it a few times. No, to be precise, I don't watch TV much. I spend most of my time reading novels and playing games." Ymir had an expression of disbelief, while Li Lin shrugged and handed them the remote control.

"You all change channels, stop there if you want to watch. I'll go to practice first."

After he finished speaking, he went to the next room, and there were a few girls left.

"Yeah, but he has important things to do." Hestria likes children very much, and has already made a good relationship with Yui this year, and said to her with a smile: "Wait until the important things are done. , you can relax.”

"Yeah." Kizmel nodded and fiddled with Yui's hair, "Don't disturb him. He actually has a heavier responsibility than us. Let him concentrate on his efforts.

Chapter 046: A New Beginning (The Finale)

Time passed very slowly here in Li Lin.He had seen a question on the Internet before. A sand sculpture netizen asked: Do you feel that time has passed very fast since 2012?A few years have passed in a flash. In a blink of an eye, the year 2020 is very far away.Another netizen commented: Can't you live too fast? After 2012, we entered the information age, and smart phones have exploded in popularity. Most of the time is spent on this thing.Just a few hours have passed.Li Lin still thought it made sense at the time. After all, he also felt that he grew up every day when he was a child, and he could go up trees and rivers for half a day to recruit cats and dogs to do countless things.After the popularity of smartphones, a whole day of swiping the phone may pass.The advantages must outweigh the disadvantages, but Li Lin's situation now seems to be back to his childhood.He basically hasn't touched any electronic entertainment in the past few years. Every day is busy and fulfilling.Thinking back now, I can remember every day for a few years. This is undoubtedly very incredible.Coupled with the fact that he was with a few people now, he felt that time had slowed down even more, and there was an illusion that the years were quiet.And this illusion is far from the real perception. It is only a personal thing.

Li Lin's consciousness gradually recovered, he opened his eyes, and the endless black desert stood in front of him.

This is the world of death.In the past ten years, the group has visited all the worlds Li Lin has been to one by one.Understand what he has known and experienced.Up to now, there is no difference between them.From a cognitive point of view, Li Lin no longer exists far beyond their level, and they have been able to skillfully switch between the world of high martial arts and the world of science and technology.There are even people who fall in love with modern small skirts and often wear different ones.But this was only in the first few years. Later, Hesteria had not forgotten what she said to Li Lin before, that she wanted to improve everyone's living environment.At that time, she said that a large-scale welfare facility should be established for children or the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled. Li Lin suggested that more efforts should be made in education.Later, after learning about the advanced nature of the sword world, she wanted to bring some advanced technologies from that world back to her original world.Li Lin agreed.

He himself had thought about it before, and even did it.Let Yui and Kizmel copy a lot of basic science knowledge.But then he decided not to take part in the development of the inner world, so he didn't take advantage of it.For Hesteria, even Ymir and Ani, they definitely want to use the power of the developed world to change the backwardness of their world.This is not only because that world is their hometown, but also because they have experienced so many hardships and hardships since childhood and know how difficult it is for people in that world to live.If you can have advanced technology, it is to enhance the development power, then why not do it.

After all, in the world of swords, although there are still hungry people in the world, they are a minority among the few.But in the giant world, most of the world's population is still struggling to live below the food and clothing line. Many people understand their feelings, so they allow it.And they provided certain help. Now, they are in the giant world, and they will announce the advanced technology in an orderly manner, and not only announce it to the Ai people, but also announce it to the whole world.

If it is only given to the Ai, it is undoubtedly suspected of hiding.Moreover, even an innocent and kind person like Hesteria knows that once the Ai tribe gains the technological advantage, who can guarantee that they will not be tempted to conquer the world again?If there is such a force just around the corner, there will undoubtedly be a lot of bloody storms.Therefore, directly publishing it to the world is the best way to deal with it.However, how to implement it is up to them to do it themselves.Li Lin can't hold everything in his own hands, and he also has something to do, that is, constantly tempering his consciousness.

