I really don't want to be a trainer.

Chapter 869 Miss Zhulan Wants to Marry Me

Chapter 869 Miss Zhulan Wants to Marry Me
The breeze is refreshing, the sky is blue, with white clouds floating.

Clang, clang.

Laughter and laughter flowed freely, the courtyard for the wedding ceremony was arranged, and the bell for the new couple's appearance sounded.

Lu Ye was dressed in a neat suit, followed by Geng Gui, and walked to the front of the wedding arch together.

Shirona in a white wedding dress was reflected in front of her eyes, with a white gauze around her head, blond hair like a waterfall, a beautiful face, and a shy expression, like a nandina just about to bloom.

She is holding a bouquet in her hand, and behind her is a tall and fierce biting land shark.

Lie Bite Lu Sha guarded behind Sirona, looked at Lu Ye and Geng Gui for a long time, and nodded slightly: "Kah."


Geng Gui was suddenly moved and stood by at a loss.

In the melodious and soft string music, Lu Ye and Sirona smiled and reached out to each other.

Lu Ye put his soft little hands into his palms, and as the distance drew closer, Sirona's gray eyes flowed, and he took Lu Ye's arms.

Meloetta sang "Marriage March", and candlesticks in the shape of sweet balls were placed at the wedding scene.

A cake in the shape of a giant milk fairy was placed together with a champagne tower. Guests including Dawu, Adu, and Karunai attended in costumes, standing on the grass and applauding with smiles.

During the grand wedding, Lu Ye vaguely heard Sirona approaching him, whispering in a whisper that only the two of them could hear:

"My love for you only grows."

The beautiful Sirona was reflected in Lu Ye's eyes, and said:
"I want to continue our journey with you until the end of the world."

Sirona smiled sweetly, and the two stood in front of the wedding arch with light curtains, and their two fiery hearts approached each other with a tight bond.

"I'd like to accompany you and keep walking." She said softly.

In the aisle of the wedding arch, Yurika cutely held the flower basket and said with a smile:
"Tianxi, let's sprinkle flowers! ヽ(°▽°)ノ"

Princess Tianxi stood on tiptoe, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "No problem~"

Dawu ironed his suit, stood on the green grass, and gazed with relief.

A'Du was spraying his hair, his red hair stood on end, he folded his arms, and said in a low voice, "I'm really not used to not being able to wear a cape."

He suddenly turned his head, looked at the huge figure behind him, and asked in surprise, "Even you are wearing clothes?"

Shiba rarely put on a large suit, chewed on steamed buns, and nodded silently.

Under the shade of a tree on the other side, Wanlong took off his glasses and wiped them: "They are finally together."

Cattleya's eyes flickered slightly, she sighed lightly, nodded and said, "That's great."

During the solemn wedding march, Sirona walked through the wedding arch with a smile on her arm, holding Lu Ye.

In an instant, it seemed that blessings from guests and gods surrounded the couple.

The wind was suddenly strong, blowing Xiaozhi's peaked cap, he lowered the brim of the cap and looked up.

There is a beautiful rainbow light in the sky, and the real body emerges from the clouds, a colorful bird with a golden crown, flapping its wings, and shining rainbows from its tail feathers.

"Pikachu." Xiaozhi showed a smile that did not change his original intention, "We will definitely become, Pokémon masters!"

Pikachu rested on Xiaozhi's shoulder and said with a smile, "Pikachu!"

Wedding stage.

Dr. Yamanashi, with a serious face, served as the witness of the wedding.

He is Dr. Oki's senior, highly respected, and he is also the witness and assister of Sirona and Teacher Lu.

Dr. Yamanashi stared at the newcomers who came forward, filled with infinite emotion in his heart, regained his serious expression, and solemnly delivered the marriage testimony.

"Di Yaluka gave us time, whether we are happy or laughing, or sad or weeping, time will flow equally. The long river of time, are you willing to go hand in hand with him, Sirona?"

Sirona stared into Lu Ye's eyes, this patient with difficult choices, without any hesitation, bent her crescent-like eyes:
"I am willing."

"The birth of Palkia created multiple spaces. Whether it is living or dying, they are all in the same space. In an ever-changing space, are you willing to walk with her to the end, Lu Ye?"

Lu Ye stared into Sirona's eyes, with swaying black hair and clear eyes, and said softly:

"I am willing."

Dr. Yamanashi closed the ancient book and looked up at the clear blue sky.

The beautiful iridescence fell on the couple like a miracle.

Dr. Yamanashi said:
"The encounter between life and life will eventually give birth to something new."

"Arzeus, I wish you to witness the union of this couple, next, please exchange rings—"

Holding the ring tray, Xiaozhi was so nervous that his whole body became stiff, and he came to Lu Ye and Sirona.

A purple-red master ball was placed on the tray, inside the ball was velvet, and two diamond rings made of Tianxi stone were cushioned.

Lu Ye took one of them, held up her soft little hand, and put the ring on Sirona's ring finger.Sirona moved gently and followed suit.

The two lowered their heads at random, looked at the crystal clear diamond ring, and looked up into each other's eyes.

next moment.

