I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 26 – A Slave Can Be Happy Too ❤❤

The door slowly opens and Sirgia walks into the room. I sit down on the edge of my bed. She’s currently wearing the shirt and shorts I’ve bought her on the first day, so I guess she just left her little workshop. And the thing she holds in her hands in the front confirms my guess. She glances over me and over the item she brought.

“Ummm… I finished the artifact that Master requested.”

She quietly announces and raises her hands with the device to show me. It has a short, cylindrical shape, around a few inches long, with one end narrowing down into a pointy tip, but more round than sharp. It’s completely made out of some light wood. It has a very sleek and polished design to it. A small smile forms on my lips.

“It looks great. What about the other part?” I ask, curious if she managed to achieve what I suggested.

“I managed to complete it too. I came up with using Vibrazium as the core inside the wooden shell and etched some runes onto it. It will activate when supplied with mana.”

She grabs it into one hand and places the other one on the bottom, flat end, imbuing a little mana into the product. It starts weakly vibrating and emitting a low, humming buzz.

“The more energy you infuse, the stronger it will vibrate.”

And she demonstrates what she means, making it visibly shake in her hand. My smile grows even wider. She managed to achieve much more than I expected.

“You truly are amazing. I only gave you a vague description of the effect and you thought up a solution so fast. You really overworked yourself over this, didn’t you?” 

I clap my hands and shower her in praise. She turns the device off and joins her hands in the front, dropping her eyes to the floor with a faint smile. She quickly composes herself back and looks at me curiously.

“Emmmm… Will this help with Master’s quest? I can’t really imagine the use of this wooden stick. Doesn’t seem to be a weapon... Some utility tool?” She rotates the thingy in her hands, glancing at me.

I extend my hand and she walks closer to give the artifact to me. I examine it around. Really professional work. There are no splinters or deviations anywhere; it’s completely smooth. Holding it by its base in one hand, I turn to Sirgia.

“It’s not really connected to the mission I accepted. It was just an experiment. You can say that it was my first test for you, to get a grasp on your skills, and you not only passed it but also exceeded my expectations.” I reach out and ruffle her hair. “As for what it is… You could say it’s a massage tool.”

She tilts her head a bit and starts staring at the object, visibly in thought. I leak some of my mana into it and press it gently on the top of her shoulder.

“Ah! Mmmmmm…”

She jumps a little, surprised by the sudden sensation, but does not back off and stands still as I press it over her left shoulder. I chuckle and take it back. She looks slightly confused, so I explain it further.

“But, you see, it’s a specific kind of a massager. Tell me, doesn’t this shape ring any bells, hmmm?”

I wave it a few times between us and stop to let her take a closer look. Sirgia stares intently at the wooden stick, trying to figure its real purpose. After a minute or two, I start thinking that her mind is too pure to create such a connection, but finally, her eyes grow wide and a bit of crimson appears on her cute cheeks.

“Oh? Did you figure it out?”

“Is it… for… ummmm… down… there?” Her voice gets quieter with each word as she struggles to properly express the role of the artifact.

“Yes. That’s right. It’s often called a dildo. It’s a tool for lonely girls that either don’t have a partner or their loved one is away from them. It allows them to feel good by themselves. There are many variations but this is one of the simplest pieces.”

I explain to her about the lewd tool that she created for me. Well, at least in general terms. There’s no need to go deeper as of today. Sirgia drops her gaze to the ground again, but this time, I don’t think it’s out of embarrassment.

“Are you disappointed?” I ask.

She quickly raises her face and shakes her head, but speaks hesitantly. “No…”

It’s my turn to shake my head. “You don’t need to lie just to please me. Don’t forget that you are allowed to have your own opinion about things or disagree with me. I completely understand how making such a shameful thing can be disappointing for an artisan from a remarkable bloodline like yourself.”

“I created an artifact that Master wished for. I’m proud to be of use.” She still keeps up her act.