"It's over."

Li Lin looked at the desert like yellow sand and said slowly.It had been five years since he last opened his eyes.The training time this time was extraordinarily long, but it was very rewarding.He stood up, his fingers were empty, and the desert in front of him instantly turned into a starry sky.He originally chose to cultivate here because of the disappearance of the traces of people. Except for the occasional phantom that appeared, no one else bothered him.

"Although I am still far from your realm, I can do it just by finding you."

The gate of the starry sky appeared again. Li Lin now understands that the space that the goddess took him to is the "conscious space" of the entire universe, which is different from the subjective space of living beings. The universe is an unconscious space of consciousness.At first glance, it may seem difficult to understand, but as long as you think about it a little, you can understand that there is the "ultimate" Li Lin who opened the door and stepped into it.

The temple and the statue of the goddess that I saw before are gone, and the whole space is like nothingness.

Cold, deadly, as if everything was frozen.When the goddess and Echidona merge into one, they receive energy from it.To say that it is energy is not entirely true. Li Lin rushed up at the time, and the moment he touched the beam of light, he felt that his whole body had a feeling of washing and sublimation, like a call.It felt warm, but also terrifying.Once he loses consciousness in Nuan Township, he is usually not far from death.

"If you are unconscious, then you are really bad enough." Li Lin said to Ruo's bright white dot, "How many people are you seduced to become a part of you." He is not sure whether it is historical or not. In the long river of the gods, only the goddess embarked on this road, because the gods have never appeared, so there is no way to judge.And now, he wants to re-start what the goddess did before. The goddess is a pure consciousness-like existence, and cultivated Li Lin for the combination of consciousness and energy.In the end, Li Lin's power was stripped away to Echidona, and the goddess merged with her to achieve the ultimate goal. However, Echidona copied herself, which is Li Lin's power, in the previous moment.He also stole a portion of the goddess's consciousness, mixed them and gave it to Li Lin.This means that Li Lin itself is a combination of two forces.During the years of his cultivation, the main thing is to run them in.Let them fit together perfectly. Become one, now, more than ten years later, this Li Lin has done.And the purpose of his doing this is to make the master of this cosmic consciousness space respond to it.

Li Lin released his consciousness. The experimenter made contact with the white spot in the sky, and immediately, there was a response from there.

He felt a wave of "inquiring" energy, as if to determine if he was going to complete his connection to it.It was this "inquiry" information that made Li Lin really decide. This thing has no subjective consciousness, just like a button.You press it, it will automatically give you a choice, there will be an answer.Select only "Agree" and "Decline".Li Lin chose to neither agree nor reject - he chose nothing.Just keep this "choice" state, and then use your own power to "decipher" the core of this conscious space.At first glance, this has the meaning of an octopus shaking a tree, but what Li Lin wants is not to control the core of this world, what he wants is to find and replace.

His consciousness entered the white spot, and in an instant, in Li Lin's vision, countless rays of light penetrated the heaven and earth, countless whispers continued, and the chaos was like an eternal symphony.

"Are these... are all such existences as goddesses?"

He looked at the twinkling lights, which seemed to exist as part of this cosmic consciousness.Perhaps these rays represent different rules, but what's the point?

Li Lin only feels terrified... Those who pursue the ultimate existence, in the end, are the result, in the endless space of the film. Become the incarnation of a certain rule, without consciousness... Thinking that Echidona is encountering this kind of The matter made him uncomfortable, and he accelerated the first step, which was to look for it.His plan was clear, to use his energy-conscious duality to trigger the choice of cosmic consciousness.He didn't make this choice first, but dragged it until he only used consciousness to enter this space. Then he found Echidona.

It stands to reason that this is an impossible task, because the space is almost infinite and the light inside is almost infinite.However, because Li Lin's conscious power comes from the goddess, tracing the source can be traced back to the goddess through it. This is the way to find someone.He could feel the doors of the space closing little by little as he continued to make no choice.Even if this thing is a machine, it must be able to detect abnormalities. Li Lin is so exploited that it cannot last.

