I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 24 – Personal Training Room ❤

After agreeing to help Ross with his issue, I sit down again and we begin talking about random stuff that happened around the capital. Just your typical friendly chatter on pointless topics, but it feels good to have a short chat with another guy when you are surrounded mostly by beautiful women.

At some point, I realize that there’s a very important aspect of the whole operation that we haven’t touched on yet.

“Ross, there’s one more thing I need to know. How am I supposed to let you guys know about the site being real?” I ask.

His expression turns from joyful to more clouded and troubled.

“That’s still the part we are working on. They will definitely take many countermeasures against any possible leaks, including blocking all telepathy in the area or monitoring mana density.” He sighs dejectedly. “I hope we’ll come up with something safe, I’m already putting you in a lot of danger by just sending you there.”

I ponder over the issue too. “That’s bad. I can’t think of anything from my side that would help, but I’ll keep looking around,” I say.

I will have to talk to Sirgia about this, she might be able to give us some insight or even help us directly. There aren’t that many people I can ask for help with something like this. Cornelia’s knowledge-driven mind might be valuable too, but I don’t think she can come up with means other than pure spell-based solutions. Anyway, definitely worth giving it a shot. I’ll have to run a strategic meeting with everyone after I get back.

“We are going to work on that intensively too, so let’s hope for good news or we’ll have to cancel the assault,” he announces.

“There’s no need, I’ll enter nevertheless. If I manage to get an invite that is. In case I won’t find out any means to contact you, I’ll just gather as much information as I can.”

He shakes his head. “I can’t have you risk even more by snooping around inside enemy’s den. What if they notice?”

“Then, I’ll be known for starting the biggest orgy in the whole history of the capital.” 

I look at Ross and put my hand in front of him with my palm facing upwards, summoning a little of the pinkish smoke from my Carnal Mist skill and twirling it around my fingers while chuckling.

 “Tell your soldiers to keep their ears up for a lot of moaning,” I add.

I never used it before, so I have no idea how strong it is, how much of it can be released with my mana reserves and how fast it can spread. There weren’t any potential targets I could have tested it on and I definitely don’t want to try that on any of the girls around me first. I need to start experimenting with my abilities. So far, I’ve really neglected most of them in fear of affecting the minds of others too much, but that was a bad move on my side.

“Let’s leave that option as the last resort. Please, just leave the area if you feel like there’s nothing you can do.” He smiles wryly.

Later, he invites me to have lunch together and I feel that it would be rude to decline, so we end up spending a bit more time talking during the meal. Shortly after, I head back home via the same way I arrived here.

Everyone is present when I come back, so we gather up in my room. Safi and Emi as usual take spots on both my sides when I sit down on the bed, with the emerald girl happily snuggling to my arm. Cornelia takes place by one of the desks and Sirgia sits on the same bed as us, just a bit further away. She finally stopped dropping herself onto the floor.

I begin explaining the whole operation to them, without hiding too much information. I do trust them. Cornelia would most likely get filled on it by the King anyway, Safi and Emi can’t even speak and Sirgia would most likely choose to die rather than leak my secrets.

“So, yeah, that’s it. We need to come up with something that will allow me to report back. If you get some ideas, just let me know,” I finish it up.

Cornelia opens her mouth to say something but doesn’t make it before Sirgia, who jumps down from the bed and trots in front of me.

“This is too dangerous, what if something happens to Master.” She looks at me with concern in her eyes. I place my hand on her head and ruffle through the cinnamon brown hair.

“I know, but I couldn’t refuse there. This is a great opportunity to get rid of some bad people and also possibly save a few poor demi-humans like yourself.”

She drops her gaze down, not exactly happy with my decision. “But…”

I lift her head so that I can look her straight into those beautiful pupils of hers. “I promise you that I will be careful. I definitely don’t want to leave any of you alone and know that I will prioritize my own safety over anything else,” I speak while moving my hand from the top of her head to her cheek and grazing it gently with my thumb. She closes her eyes and nods.

