I play the role of the Villain in order to be my own Hero.

[3] Blunder of a Raid

(A little bit of a Gore warning)

The building she is planning to raid is in the middle of a city, she knows the place and all but...

"Heh, maybe I'm stupid after all... How do I raid a building again? Do I just go in, or what?" Although Eva had already prepared herself and planned where and who she was going to raid. She hasn't really thought on 'how' to raid the building itself, so she is in a bit of a pickle.

"This is just a lab where scientists spend their whole time researching, so it's unlikely that they will have many guards, right? Then again, they put a criminal in here, so good luck with that. Front door? No, too stupid..."  This is a stupid plan, and Eva knows it. Even a child of five can see how ridiculous this is. But then she realized something.

"Isn't this my first performance? Am I not going to introduce myself to the world? Why do I even need stealth for? I'm not a low class-spy. Isn't the flashier, the better?" Eva's grin widened as she became unable to contain her mounting delight.


[Rookie POV]

From where my post was, I could make out the sound of a distant laugh. However, it was pretty late at night, so my lack of sleep could have been playing tricks on me.

"Do you hear that, sir?" I look toward my mentor and partner, Captain Kenji Kimura. As a recent recruit, I have been assigned to work with a more experienced agent who will monitor me for my first month of work.

"Hear what, rookie?" 

"The laugh. I swear I can hear someone laughing just a second ago." The captain doesn't seem to hear it. Maybe it is the lack of sleep after all.

"Maybe some crazy person roaming in the street? We are in the middle of the ci- Rookie, get up, someone is coming." Our talk was abruptly ended by the sound of approaching footsteps.

The sound of the footsteps was unusually loud. It was as if someone had purposely stomped their foot on the ground. I instinctively reached for my gun but was scolded for it.

"Don't be too hasty. You don't want to accidentally shoot a civilian, right?"

"Yes, sir." He's right. I was being far too hasty.

I'm not sure why, but I was holding my breath as the sound came closer and closer. After what seems like an eternity, a figure finally steps into the lamplight. A young woman who appears to be in her early twenties can be seen. Under the light of the moon, wearing a black dress that complemented well with her accessory, she was as beautiful as one of those models that you might find in a magazine.

Although he is suspicious of the woman before him, Captain Keinji takes the initiative and greets the woman with a smile.

"Excuse me, miss, how may I help y-"

It was sudden, so sudden. Blood was splattering everywhere. I was so shocked that I couldn't even move or comprehend what was happening. 

The captain's headless body falls flat on the ground. He's dead, just like that. My leg is shaking. I don't know what to do. I pull out my gun and aim at the woman. But my hands are shaking so violently that I am unable to properly grasp the gun in either of my hands.

"Do not test me, child." The woman, or should I say monster, approached me one step at a time. Should I try to sound the alarm? Run? or beg for mercy? I can't think properly.

"P-please spare me!" But I do not need to think for long as my instinct takes over. I was crying, begging for mercy. Is this how I would die today? I still want to see the face of my father and mother, I still want to see the face of my sister, and most importantly, I still want to live.

I want to live. I want to live. I want to live, please god help me.

I am unable to recall what comes next because my eyesight becomes blurry, and then I pass out.

"He passed out...?" Eva blows the first man's head off, and the other one just faints after begging her for mercy.

"Well, this is unexpected. I want him to at least ring the alarm or scream for help. Is the CCTV working here?" Eva gave the surveillance camera a wave, hoping it was live and someone saw her. But no alarm was sounded.

Eva does not experience even the tiniest bit of guilt or anything else, despite the fact that this is the very first time she has killed someone. It was done, she killed someone and nothing more could be said about it. What's the difference between killing a human and a bug? She doesn't know it or perceive any distinction between the two.

"This is a little bit disgusting. I got blood all over my clothes..." Eva gloves were splattered with blood. The worst part is that she can't take it off just yet. While she can't be identified by her appearance, her fingerprint can.

"Maybe raiding this place in the middle of the day is better if I want to gather as much attention as possible. Then again, I always have someone looking out for me during the day. This is kinda frustrating..." Since she is supposedly a 'frail' girl who has difficulty walking, It is natural for someone to always be at her side just in case something terrible happens.