Lu Ye's eyes met Sirona's beautiful face, her breath was warm, and her fragrance was refreshing.Sirona's slender hands cupped his cheeks.

Like the tree of the beginning of the world in spring, Fengwang is above the treetops of the world, overlooking the thriving earth.

A tender and passionate kiss.



Lu's father, Lu's mother and Dr. Jie Zilan were crying so hard.

"Koujie~(ω)" Geng Gui held a handkerchief in his mouth.

Great, woo-woo, great.

I saw this couple get together with my own eyes!

The wedding scene was full of joy and laughter, and it came to the link where the bride threw the bouquet.

"I'm going to pick up sister Zhulan's bouquet!"

Yurika ran towards the bride.

Xitron stretched out his robotic arm and grabbed Yurika's back collar, and said helplessly:

"That's all adults' business, why are you joining in the fun?"

"Grab the bouquet, come and help my brother find a bride." Yourika blinked.

Xitron blushed and said, "It's not necessary at all!"

There are rumors in the town of flowers, it is said that the lucky one who receives the bride's bouquet will be able to marry the one he loves.

Viridian Lilac's yellow hair and ponytail fluttered, and she glanced back at the red senior who was talking with Qinglu, her eyes were firm.

I, I want to grab the bouquet of the champion of Sirona too!

Safiya is wearing a red turban, her eyes are shining... With my skills, it is easy to grab the bouquet!
"Serena, come grab the bouquet with me~"

Yurika pushed Serena's back.

"Ah, but, wait a minute..." Serena blushed.

Sirona smiled gently, looked back at everyone kindly, and said:
"are you ready?"

Yurika stood among the crowd and said loudly: "Get ready, Miss Zhulan, throw it in my direction!"

Sirona was slightly taken aback, her gray eyes suddenly became serious, and she fell into hesitation.

In which direction would it be better to throw flowers...

No matter, just use the habitual pitching action.

"Fly in the sky!" Sirona turned her back to everyone and threw up a bouquet.

The girls exclaimed and rushed towards the bouquet.

The red-haired sister Yu stood alone in a dress and high heels.

When the bouquets were falling and the crowd crowded around, Kona drank the champagne confidently and noblely.

Ice Kola doesn't need a partner!
"Aunt Kona really has no men to chase after..." Ah Jin murmured to Crystal.

"Don't be so loud, you will eat 'ice doll'." Crystal said nervously.

Kona frowned, clutching the champagne glass tightly.

Ah Jin, I have recorded this grudge!
"Speaking of this." A Jin said proudly, "During the training in Silver Mountain, I knocked off the red hat."

"Really? It's amazing." Crystal said in surprise.

"That's natural." Ah Jin wiped the tip of his nose... although he was beaten up by Chi Hong for half an hour afterwards.

Ah Jin's level of wild fighting is one of the best among the holders of the illustrated book, and it is not surprising that he can plot against red in wild fighting.

"Ah, the bouquet has been received!"

Yurika let out a soft cry, and the girls backed away one after another, revealing a girl with short hair.

Serena held flowers in one hand, rolled up her short hair around her ears, her face was flushed.

"Serena." Yurika chuckled, "You will marry the person you love in the future."


"I'll tell Xiaozhi! ()" Yurika briskly ran away.

"Wait." Serena stretched out her hand, wanting to stop it, but lowered her hand shyly.

Tell Xiaozhi, um...it feels good too.

Cattleya's hair was full of black lines, and she almost knelt on the ground to draw circles.

I lost...I lost completely...Even if I used my super powers, I still couldn't grab the bouquet of bamboo orchids...

It's all because of the power of the little yellow next to him, disturbing me!


The guests sat at the wedding table, and the delicacies were presented continuously.

On the day of the wedding, it was rare for Mr. Lu not to cook, and the 'king of chefs' Zhimi served as the head chef.

Mao, the Rockets trio, and the 'Little Chef' Frost Milk Fairy are also very good at cooking, helping with the cooking; the love steward is in charge of coordinating the wedding, Super Miao Miao presents the dishes, and Sweet Dancer is setting up the champagne tower .

Mr. Lu is more used to running water seats, so it is not in the form of a buffet.

"Woo~" The little penguin ran around with a vegetable cup, sweating profusely from work, but in a very happy mood.

The boss is married, if he is in a good mood, will he give me a raise... Hehe... The messenger bird snickered.In fact, I am also very happy for him!

Lovely people sit at the same table.

Bobbi, Kiraqi, Victini, Dream, and Little Hoopa play games together.

Dianthi has elegant etiquette, chatting and laughing with Meloetta, the incarnation of art.

Machado held a knife and fork cautiously, concentrating on destroying the delicious food in front of him.

Latias and Celebi love to play around, flying in the sky and laughing constantly.

"Pok~(′▽`〃)" Poktaro mixed into the dining table.

This is Poktaro who is tougher than Arceus!
"Okay, you and I are at the same table, don't spoil them." Ajin pulled Poktaro away with self-knowledge.

Don't underestimate Jin Laowu's emotional intelligence...he is at least higher than Xiaozhi!

