I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 13

“What’s going on right now?”


Emilia shot me a cold glare.

Only then did I realize I was gripping her wrist too tightly and let go.

Emilia continued to glare at me, rubbing her reddened wrist.

…Is that just her acting upset?

“Emilia, where do we fetch water from?”

“From the well at the back.”

“It seems that the water source is contaminated.”


After the black tea, even the water was tainted with paralysis poison.

That likely means the water source is indeed contaminated.

With a dazed expression, I left the mansion, leaving Emilia behind as she set down her cup.

I suppose the ‘back well’ refers to…

‘Is it that one?’

I must be talking about the little well within the single dorm room area.

I walked over to the small well and peered inside.

Outwardly, it looked like any other well with clear spring water flowing up.

But when I used ‘Inspection’…



[Condition: Poison]

[Description: The water that flows here can be consumed without any filtration. It is contaminated with lethal paralysis poison. It seems to take over a year to naturally purify.]

“As expected.”

As predicted, the well was indeed poisoned.

If she almost drank it unknowingly, it can’t be Emilia’s doing.

If Emilia had intended to kill me, she could have just poisoned the cup; there would be no need to contaminate the water source.

So who did this?


“Ah, yes.”

“How did you know the water source was contaminated?”

“Well, you see…”

How should I explain this?

I don’t want to be found out for having a broken ability like ‘Inspection.’

“I’m just really good with my sense of smell.”

“Sense of smell… Is that so?”

That’s a bit far-fetched.

No matter how good one’s sense of smell is, who can distinguish poison odors?

Even drug detection dogs can’t do that, come on.

“I see.”

But Emilia nodded along, accepting it.

Thinking about it, the Kingdom’s Intelligence Agency is indeed filled with superhumans…

Is she used to seeing those superhumans and thus thinks it’s plausible to distinguish poison by smell?

Well, it’s a relief that my abilities won’t be exposed.

“Just as you said, it’s definitely contaminated with poison.”


Turning around, I saw Emilia squatting down with the cup in her hands.

In front of her lay a frog, convulsing in its death throes.

“It only took a few drops to kill it.”


I created the character, but wow… That’s really psychopathic, isn’t it?

Did she really need to verify that?

“I’ll report this matter to the school. Until the well is purified, let’s drink from another source.”

“Yes. Understood.”

This is quite a serious issue.

Trying to assassinate the top-ranking first-year even before classes started…

There are hardly any factions bold enough to act so aggressively from the very start in the original story.

Was it simply because a commoner became the top student that it irked them so much?

The culprit is probably from a noble family…

Which one could it be?

Lichtenburg? Bayern? Flechette? Or perhaps a lower noble house?

‘Whatever. I’ll figure it out later.’

At this point, there are just too few clues.

There’s almost no way for me to investigate, so all I can do is leave it alone for now.



“I’m going out now; would you like to come along?”

“What? No. I’ll stay behind and do housework while you’re out.”

“Don’t say that; come with me. I need some company.”

“Fine… then I won’t refuse and will join you.”

The assassination attempt isn’t just targeting me.

Contaminating the water source means they likely intend to kill Emilia too.

Leaving Emilia alone in the mansion is dangerous.

If they realize their poisoning attempt failed, there might be further assassination attempts.

Noticing my intent, Emilia complied without any further arguments.


“What? Someone poisoned the well?!”

Upon reporting the incident, a burly middle-aged man came out and made a fuss.

Sergey von Freust.

Though he hails from an immigrant tribe on the fringes, he proved his abilities in the war and earned the title of Marquis as a retired 5-star general.

Despite the military’s protests, he insisted on retiring and is now teaching Battle Magic at the Imperial University.

“I didn’t say it like that. I simply stated that the well is poisoned.”

“But that’s the same thing.”

“It’s different.”

We must be cautious here.

Given the circumstances, it’s clear someone intentionally poisoned the well, but we can’t say it that way.

If the culprit is from a prominent house, the case will likely end unresolved, and I’ll be subject to a witch hunt targeting nobility for trying to find non-existent suspects.

“Well, I understand that. For now, I want to investigate solely through the Imperial University Investigation Department without informing the Imperial police. Is that alright with you?”

“Yes. No problem.”

Sergey’s troubled expression eased a bit.

With all the gossip generated by the commoner top student, he wouldn’t want to add any to the noise.

