I play the role of the Villain in order to be my own Hero.

[8] A boy and His Fateful Day

It had been a week since Eva found herself confined to a hospital bed, and the dullness of her surroundings was becoming more and more unbearable to her. With limited mobility and only a few distractions, she finally came to the idea that maybe, just maybe, TV was the best thing ever created by humans.

As Eva flicks through the channels, she finally finds something interesting for her.

"Many citizens were now questioning the government's ability to ensure national security. The rise of terrorism and the bombing at Ichikawa Mall still remain fresh in the minds of many citizens, with the tragic loss of over a hundred innocent lives." The reporter then continues. "The local authority has confirmed that the explosions were caused by the terrorist's use of Astral Ability. With this in mind, some argue that a stricter control and monitoring of Astral User should be in place."

"Is that what the goal is for?" Eva still hasn't thought of that possibility. Because nobody will benefit from a stricter use of Astral Ability. "Maybe their plan backfired? Or is there an unknown variable? This is getting more and more fun by the second!"

"However, this notion was met with opposition since many believe that the use of Astral Ability has managed to help and save countless live throughout the year. Citing the recent remarkable case of Eva Lawrence, a young girl who has recently emerged as a national hero due to her heroic action, has perfectly demonstrated the use of her Astral Ability in saving countless people's lives."

"Oh, would you look at that. My name is on the news again." Recently Eva name has always been mentioned in the news, and she quickly became an internet sensation overnight.

Who wouldn't be moved by Eva actions? A young girl unwaveringly assists and leads the crowd in the face of peril, then bravely risks her own life to save another person. Besides, the government needs something to distract the masses, So they'll gladly divert the spotlight so they can get their act together first.

This was great and all, but this had the unintended effect of overshadowing her second identity spotlight. Eva is now starting to think if claiming to the world that she was the one who was responsible for the bomb is a good idea. This will definitely reshift the public attention, but this will make her labeled as a total villain.

"Since the media already portray my second identity as a villain, I might as well embrace it to the fullest of their fantasy. I'd like to know if I can threaten the press and make an appointment later. Yep, that'll do it." Since Eva now has a plan, she will accelerate her recovery speed just a little so nobody will notice. She just needs to convince the doctor and her parents to let her out of the damned hospital already.

Then a soft knock can be heard from the door, drawing Eva attention away from her thoughts. She turned her gaze towards the door, which swung open to reveal Ryuji stepping in carrying a food tray. The last few days she was in the hospital, he always had this stoic face on him. He silently takes a seat and opens the food tray.

"Ryuji?" Eva called out, her voice laced with confusion.

Ryuji looked up, meeting Eva's gaze with a hint of a smile on his otherwise stoic face. "I thought you might be getting tired of hospital food, so I brought you something homemade."

Eva's eyes widened with gratitude as she took in the sight of the deliciously prepared chicken soup before her. The aroma of familiar flavors filled the room, instantly awakening her appetite. Though she had been craving something dry to eat, but this is more than welcomed.

"Oh? How kind of you, thank you. You can just put it there." When Eva said that, Ryuji gave her a weird look.

He opened the tray and, without hesitation, started to try and spoonfeed Eva. His actions caught her off guard, and she looked at him, puzzled. "Are you going to spoonfeed me?"

Ryuji's gaze met Eva, determination etched on his face. "How else are you going to eat? Can you move your arm properly, miss?" he replied, his tone both caring and pragmatic.

"I can do it myself if you leave the room," Eva silently contemplated.

Reluctantly, she accepts Ryuji's offer of support, and here she goes getting spoonfed like a child. "This is kinda embarrassing..." Eva admitted.

Ryuji, however, responded with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting understanding. "There's no need to feel embarrassed, miss," he reassured her. "We all need a helping hand as a human. It's a testament to our strength and resilience that we can ask for and accept support when we need it."

"When are you becoming so wise?" Eva couldn't possibly say that out loud, but Ryuji, as a person, can act so differently at different times. Just like she is, ironic.

