I play the role of the Villain in order to be my own Hero.

[10] Night Battle Part 1

After Reina finished crying and finally left, only then did Eva wonder how on earth did Reina knew where she lived and managed to enter the premises as a guest. It was only when she asked Ryuji that she found out that Reina had come with Miss Adele, who was supposed to meet with Eva's father that day. This news was a surprise to her as she had no idea that Reina and Miss Adele knew each other.

"I guess Reina took the opportunity to meet with me." Eva never really talks to Miss Adele or pry into Reina private life. So she just shrugs it off and doesn't see anything more to it.

Besides, she has something far more important to do. The last raid she does is kinda underwhelming, and the news of it is quickly drowned by the media.

Since then, she has been tirelessly researching her target and even bought a new set of clothes. The dress is the same color, but with a different pattern. Purchasing the same dress again might raise suspicion, especially if the criminal is seen wearing it repeatedly. Maybe she is being paranoid, but she won't take the chance.

Eva now has two plans in mind. The first one is to threaten the press and try to arrange an interview; this would definitely garner a lot of attention, especially if it was scheduled. But the downside is that she would be at risk of an ambush, especially if she claimed that she was the one behind the bombing incident. They won't let her go easily.

The second one is far more simpler. Eva can just walk right in during a broadcast and interrupt the session. This will garner less attention since there is no build-up of tension. However, with this plan, she doesn't need to worry about any potential traps or ambushes that would definitely be waiting for her if she went with the first plan.

As Eva weighs the pros and cons of each plan, she thinks that the second option is the best choice here. Her lack of experience makes the risks associated with the first plan too high. While she may be able to handle most situations through brute force, she would be in trouble if she encountered multiple elite Astral Agents at the same time.

Sure, although the number of A-Rank and S-Rank Astral Agents is severely limited, that doesn't mean they won't send one. Plus, other groups may also be interested in the situation, including the real perpetrator who caused the bombing.

"Yeah, I don't need to overcomplicate things. Besides, If I want a touch of grandeur. I can always unleash a spectacle by detonating the miniature bomb I stole during my raid on the lab." With the audacious plan firmly in mind, Eva couldn't help but feel an adrenaline-fueled excitement surging through her veins.

"Now... If only I could do it during the day." Eva planned to execute her plan during the day and create as much havoc as possible. But ever since she got hospitalized, both of her parents have chosen to work from home and try to spend their time with Eva as much as possible, and Ryuji seems to be constantly keeping a tab on her.

This is also one of the main reasons Eva wants to enroll in any of the Astral Academy, especially in the newly built Tokyo Astral Academy. Despite its name, the school itself is not located in the bustling city of Tokyo. But on an alluring artificial island just off the coast. This unique feature piqued her interest, making it all the more appealing since the school mandated that every student relocates to the island during their studies, thus giving her more freedom to do whatever she wanted.

But all of that can wait until later. For now, she had no choice but to make the best of her current situation and wait for the night to come...

Eva experienced a sense of deja vu as she found herself once again standing on the rooftop of the same building, gazing at the city below. Her silver hair, which usually only reaches her shoulder, now extends down to her waist.

Eva Astral ability caused a health condition that resulted in her being much shorter than those around her. However, she now stands tall at around 5'8 feet, a noticeable increase from her usual height of 4'11 feet.

She didn't need to cover her face since it was nearly impossible for anyone to recognize her in her current form nor connect the dot between the two. It's hard to believe, even if someone had the slightest of suspicion.

Eva took out her phone and waited for the live broadcast to start. A live comedy show finally aired at precisely 11 PM on Japan National TV. She is aware of the building's location, but she's unsure which floor they're filming on.

Eva really wanted her father to teach her how to utilize her Minds Link to precisely locate someone's location whom her mind is linked with. That would help a lot and remove the hassle of searching entirely. But Eva father is reluctant to teach her that and always avoids the topic altogether.

So again, for now. Eva had no choice but to make the best of her current situation. Eva hopped from one building to another, searching for an optimal spot so her amplified sight could see more clearly and identify the floor on which they were filming through the window. Simultaneously, she also took care not to damage the roof of the building on her landing.

After looking at the building from a different angle, she finally spotted the telltale signs of a film crew. Bright lights, camera equipment, and a flurry of activity through the window on the ten floor.

Eva mouth then turned into a twisted smile as she said, "Found it."

Due to Eva second persona is now a wanted criminal, she couldn't simply stroll up to the front door like before and take the elevator like an ordinary person. She can, but as soon as someone recognizes her, the alarm will be sounded, and the live television will be canceled, thus breaking the whole point.

"Well, I have no other choice, do I?" Eva murmured to herself.

She then assessed the distance between her rooftop and the targeted floor. Taking a deep breath, she then launched herself through the air like a graceful bird soaring through the sky, her silver hair fluttering in the air like a shimmering comet's tail.

"A man who correctly guesses a woman's age may be smart, but he's not very bright." A comedian said, and the room erupted in laughter as if acknowledging the truth in his words.

The show is going great, with viewers reaching up to ten thousand on VouTube and their television channel. But then, all of a sudden, the window glass shattered with a loud crash, sending sparkling shards flying into the room. The audience was caught off guard by the suddenness of it all, and their laughter quickly turned into murmurs of surprise.