The Imperial University Investigation Department is just as commendable and skilled as the Imperial police, so there’s no need for concern.

I made sure to set it up that way.

“I’m sorry this unfortunate incident has occurred. This is a clear failure of the Imperial University’s defenses.”

“It’s alright. How can we monitor all outsiders constantly? I understand.”

“Thanks for your understanding. By the way… Haha! Schlus Hainkel! You’re broader-minded than you seem!”


Suddenly changing his tone, Sergey patted my back.

It didn’t seem like he hit me too hard, but a *bang* sound echoed, and my back straightened.

I bet there’ll be a big red mark later…

“Yes… Thank you.”

“Yeah, yeah. How’s university life treating you?”

“Classes haven’t even started yet.”

“Haha! Is that so?! If you encounter any issues during your university life, feel free to come to me anytime!”

“Yes. I will do that.”

“I was worried because you were a commoner! You’ve proven to be more charming than I imagined! Hahaha! I don’t have to worry about you at all!”

“Ugh. Ugh.”

Only after taking a few more playful hits from Sergey could I finally escape.

I formally requested an investigation from the department.

For the time being, they’ll likely arrange additional guards around the single dorm room at the Imperial University, so I can rest easy about assassination attempts for now.

“Are you done with your business?”

“Yes. But…”

As I exited the investigation building, Emilia was waiting out front.

But she was still in her maid outfit.

I’m sure I told her she could change her clothes.

“What about your clothes?”

“I’m attending as an attendant, so I thought this outfit would be appropriate.”

“That’s not how it works; go change into casual clothes.”


“Emilia, do you perhaps—”

“Yes. I have no casual clothes.”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

She’s really planning to wander around in a maid outfit?

Isn’t that embarrassing?

Ah… I guess it’s embarrassing only in the modern world; here, it’s probably normal.

It’s not really a problem, but it makes me feel awkward.

“I’ll buy you an outfit. From now on, wear casual clothes when you go out.”

“What? Then that will be from my salary—”

“I’m not cutting it from your salary. Since you’re the first-year top student’s attendant, you might become a target, so I want you to wear something less recognizable when going out.”

“Yes. Understood.”

After I threw out some excuse, Emilia nodded, seeming to finally understand.

I wonder if 1000 Tirions would be enough for some clothes.

Honestly, I’m starting to feel the pinch in living expenses, but if I save from now on, it should be fine.

Ingredients in this world are relatively cheap.

Plus, since Emilia cooks every meal, there’s no need for dining out, allowing me to save significantly on food costs.


Once I stepped outside the school, I headed straight to a clothing store first.

Since my fashion sense is hopeless, I just had Emilia pick things out.

She seemed a bit hesitant at the price, only eyeing some clothes without actually touching them, so I forced her to pick one.

When she tried it on, she grumbled about it being too expensive but her face lit up, so I decided to buy it anyway.

This was probably all part of her act to get me to buy her an expensive outfit.

She’s quite the schemer, really.

“Um… that…”


“Thank you. I’ll wear it well.”

As Emilia nervously exited the clothing store, I turned around.

She was blushing and fidgeting, lowering her head slightly.

Wow, no guy could remain unfazed by that.

Could this all be an act too?

It seems that among the orders given to Emilia by the Intelligence Agency, using her looks was included.

Maybe because I created her character, she feels like my own child, so I don’t think that way at all.

“My legs hurt, should we stop by a cafe?”

“Yes. I’ll follow you.”

The place we’re heading now is the true destination of today’s outing.

There’s a reason we came all the way to this clothing store.

I’m trying to casually suggest entering a cafe under the pretense of needing a rest for my legs.

While pretending to look for a cafe, I glanced around, moving into an alley.

Before I knew it, we were out of the Institution’s New Town and in the Old Town filled with winding alleys and ancient buildings.

Vines creeping tightly over walls.

Sunlight streaming softly between building gaps.

This landscape was truly what I imagined when writing.

Although I had never been here before, my feet moved on their own.

Like I had been here multiple times before.

Before long, we arrived at a small shop nestled deep in a narrow alley.

It was a semi-basement with no sign, hardly a place you could even guess was a cafe.

“Is this really a cafe?”

“I’m not sure. Shall we go inside and check?”

“It could be a dangerous place. Maybe we shouldn’t go in…”

Emilia babbled anxiously from behind.

