I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 28

“Today’s the day for the duel, so I came to check things out… but it seems impossible, huh? My body doesn’t feel fully recovered yet.”


Trie laughed awkwardly.

Now that I think about it, today was supposed to be the next swordsmanship class.

I had completely forgotten.

“No. I think it’s definitely possible.”

“Really? Are you sure?”

“…Just take it a bit easy on me.”

Trie sparkled with excitement as she approached.

This girl didn’t care if her opponent was struggling and was ready to beat me up…

Suddenly, a heavy aura surrounded us.

I hope I won’t get killed today.

“So, you…”

“Huh? Why do you ask?”

“Why are you here again?”

Iris leaned back on the sofa, leisurely sipping her tea.

It felt like it was her home or something.

“I had something to discuss. I told the attendant, and they let me in.”


When I glanced at Emilia, she avoided my gaze in silence.

Next time, I definitely need to tell Iris not to let her in.

“And there’s going to be a make-up class soon. I was thinking of resting for a bit and going with Schlus.”


Trie suddenly cleared her throat, almost spitting out her tea.

Is she choking? What’s with her?

“If you have something to say, say it now and leave.”

“But it’s something I can’t say unless we’re alone.”

“Then talk later. Just leave. I have a duel to attend.”

“I’ll wait here in the meantime.”

“No. Leave right now.”

“You’re so cold…”

Iris shot me a glare but slowly stood up, heading for the entrance.

I was confident that firmly giving her an evict order would spare me the ugly scene.

Iris may seem like that, but she’s a Saintess after all.

“Honestly, you still don’t trust me? We’re close friends, after all.”


I trust you.

At least if you were in an antagonistic position, there’d be no reason for you to keep me alive.

But just because you’re not antagonistic doesn’t mean you’re friendly.

I can’t let my guard down, thinking you won’t change your mind and turn against me at any moment.

“Make me trust you.”


Iris silently tiptoed toward me and gestured for me to listen closely.

Is she telling me to lean in?

I bent my knee slightly and brought my ear closer to her lips.

“Your attendant is in danger. If you don’t want her to die, you better be alert.”


“Then I’ll take my leave.”

Leaving those mysterious words behind, Iris turned her back and left the mansion.

What on Earth was that about? Emilia is in danger?

Did she catch the eye of some dangerous loser?

When I looked at Emilia, she just tilted her head.

I doubt she’d give me any answers if I asked.

This is just absurd.

It’s hard to dismiss Iris’s words as nonsense.

“We’ve got class in two hours, so let’s get started.”

Oh well, whatever.

When my head is all jumbled, moving my body is the best solution!

“Right. I only have wooden swords in your training room, so I brought real swords.”


Trie smiled and lifted two swords from the floor.

They were training swords, completely dull, but the fact that they’re made of steel means they’re no different from real swords.

So, I’m supposed to get hit by those from now on, huh?

“I’ll finish this quickly!”


Guess I should just say I’m resting today.

Oh man, this is bad.


“Everyone is gathered.”

Ludwig stood at the podium, looking around.

This was to make up for the first class that had been canceled due to a bomb threat.

I thought Schlus wouldn’t show up since I heard he got injured, but surprisingly, he was there early.

But he looked like he was at death’s door; the impact of his injuries must be pretty severe.

“First of all, I’ll apologize for the terrorist attempt that happened last time. Security will be tightened, so you don’t need to worry about it happening again.”

Ludwig stepped back.

Next to him was a cart filled with mana stones.

“The first lesson is simple. We will measure everyone’s mana levels.”

“I have a question.”


Erica raised her hand and slowly got up from her seat.

“Will individual mana levels be made public?”

“They will be.”

“Pro, Professor…!”

“The questions are over. From now on, come to the podium in order when I call your name.”

The students began to murmur, but Ludwig skillfully silenced their questions and continued with the class.

The amount of mana determines a magician’s ability, after all.

Those cockroaches who exaggerate their mana levels are probably here, too.

I didn’t care what happened to their honor.

“Schlus Hainkel.”


With Ludwig calling out the first name, silence fell over the lecture hall.

All eyes turned to Schlus, the top student, as he slowly descended the stairs.

He was the one who thwarted the wide-area magic aimed at the Magic Day event.

The only method the students could come up with to dismantle that huge spell was calculation magic.

Calculation magic, designed exclusively for spell breaking, with mana efficiency that could be described as rock-bottom.

The mana level of the commoner top student who utilizes that calculation magic must be unimaginable.

“Place your hand on the mana stone.”

Following Ludwig’s instruction, Schlus placed his hand on the mana stone.

Mana stones have the property of storing mana.

Using that property, we first absorb all the opponent’s mana, then inject it until their body is full.

That way, regardless of how much mana they currently possess, we can measure their maximum mana level.

“Schlus Hainkel…”

As Ludwig chalked up on the blackboard, his eyes twisted in disbelief.

An unbelievable number was written on his artifact.

Even checking again for errors yielded the same result.

In the end, Ludwig had no choice but to announce the result with a trembling voice.

“Schlus Hainkel. Mana level 1000.”


“Just a thousand?!”

As expected, the classroom erupted into chaos.

How could someone who easily dismantled wide-area magic only have a mana level of 1000?

Naturally, I wanted to question whether there was an error in the measurement, but—

“Everyone, quiet down.”

At Ludwig’s cold voice, everyone shrank back.

There was no way there’d be an error in the measurement method of that notoriously meticulous teacher.

When no one could digest what just happened, Ludwig was formulating a hypothesis.

‘The charging limit of the mana stone is 300,000.’

