I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 20


On a night when the moon was hidden by clouds.

Emilia sat on the mansion’s balcony, groaning.

She had just pulled out a communication artifact to file a regular report to the headquarters, but she was troubled about what to send.

*Really, what on earth happened…?*

Iris von dem Flechette.

The one who visited at dusk was none other than the Saintess of Flechette.

A genius called a prodigy of healing magic at just 4 years old.

By the age of 8, she had already invented her own original healing magic and performed miracles through it.

It all started a year ago when an epidemic spread through a rural village.

With an unclear route of infection and a fatality rate nearing 90%, the royal family ultimately decided to seal off the village.

They blocked all roads leading to the village, ensuring that no one could enter or exit, whether it be people or supplies.

They effectively decided to let over 500 residents die.

At the time, everyone thought there was no other way.

A few hundred lives seemed cheap compared to an epidemic spreading throughout the empire.

At least, that was the case until Iris showed up.

Iris demanded an entry permit, saying she would cure the epidemic.

The royal family naturally refused, but Iris persistently requested the permit.

Eventually, the royal family granted her entry only under the condition that they wouldn’t let her out until the epidemic was fully cured.

Iris boldly entered a village where 10 people were dying every day.

In a living hell where rotten corpses lay in the streets without anyone to bury them, and a stench was always present.

As soon as Iris entered the village, she began using her healing magic.

It wasn’t wide-area magic. She personally met each of the residents and cast healing magic on them one by one.

There were even times she ran out of mana and almost died from the epidemic herself.

Despite teetering on the brink of death, Iris succeeded in healing every single villager.

The Papal Palace recognized her contributions and appointed her as a Saintess.

She was the first person in history to become a Saintess while still alive.

*So Iris knows Schlus Hainkel?*

Someone that amazing seemed to know Schlus.

Not only that, but based on Iris’s tone and demeanor, it looked like they were quite close.

*That can’t be true.*

It doesn’t make sense.

The Intelligence Agency had all the information about Iris and Schlus.

But among that, there wasn’t a single indication that they had any contact.

While it could be possible that Iris had hidden information, Schlus being a commoner wouldn’t have any basis for that.

Unless they had some sort of telepathy, Iris and Schlus should have met for the first time at the Imperial University.

“Your way of speaking seems a bit cold, don’t you think? I’m pretty sure I mentioned that we’re going to be close for a long time.”

I reflected on Iris’s words.

Close for a long time…

What on earth did that mean?

“I came to talk about our future.”

“You don’t have to doubt. I believe in you. What you want is what I want too.”

“I’m going to help with whatever Schlus wants.”

*Huh? Could it be…?*

Emilia’s pupils dilated.

Our future?

What you want is what I want?

Just hearing that made it feel like—

*Are they dating?*

It seemed like the two were promising love and a future together.

As Emilia’s thoughts reached that point, her mind froze.

That really doesn’t make sense.

A renowned genius, the daughter of a powerful family and a Saintess, would date a commoner whose only achievement was passing entrance to the Imperial University?

There’s no way that could happen, she shook her head.

Meanwhile, she recalled something someone had said…

“Love, you see, has no reason. It just suddenly comes one day.”

It was something Eric, the Director of the Intelligence Agency, had said after he got married just one day after dating.

Looking back at his case, Iris and Schlus’s relationship didn’t seem all that implausible.

By the way, what could Schlus possibly see in her?

He had nothing going for him except for being good-looking, having a nice build, being polite, and being considerate.

When she thought about it, more mysterious than Iris’s friendliness was Schlus’s attitude.

Schlus seemed uncomfortable throughout their conversation, offering short replies.

Considering the Saintess was here to help him, he didn’t seem overly pleased…

The situation didn’t seem simple.

Perhaps Schlus had some sort of leverage over Iris.

Or conversely, Iris had some leverage over Schlus.

…Or maybe both.

*How do I report this, though…*

In a situation where nothing made sense, Emilia was conflicted.

She wasn’t sure how to interpret their relationship.

If she made a mistake, she would end up sending false information to the Intelligence Agency.

But just relaying what she saw today was difficult due to the word limit.

*Let’s just leave it for now.*

Rather than complicating things with false information, she thought it would be better to observe the situation a bit longer.

Later, when she had some free time, she could just visit the base and report the situation.

Emilia thought this as she put away the communication artifact.

*So bold…*

By the way, where did he get the guts to talk informally and act rudely to a Saintess?

*Huh? Informal…?*

Emilia’s eyes widened.

Now that she thought about it, Schlus had spoken informally to Iris.

But, he had never used informal speech with her, a mere attendant and commoner.


Emilia’s mind became a jumble.


[Forbidden Elixir]

[Epic Item: Cannot be reproduced or regenerated as it strays from the laws of this world.]

[Description: Drinking it will randomly increase one of your stats permanently by 10. Tastes terrible.]

No matter how many times she checked, the text remained the same.

A permanent buff to stats. By 10, no less.

It was an absurdly generous effect.

But the problem was that you couldn’t specify which stat through the elixir.

If it affected her already high mana sensitivity, which was at 75, it would be disastrous.

But it could be exchanged for just one shop coin.

That means she could buy 10 more in the future, right?


