I really don't want to be a trainer.

Chapter 860 Dandi VS Qinglu!Super Giant VSMega Evolution!

Chapter 860 Dandi VS Qinglu!Super Giant VSMega Evolution!

The morning sun shines on the backyard of Dr. Oki, the water surface is sparkling, Marilou and Lianye Boy are playing, and the dumb beast is entrenched on the bluestone and stretches out its tail to fish: "Ah dong..."

The brown-haired man held a manual and recorded the status of the Pokémon one by one.

There was the sound of footsteps behind her, and Qinglu turned her head to look, revealing sharp eyes.

Dr. Oki was wearing a white coat, coughing with fists: "Did I bother you?"

"No, I happened to be looking for you to report these data." Qinglu lowered her gaze, reviewing the manual, her tone flat.

"Just put these things aside." Dr. Oki said with a smile, "Aren't you going to fight against Emperor Dan tomorrow? You can't underestimate the enemy, you have to prepare carefully."

"I know." Qinglu put one hand in his pocket and stated, "I want to become the world's number one trainer, so I won't lose."

Dr. Oki's eyes were deep, staring at Qinglu until he looked away.

"There are a lot of strong guys in the World Championship, and even I... occasionally lose the match."

Qinglu looked down at her palm, "When I lost to Luye, I remembered how many times I lost to Chihong in Guandu."

"However, I know the meaning of failure better than anyone else." Qinglu clenched her fists and raised her sharp eyes, "It is because of those failures that I am the current me and the fire-breathing dragon, so I will win Win until you beat that guy."

That guy standing on the top of Silver Mountain, with green eyes shining, the strongest guy in the world!

The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings, with high fighting spirit, spewing flames into the sky, and the tail flames blazed.

Dr. Oki stretched out his arms and put them on the green shoulders, and said seriously:
"Battle between Pokémon is not a means of using violence to control violence, nor is it a tool for profit, but a collision of beliefs, emotions, and bonds between trainers and Pokémon."

"I will be with Xiao Chi, Nanami and the others..." Dr. Oki's eyes flickered and he smiled, "Come on for you and the fire-breathing dragon!"

The sun is shining brightly, the birdsong is melodious, and the forest on the isolated island of armor is lush. Clara is walking in the forest humming a ditty with a basket on her back:
"Where is the giant mushroom~ Find it quickly~"

An explosion came from the direction of the martial arts hall, Clara raised her head in astonishment, and a column of smoke rose into the sky.

The battle field of Master Ma's martial arts hall is full of flames and scorching marks. The fire-breathing dragon and Master Itachi confront each other in the thick smoke, and the command sounds at the moment they fly out.

"That's it!"

Master Itachi pulled away quickly and returned to Ma Shide, posing as a golden rooster independent.

The fire-breathing dragon returned to Emperor Dan with fierce eyes, waiting for an opportunity.

Today is not Dandi's working day, he is wearing a wine-red battle tower uniform, holding a peaked cap, and his purple hair flutters in the wind.

Ma Shide bent his back, stroked his white beard, and looked deeply: "Dan Dizi, you have an important battle tomorrow, pay attention to conserving your energy."

"I understand, but the thought of fighting the green champion makes my blood boil with the fire-breathing dragon."

Dandi's golden eyes were burning, and the corners of his mouth were raised. It was not a business smile, but a heartfelt love for Pokémon battles.

"Oh? How sure are you?" Ma Shide said with a smile.

"I don't know, but there is only one thing for sure." Dandi put on his peaked cap and adjusted the brim of his hat, "I often get lost, but I have never regretted the path I chose..."

Emperor Dan raised his golden eyes and said vigorously, "After all, there is only one correct path, and that is to keep moving forward and keep fighting!"

Ma Shide stared with his hands behind his back, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said meaningfully:
"You've grown up, Dan Dizai."

The flying shadow of the steel armored crow flitted across the blue sky, and Gongmen City was full of enthusiasm, immersed in the fiery atmosphere of the semi-finals.

Tourists in the hawker area crowded shoulder to shoulder, and the water was packed in front of Miaomiao’s booth, and hawkers from all walks of life yelled in unison.