I smile wryly at her devotion. “Listen. In the future, I might ask you to help me with many more indecent ideas. Perhaps one day we might even sell them to customers, I just thought of that possibility right now. From my past experiences, I can tell you that things like these have a very high chance to gain popularity. That being said, I can obviously see how a proud artificer might feel ashamed having their name associated with obscene tools like these. That’s why you can use an alias to cover your real identity. You can’t predict how things will develop and I think cutting yourself out of something that has the potential to get famous worldwide is a wasted opportunity. And if one day you decide that you want to claim the ownership, you can just announce who is behind that alias, although that’s of course not necessary. What do you think? I don’t want to impose on you things that you hate. So please, speak honestly.”

I try to present the whole thing in as much positive light as possible, naturally knowing how weird it may sound to someone from a world where the erotic market is mostly limited to brothels and lone prostitutes on the streets. Although, shouldn’t it be possible for some horny magi-crafter to come up with such an idea? I imagine Cornelia, a lonely researcher, working on some seismic case and accidentally discovering a new field of pleasure. Well… Maybe not her… I guess sooner or later it would have happened somewhere.

Sirgia finally gazes back at me after being lost in thoughts and speaks again.

“I understand. Master’s words are very wise. I really don’t mind creating whatever Master needs. If my creations will someday become available to the public, I’d like to use an alias. I think it’s a bit too embarrassing for me… And if someone from my family learned about it…”

She confidently voices out her decision, squirming a little near the end. That’s understandable. It’s the main reason why people started using fake names to cover themselves when creating things that could be considered embarrassing to reveal to close ones.

I nod happily at her decision and ruffle her hair a little more, with a kind smile.

“Thank you.” An adorable smile forms on her lips too. She’s such a cutie when she properly shows emotions. “I promise you that I will build the most amazing workshop you have ever laid your eyes on in the underground area, just for you, so that you can create whatever weapons, armours, tools or any other artifacts you want in the future.”

The smile disappears and her face gets painted with shock and surprise, or maybe something closer to disbelief and surprise.

“Really?” She grips her shirt with both hands and asks with a lot of uneasiness.

I stop the pats and move back a little. “Why would I lie to you like that? Did you think that I would force the upcoming greatest artificer of this millennium to work only on things that she dislikes? How are you supposed to get better from crafting trash of such low tier? Besides, I’m legitimately curious what amazing things you can create, so of course, I’ll do whatever I can to provide you with the best possible work environment!”

Sirgia freezes on the spot with her mouth slightly agape after it opened by itself somewhere in the middle of my monologue. Her eyes wander all over me while she processes my words. When she’s finally done with it, her fists clench over the clothes even harder and her little mouth moves a few times, trying to convey some words, but no voice leaves her tensed throat. She’s barely making any movements, staring at me without even blinking.

I give her another warm smile. “Out with it.”

Her lips close shut insanely tight before she overcomes whatever is holding her back.

“Can I… hug you…?”

This girl… Looks like Safi was right...

I extend my open palm to her and nod. She grabs it with her small, trembling hand and I close mine to not let her back off. Pulling her closer, I help her climb up onto my lap and she sits on my legs sideways. Her head leans against my chest and her other hand grasps my shirt tightly. I release the one I’ve been holding her with and embrace her closer, supporting her by the thighs with one palm and affectionately caressing her hair with the other, brushing my thumb over her warm cheek.

Moments later, I begin hearing soft sniffles and my clothes get a little sticky. Looking down, I see tears flowing out of Sirgias closed eyes. She pulls herself even closer and starts rubbing her face against my chest, clenching her fists so hard that the material barely avoids being ripped off.

Hic… Hic… Thank you… Sniffle… Thank you… Thank you for buying me…”

She begins mumbling thanks over and over while crying her face off into me. “It’s okay… Let it all out… You’ve held very bravely until now…” I whisper to her softly, not stopping the caressing even for a moment.


All the emotions she has been hiding back since most likely the day she was captured or the day she was framed for assassination finally break out and flow outside, obstructed by no more barriers. I let her cry herself out into me for over half an hour, softly embracing her shivering body the whole time. 

She falls asleep still latched onto my chest, utterly drained from the physical strain from her work and mental one from the sudden outburst of emotions. I gently wipe her face and set her in one of the two beds in my room. I smile at her relaxed expression as I cover her up with the sheets. Deciding to not make her unnecessarily embarrassed in the morning, I fall asleep dressed on the other bed.


