I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 14 – Two Girls One Pimp ❤

“—and because of that title… uhhh… I and my every partner receive bonus… ohhh… stats. There are also some skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiills… uff… which work after sealing the contract. For example… oh, fuck meeee…”

As Emi playfully takes her turn with my dick, I’m trying my best to have a decent conversation with Safi, but I’m failing miserably.

“Okay, that’s impossible. Let’s continue in a moment.”

I finally give up and decide to focus on Emi’s mouth. She might not have a tongue or textured internal walls of her cheeks, but that does not change the fact that her blowjob feels equally insane to Safi's.

Behind those barely developed lips is just her body all of slime. So having my penis in there feels just like sticking it into a sapient blob of frosty jelly. How does that feel any good while she is not moving her head? Well, that jelly can apply different pressure at different spots in different patterns. And that’s exactly what she is currently doing.

My cock, surrounded by all this slime, is constantly being attacked by various movements from all sides and angles. At one time, it’s being stroked bit by bit from the root up to the glans with incremental force, at the other, it’s being kneaded from the sides in a spiral motion. The range of these actions is unbelievable and I constantly see my penis being pushed around inside her mouth. It’s like watching myself getting jerked off by ghost hands. Or amazingly advanced, almost sci-fi level, ultra-mechanic onahole. Not like I ever saw one with this many options.

“Told you it would feel heavenly no matter which one of you tried, right?” 

Smiling, I pat Emi’s head. She answers by increasing the force of the movements and shaking her butt joyfully. Safi moves closer and pushes me down onto my back.

[Can’t be helped then. We just have to make Master cum quickly so we can resume our talk.] 

With a mischievous smile, she leans over me and steals my lips. Her tongue wildly explores the insides of my mouth, entwining with my own from time to time. She pulls away with a string of saliva connecting our faces. Or it's her slimy equivalent. I don't really care.

She moves to where Emi enjoys her meal and disappears behind her. I wonder what she is going to do, but I don’t need to wait too long to find out.


Just a moment later, she makes use of one of the advantages she holds over Emi—her tongue—and starts gently licking my balls while the other one applies pressure on my dick.

“A tag-team, huh?” 

I raise myself on my elbows, and still lying, watch as the two of them work over my cock. They must have started communicating because every time Safi focuses on one testicle, Emi pressures my member pushing it to the opposite side.

“That’s a bit… too much… guuuh…”

Being toyed with for something like seven or ten minutes now, if we include the time during my poor attempts to speak with Safi, I’m slowly approaching my current limit of how long I can hold my orgasm back. As if sensing my distress, Safi launches an attack on my left testicle by taking it inside her mouth and sucking ferociously. Emi joins the assault and starts tickling the right one while applying a strong pulling-sucking motion over my whole shaft in waves. I can see it being kneaded from the bottom to the top by the pressure.

“You girls… are just… hoooh… cumming!”

I release my hot seed into Emi’s cold insides. Wave after wave, my throbbing cock spits white milk, creating surreal patterns in her slime. Taking one last suck, Emi backs away to consume the meal, while her core dances happily around the collected semen. Safi doesn’t waste a second and starts licking my tip, expecting to receive some more juice.

Watching over them, I notice the familiar pink veins lighting up on the surface of Emi’s core. “How was it?” I ask after they fade out.

Emi wobbles up and down and falls onto my chest snuggling her face into it. She really seems to love doing that. Safi parts ways with my junior and moves closer to convey her answer.

[She says it was delicious and that she can feel more connected to Master now.]

“What about her advancement? Did it help in any way?”

[Yes, but Emi needs some time to process all the energy.]

“I see. You don’t have to choose the same path as Safi, okay?” I say while patting her head.

We rest a little while I explain the details of my strengthening skills and titles to them. Mostly to Safi. Emi just can’t stop cuddling me up. But I guess she listens too anyway. I get into my shorts to not walk around with a dangling noodle and Safi covers herself a bit with her open white shirt. We sit on one of the sofas and I start exploring my status.

“That reminds me, you can’t see your own statuses, right?” I ask them curiously.

Emi tilts her head while Safi makes a confused expression. [Statuses, Master?]