A Jin rested his arms on his pillow and said lazily: "I really don't know what to do in the street, and you don't buy anything!"

Christa'er blushed and argued, "It's enough to be happy just watching."

"Here." A Jin took out the chrysanthemum leaves doll from his backpack, and handed it out with half-closed eyes, "Here you are."

Kristal was at a loss for a while, and said in a daze: "Hey, why..."

"You just watched for a long time in front of the booth, but the game of tossing the ball is a deceptive trick. With your character, you will definitely not be fooled." A Jin spread his hands.

Kristal hugged the doll, "But, how did you..."

A Jin smiled darkly and said: "O Taro and I saw through this kind of trick when we were six years old. Just now I let it go and clear that stall!"

Kristal turned her head and saw Otaro following behind with a big bag on her shoulders, smiling and extending his hand to say hello.


"Give it back to me if you don't want it."

"Yes!" Kristal hugged the chrysanthemum leaf doll tightly.

Xiaoyin kept walking on the side, swung his phone, and said flatly: "If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to enter the arena."

The two exclaimed, and ran to the ticket inspection channel in a hurry. Ajin turned around and shouted:

"Hey, who do you think will win."

"Qinglu." Little Silver followed behind unhurriedly.

"I think it's Emperor Dan, after all, Xiaolu Wannian is the second child, haha!"

"Ajin..." Christaer whispered, "The one in front seems to be Senior Qinglu..."

Akin: Σ(Д;)
The brown-haired young man with a hedgehog head in front put one hand in his pocket, turned his head slowly, and gradually raised a friendly "senior" smile.

Hu Di shared the conversation just now through "telepathy", and he heard it clearly!
Whenever Qinglu showed this expression, she was not far away from murderous intentions!
Xiaoyin's complexion changed, she quickened her pace and walked to a corner far away from Ah Jin, then looked at him with a paralyzed face.

Christa lowered her head, her face flushed, she hugged the doll, and took half a step back.

Ah Jin:? ? ?
Are you two serious about retreating?

"Ah Jin." Qinglu rolled her eyes and laughed brightly, "It's been a long time since I saw you, how about the next match?"

"Obviously I just saw it the day before yesterday..." Ah Jin muttered.

Qinglu folded her arms and stared at her eyes: "I said a long time is a long time."

According to Ah Jin's later recollection, that kind of look is the look of the trainee looking at the experience value.

"Kou Jie! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~"

A Geng Gui floated over and bumped Ah Jin with its butt.

A Jin staggered, turned his head and said in surprise: "Geng Gui? Doesn't that mean that Teacher Lu also..."

"I am here."

The black-haired young man and the blond beauty walked together and came from the direction of the Lundu Rosser Hotel.

Lu Ye was surprised: "The competition is about to start, why don't you go to the player room?"

"Wait for the guy who came back from Silver Mountain." Qinglu folded her arms.

Xiaoyin said: "Ah Jin annoyed Qinglu just now, almost died."

"It's not!" Ah Jin yelled, looked at the green eyes, and muttered, "Okay..."

Geng Gui is coming later, I'm afraid I'm going to see Arceus...

"Will Chi Hong also come to watch the battle?" Sirona folded her arms and asked curiously.

Qinglu nodded slightly: "He came with Xiaohuang."

A Jin's elbows were green: "You seem to be envious."

Qinglu: "Shut up!"

Everyone waited for a while, and Ba Dadie and the fossil pterosaur flew from the distant sky.

The young man in the red peaked cap fell to the ground and said, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, I just happened to come out to take a look." Qinglu said with folded arms.

A Jin complained: "It's clear that I stood there for almost half an hour."

Tic-tac-toe on the green forehead... The key point is that he is telling the truth, and there is no way to refute it!

Lilac Viking, with yellow hair and a single ponytail, said with a cheerful smile, "Come on, Master Qinglu!"

Qinglu nodded slightly, turned around and said:

"Let's go first, Xiaozhi will come over later..."


As night fell, gorgeous fireworks bloomed over the Gongmen Arena, and more than [-] spectators cheered heartily.