“Yeah, right, you of all people will think about yourself while surrounded by tens of pitiful slaves around.” Cornelia places her legs on top of each other and crosses her arms over her chest.

“I will. As much as my ideals would want to disagree, I can’t save anyone if I end up dead.” I look at Sirgia who has opened her eyes again. “Besides, I already have people I need to protect in the first place.”

A tinge of rosiness appears on Sirgia’s cute cheeks and she averts her gaze. Safi and Emi move under my armpits and arrive at my front, rubbing their chilly faces against my neck with lots of affection. They try to act sweet, but I can feel their worry over our bond. 

Cornelia sighs. “It’s not like I can stop you. Just… be careful, okay?” She gives me a side glance with concernedly furrowed eyebrows.

We spend some time discussing more details and trying to figure out some ways to not only solve the communication issue but also make sure that I’m protected as much as possible. The other part is brought up by Cornelia and everyone instantly agrees, not leaving me any room for negotiation. I feel like they will prioritize it over the first problem, but what can I do.

It’s getting late when we decide to end our little meeting and we move to eat something together. I help Sirgia prepare it while others wait. I never was any good at cooking, but under her instructions, I manage to decently support her work and at the same time learn a lot. Her face might not show it, but I can feel how happy she feels during this cooperation of ours, all thanks to the skill.

After dinner, I walk back to my room and start drawing some schematics for Sirgia. I promised her that I would give her something to work on soon, and at the same time, it will redirect her thoughts from me when I'm for the operation. I just need to emphasize that this is something really important and she will quickly forget about worrying and completely focus on crafting.

Finishing a few projects, I yawn loudly and stretch my arms. It’s past midnight already. Shoving everything into my storage ring, so that no one accidentally stumbles on these notes, I stand up and decide to take a real bath before going to sleep. I throw everything besides my shorts and shirt off me and leave the room. Just as I am reaching for the knob to the bathing area, the door opens.


Cornelia yelps and stops before walking right into me. A towel covers her hair and another one is rolled tightly around her body. It’s a little weird seeing her without glasses. How should I say it… they give her more mature and elegant vibes with her hair woven into a back-bun, while without these elements, she looks more… girly? Innocent? Both images are dazzling anyway.

Judging by her glistening skin and droplets of water here and there, she’s just barely finished bathing. I turn my head to the side before my eyes wander into dangerous zones.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were in.”

She grasps the towel tightly around her chest and shakes her head, visibly blushing. “No… It’s okay. I’m the one parading in towels through the baths’ intersection.” She tries to play it cool with a smile. “It’s really amazing, I must say. Even better than at the castle... Well… have a good time while I excuse myself…”

She giggles nervously and starts walking away. My eyes follow her alluring figure. The towel she’s using for her body is not exactly large and ends up only slightly below her butt, having to sacrifice a lot of its surface for the ample peaks on the front. As she slowly takes each step, her bottom jiggles a bit, flashing a little more of the round delicacy, but just barely not enough to show anything more serious. And... oh my god…

“Those are some of the sexiest legs I’ve ever seen…”

I unconsciously voice out my thoughts while entranced by her juicy thighs, making Cornelia slip from the sudden compliment. She quickly supports herself by placing a hand on the wall and avoids falling. For a moment she just stands there with her back to me, not moving even an inch or looking back, just frozen on the spot. She then breaks into a much quicker pace and disappears around the corner with a side step.

Great… Now I made her weirded out...

I facepalm at this short moment of weakness and enter the baths’ intersection. For my defence, I was taken by a complete surprise. Those really were some great fucking legs. Many would kill just to be able to lay their eyes on them from up close, not even mentioning any other parts of the human body. I slap my cheeks to compose myself and head for the men’s section to have a nice, long, relaxing dip.


※ ※ ※


The next morning, after breakfast, I visit Sirgia’s room and pass her one of the designs. I tell her that she doesn’t have to instantly start working on it because it’s not something insanely important, just a little device I came up with for the future. She assures me that she’ll do her best and that failing is not an option. She’s already filled with loads of determination. Looks like I don't even have to emphasize that.

