I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1558 - Red Daddy is coming

Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, Summon!

The knight in dark heavy armor held a long spear. The black armor was painted with gilding patterns, and the pupils of a pair of real red eyes lit up.

[Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, Attack Power 3000]

As soon as this resounding name came down, almost all the players in the entire server exploded.

“Ah ah ah red dad!”

“Scent on Red Daddy!”

“The game is too much, can’t you afford it?”

The True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, commonly known as Red Dad, once dominated the entire real card environment and became a super-powerful terminal for countless mainstream universal pendants.

Even if the consortium slashed and slashed again, it still couldn’t stop the appearance rate of this thing going against the sky, until they had to compromise and directly lock the eldest father into the deepest part of the little black house and never see the light of day, and then it finally stopped.

This thing is properly an environmental balance destroyer, no matter which version or era it is in, it has a terrifying force that dominates everything!

“What’s going on!?” The plane’s commentator was stunned, “Pharaoh’s black magician, the red-eyed black dragon in the city, is now fused in the hands of Muto Games! And it’s a fusion monster that has never been seen before!

Was it really the bond between the three of them that called for a miracle? This is proof that they are working together, the ace monsters who have carved a path to the championship! ? “

Even You Yu’s expression turned a little dignified.

“I actually moved the red dad out.”

Although considering the subtle combination of Atum, Cheng Nai and the game on the opposite side of the final, I had long expected the possibility of Red Daddy coming forward, but it is still a bit painful to meet them on the duel arena.

In his previous life, when he played the real card, he was often beaten by Red Daddy, and probably every poker player who had experienced the Red Daddy version could not forget the fear of being dominated by this thing once.

Numerous dazed audience members also quickly realized the terrifying reason why this great **** is called “Father”.

“Super Magical Dragon Knight – True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, the effect is activated!” the game said, “In your main phase, you can choose a monster on the opponent’s field to destroy, and deal damage to the opponent’s original attack power.”

“Oh, the effect of the red-eyed dragon knight is monster destruction!” explained the explanation, “this is a really powerful effect!”

“So I use the effect of ‘True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight’ to destroy the ‘Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon’ on your field!”

The red-eyed dragon knight danced his spear, and the torrent of the dark spiral erupted towards the crystal-wing synchrotron!

“Then the effect of the Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon is activated.” You Yu said, “Once a turn, when a monster on the field other than the Crystal Wing activates a monster effect, negate that activation and destroy it, and the Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon will rise until the end of the turn. The attack power of the monster’s attack power!”

The crystal wings spread out their wings, and the sacred crystal brilliance went upstream against the impact of the dragon knight, dispelling the bombardment of the dragon knight, and slammed into the knight’s armor!

But it didn’t work.

The red-eyed dragon knight used his armor to forcibly ate the bombardment of the crystal wings, and was not moved at all.

“It’s a pity,” the game said, “Super Magical Dragon Knight – True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight will not be the target of the card’s effect, nor will it be destroyed by the card’s effect.

Therefore, even if the activation of his effect is invalidated, the Red Eye Dragon Knight will not be destroyed by the effect of the Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. “

“There is still such a strong resistance!” The commentator said, “It can’t be the target of the effect, and it won’t be destroyed by the effect, so the red-eyed dragon knight will not be defeated by the effect of the crystal wings!

But at least in this way, the effect of the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight is prevented, and the Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon will not be destroyed for the time being.

Both sides have the same attack power, but if the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight takes the initiative to attack, the crystal wings have the effect of increasing the opponent’s attack power during battle, so the game players should not be able to fight this round.”

“That’s not necessarily true.” The game smiled.

Explanation: “?”

“Super Magical Dragon Knight, Red-Eyed Dragon Knight can destroy monsters on the opponent’s field and inflict damage equal to the original attack power of the destroyed monsters.” The game said, “And this effect can be used at most in one turn. The number of times the number of normal monsters that this card is fused with materials.

Among the fusion materials used by the Red-Eyes Dragon Knight, ‘Black Magician’ and ‘Red-Eyes Black Dragon’ are normal monsters.

Therefore, this effect can be used twice in one turn! “

“Nani!?” the commentator exclaimed, “Can such a powerful effect be used twice in one round!?”

“True red-eyed dragon knight, the effect is activated again!” The game raised his arms, “Destroy the ‘Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon’ again!”

Although Crystal Wing is equally powerful, its ineffective ability is only once per round, which is not of an order of magnitude compared to the invincible Red Daddy.

Red Daddy’s second impact hit, and the torrent like a black flame pierced through Crystal Wing’s armor. The silver-white dragon was finally unable to support it, and was blown to pieces under the impact of the black flame.

You Yu raised his arm to protect him: “But because of the effect of the ‘Dragon Resurrection Rhythm’ you activated this turn, after this card is activated, the damage I take this turn, whether from battle or effect, will become 0.

So even if the crystal wings are destroyed, I will not take any damage. “

“I know.” The game waved, “Then I will activate the effect of ‘Replacement Fusion’, remove this card in the graveyard from the game, return a fusion monster in the graveyard to the deck, and then draw one from the deck. card.

I remove ‘Replacement Fusion’, return the ‘Super Mage Black Magician and Apprentice’ in the graveyard to the deck, and draw a card. “

The game looked at the card that was drawn, and then drew this card along with the other card in the hand.

“I put two cards on the field, and the round is over.”

Yu Yu narrowed his eyes.

He used the card blasting effect in a row, but commanded the red-eyed dragon knight to fight over.

On Yu Yu’s side, there is only a red dragon “Ultramaya Tzolkin” with 0 ATK left on the field. Although Yu Yu will not take any battle damage this round, but now that there are no other monsters on the field, the red dragon can already be selected. as an attack target.

But the game didn’t come.

Is it because of the effect of guarding against the red dragon?

The red dragon with the comic effect used by Yu Yu before has the self-protection effect of “when there are no other dueling dragons on the field, the attack power can be changed to the same as the opponent’s monster once per turn”.

But what You Yu summoned today was a real-card version of the Red Dragon, which did not have such an effect.

Maybe the game didn’t know that today’s red dragon doesn’t have this ability, because I didn’t want to use the red-eyed dragon knight and the red dragon to die together, so I didn’t call ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although this round was because of the “Dragon Resurrection Crazy Play” launched by the game itself “And he didn’t do any damage, but he has definitely regained the advantage on the scene.

The True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, even if you look at the entire Yu-Gi-Oh card pool, is the top-level terminal, with strong resistance, Quankang’s interference ability, high attack points and powerful offensive effects, it is simply a perfect terminal. A stand-in system may also be a standard 5a panel.

Undoubtedly, he is a monster who is completely worthy of this final and this arena!

“Then it’s my turn, draw cards.” You Yu said, “At the moment of the preparation phase, the ‘takeove’ effect in the graveyard is activated.

Remove from play this card in the Graveyard and the card with the same name in the Deck, and draw a card from the Deck. “

A magic card emerged and disappeared from the field with the erratic golden light.

Yu Yu drew a card.

Now it was his turn to fight back.

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