I play the role of the Villain in order to be my own Hero.

[13] Mirrored Determination

In the hushed living room, a tense silence hung in the air as Richard and Yui looked at their daughter, who had asked for a moment to talk. Both parents looked weary since they had an inkling of what their daughter wanted to discuss.

"Dad, Mom," Eva began, her voice gentle but determined. "I know you've always supported me and encouraged me to find my own path. I am so grateful for that, and I hope you understand that what I'm about to say comes from a place of love and honesty."

Eva words hung in the air like a weight, causing Richard and Yui to share concerned looks. The room was heavy with the gravity of the moment, and they both prepared for what was to come. Yet, deep down, they yearned to shield her from this discussion, hoping to find a way to make her forget about it all.

Eva gaze met her parents, her eyes burning with determination. "I want to be an Astral Agent," she declared, her voice unwavering. "Just like both of you."

The revelation hit Richard and Yui with unease. Being an Astral Agent was a dangerous and demanding path, one they had hoped she would never choose. As seasoned agents themselves, they knew the risks involved—the dangerous missions, the constant uncertainty, and the sacrifices required. 

Richard was at a loss for words as he faced his daughter. As a parent, he couldn't help but feel the urge to dissuade her. "Eva, I want to be honest with you. Being an Astral Agent is no easy feat," He said carefully, his concern for her well-being is evident in his tone. "It's a profession that's fraught with danger and unpredictability."

Yui gaze softened as she reached out to gently hold Eva hand. "Sweetheart, we admire your passion," She said softly, "but we also want you to understand the gravity of this decision. It's not a path to be taken lightly."

Yet, even as they voiced their concerns, they could see the fire in Eva eyes was unwavering. It was the same determination that mirrored their own when they had embarked on their own paths as Astral Agents.

"I know it won't be easy," She acknowledged, her voice steady, "But I've grown up watching both of you. I've seen the profound impact you've had on other people's lives, and it's inspired me. I want to be part of something greater than myself, to protect those in need and make a difference in the world."

As her heartfelt words resonated through the room, it was hard for them to deny her dreams. How could they? When it was their very own teaching and example that had ignited this passion within her. However, they couldn't shake the lingering hope that maybe, just maybe, they could convince her to consider other options.

"Eva, with your current health condition, the risks involved in becoming an Astral Agent are even greater," Richard interjected, his voice heavy with genuine concern. "We've seen how much you've struggled to even walk and perform daily tasks normally, let alone engage in dangerous missions."

Yui couldn't help but nod in agreement with her husband's words. "Sweetheart, we understand your desire to make a difference," She said softly, her eyes filled with compassion. "But we can't ignore the realities of your health challenges. We want to see you thrive, but we also want you to be safe."

"I know my health is a problem," Eva began, her voice tinged with determination, "But I have more than one way to help. I don't need to be in the front line at all. I can still make a difference from behind the scenes, using my astral ability to contribute and be the voice of reason."

Richard and Yui know what their daughter said is right, she doesn't need to be in the frontline at all to be an Astral Agent and contribute. Yet, they couldn't dismiss the harsh reality that the profession had become increasingly dangerous. The recent surge in threats and terrorism has elevated the risks faced by Astral Agents to unprecedented levels. 

"At least grant me the chance to attend the academy for one year." Eva pleaded with her parents. "I understand your concerns, and I respect your judgment. But if my abilities are what you're doubting, then let me prove myself. I promise to give it my all during that time and show you what I'm truly capable of. And if, after one year, you both deem me incapable of pursuing this profession, I'll happily transfer and accept your decision. But please, give me this chance."

"Sweetheart... It's not about that. We are concerned for your health, even if you are not directly put in danger," Yui said, her voice filled with love and worry as she gazed at her determined daughter.

Eva took a deep breath, her resolve unyielding. "I understand your concerns, and I appreciate that you worry about me," She replied. "But I can't let my health define me or hold me back from my dreams. I want to be an Astral Agent, and I truly believe I can make a difference. Please, let me try."

Both parents exchanged a heartfelt look, torn between their desire to protect their daughter and their admiration for her unwavering ambition. Richard knew that denying Eva plea here might crush her spirit.

After a moment of contemplation, Richard sighed deeply. "Alright, Eva," He finally said, his voice filled with apprehension and support. "We hear you, and we understand how much this means to you. We won't stand in your way, but we need you to promise us something."

After hearing that, they can see their daughter's eyes lit up with hope.

Richard reached out and placed a hand on Eva shoulder, looking into her eyes with a mixture of pride and concern. "Promise us that you'll take care of yourself," He said, his tone firm but gentle. "If at any point you feel overwhelmed, if your health becomes a concern, or if you feel that this profession is taking too great a toll, we want you to come to us. Your well-being is paramount. Promise me that."

"I promise, Dad," She said, her voice can be heard tinged with emotion. "I won't let my passion blind me to the importance of self-care. If things become too much, I'll reach out for help. You can count on that."

Hearing that. Yui finally relented and smiled softly, wiping away a tear that had escaped from her eye. "We believe in you, Eva," She said, her voice filled with affection. "You have the strength and determination to face any challenge that comes your way. Just remember that we're here for you, no matter what."

Their daughter flashed them a playful smile to reassure them, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Don't worry, I will never forget that," she said.

With a weight lifted off their shoulders, Richard and Yui embraced their daughter tightly. They knew the path ahead would be filled with uncertainty, but they also had faith in Eva abilities and her willingness to persevere.