Before she loses herself in it, I ask her for a little help with the cellars underground. On our way down, we also grab Cornelia, who definitely hasn’t forgotten our last conversation, due to how often she avoids my gaze. I just hope it won’t stay like that. She cuts down any apology I try issuing before I even finish, saying that it’s fine.

We move to the largest chamber and I explain to them that I want to turn it into a training area, and the reason I brought them here is to ask about their input since one is a skilled magician and the other is a skilled artificer. They both look around while I move some boxes into other rooms to clean this area completely.

Sirgia inspects walls and the floor while Cornelia dives into her thoughts. The first one says that she should be able to reinforce them with proper enhancements via carving special sigils into the blocks of stone. With everyone’s help, she can most likely make them at least as tough as hardened steel. If it was just her mana reserves, it would take a lot of time, but having a magician with a deep mana pool and a few other people to help, we should be able to finish in a day.

Cornelia tells us that she might be able to draw some Magic Absorption arrays to apply another layer of protection, which will lessen the strain produced by offensive spells flying around. She has to visit the library to check on them before she can do that.

For now, it’s meant to be a sparring arena, but I suggest that we acquire some mannequins for practice too. Cornelia adds that in the future we might consider investing in a bit more expensive solutions like self-regenerating golems or other advanced training systems, but it will be hard to inconspicuously bring them in, since it’s the Adventurer’s Guild which deals with those mostly, and they are quite meticulous in screening the buyers for the purpose and such.

I give Sirgia a few pats on the back and say that our artisanal prodigy will definitely make even better ones at some point, making her shrink into herself and quiver a bit under the praise.

Our trio leaves for the city shortly after, to pick up necessary ingredients and tools. Cornelia splits off for the library in the middle of our shopping trip. She tells us not to wait for her and to head back home after we are done with our part. It takes us an hour to collect everything Sirgia needs. We also pick up a few more tools used to carve runes in various materials.

To create the image of a rich nobleman for the plan, I’ll need some new clothes. I can’t show up in my current attire, so we head to the Noble district and enter a dignified looking tailor. There are countless suits, shoes, dresses and accessories showcased inside, fitting the image of the upper class. 

“Pick up something you like while I take the order.” I turn to Sirgia and say with a smile.

“But I’m—”

“With me. And I want to buy you a little something for your great help. Okay?” 

I kneel down and pat her head while looking her in the eyes. She nods and I walk towards the clerk and begin discussing the details with him. He scoffs at me at first, but gets completely pale and quickly apologizes after I flash him the Ruby Card. For the whole time, I don’t stop paying close attention to Sirgia. Ten minutes later, the clerk finishes taking down all the notes and informs me to pick up the order tomorrow.

I walk back to Sirgia, who notices my approach and turns around.

“Everything here is really beautiful, but I didn’t find anything that I would want, so it’s okay if Master just—”

I poke her forehead with a little force, making her head bob. She massages it in confusion, but I don’t say anything, just walk past her. She quickly catches up to my side and her little mouth opens in surprise when she notices what I am reaching for. I pick up a flat, metal hairpin, depicting a pink lily flower in full bloom. Turning to her, I gently slide it into one of her braids, near the top of her head, tilting the nearby hanging mirror for her to see the reflection better.

Sirgia stares into the mirror and examines the decoration with her hand. She then moves her gaze onto me.

“Next time you lie, I’ll have you pick up two things, understood?” I stare down at her and raise my eyebrows.

A faint smile appears on her lips before she lowers her head to hide it and nods. “Uhn.”

We arrive back home faster than Cornelia, so we begin the work without her. At first, I just observe how Sirgia creates various patterns in the stone blocks, but after some time I catch on and help with carving the symbols while she gets to properly link them with her skills. Two hours later our magician finally joins the party and we all focus on the task. It takes us 5 more hours to complete the preparations and then another hour of pouring the mana of all five of us to properly activate the sigils. We should have bought some blunt weapon on our way back, there’s nothing to test the effect right now.