"Everyone in the audience!"

The host passionately said:

"Welcome to the World Championships, the semi-finals of Group B!!"

"The two players who are about to face off are Qinglu and Dandi—"

"Next, give the warmest applause, please invite players from both sides to come on stage!!"

The Gongmen arena at night seemed to be engulfed by a tide of cheers, and everyone cheered with excitement.

In the shadow of the contestant's passage, the brown-haired young man folded his arms, with a defiant smile on his lips.

Behind him, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Bi Diao, Coconut Egg Tree, Super Armored Rhinoceros, Fire-breathing Dragon, and Hu Di are waiting in full force.

This uncle has tasted the taste of failure, but this uncle will never be timid and hesitant, because this uncle has only one goal——

Qinglu raised her piercing eyes, and stared at the young man in red hat through the noisy crowd.

Chi Hong lowered the brim of her hat and smiled slightly.Apparently, he saw it too.

"Cut." Qinglu put one hand in her pocket, her steps were steady, and her eyes were sharp.

No one can interrupt my decisive battle with Crimson!
There were cheers and screams one after another.

"Lord Green!!"

"This man is reliable and handsome!"

Another passage.

Emperor Dan closed his eyes to listen to the roar of mountains and tsunami outside, patted his cheeks, and opened his fiery golden eyes.

It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, the key is the joy of fighting Pokémon...

Children imitate their own posture, adults stand in front of the TV and shout desperately, thousands of trainers are full of unknown journeys.

Meet strong opponents, learn moves, keep getting stronger, with tears and laughter in the battle.

Dan Di gradually raised a smile.

Sure enough, Pokémon Battle is all about bringing smiles to people, isn't it!
I don't care about Galar, I don't care about the mission of the strongest champion, now, I just want to have a hearty battle with a powerful trainer!
"Then." Emperor Dan looked back at his partners, "It's time to go!"

Fire-breathing dragon, multi-dragon Baruto, thousand-faced avoidant, ice-walking puppet, strong shield sword monster, and double-axe battle dragon.

This team with extremely terrifying race and individual values, full effort value, and comprehensive tactics is exactly the lineup of the strongest champion Dandi!

Dandi walked onto the field, lifted his red cloak to reveal a neat black sweatshirt, and stretched out his hand towards the sky.

"Let's spend the championship moment together!!"

Fireworks ignited behind him, and the venue was shaped like a fiery tree and silver flowers, bringing the atmosphere to a climax.

"The strongest king, Emperor Dan!!"

"Cheer up, champion Dandi!!"

Lu Ye and Sirona sat together to watch the game.

"Koujie! (*⊙~⊙)" Geng Gui sat slumped in the seat, stretched out his short legs, and held a large bucket of popcorn.

Noticing Lu Ye's gaze, Geng Gui handed out popcorn strangely: "Kou Jie?"

"No... I was wondering where you got it from..."


Of course it was given by Meow Meow for free!

"Please take the players from both sides!!"

Referee Deng Pei flew to the center of the field on a sword monster with a strong shield, raised the flag high, swung it down, and hissed:

"The battle begins!!!"

Qinglu threw the elf ball high, held it in the palm of her hand with a 'snap', and threw it out with sharp eyes:

"Come on, Bi Diao!!"

"Hey!!" Bi Diao flapped his wings, and with a gorgeous crown and feathers, he rushed straight to the sky.

"It's up to you, Duolong Baruto!!" Dandi said loudly.

Doron Baruto is shaped like a ghost fighter, with long and narrow eyes, and two Doron Mesias are stored in the holes in the triangular head, which can be launched as sonic missiles when necessary.As the quasi-god of the eighth generation, Duolong Baruto's speed is particularly astonishing, rushing directly to the Bi Diao in the sky.

Two flying Pokémon are like two fighter planes fighting in the air.Bi Diao used the technique of "Swallow Return" to circle in a circle, circled to the back of Duolong Baruto, and flapped two violent storms with his wings.But Duolong Baruto flew sideways in the gap between the two storms in a strange posture.