As Ryuji continued to feed Eva, his face returned to its stoic expression, masking any trace of emotion. The room was enveloped in a comfortable silence, with only the soft clinking of the spoon against the bowl breaking the stillness. With the meal finished, Ryuji lingered in Eva's room. It was as if he had something he wanted to say

Unable to bear the suspense any longer, Eva broke the silence. "Ryuji, is there something you want to tell me?"

"Nothing, miss. If you need anything else, please tell me." Ryuji hid his true feelings behind his stoic facade. Since Eva couldn't understand or bother to ask about his feeling, she just let it be.

The boy— Ryuji, had been abandoned by all. Aimlessly wandering through the slums with lifeless eyes, he tripped and fell. 

He wondered if he would die here, the thought of it igniting a brief glimmer of hope. Death would be a mercy, no one would be sad if he died anyway.

Raised within the confines of an orphanage, Ryuji's origins remained a mystery. He bore no knowledge of his parents or knew if they were even alive. He was always a loner and never really interacted with anyone. Due to that, he was shunned. Yet, amidst the absence of true happiness, Ryuji found solace in the absence of profound unhappiness. His life lacked the vibrant hues of joy, but it was not shadowed by constant despair either.

He was content with his life. However, one day when he was arguing with one of his friends. A dark power had suddenly burst from within him, destroying the entire orphanage and killing everyone within it.

The world seemed to collapse around Ryuji as the devastating power erupted from within him, consuming everything in its path. Shock and horror washed over him as he witnessed the destruction he had unknowingly unleashed. The walls of the orphanage crumbled, reduced to mere rubble, and the once-familiar faces of his companions were silenced forever.

After the devastating incident, Ryuji was apprehended by the authorities and taken into custody. Though he was just a child and the tragedy had been an accident, the scars of his unleashed power branded him as a danger. Despite his release from legal repercussions, the world continued to cast him as an outcast, a monster to be feared.

Transferred to a new orphanage, Ryuji yearned for acceptance, for a chance to prove that he was more than the destructive force he had once become. However, the walls of his new home echoed with whispers of fear and disdain. People regarded him as an abomination, a monster.

Even the guardian assigned to Ryuji meant to guide and nurture his abilities, harbored deep-seated resentment towards him. The mere presence of the young boy seemed to stoke a fire of animosity within the guardian's heart. The training sessions, instead of fostering growth, became a harsh reminder of his perceived monstrosity.

Even as Ryuji diligently worked to gain control over his abilities, the torment he endured persisted. The physical abuse he endured at the hands of his guardians continued unabated, leaving scars both visible and hidden. Their words of hate, fueled by prejudice and fear, seared into his soul like a relentless flame.

Driven to the edge of despair, Ryuji made a momentous decision. With a heart heavy with sorrow and a glimmer of hope in his eyes, he escaped the suffocating confines of the orphanage. But as he vanished into the shadows, he couldn't ignore the painful truth that nobody cared enough to search for him. How could he expect them to search for a mere monster?

For an agonizing two years, he had endured the depths of a living hell in the slums. Scavenging for scraps of food and enduring regular beatings had become his grim reality. Deep within him, a burning desire to fight back simmered, yet the fear of being labeled a monster shackled his every step.

But then, on one fateful rainy day, everything changed as he crossed paths with a mesmerizing girl. Her short silver hair, shimmering like moonlight, perfectly complemented her unblemished face that exuded an ethereal beauty. She stood there amidst the squalor of the slums, gracefully holding a cane in one hand while sheltering herself with an umbrella in the other. What was a girl like her doing in the slums? Ryuji doesn't know or even care.

"Are you okay? Here is something to eat. I know it's small, but I'll return for more later." The girl extended her hand toward Ryuji, offering him a small piece of bread. He looked at her, stunned by her unexpected kindness.

"…You should've left me alone." No, this wasn't what he should be saying. 

Even as he thought that, Ryuji lips continued to move, spitting out words he wasn't expecting. 

The silver-haired girl looked on quietly, unperturbed by his words.

