I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 307

Everything is over.

All the Majins are dead, and I’m the only one left, with the threats of terrorism that once instilled fear in people now vanished.

Countries that were ready to wage a war for their national fate made peace with each other (half of it was forced), avoiding immediate conflict.

So now, a new era of peace should begin.

At least, that’s what I thought.

– Trud Kingdom declares withdrawal from the United Humanity.

– Elf Alliance also withdraws from the United Humanity…

– The United Humanity begins the disbandment process. Where’s the future of the continent heading…

Honestly, things have been so stupid it’s enough to make my head explode.

As soon as the common enemy disappeared, the United Humanity quickly started ripping each other apart, growling.

I thought they would at least try to maintain some peace…

The rift between the species seems deeper than I imagined.

– “Schlus! Please break those damn Elves’ skulls for me! You’re human too, aren’t you?”

– “Those disgusting humans have reduced grain exports again! Please give us strength to reclaim the desert development area, Schlus!”

– “Those crazy humans keep cutting down trees in the Great Forest and burning them for slash-and-burn farming! Oh, Schlus, who loves nature! Please punish the humans!”

And my believers are scattered everywhere, regardless of species, region, or nation, fervently praying for someone to kill someone else.

The way my believers pray to me is simple.

They use a makeshift communication magic spell to ramble on about whatever comes to mind.

Even with low output, communication magic wandering across the continent makes it impossible to ignore—it’s practically a direct prayer.

“Hah, what should I do about these guys? Should I announce a general message to tell them to stop sending these crappy prayers?”

“Don’t be too harsh. They all need someone to lean on. Just ignore it.”

*Swish* Emilia sat on my lap.

Ignoring it is one thing.

But when dozens of prayers flood in every second, the noise is the real problem.

Of course, while I can multitask, I’m not quite accustomed to the Majin senses yet, making it somewhat uncomfortable.

There was a time I accidentally answered someone’s prayer aloud while having a conversation with Emilia.

“But I’m a bit curious. What kind of prayers do you hear most often?”

“The one that asks for the destruction of the Freya Empire comes in the most. Next is those asking for marriage…”

“Yup, let’s send out a general message, sis. Tell them to stop.”


Emilia said that with a slightly displeased expression.

Jealousy over something like this?

She’s too cute; I couldn’t help but kiss her.

“Hmm… When are we getting married, bro?”

“After I graduate?”

“Really? You’re going to grad school too! If not now, we won’t have time.”

“That’s true, though. Hmm.”

“Let’s do it big. We can invite thousands of guests. I want to show the whole continent that this man is mine. So no one can look at you again. Then those ridiculous prayers for marriage should lessen.”


I thought Emilia would prefer a small and quiet wedding.

Seems like her tastes have changed a lot suddenly.

If Emilia wants it, who am I to argue?

When it comes to marriage, I have no say.

I’ve done too many wrongs…

“Isn’t a guest list of ten thousand too much? If we do it that big this time, every subsequent wedding will have to be that scale too—”

“Hey, hey. Wait a minute. Why would there be multiple weddings?”

“Oh? Are you finally thinking of cutting off the other girls? Really?”

Emilia’s face lit up as she nudged me closer.

No way that’s going to happen…

“No, it’s not that. Others are suggesting a joint wedding ceremony.”


It didn’t take long for her to turn a deep shade of confusion.

“Then how about this? First, we hold a wedding ceremony just the two of us, and then the Saintess and Erica… and who else? Ugh, there are too many and I’m confused.”


“Oh, right. Trie. Let’s do a joint wedding for the three of us later. How about it?”

“That won’t do. If it’s a joint wedding, it should be all together.”

“Why? I picked you first! I’m the first one, so why should we have a joint wedding… It’s unfair, really. I’m the first one, right?”


“Tell me. I’m the first, and I love you the most.”

“You’re the first, and of course I love you the most.”

“Do you say that to the other girls too?”

“Huh? No?”



I found myself trapped in an infinite quagmire.

Unable to go this way or that.

Maybe because Emilia is particularly jealous, she sometimes acts like this.

In the past, I was flustered, not knowing how to cope, but now I do.

“A joint wedding. It must be done. If we do it separately, there’s a risk of an implicit hierarchy forming among the families according to the order of weddings.”

“Really? Even if I say I don’t want it?”



Emilia whimpered and then threw herself into my arms.

I’ve learned that pushing through like this solves things.

After all, the one who suffers when she sulks is Emilia herself.

After one big sulk, she ignored me all day at the Flechette Mansion and came back crying, apologizing.

Since then, she’s never sulked like that again.

While she may express her dissatisfaction verbally, she never acted on it.

“Then, for the wedding entrance, I want to be the first.”

“That only makes sense.”

“Ugh… It’s truly unfair. You’re mine. Mine…”

“For now, you’re completely mine.”

“Then shall we start now?”

“Huh? Huh? From morning?”

“Not interested?”


Emilia lifted her head slightly and looked up at me.

The moment I saw those gleaming eyes, I lost all sense.

Just then, as I was about to scoop her up and head to the bedroom, I passed the front door.


“Schlus! Big news!”