[Forbidden Elixir]

[Price: 2 Shop Coins]


It had been 1 coin earlier.

Suddenly, the price had climbed to 2.

Was this a system where the price increases the more you buy?

If it increases by 1 each time, with her current coins, she could buy 3 more.

If she drank them all, her stats would rise by a whopping 40.

Just as she was about to make an impulsive purchase, she noticed a line in the shop.

[Shop Upgrade]

[Upgrading the shop will add new items.]

[Cost: 10 Shop Coins]

There was an option to upgrade the shop.

As of now, the shop only contained the Forbidden Elixir, Recovery Potion, and Gawayn’s Sword.

She wanted to see other items, but the problem was that the upgrade cost a hefty 10 Shop Coins.


Should she upgrade the shop with her remaining 10 coins?

Or purchase the Forbidden Elixir or Recovery Potion?

She began to ponder deeply.

After much deliberation, she made her decision—

“*Let’s save it for now.*”

She decided to hold onto her coins.

After all, if she spent all her coins on upgrading the shop, there might come a moment in the future when she would need Recovery Potions.

There was also the possibility that Forbidden Elixirs or Recovery Potions would no longer be useful after she buys them.

So it was best to hold onto her coins for now, and later when she desperately needed a stat boost, she could buy the Forbidden Elixir, or if she required healing, she could purchase a Recovery Potion. She could upgrade the shop later when she found herself with excess coins.


Gazing at the bottle on the ground, she exhaled a relieved sigh.

Now that she’s bought the elixir, there was no choice but to drink it.

It wouldn’t become non-random just because she left it for later.

Carefully, she unscrewed the cap and lifted it with both hands.

The smell was… *not particularly strong.*

“*Please let it not be mana sensitivity…!*”

Ideally, she hoped for a boost in mana or strength.

Then she could defeat most common goons without using ‘Selection and Concentration’ during combat.

As she brought the bottle to her lips, she silently prayed.


It tasted absolutely disgusting.

Seriously, it’s not even that bitter like traditional medicine, just a revolting taste.

The more she drank, the more it felt like something was rising inside her.

Fearing that if she didn’t finish it all the effect would not manifest, she ended up downing the entire bottle.


Her face was scrunched up in utter distaste.

Even after finishing, her stomach churned painfully.


As the empty bottle started to fade, it vanished.

Did it disappear on its own after she used it all up?

Wiping her mouth, she summoned the stats window.

[Displaying Stats.]

[Vitality: 16]

[Strength: 12]

[Agility: 5]

[Stamina: 5]

[Magic: 1]

[Mana Sensitivity: 1]

[Mana Sensitivity: 75]

[Computational Power: 18]

Her vitality remained the same. Strength unchanged. Agility still the same…

What? What changed?

Surveying again, there was one stat that had changed.

Computational Power.

It was a stat that was so negligible that she hadn’t even realized it existed.

Computational Power, if high enough, is indeed a cheat stat that can completely nullify the spells an opponent casts.

But being only moderately increased like this makes it difficult to dismantle real-time spells.

But if it were asked if the stat increase was meaningless, the answer would be no.

Computational Power significantly affects spell deployment speed.

With a stat of 18, she could now deploy spells at roughly double the speed of an average person.

That means 1 second would now become 0.5 seconds.

It’s not a huge difference, but in a situation where seconds matter in combat, it could be quite helpful.

“*Second to last place…*”

Still, it’s a letdown.

Unless every elixir she drinks from now on boosts her Computational Power, there’s no way to feel good about it.

*Oh, come on. That can’t happen!*

Thinking she stepped in a pile of dung, she exited the training room.


There was a newspaper stuck at the front gate.

What? It’s only 3 AM, and newspapers are being delivered at this hour?

She picked up the paper and entered the mansion.

Turning on just a stand lamp in the living room, she unfolded the newspaper, expecting to see some news.

– The Day of Magic is approaching. Preparations for the event are underway…

Just as she thought.

There isn’t much time left until the Day of Magic.

The Day of Magic is a day commemorating the blessing of magic upon the continent.

In fact, the Day of Magic itself isn’t particularly important.

It’s just a fabricated holiday I made up to create an occasion for an event.

In the original story, the Day of Magic event doesn’t hold much significance.

It was merely a place for the protagonist and Iris to hang out during a date.

Still, the reason I paid attention to the Day of Magic was simple.

The protagonist, that dumb idiot, hasn’t been able to enroll at the Imperial University.

A general from the Imperial Army is scheduled to attend this event.

The royal intelligence agency had planned an assassination of the general during the event, but deliberately let it go due to concerns that the protagonist’s activities would narrow the range of infiltration at the Imperial University.

However, since the protagonist failed, that won’t happen in this world.

That murder machine of a protagonist is going to barge into the event and kill the general without hesitation.

*That cannot happen.*

It must be stopped.

I must prevent the imperial and royal relationship from worsening and the war from reigniting.

If they start fighting and wearing each other down, that’s the quickest route to a bad ending.

*I have to stop Hertlocker by any means necessary.*

Finally, I’ll get to see our protagonist’s face.

Truly a villain, a murderous little scamp who hardly deserves the title of protagonist.

I’m coming to meet you, you little bastard.

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