※ ※ ※


Waking up and regaining consciousness, most likely already during the morning, judging by how bright it is even with closed eyelids, I notice that my right forearm is slightly numb and my palm is experiencing some weird sensation. Without opening my eyes I begin moving my left hand to massage it a bit, but before it even changes its location by a few centimetres, it brushes over something smooth and warm, catching onto some material that restricts the action. I confusedly stroke the warm surface with the tips of my fingers.

“Ehehehehe… Mmmmmhhmmmm…”

A cute, girly giggle arises literally right by my side, followed by a long, soft sigh and some mumbling. I slowly lift my eyelids up and the perceived image completely stuns me. I’m lying on my right side with Sirgia snuggled to me as a little spoon, using my right forearm as her pillow and embracing my palm with her small hands. With each breath, a puff of hot air tickles it. My left arm is lying over her body, with the hand somehow placed directly on her belly, under the clothing.

Erm… I think I remember falling asleep alone… Did I walk over to her in my sleep?

I carefully raise my head and look around the room, spotting the other bed with sheets moved to the side. By the position of all the furniture, I can deduce that the mattress in my sight belongs to Sirgia.

This is exactly the bed I’ve laid myself on. Then… Did I unconsciously pick her up and bring her here? No… I’ve never sleep-walked before… Did she...

There’s only one way to solve the mystery behind this situation. I bend the fingers of my right hand and tickle Sirgia’s nose a few times, stopping when her body starts shifting in the bed. It suddenly freezes. She must be analyzing the situation as her hands prod my left palm, and then my right hand laying on her belly. She wiggles slightly, her butt presses against me and she suspends her movements again. Her head starts rotating very slowly until she catches the sight of my face with the corner of her left eye.

“I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have sneaked into Master’s bed! I’ll leave immedia—”

She starts panicking and apologizing frantically while hastily raising herself and beginning to run away. I quickly stop her by grabbing her by the wrist.

“Wait. I don’t mind. You can lie down by my side and sleep with me whenever you feel like it.” I stroke the back of her hand with my thumb. “Besides, sleeping with such an adorable girl in my arms really makes me happy.”

Sirgia’s cheeks grow rosy as she glances at me, weighing her decision between retreating and coming back into my embrace. Thankfully, the latter side wins and she hesitantly moves closer, this time with her front to me. I place my left hand over her back and pull her into a hug. We stay cuddled up like this for a few minutes. I can see a corner of her smile from above.

She breaks the silence first. “Thank you… Even though I’m just a slave…”

I sigh heavily and slide myself down to the point where our faces are in front of each other. I place my hand on her cheek.

“Being a slave does not mean that you can’t yearn for happiness. To me, you are just a cute, little girl—, no, an adorable little woman who has big dreams but a small problem with expressing what she wants.”

I move closer as I speak, our noses touch each other. Her gaze frequently drops down onto my lips, quickly returning to my eyes after. Such a cute reaction.

“So tell me. I’m going to fulfil your request no matter what it is, as a token of my gratitude for your help.”

Her mouth opens a few times but she is still holding herself back after all this.

Arghhhhhhh, fuck it!

I support her head with my left hand and go for her mouth, making our lips finally connect. Sirgia’s eyes widen in surprise, even though this was clearly what she has been thinking about the whole time. I don’t give her a chance to back off, at the same time trying to not be violent, so I only gently join our lips together in a light kiss.

After a few kisses, I give her some space and glance over her almost completely flushed face. Her eyes get slightly moist as if ready for another round of crying.

“Are you really fine… with someone like me?”

I roll my eyes. “What’s wrong with you?”

She drops her gaze down and squeezes her breasts together with her hands. “My chest… isn’t that big… and I’m very thin… Don’t Humans like women with more body? I’m nowhere close to Safi or Emi...”

I sigh and shake my head. I raise myself a bit and move my mouth close to her short, pointy ear before whispering to it sensually.

“I want to push you down right here, right now, and do you so hard that you won’t be able to stand for the next 24 hours.” Her ear twitches and her body shivers as she tightens her grasp on my shirt. I back off to the front of her face and I’m met with her eyes even wider than before, but there’s no fear in them, only surprise. “Is that clear enough for an answer?” I ask with a smile.