The storm stopped, and Bi Diao's eyes were startled. The Doron Baruto, which he had been following, suddenly disappeared!
Move, subterranean surprise attack!
Duolong Baruto with the ghost system can sneak into the shadows, and it is not an exaggeration to be known as the "ghost fighter".

Doron Baruto sneaked into the shadows, teleported to the tail of Bi Diao, and seized a favorable position. The two Doron Mesias in the missile holes fired 'swish', and the "Dragon Arrow" dragged two beams of red light, hitting the Comparing the carvings and exploding, the flames illuminate the night! !
"Hey!" Bi Diao wailed and fell from the air, falling to the ground with a 'bang'.

Qinglu lost a point first, but morale was not affected.

The multi-dragon Baruto who is attacking with material attack... Green decisively throws the poke ball into the sky, and the wind speed dog pounces out, knocking down the multi-dragon Baruto in mid-air, and its fangs shine fiercely!

"Crush!" Qinglu clenched her palms into fists.

Bang! !

Duolong Baruto clenched his teeth, and slapped Fengsugou's eyes with his tail, forming a red light that "quickly turned back" back to Dandi's elf ball.

"Let's go, Qianmian avoids service!" Dan Di rotated out the second Pokémon, "Use sniper!"

Qianmian Biyu squinted his eyes, reached out and tapped the wind speed dog, and water flowed from his fingertips.Suddenly, water arrows flew out from the fingertips.

However, it is not the wind speed dog that resists the water flow, and the green coconut egg trees take turns to resist this offensive!
There was warm applause at the scene.

"Here we come, Master Lu's reading change!"

"Dandi's lineup is too fast, whether or not he can create room for tricks is the key!"

Coconut Egg Tree is a compound attribute of Grass and Super Energy. It also has the ability to open space. It is the green space player in this field.

"Use the trick space!" Qinglu said calmly.

Dan Di said loudly:
"Thousands of faces avoid service, the wave of evil!!"

Qianmian Fangyan looked calm, and a dark ring spread out from his body, violently hitting the body of the coconut egg tree.

The three heads of Coconut Egg Tree squinted their eyes together, with a painful expression, and resolutely opened up the space for tricks!

"The green player's space tactics worked!!" the commentator said excitedly.

The purple enchantment enveloped the entire field, and the speed of Qianmian's avoidance suddenly slowed down.The "Ultimate Absorption" of the Coconut Egg Tree forms a crystal beam of light, but Dandi also reads the moves first, and puts Duolong Baruto in rotation!

"Dragon Baruto with residual blood has appeared?"

"Under the trick space, how could it be faster than the coconut egg tree!"

Qinglu frowned slightly, and said: "Coconut egg tree, strong mind!"

The three heads of Coconut Egg Tree showed blue light in unison, but Duolong Baruto swooped down and passed Coconut Egg Tree at a faster speed. The triangular head was like a sharp blade!
Moves, raids.

Even in the trick space, you still have the right to shoot faster!
The coconut egg tree fell to the ground with a 'boom', Qinglu lost two points in a row, and immediately dispatched a super-armored mad rhino.

The super-armored wild rhinoceros can be called a ferocious warrior in the magic space. Facing the swooping multi-dragon Baruto, he roared and punched his frozen fist, brazenly taking him away!

Dandi's strong shield and sword monster appeared on the stage, resisting the freezing fist in the form of a shield, and the "King's Shield" forced the super-armored mad rhino's attack to slow down.

And as Emperor Dan continued to delay, there was not much time left for the trick space.

Aiming at the gap between the shield and sword monster switching forms, the green and green voice said: "Grab it, use earthquake!"

"Roar!!" The super-armored mad rhino stretched out its thick arms, grabbed the sword of the sword monster with a 'boom', and smashed it into the ground.Immediately, a terrifying force erupted, and the entire venue rumbled and trembled.

"The Shield Sword Monster has lost the ability to fight!" The referee blew his whistle.

The audience was in an uproar.

"Super Armor Crazy Rhino once wears two?"

"The representative attribute of Changpan gymnasium is indeed the ground system!"

Xiaoyin: "I remember that Qinglu also practiced "The Profound Truth of the Earth"."

