I play the role of the Villain in order to be my own Hero.

[14] New Toy

"Come on, General! There must be something you can do. You can't do this to me." Adele was on the verge of panic. Dealing with bureaucracy and politics had never been her forte, and the stakes were now higher than ever.

General Masamoto's resolve remained unwavering as he gazed at Adele with a mix of empathy and firmness. "I understand your predicament, but my decision stands. People will riot if I just look the other way."

"But that was an emergency! I've been by your side, working tirelessly for the past decade. You can't just turn your back on me now," Adele protested, clenching her fists in frustration.

"For goodness sake, Adele, don't make me sound like the bad guy here. You brought a fifteen-year-old girl in a terrorist chase. Who do you think is at fault here?" General Masamoto's voice was tinged with frustration as he pressed his forearm against his forehead.

Her breath caught in her throat, and Adele momentarily faltered, realizing the truth in his words. Bringing her young apprentice into such danger had been reckless, even if the circumstances were dire. The weight of her mistake settled heavily on her shoulders, and she knew there was no easy way out of this predicament. 

His words were like a hammer blow. "Your punishment will be a demotion to the rank of Lieutenant and a one-month suspension without pay," General Masamoto declared, his tone both stern and final. "To be honest, you're lucky that's all I'm giving you. If it weren't for me, you might be facing jail time, you know."

"Understood," Adele replied, unable to argue with that. "Thank you, sir."

"Good, you are dismissed," The General said, giving a curt nod before returning to his paperwork.

Reina's heart raced, and her palms grew sweaty as she stood outside the closed door, listening to the heated argument between Adele and General Masamoto. She was aware that her mentor was in trouble and that her decision to accompany her mentor had played a big part in causing the current tense situation.

Reina waited for what felt like an eternity, the muffled voices from inside the office adding to her anxiety. Guilt washed over her as she replayed the events that had led them to this point.

Finally, the door swung open, and Adele stepped out, her expression a mix of frustration and exhaustion.

Reina hesitated for a moment before rushing to her side. "How did it go?" Reina asked.

Adele paused for a moment, her eyes wandering as she looked for the right words. "Let's just say. I will be getting a vacation for a month."

Reina's heart sank at the news of her mentor's suspension. She knew it was her fault that Adele was facing this punishment. "I'm so sorry, Adele. I never meant for any of this to happen," Reina said, her voice trembling with remorse.

"What are you talking about? It was my fault, not yours," Adele said gently, placing a hand on Reina's shoulder. "I made the decision to bring you along, and I take responsibility for that. You were trying to help, and I appreciate that, but I probably should have thought things through more carefully, hahaha..."

Reina spoke softly, still feeling guilty. "I should have listened to you when you advised me to stay behind."

"Indeed, you should have. But in the end, it was my call, and it's my responsibility." Adele sighed and rubbed her temple. "Let's not dwell on it now. We both learned from this, and that's what matters. How about we forget our troubles for a while and indulge in some ice cream?" Adele suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

Reina couldn't help but laugh at her mentor's attempt to cheer her up. "I suppose so," She replied with a smile.

The ice cream was as good as promised, and the two of them enjoyed their desserts as they sat down in one of the cafes in town.

"Ice cream does help the heart, doesn't it?" Reina said, smiling as she took another bite of her confection.

"You bet! And since I've been working so hard, maybe this suspension is a blessing in disguise," Adele said, raising a finger for emphasis.

"Hahaha... I don't think we are supposed to be enjoying a punishment, though," Reina said with a laugh.

"Who cares? It's not like I have anything to do for a month," Adele said, shrugging. "Besides, I've never had this kind of free time, so this is a rare opportunity for me to relax. If I'm going to get stuck on some pointless vacation, I might as well enjoy myself."

As Adele and Reina indulged in their desserts, their laughter and light conversation filled the cozy cafe. The sweet taste of ice cream danced on their tongues, distracting them from the outside world. Time seemed to melt away as they savored each moment, but all good things must come to an end. Their bowls were now empty, and the last spoonfuls had disappeared.

With contented smiles, they prepared to leave, but fate had other plans. Reina caught sight of a recognizable girl with silver hair through the cafe's window. It was Eva, who was sitting on a bench outside with her walking cane resting next to her. She looked around now and then, appearing to search for someone. 

Reina stared at Eva through the windows, unsure of what to do. Should she try to say hi? What would she even say to her? After their last encounter, there was a lingering awkwardness that made her unsure of what to say or how to act around Eva.

Adele noticed Reina distraction and turned around, following her line of sight. "Isn't that Eva? I haven't seen her in a while," She said with a raised eyebrow. "Do you want to go over and say hi?"

"Well..." Reina hesitated. "What should I even say to her? We haven't talked since that day, and I feel awkward."

"Come on, she's your friend, right? You don't have to say anything complicated. Just say hi and ask if she's doing okay," Adele said with a smile.

As Reina stood there, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hesitation. Then it hit her - this might just be her final chance to speak with Eva. They had officially graduated from middle school, and Eva was set to return to her home country to further her studies. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that this could very well mark the end of their time together.

With this in mind, Reina's indecisiveness suddenly melted away, and she nodded firmly in agreement. "You're right. I shouldn't waste this chance."