She pulls herself closer and hides her face in my neck. "I want to do it too…"

After she pulls away, I lift her chin and kiss her again. This time she pushes her mouth against mine too, instead of running away. We exchange a few, slow pecks while gazing each other into the eyes.

I unpin her collar after we break off and she glances at me questioningly. I pull the new one from my storage ring and wrap it around her neck. Sirgia closely examines the dangling, brown crystal heart. She smiles happily and giggles to herself. 

“It’s beautiful…” she mutters.

“Just like you.”

She takes my lips by surprise, leaving a quick, soft kiss on them. Looking down, she brushes over my underbelly with her small hand.

“Is my body really to Master’s liking?”

I grab her fingers and lead them inside my underwear. Her small palm grasps my hot, fully erect rod. “Do you think this guy down here is lying?” I kiss her a bit more aggressively and our tongues entwine in their first naughty dance. Sirgia strokes the shaft of my penis with the utmost care like it’s something precious to her.

We break off with a trail of saliva between us. Sirgia glances at me for the last time and slides down to the level of my crotch. She pulls down my pants along with underwear and my expectant member lunges out, hitting her on the forehead. She stares at it with awe.

“It’s so big…”

Well… I personally wouldn’t say that, but in the eyes of someone with her small posture, it might seem quite large. I actually have no idea about the average Dwarf’s dick size in this world. It wasn’t mentioned in the books I’ve checked in the past.

Moving her face around it, she starts grazing over the whole length with her fingers, delicately prodding the glans. She jumps a little when my penis twitches in response to her poking and looks up at me.

“Is this your first time?” I ask and she nods hesitantly. “Don’t worry then. It moves when feeling good. Do you need some help?”

“I know what to do…”

She replies and begins kissing the shaft, slowly arriving at the tip. Positioning it in front of her face, she opens her mouth wide and slides it in. Her hot tongue tickles the glans from below. It’s my first time experiencing a ‘real’ tongue on my member too, and it’s completely different from the chilly texture of Safi’s or Emi’s mouth.

Sirgia’s mouth barely fits the girth of my member. She tries to slowly take more of it inside, but it hits the top of her throat, and inexperienced with such things, she starts panicking with her mouth stretched around it. She tries her best to not bite it while slightly gagging; tears start rolling from the corners of her eyes.

I quickly hold her head, cast Rejuvenate to calm her down and help her relax the muscles. Her teeth lightly graze the tip as I slowly pull it out, making me wince a little.

Cough… Cough… I’m sorry… Cough…

She apologizes many times with a teary face, full of guilt and concern. I brush her cheek with a smile.

“Everything is fine. Don’t force yourself to do things that are hard or painful for you, okay?” She nods, still a little down. “You can lick it around and use your hands. There’s no need to take it inside your mouth.”

She nods again and locks her gaze onto my dick, regaining her lost motivation. Using both hands, she strokes along the shaft, up and down, this time licking the tip carefully from outside. She glances up to see my reaction as she tries to match different palm movements and squeezes with her tongue circling around many areas around the glans. I stop holding back and let her see the changes on my face and hear grunts of pleasure from time to time so that she doesn’t lose confidence in herself. What is some stupid male pride in front of ensuring that an unbelievably adorable girl sucking on your cock feels properly appreciated?

Sirgia smiles sweetly, and with a newfound passion, she focuses even more efforts on making me feel good. Her small lips connect with the tip in various places, leaving it with a gentle suck. She licks it around, lovingly swirling her tongue over the edges and concentrating on the area under the head. One of her hands continues to pump the length while the other fondles the two oval balls on the very bottom.

Her actions get more lively with each passing turn. To spice things up, she switches the strategy, starting to softly brush the glans with her delicate fingers while she opens her mouth, hangs the tongue out, and begins to move it along the whole length in parallel slides, covering my whole dick in her saliva. 

I chuckle in between the gasps of pleasure. “See? You are so damn erotic… Haaaah...”

She giggles too and moves her face up to mine while gently kneading the tip of my penis within her hands, but she stops before her lips meet mine and backs off a little with realization painted all over her face. I chase after her and assault her mouth with my tongue. She seems a bit surprised, but quickly responds with her own advance and we exchange a few deep and wet kisses.