Her voice sounded quite urgent; this seemed genuine, unlike her usual acting.

And it’s understandable.

For Emilia, she surely wouldn’t want me going in here.

Because this place is one of the secret strongholds of the Kingdom’s Intelligence Agency.

“It is a cafe after all.”

“Seems like it…”

Upon opening the door, we were greeted by the vintage atmosphere of the cafe.

At first glance, it might be mistaken for a bar, which wouldn’t be completely wrong.

This cafe operates under the guise of a bar at night.

“Have a seat.”

“What? But I—”

“Order something. I’ll treat you.”

“No. As your attendant—”

“I’ll be uncomfortable. Please, sit down.”

“Yes. Understood.”

I placed Emilia next to me as she stood behind with her hands clasped together.

Having never ordered anyone around in my life, that attitude made me feel very uneasy.

“What would you like to order?”

“A Darjeeling tea.”

“I’ll have an Earl Grey, please…”

The master placed the cups on the shelf and stood across from us.

This middle-aged man, sporting a charming mustache, is Eric Faust.

He’s the head of the Trud Kingdom Intelligence Agency.

He runs this cafe-bar as a front.

“Please wait a moment.”

Eric left without making eye contact with Emilia.

Seemingly an act of someone who might not know the other person’s identity.

Emilia remained calm, without any signs of anxiety, just sitting there.

While I acted oblivious, the situation was actually immensely dangerous.

I was essentially sneaking into the Intelligence Agency’s main base.

Both of these individuals could kill me at any moment if they chose to.

This cafe is surrounded by a high-output barrier, so no one would hear my screams.

Yet for now, the Intelligence Agency has no reason to kill me, so there’s no need to panic.

Not yet.

“Here are the two cups of tea you ordered.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you a student from the Imperial University?”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“From your school uniform.”

“Haha… I see.”

“What’s your name?”

“Schlus Hainkel.”

“Schlus Hainkel… Ah! You’re the top student, aren’t you?”

“Haha, yes.”

Eric pretended to be surprised.

He must have known I was Schlus Hainkel the moment I entered the cafe.

“Wow, I’m meeting someone famous.”

“Famous? Me?”

“You are famous. Right now, all the media is in a frenzy.”

“Haha, is that so? I’m exhausted because of that. There was even an assassination attempt today.”

“An assassination attempt? Could you tell me more about that?”

“Well, this morning…”

Eric smoothly tried to extract information from me.

Since Emilia would likely learn about the assassination attempt shortly, I decided to divulge everything.

I need to solidify the idea that I’m an easy target that just hands out info.

That’s how I’ll be stripped from their assassination target list.

“That sounds like a serious issue.”

“Right? Sigh. Let’s head back now, Emilia. By now, the well should have been purified, and guards placed around the mansion.”

“Yes. Understood.”

“Master, the tea is delightful. I think I’ll be visiting often.”

“Thank you. I look forward to your next visit.”

After a simple exchange of farewells, I left the cafe with Emilia.

As we climbed the stairs and stepped outside, the sun was beginning to set.

Currently, this world has diverged significantly from the original story.

First of all, the main character, Hertlocker, has failed to infiltrate the Imperial University, and Iskandal has been attacked and killed.

From the evidence alone, it would seem like the Empire’s counterintelligence agency is tracking the Intelligence Agency.

There is a substantial chance that the Intelligence Agency will be tempted to withdraw from their original base.

That’s why I purposely visited to suggest I’d be a frequent customer.

As a likely top surveillance target and someone spilling out information, the Intelligence Agency wouldn’t easily let go of me.

Thus, I suspect they would choose to keep this base intact despite some risks.

I orchestrated this outcome.

If the Intelligence Agency moves all their bases, there’s no way I could track them with my current abilities.

That’s why I subtly guided them to operate within the bounds of the original storyline.

Should the opportunity arise, I must be prepared to launch a surprise attack on them.

I could wipe them out the moment they cross the line into terrorism.

And that also includes the protagonist.

It’s a funny thing to weigh namesake characters against the protagonist, but if I must choose, I’ll mercilessly cast aside the protagonist.

Between the Empire and the Kingdom, without hesitation, I would destroy the Kingdom.

So I pray that neither the protagonist nor the Intelligence Agency crosses that line.

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