Next, under Cornelia’s guidance, we mix lots of magical ingredients and create mana imbued ink or paint. She shows us the array formations she copied from the library and we spend two hours drawing lots of magic circles everywhere. All our mana is drained, so we have to leave the activation for tomorrow. 

Like almost every day, Safi and Emi end up in my bed again. This time they are much more cuddly than they usually are, especially Safi. While we lie down together, I give their cores some gentle rubs and try to convince them that everything is going to be fine. They quite literally melt under my touch. Within a few minutes, I turn their concern into waves of pleasure. Few passionate kisses later we fall asleep.


※ ※ ※


Everything activates without an issue and Sirgia barricades herself in her room to focus on the task I’ve handed her earlier. Cornelia follows suit and dedicates her time to the research of the least detectable form of communication. I’m left in the training area with my two affectionate jelly girls.

Since my suit most likely won’t be ready so early, I decide to spend some time to familiarize myself more with my weapon. I open my skills menu to check my whip proficiency hidden behind the Arms Mastery: Novice passive, but before I dive into it, I notice that I’ve gained Mana Control from our previous work and it’s already level 2. Great. I’ll have an easier time with magic and most of the skills now.

My Whip Mastery is at level 3, like all other weapon masteries. This was most likely the required level to gain the Arms Mastery merger. Unfortunately, I do not possess Whip Arts which would list me some useful skills with that weapon, but I guess it will appear at some point if I keep using it. Marcia gained Dagger ones before uncovering her talent in Dual Shortswords, so it’s not like I can’t learn them, they are common ones, just it will take a little more time and effort.

I recall all the movements my instructor has drilled into me a few months ago and begin replaying them in turns. This time the wall is my target since there’s nothing else, and it doesn’t look like there’s even a scratch on it from my strongest moves. Safi and Emi watch from the sidelines as I keep repeating the same movements over and over for six hours, using up mana to forcefully revitalize my body. This way I’ll be able to train both my physique and magic at the same time. They come and snuggle up to me to cool me down during breaks and pass me water. 

During the current one, Emi playfully licks the sweat from around my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I bonk her head and reprimand her that I’d rather not practice with a raging boner. She imitates a giggle and says that it smelled so captivating that she couldn’t stop herself and that the taste is unbelievably sweet. Safi can’t hold back her curiosity after hearing that and I end up being pushed down and assaulted by their tongues for ten minutes straight.

I have to resort to shoving my hands inside them and grabbing their cores to make them stop. I give their hearts a few good squeezes as a punishment, making them squirm and spasm uncontrollably until they finally manage to utter an apology under my intense care. It was easy to access Safi’s one due to her still being in just that half-open shirt and panties, but with Emi’s maid uniform, I had to flex myself a lot to get under her skirt and use the backdoor to reach for her orb. No wonder she enjoyed it even more than Safi.

And naturally, my efforts end in vain. Raging boner it is. After collecting themselves, they say that it’s their turn to make me feel good now. No matter how hard I try to explain to them that they do not need to repay me every time I do something, they do not listen. I sigh inwardly and surrender myself to them.

Emi moves behind me and sits on her knees, pulling my back towards her springy chest. I don’t resist and end up leaning on her while she starts moving her chilly hands under my shirt, which is almost completely see-through from all the sweat. One hand grazes my abs while the other one backs off and pulls my head to the side, and we join our lips in a deep and sensual kiss. Deciding to leave everything to them this time, I let Emi take the lead and she greedily prods the insides of my mouth with her frosty tongue.

I start feeling the tightness around my waist loosening, so I move my left eye as far to the edge as I can, and I barely catch a glimpse of Safi unwinding my belt and sliding down my pants along with underwear, revealing my fully erect member to the world. She pokes it a few times with her iconic, motherly smile and begins to slowly stroke it up and down.

Emi turns my head even more towards her and I’m unable to watch whatever Safi is doing for the moment. I do have some idea though. She stopped using her hands and is most likely giving it careful, prolonged licks from the bottom of my shaft to the very tip of the glans, taking her sweet time to travel up. She somehow managed to recreate something akin to breathing and an icy air brushes over my dick's underside while her tongue follows the path over the standing pole. I close my eyes and let the pleasure fill my mind, along with countless lewd images.