"Poke! (╬◣д◢)"

Let go of me, I'm going to have a table with Bobbi!
The guests present sat next to each other according to the alliance area.

N held Soroya in his arms, with gentle eyes, and explained his ideas with Alice.

Nervously, he asked Dawu about how to raise Elledo.

"Well." Dawu thought for a while, then smiled, "I'll give you an Elledo Mega Stone."

Manchu froze in place, thoughts circling in his head.

Na Zi squatted down expressionlessly, resting her chin on her hands, watching Geng Gui.

Geng Gui turned his back to Na Zi, twisted the small horns of his buttocks: "Koujie~()"

Nazi didn't tense up, she covered her mouth first, then laughed loudly, attracting surprised eyes.

"So the vegetables are also included in the group?" Daye said in surprise during the Sinnoh gathering.

"That's right, I don't even remember when it happened." A Liu scratched his head.

Vegetables: "..."

Low sense of presence is really not my problem! o(╥﹏╥)o
Johto area, Kaji town.

Liu Bo kept quiet, sitting in a wheelchair and stroking the boar in his arms, when the elderly machine in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

He picked up the phone seriously, after loading the picture for a long time, he found that it was a photo sent by A Jin.

In the photo, Ah Jin is hooking Xiaoyin's shoulder with a smirk on his face, and there is Xiaolan beside him.

Xiaoyin and Xiaolan were taken away by Uncle Liu when they were young and brought up.

Although Liu Bo was cruel, he did not show affection for the children.

No one can explore Uncle Liu's heart, because Uncle Liu is so powerful that he seems to lose his humanity.

Except for a certain little expert.

Ah Jin: "Old man, I know you miss them both, so you don't have to thank me this time, haha!"

Looking at the photo, Uncle Liu replied slowly with the corners of his mouth slightly raised:
"I will ask the messenger bird to send you an ice sculpture."

Ah Jin seemed to hear some terrible news, his face changed slightly: "It's absolutely unnecessary!"

On the other side, the Rockets trio burst into tears.

"The cadre is married meow~"

"They really love each other..."

"It's family, like us and the bears!"

"Whispering! o(╥﹏╥)o"

The sky is getting darker, the twilight is dyed, and the setting sun dyes the courtyard to golden.

Violet, the cameraman, suggested that Mr. Lu and Sirona stand together, and sent all the Pokémon to take a live wedding photo of the couple.

Lu Ye looked at Sirona's clear gray eyes, took her hand, and came to the front of the low profile world tree.

"Come out, everyone!" Lu Ye threw the poke ball into the sky.

"Kou Jie! ()" Geng Gui leaped out from the shadows, and sucked Lu Ye's cheek with his tongue.

Sirona smiled and threw the elf ball: "Let's take a photo together."

Bang, bang, bang!

The poke ball cover was opened, and white light continued to fall to the ground.

Teacher Lu and Sirona's Pokémon looked at each other and exchanged friendly greetings.

"Koujie~( ̄▽ ̄)/" Geng Gui patted and bit Lu Shark violently.

We will be a family from now on~
"Kaw..." Lie Bite Lu Sha squinted and sighed dumbly.

There's no way, let Lu Ye get this cabbage!

In front of the camera.

Lu Ye was in a neat suit, and Sirona was wearing a white wedding dress, holding his arm.

Behind them are their Pokémon.

"Mouth! ()"

Geng Gui is also the strongest trainer in the world with a strong sense of self-management.


Fairy Ibrahimovic is still the eldest sister who is arrogant, cute, fierce and cute.


Blastoise is still steady and prudent, a waveguide hero who can drive the torrent with full blood.

"Wow! ()"

Wind Speed ​​Dog is still Erha who is sometimes wise and mighty, and sometimes naive.


Toxopi will evolve in the future, but right now it is still good at 'finger wagging', a cutie favored by heaven.

"Gah! ()σ"

Onion Youbing has a unique bond evolution with Teacher Lu, and his mentality has changed from confusion to final firmness.

Just like along the way, Teacher Lu's back is full of holes.

But I have gained precious bonds and beloved family members.


"Beep beep... a precious photo has been taken, Luoto." Student Luo said loudly.

The breeze blew the hem of Lu Ye's clothes, and the warm family behind him felt an inexplicable coolness.

Lu Ye looked around everyone, sighed softly, and said with a smile: "I really don't want to be..."

Geng Gui covered Lu Ye's mouth and waved his fist happily:
"Kou Jie! (`▽)"

My master is the best trainer in the world!
Sirona's gray eyes flickered, and the blond hair under the white veil fluttered in the wind, and said with a smile:

"I think so."

Lu Ye looked into Sirona's eyes, smiled, and looked at the golden sunset.

It's getting late.

Prepare to see off guests, let Little Hoopa send the legendary Pokémon back to his hometown one by one, and focus on taking care of Gulardo.

Then take Geng Gui and them all back to the poke balls!



And the last chapter epilogue.

Thank you for your company, support and encouragement all the time.

I hope this novel can make you feel the beauty and touch of Pokémon.

Beichuan Nanhai, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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