“It’s a kind of a system, magical spell, that allows the user to see their abilities and some other things. If I remember correctly, monsters and monster races didn’t receive this blessing, only some of the humanoid races.” I ponder for a moment. “No wonder it was hard to develop properly, people had to guess a lot. How do you know what abilities you have?”

[Ummm… we can just feel them? I don’t know how to explain. It’s really vague but it’s like we just have some idea.]

“Must have been similar for people from before the system.”

I summon the window from before and check it. It only informs about receiving new Partners. I try to call out the menu responsible for them and it appears in front of my eyes.


Safi - Blue Queen Slime
Bond Level:
Bond Type:
Gratitude (Master/Familiar)
Emi - Green Queen Slime
Bond Level:
Bond Type:
Gratitude (Master/Familiar)


So, I assume the Bond Level corresponds to the 10-50% stat boost. Since it says 1/5 it should be working already, right?

I move that screen to the side and summon the Stats one. It appears without an issue.


 Strength: 11 (+1)  Agility: 11 (+1)  Constitution: 15 (+6)  Intelligence: 14 (+2)
 Charisma: 16 (+6)


Okay, it seems to be working. I see that my core values didn’t change but the numbers in brackets must be how many additional points I get from both of them. There’s a lot of Charisma and Constitution. No wonder, they are Queen Slimes, their top stats are around those of a Human at Tier 3.

I look at the previous panel and my eyes fall on the STATUS DETAILS section. 

They shouldn’t be able to see their own status, but can my System quantify it for me?

While trying to focus on Safi’s one, a blue window pops up.


  Name: Safi
  Age: 62

  Race: Slime
  Type: Blue
  Evolution Stage: Queen Slime

  Advancement Stage: 4/10
+50% (23h left)
 Strength: 4 (+1)  Agility: 5 (+1)  Constitution: 31 (+2)  Intelligence: 10 (+2)
 Charisma: 33 (+2)
Actives Passives

 »Water Bolt
 »Create Water
 »Command Slime

 »Tremor Sense
 »Mana Sight
 »Water Affinity
 »Physical Resistance
 »Formless Body


Wow! That’s a lot of data. She is sixty-two years old?! Well, a Slime wouldn’t end up as a Queen in just a few years. I can see not only stats but also their skills? Hmmm…

I attentively browse through the screen analyzing the information presented in front of me. I move hers and mine close together and compare the stats tab trying to figure out the details. She gets +2 to CON and INT, but only +1 to AGI. 

While CON might be logical, 10% from 15 is 1.5 and rounded up gives 2, but why 14 does so too? Does it round up from less than 0.5? Wait a moment… In the first place, does their bonus come only from my base stats? I get +6 CHA but Safi should give me +3, so it must be from them both.

I summon Emi’s status and juggle my sight between three data boards. Each in a different colour.


  Name: Emi
  Age: 60

  Race: Slime
  Type: Green
  Evolution Stage: Queen Slime

  Advancement Stage: 3/10
+20% (23h left)
 Strength: 4 (+1)  Agility: 5 (+1)  Constitution: 32 (+2)  Intelligence: 7 (+2)
 Charisma: 30 (+2)
Actives Passives

 »Acid Splash
 »Create Acid
 »Command Slime

 »Tremor Sense
 »Mana Sight
 »Acid Affinity
 »Physical Resistance
 »Formless Body


Interesting… Wait...

Trying to make the windows visible, I move them in front of the girls' faces.

“Can you see those?”

They nod. [Yes, we can. Is this the System Master talked about?] Safi asks.

“Yeah. Looks like I can peek at your information and show it back to you.”

I stand up and move to one of the desks. Opening a drawer, I find a notebook and a few pencils. I pick those up and sit on the chair, beginning to write down all the stat numbers of our trio. Safi stands to my right, watching my movements carefully while Emi hangs herself from behind me, joining her hands over my chest. She doesn’t inconvenience me, so I let her be.

I do some quick and simple math. After a few minutes, I learn that it definitely rounds up scores from 0.5 up. The other important fact is that their bonus is calculated not only from my base stats but it includes the bonus I get from other people, besides the person in question. So, while my INT is 14, it rises to 15 with Safi’s +1 point and then it’s transferred as +2 to Emi, and vice versa. Thanks to that, all my followers grow with me not only when I advance a Tier, but with every new Partner I get, which makes the title's effect even more powerful than I suspected.

This thing really fits your usual Harem Hero trope.