The front door swung wide open, and a hearty voice echoed.

It was Pelaine.

She quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and, glancing between me and the blushing Emilia—

“Um, excuse me…”

She bowed her head politely and was about to close the door again.

“No! Come in! It seems urgent.”

“Is it alright?”

“Yes, well… the mood is already ruined anyway. But next time, could you please knock—”

“Thank you!”

Did Emilia whisper something at the end? Pelaine giggled and walked in.

Did she ignore the comment, or did she not hear it at all?

Given her big ears, it wouldn’t be surprising if she didn’t hear.

“I’ll get the tea!”

Emilia dashed to the kitchen, and Pelaine and I sat facing each other in the living room.

The moment I saw Pelaine, I recalled a promise I made a while ago, feeling a bit awkward.

I recall I’d casually agreed to her desire to have my child.

In the subhuman culture, do they freely engage without marriage and even have kids?

It felt slightly, no, very unfamiliar.

“Wow! I’ve heard a lot about how delicious Emilia’s tea is, but I had no idea it would be this good! I usually don’t like black tea…! Mmm! It’s fragrant and delightful!”

“Th-thank you.”

“What’s that big news, Pelaine? Don’t tell me it’s about war?”

“It’s not that big of a deal. But please, don’t be shocked. Actually… I’m not a cat subhuman!”


“I thought I was a cat subhuman my whole life! My name is Pelaine! But once, during a health check-up, they told me I was a canine subhuman! After more detailed examination, it turned out I’m a fox subhuman!”


My mouth dropped open.

Glancing to the side, I saw Emilia had a similar shocked expression.

Of course, she wasn’t surprised by the news itself but was shocked that Pelaine brought such trivial news as a ‘big’ deal.


“You weren’t surprised?”

“I thought it was strange for a cat subhuman. Your behavior is more like a dog…”

“Huh? Me? What on earth do you mean?!”

“The way you roll over and expose your belly when petted, or the way you try to lick my hand when I pet you…”

“Ugh! Please stop there! I didn’t think I was that dog-like…”

Pelaine’s face turned red, and she covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

She’s not embarrassed when lying down in front of others but gets embarrassed at times like this…

By the way, saying she’s dog-like felt weird.

While it is true, it sounds like an insult.

“Everyone probably expected you to be a fox subhuman at some point.”

“Uh, I see… I guess I was the only one who didn’t realize.”

Pelaine blinked as she gauged my and Emilia’s reactions.

Every time I see her, she’s an adorably delightful creature.

Who would think of this Pelaine as the continent’s strongest swordsman who guards the Imperial Palace and the Emperor?

Though Trie is currently at a level above that, the fact remains that Pelaine is among the strongest superhumans in the continent.

“But, Schlus… Do you remember the promise we made before?”


Here comes that moment.

The promise I made about getting her pregnant.

I shut my eyes tight.

I could feel Emilia glaring at me from the side.

“Uh, I remember. But I’m not familiar with subhuman culture, so… can we push it back a bit?”

“Wasn’t it supposed to be a joint thing?”


A joint effort for baby-making?

Are we talking about a threesome or foursome here?

Caught off guard, I nearly spat the tea I was holding.

“I thought you would go for a joint effort, Schlus!”

“If possible, I’d like to do it jointly! But realistically, there are limits!”

“What are you two really talking about?”

I wanted to cry.

I want to do it. All together.

I want to so badly.

But bringing it up to Emilia is no simple task.

If I push, Emilia might reluctantly agree.

But then she’d lose a significant amount of trust in me.

It could even hurt her deeply.

It’s not something I can decide on a whim.

“Is that so… Then does that mean the promise is off the table?”

“No. I do want to do it, but I meant to postpone it a bit. There are concerns about heir issues.”

“That’s understandable. I’ve been late, so I can’t help it. If those in front hold a joint wedding, I’ll just have my own wedding separately—”

“Huh? Wedding?”

“Yes. You promised to marry me.”


Silence fell in the living room.

I felt dazed for a moment, but once I gathered my thoughts, I finally managed to speak.

“The thing about wanting a baby… Wasn’t it just about the baby?”

“Of course not. How could I have a baby with someone I’m not married to? Didn’t you also comprehend the meaning of marriage and accept it?”

“Uh huh?”

So it wasn’t a unique custom of subhumans…?

So subhumans get married and have kids in a normal way too?

I felt as if I had been hit suddenly in the back of my head.

It was all my misunderstanding.

“I realize it must have been my misconception… I’m sorry. I should have articulated clearly. Hence the promise is void—”

“No, it wasn’t a misunderstanding. I, of course, accepted your proposal as marriage.”


The moment Pelaine showed a bittersweet smile, I found myself unconsciously saying it.

How could a man retract what he once uttered?

More than anything, I realized that if I take Pelaine as my wife, I could pet her ears and tail every day, and I couldn’t hold back at all.

With this, I could boldly say it’s a white lie.

“Hm. So now we have one more person added, right?”



Emilia’s voice, which softly murmured while resting her chin on her hand, froze the whole living room into a chilling silence.

Now I had one more thing to feel sorry for Emilia.

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