The total amount of mana that can be charged in the stones is 300,000.

So, the measurement range is between 0 and 300,000.

If someone with over 300,000 mana level undergoes measurement, an error will occur.

For example, a ridiculously small number like 1000 might appear…

‘No way.’

I felt sweat trickling down the back of Ludwig’s neck.

Could 300,000 even be considered a rational number?

Even Alexia, the Majin, barely reaches 100,000.

Lifting his head, Ludwig met Schlus’s eyes, which looked like rotten fish eyes.

At that moment, chills ran down Ludwig’s spine.

‘This must be covered up.’

This wasn’t just a school issue; it would shake the entire continent.

Thus, Schlus’s mana level had to be considered 1000.

Only I should know that his mana level exceeds 300,000, or even more.

That way, I could protect Schlus from attacks.

As a teacher, it’s my duty to ensure his protection at least until he can fully realize his magical talent.

Though I’m not even sure if he needs protection.


Ludwig swallowed hard and continued the class.


It’s already been two days since Magic Day.

A lot has changed during that time, but what’s muddling my mind is—

“No way, crazy. How much percent did it jump?”

The stock market fluctuations.

When I got my maintenance stipend, I invested 5,000 tirion in the Shayden Guild and the Holy Knights.

Both were expected to grow rapidly due to the impending civil war.

But my expectations went completely awry.

Both stocks skyrocketed by over 500 percent before the civil war even began.

It must be due to the aftermath of the failed terrorist attempt on Magic Day.

From now on, internal threats within the Empire will gradually rise, increasing the position of private knight squads day by day.

Among them, the Holy Knights will grow tremendously, taking on royal guard duties.

“I’m in for a double.”

Selling the stocks here would be stupid.

Once the civil war hits, both the Shayden Guild and the Holy Knights’ stock prices will soar over 100,000 percent.

However, considering that the Holy Knights will have a bigger increase, I should adjust the ratio a bit.

But wait, thinking about it, 100,000 percent means 1000 times.

Is it even possible for stocks to rise this steeply, like cryptocurrencies?

Seems like I have quite a few plot holes since I casually wrote a novel back in my ignorant days about stocks…

“Emilia, I’m heading out.”

“By yourself? Can I come along?”


“I’ll change into casual clothes and be right out.”

Before I could even respond, Emilia dashed off into her room.

Lately, she’s been trying to tag along with me wherever I go.

She probably wants to seem like she’s concerned about her employer’s safety, but I know better.

She’s just keeping a close watch on me to ensure I’m not an enemy of the Intelligence Agency.

If they decide I’m a threat, they’d eliminate me without hesitation.

After all, those guys would wipe out 10,000 people in a heartbeat just to capture one Roman.

They wouldn’t care about means or methods when it comes to getting rid of me.

Before that could happen, there were things I needed to do.

“This place… seems like you really like it.”

“Yes, the atmosphere is delightful.”

I arrived at the cafe with Emilia.

A disguised cafe run by the Intelligence Agency.

As soon as we stepped inside, I noticed the interior was chaotic.

All the tables were pushed to one corner.

It looked like they were preparing to withdraw things, with a few shelves missing.

Well, considering how the well-thought-out terrorist plan backfired, they have a reason to be cautious.

As I entered, Eric greeted me with a puzzled expression.

“Are you open for business?”

“Yes, but…”

“Then that’s good enough. One Darjeeling, please, Master.”

This was the only Intelligence Agency base I’m aware of.

I can’t let them just close up shop.

“I’ll have an Earl Grey…”

“Understood. One Darjeeling, one Earl Grey. Coming right up.”

“Master, have you seen the news?”

“I have. Ah, by the way…?”

“Yes, I’m the one who stopped the terrorist attack. Haha!”

“Wow! What an honor. To think a hero like you is a regular at our cafe.”

“Hero? Not at all. That’s just not true. I was just enjoying the event when…”

*natural flow ensues*

Eric was skilled at extracting information, so I didn’t seem awkward revealing the details.

Thus, I took my time explaining to Eric and Emilia how I thwarted the terrorist attack.

Of course, with a few adjustments to the truth.

I can’t disclose the details of my abilities.

“The guy who attacked me was identical to a customer I saw in this cafe. Did you happen to recognize him?”

“Ah, no, not at all.”

“What a dangerous world. To think a terrorist frequented the same cafe… what an ignorant fool.”


I think I heard someone’s teeth grinding next to me.

I should hold off on insulting Hertlocker for now.

If I keep it up, I might get killed by his little sister.

“Customer, who do you think was behind the attack?”

“While the police’s investigation should be accurate, I suspect… it must be the separatist forces.”

“Separatists? There is much talk about it being the work of the kingdom.”

“Oh, no way. How long has it been since the ceasefire for the kingdom to provoke our Empire? I believe they strive for peace.”

“I see…”

That concluded the ideological verification.

I won’t face off against the kingdom. I hope to pursue a peaceful path, if possible. I just wanted to engrave that into the Intelligence Agency’s consciousness.

Then they wouldn’t waste effort trying to eliminate me like fools.

“By the way, the place seems a bit chaotic. Are you closing soon?”

“Oh, no. We’re just making some minor renovations. No plans to close down.”

With that, I convinced them not to shut down the shop.

I stressed again how I’m a favorable, cooperative customer who supplies them with information.

“That’s a relief. I’m looking forward to the new renovations.”


Thus, the threat of assassination from the Intelligence Agency was eliminated.

Now I can sleep more comfortably.

Without worrying about Emilia stabbing me in my sleep.

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