"At this rate, I may as well pursue a career in acting and aim for Hollywood."  Eva hummed happily. Having succeeded in persuading her parents, she now has an endless opportunity ahead.

Eva sat in her room, surrounded by a sea of envelopes. Each one bore the crest of a different Astral Academy from various corners of the world. She doesn't have to think long to choose, the newly built Tokyo Astral Academy is probably best for her current situation.

It offers the most freedom for her without raising any concern for her parents. She could be bold and venture to study in her homeland Britannia alone or in another different country. But her parents might reconsider their support or send someone to monitor her, which is a no-no for her.

Looks like the Tokyo Astral Academy is the perfect fit for her. Now, all that's left is to break the news to her parents and scout out a sweet spot to call home while she studies. 

"All according to plan. Nothing could possibly go wrong..."

"What?" Eva couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her carefully laid plans were falling apart as her parents revealed that Ryuji would also be attending the same school with her, thanks to a recommendation letter from her father.

"What are you so surprised about?" Her father asked, with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Ryuji is also an Astral User and an A-Rank at that. He'll fit in."

Her mother chimed in, "Besides, having Ryuji there will be helpful. Who else is going to help you with moving and settling in?"

"Dad, Mom, you know you can't just force Ryuji to enter the same school just because of me. That is outrageous," Eva protested.

Her parents exchanged glances, seemingly recognizing her "concerns." 

"Eva, we didn't force Ryuji into anything," Her father explained. "He expressed his own desire to join the Tokyo Astral Academy. I simply provided a recommendation letter to support his application, as I would have done for any other Astral User with potential."

Eva quickly turned to Ryuji, who simply smiled back at her without any sign of worry. "Do you take pleasure in laughing at someone's misfortune Ryuji?!"

"You don't plan to go there alone, are you?" Her mother asked, with a hint of concern in her voice.

Eva hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. There was nothing she could say to avoid this scenario. Since her parents' intentions were not to hold her back but to support her with someone they trusted.

"I was hoping to go alone," Eva finally said, her voice tinged with disappointment. "I wanted this to be my journey, my chance to prove myself without relying on anyone else."

Her father placed a hand on her shoulder, understanding her feelings. "We know you're capable, Eva, but that doesn't mean you have to do everything alone. Ryuji is your friend, and friends support each other through thick and thin."

"I guess there is no escaping this..." Eva sighed in her mind, coming to terms with the fact that Ryuji would be coming along with her. Then again, when she thought about it more clearly, there was absolutely no way her parents would let her wander around alone. She would need to gain their trust... somehow.

As the day of departure approached, Eva put in some serious work. She spent numerous hours studying various theories and even convinced her father to impart his knowledge on the use of her Minds Links ability and allow her to practice it.

At first, he was quite hesitant and held firm in his resolve to keep Eva away from anything related to Astral. He had been quite resistant to the idea, but now with Eva enrollment in the Astral Academy, he finally gave in. He came to the realization that it was crucial to prepare his daughter for what was to come.

"So basically, you can control someone's mind?" Eva was awestruck as her father demonstrated the intricacies of the Minds Links ability.

Her father shook his head with a gentle smile. "No, not quite. Minds Links allows you to form a deep connection with another individual, creating a bridge through which you can share thoughts, emotions, and memories."

Eva tilted her head slightly, a glimmer of confusion lingering. "I'm not sure I understand..."

Seeing the confusion on Eva face, her father decided to give a practical example. "Alright, let me give you an example. What would you like to eat right now, Eva?"

"Uh... Pancake, I guess?" Eva replied with a hint of uncertainty.

Her father grinned, and then suddenly, Eva felt a subtle tug in her mind. It was as if someone else's thoughts were gently intertwining with hers. "I want to drink a coffee," She found herself saying, "But eh, I don't like coffee, though...?"

Eva blinked in astonishment, realizing that her father had somehow influenced her thoughts. "Wait, Dad, was that you?"

Her father chuckled, confirming her suspicion. "Yes, I projected that thought into your mind through our Minds Links connection. It's a subtle form of influence, but don't worry, I won't force you to drink coffee if you don't like it."

"But how did you do that?" Eva asked, still trying to wrap her head around the concept.

"Through our Minds Links connection, I can share thoughts and emotions with you," Her father explained. "It's not about control. It's about understanding and connection. You will know if someone is happy, sad, angry, or even lying. You can also project your thoughts like telepathy or influence other people's thoughts and emotions just like I did before, but it's gonna takes years of practice."

After some reflection, Eva realized that she and her father had different ways of utilizing their powers. Her father's empathetic and gentle manner allowed him to subtly influence or feel the thoughts and emotions of others. In contrast, Eva use of Minds Links had been more intrusive, akin to forcibly delving into someone's mind without proper consideration. She hadn't known the extent of her power, nor had she realized that she could influence other people's thoughts and emotions.

"Certainly, there are alternative ways to employ it, such as forcibly intruding into someone else's mind and attempting to read their thoughts. However, such an approach is far from ethical." Her father's expression became serious as he finished his explanation.

"Dad?" Eva tilted her head.

"Actually, I don't need to tell you what you already know," Her father said warmly. "I trust you, Eva. That's why I've decided to teach you this skill. I know you will use it wisely."

Upon hearing this, Eva understands what her father is trying to convey to her, but she couldn't help but silently apologize to her father in her heart. She knew that she would likely misuse this power at some point in the future.

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