"… I'm a dead man anyway. No one will be sad when I'm gone. If that's the case, I would've been happy if I starved to death." Even though he wasn't asked, ugly complaints spilled out of his mouth one after another. 

"Don't say something like that... I understand, bu-" Just before she could finish her word, Ryuji cut her off, his voice filled with frustration.

"No, you don't understand," I interjected, my words tinged with a mix of anger and desperation. The rain poured down relentlessly, matching the turmoil within me. "You don't know or understand anything. I'm a monster, a worthless person. Even dung on the side of the road has more use than me. No one could ever understand how I feel! I have no future, so what's the point of living any longer?!"

Without realizing it, he'd started screaming at the girl. He was consumed by the jealousy he felt. In his mind, she represented everything he was not, a life of comfort surrounded by a kind and caring family. How could someone like her possibly understand the depths of his pain and longing? And he was...nothing like her. His envy had made him voice the thoughts he'd never wanted to utter.

For better or worse, her beautiful blue eyes compelled him to admit his true feelings. He felt like screaming the thoughts he had kept buried deep inside his heart to the world.

"You're right, I don't understand how you feel, but I would be sad if you died," she answered simply.

As he continued to look into her eyes, Ryuji was astonished. A single tear rolled down her cheek. Even though it was the first time they'd met, she cried for him. He-a monster. Her heart ached for him. To him, that was the best comfort Ryuji could've asked for.

And before he noticed, he was wrapped in something soft… belatedly Ryuji realized that he was being hugged. She drops her cane and umbrella on the floor. Her short silver hair was beautifully tousled by the rain.

"Besides, look, you are not a monster. You are not worthless." The girl said softly.

"…!" Ryuji eyes watered, breaking like a dam as tears overflowed. Ever since he had awoken to that power, he had been treated as though he were something filthy everywhere he went. Ugly, dirty, filthy, monster… he was bombarded with hostility everywhere he went. No one wanted to get close to him, let alone touch him. And yet, the girl hadn't hesitated to embrace him.

"Please don't give up on your own happiness... Come with me, I'll make sure you'll also be happy."

After that, she takes Ryuji to her parents. The girl parents exchanged bewildered glances, their eyes flickering between their daughter and the drenched young boy standing beside her. Concern and curiosity can be seen on their face. With unwavering determination, the girl stepped forward, her voice filled with conviction as she explained Ryuji's plight. Her words carried the weight of sincerity and compassion, gradually melting away the initial shock her parents had experienced.

Though hesitant at first, the girl parents listened intently, captivated by the depth of her conviction. After some convincing, both of her parents agreed to put a roof on Ryuji, then train and hire him as one of their house servants.

He later learns the name of his savior, Eva, is the name of his angel. In this household, he was called by his name, not a monster. Everyone in this mansion is friendly to him. Even Eva, his savior, checks on him regularly. Here, he found purpose, happiness, and finally, a sense of belonging.

Ryuji leaves the room and slowly closes the door behind him. "I don't need to burden her mind with my insecurity and failure. I promised to protect her, to be there for her... But when it actually came down to it, I fell short..." 

He smiles, remembering the first time they met.

In the depths of his heart, Ryuji felt a deep sense of responsibility towards his young lady, who possessed a kindness that often made her neglect her own well-being. He vowed to become her shield, attending to her every need and ensuring her safe from any harm. Yet, doubts clouded his mind, and he questioned his own capabilities, unsure if he possessed the strength and skill required to fulfill his solemn promise.

But his determination burned brightly within him, unyielding and unwavering. He knew that he owed her a debt he could never fully be repay. She had been his savior, rescuing him from the depths of hell. She had breathed life back into his weary soul, pulling him out of the darkness and into the warm embrace of the light. She had filled his world with vibrant hues, painting his existence with hues of love, hope, and purpose.

With every fiber of his being, he vowed to honor her kindness, to be the unwavering support she deserved. He would dedicate himself to her, cherishing every moment and ensuring that her life was filled with the colors of love and happiness.

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