Amidst the chaos, Eva emerged through the broken window. She landed on the stage gracefully, like a gleaming star descending from the heavens. 

With an elegant sweep of her hand, Eva introduced herself, "You can call me Moonlight, and I apologize for interrupting your session of laughter. However, I have an urgent matter to address. Regrettably, I'll also be taking all of you hostage."

Eva words hung in the air like an elusive melody, but the initial reaction from the audience was one of disbelief. After all, it was a live comedy show. Perhaps this unexpected twist was just another brilliant act of improvisation orchestrated by the director.

The comedian on stage, still trying to gauge the situation, maintained his composure. "Well, folks, this might be the most glass-shattering entry we've ever had," he quipped, attempting to alleviate the tension with humor.

However, as seconds ticked by, the smiles began to wane, and the audience realized this was no act. The director, equally perplexed, stepped forward, his expression mirroring the bewilderment of the crowd.

When the director takes a good closer look, he finally remembers that the silver-haired woman on the stage is a highly wanted terrorist, and the reaction on VouTube live chat that goes wild also validates his suspicion.

Before the director could even call the guard or press the alarms button on the table. Eva threw a pin size bomb out of the window, shattering the glass into a thousand glittering shards. Before the situation erupted into chaos, Eva clapped her hands loudly, like a teacher restoring order in a rowdy classroom.

"Now, now, I need all of you to stay silent and put that camera to good use. I have something to announce to the world." There were many cameras that were pointing at her, and Eva would make sure to put them to good use.

The director, who was shaking his leg, bravely stepped forward, trying to keep his composure despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He had to stay in control, even in the face of this dangerous terrorist.

"And why should we comply with your request?" The director asked, trying to buy time and assess the situation. The live broadcast was unfolding, and he knew that someone, somewhere, must have already seen and reported this alarming scene. He had to stall for time, hoping that help would arrive before it was too late.

"You're not very smart, aren't you? A hostage should not negotiate with the captor. I have bombs planted all around the building that would bring this whole building into dust. Now, I'm not making a request here. I'm ordering you to put that camera to good use." Eva's cold and calculated demeanor left the director with little room to maneuver. He knew he couldn't afford to provoke her further.

But obviously, Eva is bluffing. The truth was, the pin-size bomb she had thrown out of the window was the only explosive in her possession, and she had no certainty that it would even work. It was a reckless gamble, but Eva needed to maintain the illusion of power and control. If the bomb doesn't work, Eva was planning to just blow one of the crowd heads off to make an example, but since it works, she doesn't need to do all that hassle.

"Fine, I'll do as you say," The director replied, his voice trembling slightly. He slowly reached for the camera on the table, trying to keep his hands steady. He turned it toward Eva on the stage, ensuring that she remained in focus.

The rest of the crowd remained paralyzed, their courage faltering in the face of the unfolding nightmare. Whimpers and gasps filled the air, but no one dared to move or utter a single word. Fear had taken hold of them, rendering them into a powerless spectators to the twisted performance that was taking place before their eyes.

Eva's smile widened as she took center stage, knowing that the world was watching her every move. "Greetings, citizens of the world," she began, her voice commanding and unwavering. "I am Moonlight, and tonight, you bear witness to the birth of a revolution, a revolution against the oppressive systems that have shackled us for far too long."

The director's heart pounded in his chest as he continued to feign cooperation, knowing that the situation was far from secure. He glanced discreetly at the alarm button, hoping that help was on its way.

"And what is it that you seek to achieve with this so-called revolution?" The director asked, his voice laden with false curiosity.

Eva eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as she spoke, her words dripping with conviction. "I seek justice, freedom, and equality," she proclaimed. "We've endured the corruption of those in power, the exploitation of the weak, and the manipulation of the truth. But no longer. Tonight marks the beginning of a new era. A world where the people rise against their oppressors and seize control of their destinies."

"You claim to fight for justice, but resorting to violence and terror only perpetuates the very oppression you decry. And what oppression are you even talking about?" The director said, doing his best to keep her engaged, he doesn't know what will happen when all of this is over, and he doesn't want to find out.

Meanwhile, the technician in the control room was silently communicating with law enforcement, providing them with critical information about Eva location and the bomb threat. The police and Astral Agents were mobilizing, but they knew they had to act with extreme caution to ensure the safety of the hostages.

"What oppression, you said? You truly are ignorants. Astral Global Association... The self-proclaim enforcer of peace. Let me tell you what business they have behind their back." Eva smiled as she continued. "Did you know about their human experiments? Unjustified attack? And many more cruelty that they made in the name of peace?"

"What proof do you have to back up that claim? Even if what you say is true, what makes you different from them. Is by doing the act of terror is your solution?" The director asked, his voice steady despite the mounting tension.

"You're right... but you don't need proof when the truth will inevitably come out. And again, you're right. Our methods are the same, blood will be spilled, and I'm willing to pay the price." Before the director could rebut, Eva continued, "The difference is I'm fighting for the truth and the people who demanded justice. Not some power over politics."

Eva makes her voice turns cold and distant, preparing to end the announcement of the biggest bullshit in her life. "I will say it again, blood will be spilled. Just like the bomb at Ichikawa Mall, I would do it all over again if necessary."

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