“What? You think I wouldn’t kiss a girl who had my dick in her mouth?” 

I pull back for a moment and say to her with a cheeky smile, just to venture back into between her lips again, much more aggressively exploring her upper dungeon. She surrenders it to me, letting my invader prod every corner of it, but it’s just a ruse as she locks her lips and sucks on my tongue playfully. She releases it with a smile of her own. Giving me one more light tap on the lips, she moves down again.

Not wanting to keep her there forever, I stop withholding my orgasm and let the pleasure flow through more freely. “I’m going to come soon.”

Hearing the announcement, Sirgia moves her mouth to the front of my penis again, without pushing it in this time. She parts her lips to some extent and envelops a chunk of the tip between them, starting to suck and massage it rhythmically. Her hands squeeze the shaft with more force during the movements. She looks up at me with expectant eyes. This view is unbelievably seductive and her short posture just makes it even more alluring.

“Watch out… Guuuuh…”

My penis starts throbbing as white stuff spews out from the tip straight into the insides of Sirgia’s mouth. She wavers a little after realizing the amount of milky liquid shooting in raging waves against the back of her throat, but does not back off and takes it all in. 

I brush my fingers through her hair, sighing in satisfaction. “Haaaaaaaaah….” She sucks out the very last drop from the thick pipe and closes her mouth while backing off, quickly covering her lips with her hands to avoid accidentally spilling any of my creamy seed.

“You don’t have to swallow it—”

I don’t get to finish my sentence when the sound of gulping enters my ears and I watch as her little throat moves up and down to drive the received meal further through the tunnel. It’s again, a massively different scene than when my lovely slimes consume it. It kinda makes me happy and proud seeing her do that.

Dealing with all of the abundant load, she coughs softly. I bring out the waterskin and give it to her for a sip of water. She drinks it greedily as I pat her head. With a heavy sigh of relief, she gives it back to me.

“We Dwarves say that swallowing the man’s semen is a token of affection. And I wanted to show Master that I… that I...” 

She gets redder and redder as she speaks and stops before finishing. It’s quite comical that she gets embarrassed over such simple words while she was vigorously sucking on my cock a moment ago with a satisfied smile.

I pull her up, back to my level, and rest my forehead against hers. “Do you like me?”

She nods lightly while staring into my eyes. “Uhn.”

“That’s great because I like you a lot too.”

A joyful smile appears on her face and a little tear flows down her cheek. I wipe it off with my thumb. She sits up, takes off her top and looks at me, bringing my hand to her modest breast.

“I want Master to fully embrace me.”

I raise myself too and push Sirgia down onto her back evoking a cute yelp from her. I quickly dematerialize my clothes into the ring and lean myself above the adorable dwarf. Giving her a few pecks on the lips, I start sensually moving down, leaving a trail of loving caresses with my mouth. Arriving at her humble chest, I begin circling with my tongue around her slightly stiff nipples.

“Ahn! Master...”

A soft moan escapes her lips and she blocks her mouth by biting on her finger. Using my hand, I poke the perky right tip while giving tiny sucks to the left one through my lips. Listening to her cute, withdrawn moans, I move down, tickling her tummy a little and making her giggle.

I reach the line of her bottom clothes. First, I slide down the shorts, revealing cute, light brown panties, with a slight moist stain on the lowest part. I poke it with my finger, evoking some more yelps of pleasure and her body jumps a little. As I grasp her underwear to pull it down, Sirgia grabs my wrists with a bit of a fearful face.

“Wait! I… I…” She tries to convey something, but her eyes dart off to the sides all the time. “It hasn't been shaven since the day I was imprisoned…” She brings back her hands and covers her face with them.

Goddammit girl… Are you trying to give me a heart attack?

I remove the cloth nevertheless, expecting quite the bush down there, but only a small, triangular patch of brownish hair above her cute slit enters my eyes. I sigh to myself and shake my head. A bit of my hot breath brushes over her entrance making her squirm.

“Really? You are so worried about this?” I stroke the pubes a little. “It’s beautiful. I love it.”

Her expression becomes less tense. I move my eyes to the pink crevice and split her labia to the side, opening the gate to her most secret place. A tiny trail of love nectar flows out from the bottom of it. 