I assume that the +20% and +50% above their stat sections correspond to the effect of Sensual Strengthening from what we did. It doesn’t show the exact numbers near each of their stats but that’s fine, it’s easy to figure out. I just wonder about the ‘slightly strengthen their body and mind permanently’ part of the skill but well, I’ll most likely see its effect with time.

I stretch my arms up and follow with a long yawn. “Guess it’s time for me to hit the bed. Less violently this time.” I smile at Safi and nuzzle Emi’s cheek with my own a bit.

“Do the two of you even need to sleep?” I ask them.

[It’s not necessary, but we can enter a hibernation state to quicken our regeneration.]

Before going to sleep, I walk to the personal bathroom to take a quick shower. Unable to convince the girls that their help is not needed, I end up with both of them inside, washing my body all over from the front and back. Fortunately, that’s all that happens.

I turn off the lights via the crystal and lay on the bed. I drift off to sleep while squished between two chilly and passionate slime girls.


※ ※ ※


I wake up to the sound of footsteps on the wooden floor. They are slowly getting closer. I feel slightly heavy. Opening my eyes, I see Emi lying on my chest and Safi closely embracing my arm on the right side.

Before I can move, someone opens the door and enters the room.

“Ugh… Why must everyone have something against non-humans? Do they not understand that they are robbing themselves out of possible informa—”

Cornelia walks in visibly annoyed. She takes a few steps and freezes when her eyes meet mine. Thank god I picked up my shorts before going to sleep.

“Hi.” I wave at her with my free hand.

She looks over our trio for a moment. Safi and Emi wake up from their hibernation and slowly rise to a sitting position, and so do I.

“Are they so scared that you have to sleep with them during the night?” She crosses her arms and smirks.

“We were just talking and fell asleep together.” I flash her an awkward smile.

“Hmmmm… I see… Oh! Did Emi advance overnight?”

I look at her and it’s true. She now has the same internal organs as Safi, including better-developed lips and a tongue. I’ll finally be able to speak with her. She moves around a bit to check the changes in her body.

I turn to Emi to pat her head. “Congratulations! I can’t wait to finally talk to yo—”


She launches herself at me before I get to finish the sentence, pushing me back down onto the bed and heading straight for my lips. She starts aggressively kissing me, instantly making use of her new tongue. It forcefully enters my mouth and begins greedily moving around, exploring every corner of it.

“Oh my…” Cornelia gasps.

I try to desperately fend off the overenthusiastic slime. Sitting up again, I try to pry Emi off my lips and put some distance between us by holding her shoulders.

“Mmmmmwhha… calm down…. nhhhnhhhnm… girl!”

I finally manage to shove her off me after some struggles.

“What’s gotten into you?”

She drops her gaze apologetically.

[Emi is sorry… Emi just got very happy and wanted to try the same thing as Safi did with Master…]

I sigh and chuckle. “Okay, just warn me next time.” I rub her solid hair.

“How did she evolve so quickly?” Cornelia ponders.

“I made them my Partners last night, you know, that skill I have, so that might be wh—”

“Wait… You fucked the slimes?!” she cries out in shock.

“Eh? How did you arrive at that conclusion?” 

Confused, I lean over Emi’s shoulder to take a better glance at the speaker and notice Safi standing near Cornelia, which holds a familiar notebook in her hands. She rotates it and I can barely read the contents from my position.

~Master shared his nutritious seed with us last night, which helped Emi advance quickly.~

I look at Safi completely surprised. “You can write now too?”

[I remembered that I can while watching Master do it yesterday.] She smiles.

Emi wobbles in front of me. [Emi too!]

“Yeah. We did it. Is it that surprising?”

“It’s just anyone insane enough to think about it ended up with their manhood melted off. Yet you seem... fine?” She ogles a visible bulge between my legs and averts her gaze.

“Courtesy of these two. You can ask them why yourself.”

I pick myself up, dress a little, throw another shirt at Emi so they both are semi-covered, and we move to the dining area to eat something I still have in my ring. Cornelia and I share our findings. None of us managed to achieve anything yesterday.

“It’s tougher than I expected. Everyone just winces when you mention demi-humans or monsters,” she says.

“Isn’t that the norm in this world?” I reply.