"The super-armored wild rhino under the space is very fierce." Lu Ye rubbed his chin, "but the magic space is about to end..."

After all, the super-armored wild rhinoceros is four times weaker than water, and it is difficult to face Qianmian Dodger, who is one of the three masters of the water system.

The purple enchantment peeled off, and Emperor Dan's thousand-faced evader came on stage in rotation, and the water arrow shot from his fingertips pierced the soul, instantly killing the super-armored mad rhinoceros!

Now that the coconut egg tree as the space player has fallen, Qinglu has no intention of defending and counterattacking, and dispatches Hu Di to attack at high speed.

Facing the surging wave of evil, Hu Di's beard fluttered, holding a spoon of fate, his eyes flashed blue, flashing out of the scope of the shock wave in an instant!
Immediately, the terrifying blue thought power enveloped the entire field, and the thousand-faced refugee was lifted high by the thought power, and smashed to the edge barrier with a 'boom'!

In the boiling stadium, the referee blew his whistle:
"Thousand Faces Avoiding Service Loss of Combat Ability!"

The score came to 3:3, and Dandi's double-axe battle dragon appeared.

"Roar!!" The Double Ax War Dragon was covered in golden armor, with bloody twin sickles extending from its head.

"Use Shadow Claw!" Dandi roared.

The claws of the Double Ax War Dragon exploded with a purple phantom, and suddenly swung towards Hu Di.Hu Di frowned, endured the pain, and counterattacked the shadow ball with a backhand to blow the Double Axe Dragon into the air.

Hu Di showed amazing perseverance, but with its small body, it was really difficult to fight a protracted battle. After the outbreak, he was sent away with a "Shadow Claw".The turquoise wind speed dog reappeared, with the help of its fast and powerful explosive power, it knocked the double ax war dragon out of the field.

The game entered the fierce stage of 4:4, and Dandi sent out the ice-walking dolls and shouted:
"Use, hypnotism!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was swiping.

"Dirty, dirty!"

"You also have a bond with hypnotism?"

"Ms. Lu: It's too dirty, why would someone use "Hypnotism" in a duel! "

The ice doll's eyes glowed blue, but Wind Speed ​​Dog had already closed his eyes.

Qinglu closed her eyes, making her aura consistent with that of her partner.This is the mind-eye technique taught by Master Ah Si, which can launch a fierce attack in the dark!
"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flame Charge!!"

"Roar!!" Wind Speed ​​Dog ignited raging flames, striding forward to charge.

Bang! !

The ice doll was engulfed in flames, stopped her tap dance, and lay down on the ground.

On the big screen, Dandi's first five pokeballs were all dimmed, leaving only the last trump card yet to appear.

On the other hand, on Qinglu's side, Wind Speed ​​Dog is as powerful as a rainbow, and his partner Charizard is also on par with "Battle Legend"!
"This is the final battle." Qinglu put one hand in her pocket and stared into the distance.

"Yes." Emperor Dan nodded and smiled, "The more desperate the situation is, the more my fighting spirit with the fire-breathing dragon will burn!"

Qinglu was startled, in the air twisted by the flames, Dandi's figure seemed to overlap with a certain figure.

"The more this is the case, the more Pika and I will not give up! 』

"It's coming, Charizard—"

Dan Di threw the elf ball into the sky and said loudly:

"Witness our championship moment!!"

White light flew out of the elf ball, and the fire-breathing dragon stood in front of Emperor Dan, roaring into the sky, and spread its wings wide.


The corners of Qinglu's mouth curled up, her gaze cast a contemptuous look, and she folded her arms: "Then let me see how far you can fight."

"Wind Speed ​​Dog—" Qing Lu sternly said, "Super Speed!!"

The wind speed dog bent its limbs, stepped on the ground suddenly, exploded with a sonic boom, and slammed into the belly of the fire-breathing dragon with great force.The fire-breathing dragon didn't move at all, and the ground under its feet suddenly burst into white air, which became scorching hot.

"Fire-breathing dragon, hot sand land!!" Emperor Dan roared.


