I Own a Brothel in Another World

【Prologue Arc Afterword】

Hayooooooooo~! Saileri here!

Man. Hahaha. Whoever survived this extensive, detailed and wall-of-text prologue and arrived here, you are a beast! Thanks for sticking around for so long and being patient with me. You don't understand how much it actually means to me to see people following my work.

I really wanted to make it much shorter, believe me. Every time I was writing a chapter, I tried everything to cut down unnecessary parts to not overwhelm everyone with the amount of info and text. But, in the end, it always ended up over 3k words.

I really hope it was actually enjoyable to you guys because I had a fucking blast writing and coming up with numerous developments. I've laid a lot of groundwork under every character and the whole premise, so we can finally move onto the main premise! The story and events will finally quicken a bit, but please remember that it's still a slice of life and there will be a lot of interaction between characters or just moments where the management things happen.

During this time I was swarmed with ideas about what non-human and monstergirls to include in the series and how to actually properly introduce them with their mini-arcs. There are lots of events planned. And even more lewds. The MC will have his hands full of work very soon. And titties. Full of titties. What are your favourite monstergirls? Or non-human race ones?

I plan on shorter lewd inserts and whole sensual chapters, so there's definitely something to look for. On the other hand, the series doesn't switch to a perpetual fuckfest. The story part still plays a big and relevant role, so those who liked the storytelling and world development, don't be disappointed, this will continue. I want this to be a real story, not just a pornfic. But well, I guess you figured that out just from the prologue arc, teehee~.

Anyways, thanks a lot for following! Please, whenever you have whatever in mind, always leave a comment or something! I really enjoy talking with you guys! Favouriting chapters also gives us authors a nice idea about the readers actually enjoying our work!

Those who might wish to support my passion are able to do so via Kofi, PayPal or Patreon! Already completed chapters can be found there and I think the rewards are decent. I'm still working on them though, especially on upping the number of chappies per pledge. But never feel pressured to pledge! I really appreciate if you do so, but remember to always put yourself in the first place! I have so many creators I want to support, but unfortunately, a student's wallet doesn't really allow that, haha.

Ah, also! I'm introducing an "Ero-meter" into the synopsis, so you can know what to expect from a chapter just from its title ┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴

And one more thing. I decided to open my Patreon Discord to the public, at least most of the space there, naturally leaving some privacy to my lovely supporters ❤ If you like to chat about the novel or any other stuff, feel free to join! If you spot any weird things or mistakes in the Discord, let me know, there'll always be some little thing that escapes the checkups!

Here's the link -> https://discord.gg/uPjt6DJ

Okay. That's all. See you in the next chapter!

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