I play the role of the Villain in order to be my own Hero.

[17] Reina Sense a Certain Someone

"I've taken care of all the preparations for you. Your only task is to put your signature on these documents, and your part will be complete," Adele's voice was gentle as she handed over the papers to Reina.

"Everything? The dorm and the student registry?" Reina asked, a look of confusion on her face.

"Yep, the place is ready for you. I'll take care of the extra payment too. Just sign these papers, and your life will become so much easier." Adele answered with a grin.

"You've done so much for me already... Are you sure about this? I don't want to be a burden to you." Reina fingers traced the lines of the document as her eyes scanned the words.

"It's fine. You're my apprentice, after all." Adele replied with a grin. "Also, it's not like I'ts expensive anyway since you have a full scholarship. It's practically a freebie."

Reina hesitated, but after a moment, she finally nodded. "Okay, then. Thank you for everything."

"No need to thank me, just go out and make a name for yourself. I'll be rooting for you," Adele said with a wink.

Reina watched as her mentor's car drove off into the distance. Then, she took a deep breath and began her new life.

With all the paperwork done, Reina is now officially a student at the Astral Academy. As she walked through the entrance of the dorm, she couldn't help but feel excited but nervous too. Everything she saw on this island was more than she could ever have imagined. Reina was filled with anticipation as she made her way through the receptionist's desk. Since she already had all the papers done and signed before, she only needs to hand them over.

"We've been expecting you, Miss Takanashi. You'll be staying in room 204 on the second floor of the girls' dorm," The receptionist informed Reina with a warm smile. "The map of the dormitory and rules are in the student book. Please feel free to ask me anything else if you have questions."

Reina took the book and thanked her, her heart racing in anticipation as she went to her room. She scanned her student card on the reader next to the door, and with a small click, the door opened. Inside, she found a large room that had a bed and a desk, as well as a bookshelf, a closet, and a private bathroom.

Reina was stunned at the luxurious room, but it only made her more nervous. It was so extravagant, and she felt so out of place. She unpacked her things before sitting on her bed and checking the rules of the dormitory in the student book. The book was filled with information, including the list of classes that were available.

"Let's see..." Reina mumbled, skimming the book as she read aloud to herself. "Rules and Regulations... The curfew starts at 10 PM every evening. Leaving the dorm without permission during curfew is prohibited." Reina thought it was fine since the cafeteria, convenience store, and library were all located within the dorm.

"There is no dress code, but students are encouraged to dress properly. But wearing the academy uniform is required in the academy building." Reina said after reading the rules. It was something she had expected.

"Other rules include no pets, no alcohol, no smoking, and the usual stuff. It seems pretty simple..." Reina thought aloud, feeling a bit relieved. There is also a security camera in the common room, and it seems like it's on twenty-four-seven.

"Looks like I just need to get used to this place..." She murmured to herself.

Reina left the dorm and made her way to the cafeteria. She found that it was just as beautiful as the rest of the buildings. The interior design was exquisite and elegant, with its wooden tables and chairs and the flowers in vases. The culinary selection is likewise mind-boggling, with options ranging from traditional to more modern one.

The price is also very reasonable, and the students are already given a generous allowance by the school on their student cards every month. It was more than enough for anyone to eat here without having to worry about money. Reina had to admit the school seemed to have thought of everything.

Reina walked up to the cafeteria cashier, took out her card, and scanned it. The cashier nodded at her, then proceeded to inform Reina of the special offers on the menu of the day. "Would you like to try today's special?" The cashier asked Reina.

"Sure, that would be great. Thank you very much," Reina replied, smiling as she took a seat on a nearby bench. Reina can see the ocean from here, with the sun slowly setting. She took out her phone and began to take pictures of the view.

The view of the ocean was beautiful, just like everything else in this place. She can see some students walking through the courtyard and talking to each other. Some of them are already making a friend, while others still look alone and lost. She felt a sense of envy as she observed them... She wished she could find someone to be friends with her, but she was socially awkward and had an air of intimidation about her.

"I miss her already." Reina thoughts wandered back to Eva as she stared at the ocean. "Maybe I'm just being pathetic..." She murmured softly, staring at the wave of the sea.


Eva already finishes moving into her room, and she now lies on her bed with her laptop in her lap, browsing through all of her father's work data that she managed to extract before she left home. After this, she would no longer have any access to her father's latest findings. The value of the information would drop as time went on. She would need to capitalize on it while it still has some value.

With a heavy sigh, Eva opens up the file with the information on the many groups of terrorists and their goals. The file contains all of the known information on them, their identities, their abilities, and their base of operations. Her father clearly had all the needed information at his fingertips, and yet her father didn't start any kind of counter-attack against them.

She can connect the dot to what her father is trying to do. The terrorist is a hassle for the AGA. Letting the terrorist rampage on a small scale is more beneficial than striking back. But "small" is the key word here, the intensity of terrorist attacks has drastically increased recently, and the damage was out of control.

Sooner or later, her father would need to take action against a few of these terrorist groups and crush them, but for now, his strategy seems to be to let them wreak havoc, as long as it's at a manageable scale.

"Let's see... Ah found it. The trio pillar of the 'Initiator.' Haruto Izayaki, Iori Harakata, and Eito Matsuka. All hiding beneath the ground." She mutters to herself, scanning through the information that her father had compiled about each of the three terrorists. "Now this is a potential recruit..." Eva smiles turn into a twisted grin as she skims through the files.