"Oh, what is this?" Eva picks up a gun from one of the bodies. The gun looks like a Glock, but the handle is slightly taller.

Intrigued by how it works, she presses the trigger on the gun while aiming it toward one of the trees, but nothing occurs...

"How do I use this again? Oh, right, the safety lock." Eva releases the safety lock and then presses the trigger once again.


The gun was louder than she thought it would be. It even makes her ears ring for a split second there. "Wow, that was loud."

While Eva was still inspecting the gun, the emergency alarm blared through the air. It was ten times louder than the sound of the gun she had tried before. Suddenly all the window was barricaded with an iron bar, and the door in front of her was locked down.

"Wow... You can wake up the whole city with this siren, but if this facility is so important, why build it here in the middle of a city? Doesn't they have a better place?"

Ignoring her own comments since this is probably not the right time for it. Eva approaches the door and knocks on it briefly to inspect it. She then takes a step back and swings her leg, kicking it as hard as she can.

The door flew open, and nobody was there to greet her like she expected it to be. She is fully prepared to be rained down with bullets and Astral Abilities, but nothing of that sort happens.

"Disappointing..." Eva strolls down the corridor till she comes across a flight of stairs that leads to what is most likely the second floor. The stair was strangely locked behind a door, and there was also a sign with "Staff Only. Do Not Enter" written on it.

"It would appear that they are not very good at keeping something a secret, aren't they?" The sign might as well scream secret. Eva then kicks the door open and leisurely climbs the stairs at her own pace.

She proceeds to brazenly enter one room after another without the slightest concern in the world, oblivious to the fact that any of the rooms may contain a trap. There is a lot of fascinating new technology to look at here that has yet to be made available to the general public. She ponders the possibility of accumulating some of those for herself, despite the fact that doing so is probably not the best idea.

The sounds of alarm are still ringing loudly, but nobody is here to greet her at all.

"This is the last one..." Eva opened the last door to the room at the far right of the corridor, expecting nothing but... lo and behold.

"FIRE!" Without any warning, Eva was suddenly subjected to a hail of gunfire from a group of five individuals suited in a black uniform. They fired shots without pausing, stopping only to replenish their magazine when necessary.

"Shit, I can't see anything. Is this even legal in regular practice? Surely not." Although the bullet did nothing to her, the smoke and furious rain of shots did render her vision and ruin some of part of her clothes.

Eva made a beeline for the closest agent and thrust his hand into the chest of one of the soldiers, killing him instantly. "And then there were five."

"What?! Rik-" The female agent doesn't even have the time to finish her word before she feels someone seizing her throat and crushing it the next second.

"And then there were three."

Realizing the bullet did nothing to her, one of the agents draws his knife and swings it sideway toward Eva's neck. With her dexterity and perception amplified, this is nothing more than a game to her. She doesn't need to dodge the knife, but it looks far cooler if she actually tries to.

Time seemed slow as Eva reacted instinctively, her body moving in perfect synchrony with her heightened senses. With a fluid grace, Eva dodged the knife swing with a backstep and performed a quick elbow jab in the face, followed by a strong, wide kick that decapitated the agent.

"And then there were two."

A ball of condensed electricity was thrown at Eva, but still, it did nothing other than tickle her a little.

"M-Monster!" The two agents that were left behind continued to fire their weapons and make use of their astral abilities with everything they had.

"You know nothing about it yet, child."

[Haruto Izayaki POV]

My name is Haruto Izayaki, the leader of the so-called terrorist group knowns as 'The Iniator.' I don't recall much of what happened when the AGA agent attacked one of our bases.

The passion and hatred I have, the day they took my wife away, is the day I'll never forget. I endlessly fought the AGA, liberating those who suffered under their tyranny. Many local politicians were supportive of our cause, albeit secretly. Because even they were aware of AGA's rising influence in Japan. But it's all pointless now...

When I woke up, I was chained to a metal bed. Around me, there were several people wearing some kind of scientific uniform. I try to use my telekinesis power but to no avail due to the collar suppressor.

I lay there helplessly, cursing my own powerlessness. I have no idea how much time has passed since then, but I stop caring at this point. Just as I was about to close my eyes again, the emergency alarm blared. Its piercing sound were demanding immediate attention and instills a sense of impending danger.