“I’m ready… Master can enter already…” She quietly announces.

I start sliding my finger around her inner labia while I pull myself back up towards her face. “No can do. I have to make sure that it will feel good for you too. And of course, return the favour.” Leaving another kiss on her lips, I move down and start using my tongue.


And she’s back with a finger in her mouth. Oh well…

Spreading her lower lips with my own fingers, I make sure to thoroughly caress all the outside areas of her pussy, giving long and gentle licks over each part. After a minute of this erotic tongue massage, I cover my index finger with lots of saliva and start poking a tiny hood above the door to her womanhood.

“Ahnnnn… Mmmmmhnnn…”

It’s instantly met with an expected response. Not wasting any more time, I slide the tip of my tongue inside her hot vagina while rubbing her clit with utmost care.


Her body shivers a little and her legs close around my head. I begin tickling her insides with my tongue with a bit more strength, and with each movement she moans even louder, barely being able to stop the amorous sighs from escaping her mouth. I increase the fierceness of my assault in response to her body's trembling, and soon it starts tensing up with waves of spasms enveloping her whole short frame.


A bit more of the sweet nectar drips out of the entrance as I pull back my lips. I move up to match Sirgia’s gaze and brush her cheek as she breathes roughly after achieving an orgasm. Her slightly hazy eyes stare intently into mine and she extends both arms up. We join our lips in a soft kiss while she entwines her hands behind my back.

Resting for a moment, she glances down and then nods at me. No more words are needed. I spread her legs again and position my neglected member in front of the pink gate. It looks quite big compared to her modest body and I start getting worried that it may hurt more than feel good no matter what I do. Her pussy is not tiny, but when I press the tip against the entrance, it definitely looks like it will have to stretch a bit considering the girth of my member. And trying it over her belly, I get the feeling that I should be careful to not push it too far.

Sirgia notices my weird actions and most likely figures out the source of my distress. She places both hands on my cheeks as I’m still leaning above her and speaks.

“It will be fine. Master’s… penis… is big... but while male Dwarves ones are a lot shorter, they are usually much wider, even two times as thick as Master’s.”

I glance over her lower lips again and can’t quite believe how something that thick could enter her small body. It’s not that it’s impossible, I’ve seen my fair deal of short girls riding on dragon dicks, but it feels completely different when in front of your eyes.

Releasing a sigh to compose myself, I decide to not trample over her resolve and slowly push the tip of my dick inside. It slides in with a bit of resistance and soon the fleshy mounds swallow the glans, making it disappear in the depths of the amazingly hot and moist cave. I involuntarily let a gasp when they squeeze the tip. It’s my first time inside a human-like vagina.

Sirgia winces in pain, clenching her teeth with closed eyes. “Ughh… It’s fine!” Seeing me not move any further, she tries to lower herself onto my member by pushing her hands against my body. “Uguuuuuh… I can take more! Hnnngggg...”

I quickly stop her the moment my tip bumps into a soft blockade. I already can’t watch as she forces herself to suffer through while I’m almost about to break her hymen.

I hope this works...

I brush her lips with my thumb and she opens her eyes full of tears. “Swallow some of my saliva. Tell me if you start feeling weird.” I join our mouths and try to pass as much of the liquid to her as I can while she does as instructed and drinks it slowly. A minute later, we break off. 

“It… doesn’t hurt that much now… but my body is a bit hot… and it starts to itch down there,” she conveys between her breaths, with a much more flushed expression than before. Looks like the effect adjusted properly to my orders.

Nothing better to test it more than pushing my penis deeper and finally breaking her purity seal.


No scream of pain follows, just a moan full of pleasure. Taking that as confirmation, I rest my hands on her sides and begin moving. Gentle thrusts at first. Slow, steady pokes around her hot vagina, with each push going a little deeper and deeper.

“Ahhn... Mhhn... Mmmmmhm... Master…”

The walls start coiling around my spear with incredible pressure. It feels amazingly tight, but I can notice how it slowly begins adjusting to my size. My glans scrape the uneven ceiling inside her pussy with each pullback, resulting in increasingly louder moans. At last, she stops biting on her fragile finger and is not hiding them anymore, with her hands now hugging me firmly.