"Quick, quick..."

He was also anxious in his heart, eager to explore.It even made him feel that there was a big problem in it. These souls who have obtained the "ultimate" do not seem to think it is a good thing subconsciously.

A sense of familiarity suddenly came, a soul aura similar to himself.Li Lin looked for it at the first time, accelerated with all his strength, and before the gate closed, he finally found the group huddled in the corner of the void without any hesitation. Li Lin reached out and grabbed it, and then took it out.However, this action immediately caused a reaction in this space, and in an instant, a black thunderbolt fell from the air!Li Lin knew it would not be so easy, so he had already made plans.The first step is to find, the second step is to change.At this moment, he dedicated the power of the soul that he had obtained and that Echidona had stolen from Echidona who had cultivated for a long time and his own energy, and replaced the fusion of the goddess and Edona, stay in this space.It's a stealthy way to live, but it works.After he left this fusion energy, the black lightning that had been split out immediately disappeared.Taking advantage of this time, Li Lin escaped from this space with the person he was looking for.The door closed silently, and the core was still bright. There was still a dead silence in the empty outer space.As if nothing happened.Li Lin's face was pale and slightly weak.He has cultivated for so long in order to lose everything on this day.It's a bit sad to say, but he doesn't have the slightest remorse.

Looking back, the light he brought out has become a person.It's just that the long white hair like a waterfall falls at his feet, and his face has a kind of holy perfection.However, this face... Li Lin's expression is strange, and the white hair is Echidona's characteristic.But this face is like a mixed version of Echidona and the goddess, which makes him a little unclear at times, who is the person he brought back.

In fact, this situation was not entirely out of his expectations, and he saw with his own eyes that the goddess and Echidona merged, without distinction.So, is there no way to separate now or what is the woman silently Junruo Li Lin, the emotions in her eyes are quite complicated.Li Lin asked softly, "Are you Echidona...or...goddess?" 1000 years later, in the city of Stos.High-rise buildings, neon wine green.In the city center, people walk in twos and threes on the street and enjoy the beautiful nightlife.

Couples strolled comfortably holding hands, students chased and ran back and forth, and white-collar workers who worked overtime walked towards the subway while yawning with haggard faces.Even more can't take your eyes off.

"...Look! What beautiful girls..."

"Really, is it a star?"

"I don't know, I am a PHS in the entertainment industry. If there is such a beautiful person, I will know even if it is a fourth-tier flower!"

"Take a secret photo and post it online to see if anyone knows!"

Some passers-by took out their mobile phones and wanted to secretly take pictures of a few female surnames, but as soon as the camera was aimed at them, the screen of the mobile phone suddenly went black and immediately crashed.

"Huh? Huh? My phone..."

This happens to many people.A few girls seem to be used to it and don't care at all.One of them was wearing black sunglasses with short blond hair and frowned slightly.He raised his wrist, glanced at his watch, and seemed a little unhappy waiting for someone.

The two girls next to her were discussing the dinner Ruo had just had.

"That bean bag was delicious just now, I ate three in one go, hehe," said the blonde long-haired woman, who was wearing a cartoon-printed baseball cap and a fluffy white skirt.

"I like his roast chicken, it tastes pretty good." said the chestnut-haired Gao Rong woman, who was wearing a suit, with black ear studs on her left and right ears, and her hair stood up high, like something Bad girl.

At this time, a low roar came from the other side of the street.

A black off-road vehicle drove from the other side and stopped at the entrance of the mall like lightning.The car door opened, and the young man in the driver's seat waved to the girls and said, "I'm sorry, it took a little time.

"Is it delayed on her?" The high-row earring girl gave the young man a wise look, and then looked at the silver-haired woman sitting on the co-pilot.

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