"Take your time. I'll be right here," Adele assured, settling back in her chair. "Go on. I'm rooting for you."

Grateful for Adele's support, Reina thanked her mentor and stepped outside. Her heart pounded in her chest as she approached Eva. Yet, just as she arrived, the uncertainty crept back in. She struggled to find the right words, but after a few nerve-wracking moments, Reina finally managed to utter, "H-hi, Eva."

Eva turned her head swiftly at the sound of Reina's voice, surprise was evident on her face. "Oh, hello, Reina. It's been a while," she said with a warm, genuine smile.

"Yes, it has," Reina replied, a bit unsure of how to continue. She tried to think of something else to say, but her mind drew blank. The silence stretched between them, growing awkward. Eva seemed to sense something was off and took the initiative to break the tension.

"Why are you being stiffy like that? It's not like you at all."Eva teased, giggling at the unexpected change in Reina's behavior.

Reina's smile returned, relieved by Eva's casual approach. "I guess I've been overthinking things," She admitted, allowing herself to relax.

"So? What are you doing here?" Eva asked.

"Well, I was just with my mentor at a cafe, and I noticed you sitting here. I thought I would say hi," Reina explained, pointing toward the cafe window.

Eva followed her gaze and saw Adele waving at her from the cafe. "Miss Adele, is your mentor? Since when?" She asked, a look of surprise can be seen on her face.

"It's a recent thing," Reina replied vaguely, avoiding eye contact. She couldn't disclose much, as her mentor had prohibited her from revealing too many details. "But enough about me. What about you? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was with my dad. He brought me along to get a new ID for me since I will be moving soon. But he went to catch up with some old friends, so I'm just waiting here," Eva replied, her voice tinged with a hint of boredom.

"I see..." Reina felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of Eva's departure. She didn't know what else to say after that, and the awkward silence returned once again.

"Oh, there he is," Eva said, her face lighting up as she spotted her father approaching. "I should get going now. It was nice seeing you, Reina."

"It was nice seeing you too," Reina replied, trying to hide her disappointment. "Take care, Eva."

Reina stood there as she watched Eva and her father go, a pang of loneliness welling in her heart. She felt conflicted - she was happy to see Eva, but she wished she could spend more time with her and properly say goodbye...

"Who are you talking to, Eva?" Her father asked as they walked away from the office building.

"Just Reina," Eva replied, turning her head to glance at Reina before continuing. "She saw me and stopped by to say hello."

"Ah, I remember her. She is your friend, right?" Her father said with a thoughtful expression. "If I'm not mistaken, Adele mentioned that she goes to the same Astral Academy as you."

"Oh yeah, we would be attending the same school again. I forgot to tell her, oops." Now Eva understood why Reina looked somewhat melancholy. Reina must have thought she would be moving back to Britannia when, in reality, she would just be moving to the new Island.

"I suppose so... I wouldn't mind having someone I know in a new environment," Eva replied as she got into the car with her father.

"Well, at least I know one of your friends is there. You should go hang out with more people," her father suggested, closing the car door. "By the way, I got you something."

Her father handed her a gift-wrapped box. Intrigued, Eva unwrapped the package, revealing a sleek, black walking cane with a silver handle. "A new cane? My old one still works."

"It's not just any cane," Her father said with a mischievous grin. "This one has a special feature. Try pressing that button there," He instructed, pointing at a small button on the handle. "But first, point it out the window so it doesn't accidentally hit anything inside the car."

Eva glanced at her father, and she could see something was off. She then followed his instructions and pointed the cane out of the window. With a sense of apprehension, she pressed the button, and to her astonishment, the tip of the cane transformed into a sharp injection needle.

"Dad... is this even legal?" Eva asked, her heart racing with a mixture of awe and worry.

Her father's expression softened, understanding her apprehension. "I know it seems surprising, Eva, but hear me out. It's a safety feature designed for self-defense."

"Self-defense?" Eva repeated, trying to wrap her head around the idea. "Dad, it's like a concealed weapon..."

"I promise you, it's not harmful," He reassured her. "The injection contains a harmless serum that can immobilize an attacker temporarily, giving you a chance to escape from a dangerous situation. It's meant to protect you if you ever find yourself in danger."

Eva won't mind getting a new gadget, but her parents seem to be over the top about her safety. "I'm still a student... Even if there is field practice, I'll be an Intelligent Agent. My work will mostly involve behind the coms console. I don't think I'll be in dangerous situations often."

Her father nodded, acknowledging her point. "You're right, Eva. As an Intelligent Agent, your primary role will be behind the coms console, supporting field agents and conducting research. The likelihood of you facing dangerous situations is indeed lower compared to those in the field. However, the world is unpredictable, and there may still be rare instances when you find yourself in unexpected circumstances."

"I suppose so... But it seems like a lot, Dad. Nonetheless, thank you. I'm grateful for the gift," Eva smiled at her father, feeling genuinely pleased that she received a new toy to tinker with.

Her father smiled warmly. "I just want you to have an extra layer of protection and feel safe no matter what you encounter in the world,"

"So, is this legal?" Eva asked curiously, still intrigued by the unique gadget in her possession.

"Well... Just don't tell anyone about it," He replied with a wink, lightening the mood.

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