“This is just stupid. They are missing out so much. Their prejudice blinds them from facts and truth. To think that there are even people who call themselves scholars and still ignore other races!”

“You are just a special case. Like me. Nothing we can do about that. I’m going to pay a visit to a few people I got info about, but I’m not expecting anything. Someone advised me to consider buying a slave.”

“This might be the only way…” She dives into her thoughts for a moment. “Let me give you a little advice too.”


“Knowing you, you would instantly try to break the slavery seals out of pity. I’d rather have you think before doing that. Or at least have them still wear collars. You know how dangerous it is for other races around. People at least consider the owner when they see a slave with a collar.”

I exhale dejectedly. “Yeah, I know. I realized something yesterday. I’ll be careful.”

“Ah… ummm… good. I thought it would take some more time to convince you.”

We finish in silence and prepare to leave for another day of headhunting. Cornelia decides to stay behind for a bit to talk more with Emi and Safi since they can now easily communicate. Her inner thirst for knowledge starts taking over. Before leaving, I remember something.

“Ah, you will be returning to the castle, right?” I ask Cornelia.

“Yes, why?”

“Why not check out that secret tunnel that’s supposedly connecting this place to it?”

“Hmmm… Nice idea, but it would take days to search the whole mansion for the entrance.” 

“You don’t have to search everywhere though,” I suggest.

“Hm? You have some hints?” she asks curiously.

“Not really. Just some logical assumptions.” I start walking around the lobby while explaining my thoughts. “This was a full-fledged inn during its prime, right? Naturally, you wouldn’t want to place an entrance to a secret tunnel in front of your guests, so public areas are out of the equation.”

I gesture over the corridors.

“And I don’t think you can have a tunnel on the second floor, so we can ignore it too. What’s left are all the rooms and facilities available to the employees. Now… If I were part of that group, I’d definitely want to limit the number of people who know about the real purpose of this mansion to only those who I trust or work with. Thus, I don’t think most of the staff were aware of the tunnel. Going with that, the kitchen and cleaning department can be omitted. It would be hard to use a secret door with many people around.”

I stop for a moment and ponder.

“That leaves the space in that corridor in the back and servants quarters. Again, if I was behind this, I’d want the entrance to be in as much inconspicuous place as possible. I’d most likely choose one of the rooms at one of the ends of that corridor and place a trusted person inside. Everyone involved would have easy access to it and all other employees would normally not intrude into someone’s personal room.”

I turn around and glance at Cornelia with the girls. She looks slightly surprised and impressed.

“Wow… That’s some amazing deduction…” 

“Does not mean any of them thought that way. They might have been some random idiots and placed it literally here, in this hall, because they thought it would be cool.” I shrug and leave them to their own machinations.

My journey in search of a cook continues. I start visiting the homes of people I have on my list from yesterday. As expected, all of them are Humans and don’t want to work alongside filthy demi-humans. Some don’t want to step so low as to serve them, some just purely hate other races, some consider them spawns of evil and even the reason behind the current calamity.

They really don’t want to make this easy for me. I might really have to visit a slave trader or an auction in the end. I’m getting slightly worried if the whole brothel thing will actually work. But if even the King is interested, there should be more people hiding around, right? Finding those willing to help will be a real challenge though.

After wasting half a day with my interviews, I decide to head towards the biggest slave company I know of—Selina’s Splendid Servants. Due to the King’s generosity, I’m quite fine with cash. I have around 10 platinum, 70 gold and some silver and bronze coins. 1 platinum is 100 gold and the rest follows the same pattern. A decent meal at a mid-tier restaurant or inn is around a few silvers while for like 40-50 bronze coins you can get enough food for a person to survive a day. Your typical guard earns around a gold or two in a month. So yeah, he splurged a bit on me. But it will go down fast when I start changing the interior, buying some decorations and different furniture, or finally establish a stable supply chain with some residents to feed.

While recalling my finances, I arrive in front of not that wide, two-story stone building. Most of their space must be underground. Well, besides its unexpectedly small size, there’s one more thing that makes me wonder if it’s the right place, but a fancy signboard tells me it is. The whole building is in red shades. Light red walls, dark red columns and details around windows. Even the door is red. The owner must really have a thing for it.

They say the most successful business owners are always quite eccentric. I wonder if that rule will apply to me too.

I shake my head with a wry smile and enter through the front door.

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