The hot sand formed a vortex, soaring into the sky, enveloping the wind speed dog.The gravel slapped on the wind speed dog, burning it continuously.

The wind speed dog bared its fangs in pain, and a wild thunder suddenly bloomed on its body!

"Use, Crazy Volt!!" The green killer move was fully displayed.

A fire-breathing dragon that is twice as weak is bound to be hit hard!

Almost at the same moment, Emperor Dan's golden eyes were burning hot, and he said: "Fire-breathing dragon, hold on!"

The green eyes were startled, but the fire-breathing dragon's body lit up with an emerald-like barrier.The wind speed dog was bathed in thunder, and rushed up fiercely, the thunder light soared.

The barrier 'cracker' shattered into cracks, the wind speed dog clenched its teeth, and was continuously retaliated by lightning.

"Now!" Emperor Dan clenched his palms into fists, "Thunder Fist!"

"Hey!!" The fire-breathing dragon's right fist burst into thunder, and suddenly it punched the wind speed dog's face door, knocking him down heavily.

The referee's whistle sounded.

"The Wind Speed ​​Dog has lost the ability to fight!"

There was a hiss from the audience.

"Classic 1V1 singles session!"

"The green trump card is also a fire-breathing dragon."

Qinglu took the wind speed dog back to the poke ball, and said awe-inspiringly:
"It's up to you, fire-breathing dragon!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi excitedly said: "The aces on both sides are fire-breathing dragons!"

Sirona clapped her chin with her hands, and pondered: "It depends on the battle mechanism each other chooses, what will it be..."

Chi Hong lowered the brim of her hat and looked at the green on the field.

Partner... You should take a good look at your opponent.

I can feel your desire to compete with me.

But in the game, if you don't pay attention to the pairing of Dandi and Charizard, you will pay a heavy price.

"This is the last moment..."

Dandi pressed down the chip on the extremely giant wristband, raised his hand to retract the fire-breathing dragon, and the extremely giant particles bathed the entire poke ball, expanding it continuously.

Immediately, Emperor Dan weighed the enlarged elf ball in his palm, threw it vigorously, and said loudly:
"Charizard - Gigamax!!!"


The fire-breathing dragon continued to grow in size, standing majestically on one side of the field, with golden-orange flame wings billowing from behind.A dark red cloud cluster was entrenched above the head, and the extremely huge aura raged and spread in all directions!
The audience looked up at the huge figure of the super giant fire-breathing dragon, their eyes were shocked, and the venue echoed the shouts of the commentator.

"Player Dandi chooses Gigamax!! The super giant charizard is on the scene!!"

Qinglu looked up at the super giant fire-breathing dragon, her eyes gradually sharpened.

What I am fighting against is neither the champion of Galar who is wearing shackles, nor the shadow chasing red.

Dandi and the super giant charizard... are a unique partner.

Just like me and my Charizard, it is the strongest combination today!

Qinglu showed a smile, pulled off the keystone pendant on her chest, and said solemnly:

"Charizard - Mega evolution!!!"


The rainbow light formed by the power of fetters surges between the green and the fire-breathing dragon.Spikes protrude from the top of the fire-breathing dragon's head, small wings grow on the arms, small wings grow on the wrists, and the wings on the back become more irregular.The tail flame is more vigorous, and the flying ability is more excellent! !
Different from Ailan's Super Charizard X, this is another Mega form of Charizard.

Mega evolution, Super Charizard Y! !
The barrage in the live broadcast room frantically swiped the screen.

"It's burning!!"

"Mega Evolution vs. Gigamax?!"

"This is the final decisive moment!"

The eyes of Qinglu and Dandi collided fiercely in the air, as if two completely different flames and beliefs were burning behind their backs.

Almost at the same moment, the two sides gave orders.

"Ultra-extreme Hell Extinguishing Flame!!" said Dan Di.

The exclusive move of the super giant fire-breathing dragon is so powerful that it can even burn the opponent continuously!
The super giant fire-breathing dragon bulged its abdomen, sparks overflowed from its mouth, and suddenly spewed out golden flames, like a golden bird that screamed, swooping down in flames.