After a minute of their soft caresses, Emi releases my lips, which are now completely covered with her cool saliva, and begins planting frosty kisses all over the nape of my neck. I move my eyes back to Safi just to see her fumbling around with her shirt. To my surprise, she does not unpin the buttons to remove it. Quite the opposite. She skillfully inserts some of them into the wrong holes, making her shirt squeeze her boobs even harder. With a mischievous smile, she moves closer to my junior, leans over and envelops it with her flexible tits, now pressed together more than ever before.

She starts dropping them down and pulling back up while glancing at me. Emi moves her hands towards my nipples and starts circling them with the tips of her fingers as Safi bombards my dick with her bouncy melons. The tip of my cock peeks out with each slam and quickly disappears back into the sapphire valley, which is held together by a few entangled buttons in the middle of her shirt, threatening to break off at any given moment.

Not yet content with her actions, Safi begins catching it with her lips, giving the glans a quick, swirling lick and releasing it with a bit of suction and a loud, sloppy pop. The room gets filled with rhythmic popping sounds.

“Ufffff… I swear that you are getting more and more creative…”

I groan a little as my penis gets hotter and hotter, sending waves of pleasure through my body. Noticing that, Safi speeds up her movements, adding much more force to them. She also spills some of her cool saliva onto my twitching pole to bring this whole scenario to another level. I could sit here enjoying the moment for much longer, thanks to the title’s effect, but there’s no need to prolong this when I’m already feeling heavenly.

“Go and join her for your reward.” 

I lean my head back onto Emi’s shoulder and whisper to her ear. Not like it matters where I whisper since she translates the language via vibrations of the air with her Tremor Sense, but this just feels proper and more sensual. She places an upside-down kiss on my lips and does as I say.

Safi pulls her breasts off my dick to give Emi some space and they both begin ferociously licking my member. The first focuses her efforts solely on the glans while the other wraps her tongue all around the shaft. While I still can, I focus my mind on the title’s effect and try to imagine it rising by about 10% in power.

“Bon appetit!” I joyfully say to them and follow with a groan of pleasure as my cock erupts with a cloudy liquid.

Safi quickly moves her mouth back and the both of them join their lips around the tip of my penis, cuddling it up between their fierce kiss, and sucking in coordinated turns.


Milky white nectar spurts out, and unfortunately not being able to defy gravity, rains down onto the slime girls' overjoyed faces. They start wobbling and trembling all over, even before I finish cumming. With the last projectile out of the barrel, they begin to slurp the remains straight from the source.

With that gone, they move to each other's faces and I watch as they fiercely scoop the seed with her tongues, fighting for who gets to acquire more. Soon after they finish, the flashiest pink glow up to now happens on their cores surfaces. I hastily jump to my knees and lean them over my chest, anticipating them losing control of their bodies for a while. It takes two minutes for their flashing and spasming to end.

[Amazing! Master’s seed got even tastier!] Emi informs me with an overjoyed expression.

[I’ve never felt so much pleasure for so long before,] Safi adds.

[That’s because Master is the best!] Emi jumps at my chest, pushing me down onto the floor and snuggles her face to it in her usual manner.

“Hahaha, no, you two are the best.” I pat her lots and brush the cheek of Safi who lays down on my side. “I’m so glad I’ve stumbled onto you back there.”

As I say those words, I feel something change inside of me. I can now feel their emotions much more clearly and a trace of something more than just gratitude and pleasure surfaces there. I wouldn’t call it with such a strong word like love or even affection yet, but it’s like a little hint of fondness between master and a familiar. My lips curl into a broad smile as I slowly realize what this phenomenon means.


I wonder what happened ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  Also, I'm starting Uni this month so there might not be 2 releases each week, just for your information. We'll see how it goes.



Enormous gratitude towards our S-rank Guild Member - Magiwarrior! We couldn't have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honoured by your presence!

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