"We need to evacuate through the secret stair now!" The man who appears to be the lead scientist screams to the rest of his colleagues.

"What about the prisoner?" One of the scientists asks.

"Fuck that! I valued my life more." The lead scientist then slams some kind of red button, and a staircase that leads to who knows where appears.

They quickly grab anything they can get their hands on, leaving me here all alone. I can hear the sound of screaming mixed in with the sound of gunfire echoing outside of the room I was in.

 Is it an attack by a third party or a rescue group? I silently thought. It wasn't long before silence returned. "And then there was none..." I can hear a faint feminine voice.

The door to my room was silently open, and a woman wearing a tattered black dress could be seen through the smoke.

"So this is where they decide to put you, huh?" She enters the room in a leisurely fashion and looks around the room with an amused face.

"An explosive device in a size of a pill? This can come in handy." She put it in her pocket and then continued her room tour. My mouth was still gagged, and my head was kept in a place, so I could only see whatever she was doing through the corner of my eyes.

After that, she went to the bed where I was restrained and ripped open the chain that was strapping me with her bare hand. Is she a member of our group? No, that was impossible.

She yanked open the tape that was gagging my mouth and then shattered the collar that was restricting my astral abilities. "Can you talk? I came here to rescue you."

"Yes, thank you."I have no idea who she is, what she wants, or who she works for. However, the fact that she came here to rescue me is something for which I should be thankful.

"Get up and leave, quick. Their reinforcement could arrive any moment now." The woman seems to be looking around for something.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I need to investigate something first." She walks towards one of the walls and then punches it?!. The wall collapses, revealing the starry night sky...

And just like that, she created an escape route. I was wondering how she could attack this place alone. Brute force seems to be the answer here. I was so taken aback that I was rendered speechless for a second there.

"What the? Just who are you? What are you fighting for?" I couldn't help but ask this mysterious woman.

"You can call me anything you want, but don't worry, I'm on your side. At least for now." The manner in which she speaks causes shivers to run down my spine. "Do not give up just yet, as you and your people still have an important role to play in this war." She continues.

"War? What war are you talking about?" I am aware that there is always something taking place in the shadow, but war? Isn't that an overstatement?

"The war has already begun. It is just a continuation of past battles." After then, she leaps from the building and vanishes into the darkness outside.

Hering a bunch of footsteps coming closer, I, too, took my leave and levitated myself using my telekinesis ability and flew out of the building. I flew as far as possible while thinking about what that mysterious woman had said.

"The war has already begun, huh... But hold on, doesn't she want to investigate something first before leaving?"

Maybe she can sense someone coming and decide not to risk it, but who knows. But a storm is brewing, and I must prepare my people as best as possible.

"Gosh darns it... I blunder everything!" Eva screams out in frustration. She was currently in her room wearing her regular pajamas after incinerating her entire outfit.

"I should have planned something and just attacked during the day!" Eva current objective is to introduce her secret identity to the world and garner as much attention as she can.

"I should have let some of those agents alive!" Because Eva was having so much fun fighting those agents, she completely forgot to leave any eyewitnesses behind for the media.

"I didn't even get the chance to properly introduce the name for my secret identity... This is a disaster!" She rolled around the bed.

"Oh wait! There is an eyewitness!" Eva had just come to the realization that there was a single agent who had passed out in front of the gate but was still alive.

Although the results were disappointing and were not up to Eva's expectations, since she will probably be identified by the media just as a random assailant. But hey, practice makes perfect.

"Hahahaha, I can't wait for the news~." Eva giggle could be heard through the entire manor.

"Miss Eva, is there something wrong?" She can hear the voice of Ryuji behind the door.

"Yes! I'm fine!" She shouts back. "I should probably get back to sleep now."

I'm sorry if this was a little bit scuffed. This is my first time writing fast combat and action, so how was it? What do I lack? Where do I need to improve? Every critic will be appreciated.

I also want to hear your suggestion on what weapon Eva should use. Gun, sword, etc., I'll probably need to write the training arc. Oh, also, I want to name her secret identity 'Moonlight'. But since I'm pretty terrible at naming things, you probably have a better one.

(Please help me. Finding a name is more challenging than I thought it would be)

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