"Explosive flames!!" Qinglu said.

The ultimate moves of the fire-type Yu Sanjia are not much more powerful than the super giant moves!

The super fire-breathing dragon Y flapped its wings, and a thick pillar of orange-yellow fire spewed out from its mouth.Compared with the close combat in X form, Super Charizard Y's control over flames is even more amazing!

Boom! ! !
The two flames bombarded together, and there was a terrifying sound, the whole place rumbled and trembled, the huge barrier continued to shatter, and the 'click' was completely broken!
Violent waves of smoke blew towards the auditorium at once, and amidst the thick smoke, the siren sprinkled a patter of water mist.

The audience opened their mouths wide, immersed in the shock of the confrontation between the two legends, and stared blankly at the venue.

boom! !

The majestic body of the super giant fire-breathing dragon exploded continuously, and then shrank continuously, standing in front of Emperor Dan in a mess.

Super Charizard Y was surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, and the Mega form was released, and he half-kneeled in the sea of ​​flames in pain.

The audience was astonished.

"An explosion of flames directly shattered the Gigamax?!"

"Dandi's fire-breathing dragon is outrageous, even an extremely giant barrier can't withstand its "Super Giant Hell Extinguishing Flame"! "

The referee's whistle has not yet blown.

Just as Qinglu was about to command, her eyes changed slightly.

The Charizard is still in the freeze of the ultimate move 'Explosion Flame'!

"Fire-breathing dragon." Pill Emperor resolutely said, "Thunder Fist!!"


The fire-breathing dragon was scorched black all over, and thunder light surged from its fists, and it threw out the last heavy punch.

boom! !

The thunder light exploded, illuminating the shocked expressions of the audience, and there was a sound of 'bang' falling to the ground.

"Super Charizard Y lost the ability to fight——"

Deng Pei waved the flag and said:

"So the winner is, player Dandi!!!"

There were two sounds of sighs and cheers at the same time.

"Ah... Lord Lu lost..."

"Just a little bit, what a pity."

"Dan Emperor! Pill Emperor!"

"The performance is perfect, congratulations Dandi!!"

Fireworks fell in the stadium, and Lu Ye applauded, feeling a little emotional.

Dante in "Pokémon Masters" defeated Qinglu in the World Championships.And Dandi, who is the leader of the battle tower, has become stronger and more comfortable.

Besides, Qinglu has the habit of changing lineups. This set of giant pincer mantis has not appeared on the stage, and the starting team of Coconut Egg Tree and Hu Di is the second team in Changpan Gymnasium.

Glancing at Chi Hong and Xiaozhi who were wearing peaked caps beside him, and then looking at Dandi wearing a peaked cap, Lu Ye thought:

"Maybe this is the protagonist's aura..."

A Jin: "Mr. Lu, why are you looking at me?"

Teacher Lu: "Reminder, your peaked cap is on backwards."

"Hey, it's more stylish to wear it backwards!" Ajin wiped the tip of his nose.

Lu Ye: "..."

Reverse protagonist, the deadliest!

Bobbi sat on Sirona's lap, raised his head, and looked at Luye.

"Are you going to play next game?" Lu Ye was surprised.

"Chajiduyi!" Borkby nodded seriously.

The risk of injury in the game is very high, Lu Ye just wanted to refuse, rubbing his chin.

I can't underestimate Bokby...With the blessing of Arceus, the "command skills" may shake out any moves!
The point is that in the exhibition match with Dandi two years ago, he seemed to be making Bokby's finale...

At that time, Bokeby used "sharp rock attack" to severely damage Dandi's fire-breathing dragon, and he even complained about the probability of command skills.

Now, there is a chance to reproduce the famous scene of the year.

Lu Ye smiled and stroked Bobbi's little head:
"Come on, try to shake out the "Sword of the Cliff" this time! "

"Qajiduyi! *(ˊˋ*)*"



 Qinglu's popularity is higher than that of Emperor Dan, but the people of Journey Dandi are a little bit collapsed. This is the Dandi of "Wings of Dawn".And it also echoes the context. (●ω)

(End of this chapter)

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