I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1565 - Fairy lineup

Sky Dragon of Osiris!

   Obelisk’s Giant Soldier!

  The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!

  Super Magical Dragon Rider True Red-Eyed Dragon Rider!

   The commentator frantically rubbed his eyes, unable to believe the picture that appeared on his retina.

   The fiery red winding dragon hangs in the sky, accompanied by the rolling thunder looming. The blue giant clenched his fists to the sky, towering like a mountain into the clouds. The golden bird hangs in the sky in the shape of a metal dome, like a sun that ignites the clouds and illuminates the earth.

   Finally, there is the majestic and domineering super magic knight. Dangerous light flashed in his dark red eyes, and his hand was on the sharp blade. It is clear that he is the only one on the field who is not a phantom god, but he occupies the C position very arrogantly.

   The whole place exploded.

   This is definitely the strongest lineup on the Muto game team… No, it should be said to be a fantastic lineup in the entire dueling monster world!

  Three Phantom Gods with Red Dad!

   What fairy configuration is this? What monster lineup?

   In the face of such oppression from such a lineup, duelists only have the right to worship, and they can’t even imagine counterattacks, right?

   And aren’t the three phantom gods only able to control by priests and pharaohs?

   He Muto Game is not a priest or a pharaoh, right?

  Er…Pharaoh himself watching? Well that’s fine.

   Expect these three to be stared at by the boss and will not dare to make trouble…

  Although the game himself is neither a priest nor a pharaoh, but he has an extraordinary relationship with the pharaoh himself, and it seems that the three Aojiao are willing to be used by him.

   Among them, only the “Winged Dragon of the Sun God” is an egg, and it seems that it cannot be applied smoothly. But there is no way, after all, in the animation setting, “Only those who can correctly pronounce the ancient priest’s words can control the Wing Divine Dragon”, and even the Pharaoh himself cannot skip this step when summoning the Wing Divine Dragon.

   But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter much.

   Even if the winged dragon is obedient, this lineup is luxurious enough.

   “Wait…wait a second,” someone suggested Huadian, “The most powerful effect of ‘Super Magical Dragon Knight·True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight’ is that it can negate the effect of the opponent’s magic, traps, and monsters.

   But to activate this effect, you must discard cards from your hand. But Muto Games just discarded the last card in his hand in order to activate the ‘Magic Textbook’, so the Red-Eyed Dragon Knight is actually just a blank slate…”

   But then I heard the game say: “The card that was just discarded as the activation condition of ‘Magic Textbook’ is the magic card ‘Treasure of Compensation’.

   If this card is discarded from your hand to the Graveyard, draw 2 cards from your deck. “


   Alright, now Red Daddy’s activation cost is also available.

   “No… invincible.”

   The commentary’s voice trembled a little, and he really couldn’t think of any other words to describe it.

   “Too strong. This is the first duel king, this is the Muto game… No, it’s not just him, it’s the crystallization of his team and all of them!

   In this way, it turns into Yu Yu player’s side instead…

……Uh? “

   explained that only then did he come back to his senses.

   What about Yuyu contestants?

   Everyone was attracted by the movement on this side of the game, and all of them stared straight at the dreamy three phantom gods and the real red-eyed dragon knight.

   Only now did everyone realize that they seemed to have overlooked something.

  You Yu, who was supposed to be galloping on the track, actually disappeared at the moment when the Phantom God and the Red Daddy came…disappeared?

  Fantastic light falls from the sky, like a meteor breaking through the barriers of time and space! You Yu’s D wheel reappeared on the track with a flash of light, followed by a set of sacred ten-winged white dragons!

   Holy Dragon – Stardust Zero!

   “Sacred Dragon Dragon!!!” The commentary continued to be shocked, “When…”

   “The moment you activated ‘Magic Textbook’, I chained your activation to use this card.” You Yu pointed to a magic card that was gradually disappearing beside him.

  Quick Attack Magic-Break the Limit!

   “Return 1 Synchro Tuner and 1 Synchro Monster on your field to the Extra Deck. You can ignore the Summoning Conditions for Synchro Monsters whose total Star Level is exactly the sum of the Star Levels of the two Monsters, and perform ‘Exceeding the Limit Acceleration Synchro’!”

   “Synchro Tuner and Synchro Monster… By the way, you just had the Sync Tuner ‘Equation Synchronizer’ and the Sync Monster ‘Meteor Dragon’ on your field just now…”

   “That’s right, so I returned the Level 2 Synchro Tuner ‘Equation Synchronizer’ and the Level 10 Synchro Monster ‘Meteor Dragon’ to the Extra Deck, and Synchro Summoned this card with Beyond Limit Acceleration—

  ——Sacred Dragon Dragon – Stardust Zero! “

  【Sacred Dragon Dragon – Stardust Zero, ATK 4000】

   “Eh~ Awesome, has the Beyond Limit Acceleration Synchronization been completed at such a critical juncture?” said the game.

   “It’s not over yet.” You Yu continued, “Activate the magic card ‘Necro Synchronization’ from your hand!

   Remove from play any number of Tuner and non-Tuner monsters in your Graveyard, and Synchro Summon the Synchro Monsters in your Extra Deck. However, the effect of the monster Synchro Summoned by this effect is negated. ” (animation effect)

   When this card is converted into a real card, a name band that can only be summoned in sync is added.

continue reading! Page 1/2 of “Stardust” monsters, but the original animation has no such restrictions.

   In other words, as long as the star level is satisfied, Yuyu can synchronise summon to any monster!

“Therefore, I excluded the level five ‘Technology · Wonder Magician’ in the cemetery, the fifth level “Technology · Super Librarian”, and the second level “Technology · Interchange Dragonfly” from the game, through magic The effect performs triangular acceleration sync in the graveyard!!!”

   The onlookers were once again stunned.

   “In… Triangle acceleration in the cemetery!?”


   “The gathered stars connect the fetters~www.mtlnovel.com~ Let’s go to the future together with prayer, and turn it into a shining road! Level 12, the ultimate triangular acceleration synchronization——

   – shine, cosmic blazing dragon! ! ! “

  The real strongest acceleration coherence, the top-level high-end version of the Stardust Dragon, dispels the darkness and illuminates the universe, just like the king of everything!

  【Cosmic Flare Dragon, Attack Power 4000】

   Shengjing Shenlong x Cosmic Yaobian Dragon vs Three Magical Gods x True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight!

   A true battle of the gods!

   In fact, when the “Necromancer Synchro” was just launched, the game had the opportunity to use the effect of “Super Magical Dragon Knight – True Red Eye Dragon Knight” to invalidate it.

   But firstly, it was because at the time it was not known what Yu Yu was planning to summon in synchrony, and secondly because even if the effect of using the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight was invalid, not only was it useless, but it would trigger the effect of “Sacred Dragon Dragon – Stardust Zero”.

   That’s why the game decided to wait and see and did not act rashly.

   “Then it’s the battle phase.” You Yu waved his hand, “Let’s decide the winner!”


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