"Hmm, I can promise Haruto with the location of his wife and Iori with the location of her brother, which would be all that she's been searching for," She mumbles as she writes down notes. "Now, all I need is Eito."

With that thought in mind, Eva gets up from the bed and heads over to the window to look out. "What can the devil offer a guy like him?" She says out loud.

For Eva, the more personal it is, the better. When emotions and feelings come into play, the rationality of a human being tends to go out the window. Yet, amidst all this, her father's records were missing critical details about Eito – his motivations, his history. What could drive a person like him into the realm of terrorism?

But her thought was suddenly interrupted when a knock was heard on the door. This has been a pattern...

Eva grabbed her cane and walked up to the door to open it. It was Suzui standing there with a polite smile. "Hey Eva," She said. "I saw you settled in already."

"Uh yeah, I have," Eva replied, a little surprised at the sudden visit. "Is there anything you need?"

"Well... I'll be straight to the point then. The headmaster wants to see you," Suzui explained.

"Me? Why?" Eva was a bit confused.

Suzui just shrugged. "He didn't tell me the reason, so I'm just here to inform you. I'll take you there if you want."

Eva was unsure of what to do, but eventually, she decided to just go along with it. She has to admit she is curious about what he wants to talk to her about. She had an inkling, but it was just a guess. So she decided to follow Suzui to his office. The academy was beside the dormitory, so they had a short distance to cover. The uniform is still hasn't distributed, so she's still in her casual clothes.

As she and Suzui walk together, Eva notices that there are a lot of people staring at her again as she walks past. It was good but also kind of annoying in the long run. She is used to attention, but usually, it's because of her looks and condition or her family status. But today, the stares are not just that. She can sense admiration from them, her heroic act that day was well-known in Japan.

"You are pretty well known, Eva," Suzui remarked. "You are a very impressive person, I have to admit."

"Well, I don't think so..." Eva replied with an awkward laugh. "I'm not that special or anything."

"Don't humble yourself too much. Your action has inspired many young aspiring students, including me. And I know you aren't used to the attention, but you really deserve it," Suzui said with a smile. "Anyway, I'll wait here."

Eva blushed a little. "Well, thanks... I think?" Her compliment was too direct, and she didn't know what to say. It was good that her action did the intended effect, but isn't she too straightforward?


After knocking and receiving a "come in," Eva opened the door and entered the room. "You wanted to see me, sir?" She said.

The headmaster was at his desk, and he smiled brightly when he noticed Eva. "Ah, you're here." He motioned for her to take a seat in the chair across the desk. "Have a seat, Miss Lawrence."

Eva did as she was told, and she stared at the headmaster curiously.

"How have you been settling in?" The headmaster asked, his voice was calm and friendly. "I hope you're enjoying your stay here."

"It's been good, thank you for asking. I'm enjoying the experience so far," Eva replied with a polite smile.

"That's good," the headmaster said. "I'm glad to hear that."

The two sat there in silence, the only sounds that filled the room were the soft hum of machinery and the air conditioner. Eva began to feel a bit uncomfortable, but she didn't know why. Maybe it was just her nerves or the fact she felt the headmaster's eyes on her, observing her with great interest.

"Sir?" Eva said, breaking the silence. "You wanted to see me for a reason, didn't you?"

"Oh yes, of course," The headmaster chuckled lightly. "I have some interesting news for you. In just two weeks, we will hold the entrance ceremony. I am extending an invitation to you to represent the student body by delivering a welcoming speech to our incoming students. How about it?"

Eva kinda expects this development a little with how well-known she has become. "I'll accept that honor, sir. Thank you for giving me the opportunity," She replied.

"Now, that was fast. I'm glad you agree," The headmaster said, smiling broadly.

"If I may ask, why me? Aren't there other students that would be better for this?" Eva already knew the reason, but she was baiting for a confirmation.

"You are very well-known, Miss Lawrence. Your action has inspired many students and people in Japan, in case you haven't noticed. We want you as our role model," The headmaster explained with a smile.

The headmaster really wants Eva to represent the academy. Not many know this, but the opening ceremony will be broadcasted live. Eva presence can increase the academy's reputation even further in popularity and recognition. In the future, he predict Eva word will carry influence for the new generation of Astral Agents, a fact the headmaster surely didn't forget. He needed to make sure Eva would not be on AGA's side when the time came.

Eva, on the other hand, was smiling in secret that her heroic act really had its intended effect. "I really need to do it again," She thought.

Reina was waiting in line to get her academy uniform, but her ear couldn't help but pick up bits and pieces of the other students' conversations.

"I heard she was from Europe... She was so brave!"
"Yeah, she was the one on the news. It was crazy!"
"I've always been a fan of her mother. She's so cool!"

The students were whispering excitedly about someone. Maybe there was a famous person attending as a student? Reina doesn't really care anyway. She just wants to finish getting her uniform and go back to her room.

"Did you see her white hair?"
"Yeah, it was so pretty!"
"Yeah, I think I'll ask her to be my friend."

The description reminds her of someone... But there's no way. It must be just a coincidence. She needs to stop thinking about Eva and move on. It's just not possible for Eva to be here.

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