“It feels good… Ahhnn… Uhmmm… Does Master… ahhhn… like it inside… too?”

I dive in for a kiss and ravish her adorable lips as an answer. She merrily takes me up for the offer, entwining her tongue with mine. Her other mouth clamps on my sword even harder. Taking a glance below, I see about three-fourths of my dick inside her. The tip hits something more limiting on its path.


Sirgia breaks the kiss to moan loudly as her back arches upwards. I must have hit the entrance to her womb. As I suspected, she won’t be able to take much more of it, good that I was being careful. She again notices my gaze. What a perceptive girl.

“You can… mmmmmmmmmmmhhnnn… deeper....”

I exhale in pleasure while backing away and chuckle at her. “Haaah… Maybe next time…” 

With her sensitivity slightly increased by my saliva, I can tell that she is nearing another orgasm quickly. I start moving my dick around her insides to find more pleasurable spots and she begins squirming in my hands with an ecstatic expression. Poking the places that make her wriggle the most, my cock ravages the hot insides of her pussy even faster.

“Ahnnn! Ahhhhaaan! I’m… Aaaaaahnn! Again…!”

She starts squeezing my member so hard that it’s getting difficult for me to move, and I have to use even more force, ferociously spreading her dripping walls as my glans scrape over them under almost a vacuum-like pressure. Timing my release to her peak, I lean over her ear.

“Hooooh… Do you want it inside?”

She turns her fervent face towards mine, with a little bit of surprise surfacing in her gaze, which is mostly lost in pleasure.

“Ahhhn… Ahhhh… But… Uhhhmm… I could… Pregnant… Ahhhhaann… But… if Master wishes…. Mmmmnnnnn… I will…”

Even though she’s barely able to speak under my pounding, I don’t slow down. Her resolve to even give birth to my child touches my heart. I kiss her passionately. As sweet as this may sound, I don’t want to have kids so early, and inconveniencing Sirgia literally after our first time also seems inappropriate to me. Maybe one day. 

I move one hand to wipe the tears of pleasure from her face. “You won’t unless I specifically let it happen…. Guuuh!” Her pussy begins clenching in pulling waves as I near the end of my sentence, almost like it began desiring to suck out my seed.

Sirgia pulls herself up for a quick kiss. “Then! Mhnnn! All of it! Please! Ahnnnn!”

I shove my twitching cock mightly into her convulsing pussy and release the cloudy delicacy straight into her thirsty chamber.


Hot liquid begins pouring into it, wave after wave, as Sirgia’s whole body spasms fiercely and her back arches into an almost perfect bridge.

“Guuhhhh… Fuck!”

I hold her close as I pump more of my load inside, to the extent that I slowly begin feeling it move down her vaginal canal around my shaft, after filling up her small tunnel. Soon enough it starts dripping out from the place where we are connected.

The ferocious pleasure subsides in both of us and I support myself on my elbows to not crash onto her from above, breathing heavily straight at her face. Sirgia exhales frantically too and we stare into each other’s eyes while gasping for air. She smiles gleefully and brushes my cheeks with her small palms.

“You look utterly adorable… haaah… when you don’t hide your smile…” I tell her the truth that has been on my mind for some time already.

She giggles cutely. “I’ll try my best to smile more for Master then.” 

I gently pull out my penis with a quiet plop and land on her side. Sirgia snuggles closer to my chest and kisses me lovingly from below. We rest for a bit while cuddled together in post-orgasmic bliss.


And, whatcha think? Our first time with someone more bodily ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  God, I love Sirgia.

Also, we've broken through 100k published words the last release. Time flies fast as hell. Thanks for all the support!

Also also, there's always at least 10-11 more chapters waiting for you guys on my Patreon if you really enjoy the story! And I just recently finished an arc with another beautiful waifu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  It actually had much more action than before. And I mean action action, not just the action. Ah, but that is there too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  Appreciate all you guys who join! It helps a lot! And will give us more arts in the future. I love all of you who often comment about the story too! I feel happy seeing so many people discussing it!

Till the next time then. Let the next arc begin, cheers!


Enormous gratitude towards our S-rank Guild Member - Magiwarrior! We couldn't have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honoured by your presence!

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